"Sister, the fact that you do this is too despicable,"

Junsheng said angrily to his sister, "You are humiliating our elf trainer, and you are disrespecting the top trainer Long."

"Ah, is that really true?"

The female manager heard his brother's words and knew that she was thinking something wrong and was embarrassed to say to Long, "I'm sorry, I take back what I just said."

Under Shirona's staring gaze, Long felt that he had lost all his face. As for the reason?I am afraid that any man who takes his dream lover's favorite object to a high-end restaurant to eat because he has no money to pay the bill to work there and then his dream lover finds out will be ashamed and angry.

"Mr. Long, I'm sorry, we were too rude just now," Junsheng bowed to Long, "It's an honor for a top trainer like you to take care of our hotel. If you don't dislike it, I want to be here. Stay as long as you want, we won't charge you anything."

"Ah, that's not good."

The dragon was even more embarrassed.

"Do not,"

Junsheng said to Long seriously, "What I said is true, as an elf trainer, I admire Mr. Long's ability to conquer such a powerful fast dragon, so please don't care about those little details, please continue to stay in our hotel. I also want to have a good consultation with Mr. Long."


Long touched his head embarrassedly, he also felt a little awkward. "I also think it's really inappropriate to eat for free."

Shirona stood up and said to Junsheng, "In the name of Shenao Champion, I am willing to help you guide your elves, and the reward is how much is our accommodation cost these days?"


Junsheng finally saw Shirona's true face, "It's really Miss Shirona."

This is the elf trainer around who also recognized this extremely popular beauty champion, "Miss Shirona."

"It's really Miss Shirona."

"I didn't expect to see the Shenao champion here."

"Miss Shirona, can you sign me?"

Junsheng said to Shirona tremblingly, "Are you really Miss Shirona?"

Shirona smiled at Junsheng, "Hello, my name is Shirona."

"Ah, great, it's really Miss Shirona, sister, I'm so lucky."

Junsheng shouted excitedly while hugging her sister, while Shirona kept waving to the people around her calling her name.

The female manager looked at the excited younger brother who didn't know herself at all and looked at the excited crowd around her. She finally understood that her hotel was a very important person.The female manager had to invite Long and Shirona to the hotel.

"Miss Shirona, is what you just said true?"

Junsheng excitedly said to Shirona, "Are you really willing to guide my elf?"

"Well, we have to wait for the lost friends. Anyway, there is nothing to do for the time being. Of course it's okay to guide you."

Shirona laughed.

"Thank you so much, Miss Shirona. I believe that with the guidance of the Shenao champion, the strength of my elves will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

Junsheng shouted, and then said with a look of anticipation, "I always have a hope that I can fight against Miss Shirona, don't you know if it's okay?"


Long, the female manager and Shirona were all shocked, "Junsheng, you..."

The female manager was very worried. From the reactions of everyone just now and hearing the word champion, she knew that Shirona was a very powerful elf trainer, but now Diver is challenging her.

"Don't get me wrong,"

Junsheng waved his hands again and again, "My strength is too far to challenge Miss Shirona, I just hope that Mr. Long and Miss Shirona can play against each other, and I will definitely learn a lot from watching the showdown between powerful trainers on site. Mr. Long, Miss Shirona, can you?"

Chapter 024: Blaze Monkey vs Lucario, Let's Explode

"Then the game is one-on-one,"

Shirona threw the pokeball, "I sent it here, go, Lucario."

"I didn't expect to fight you so soon,"

Long smiled and said, "Although it's ahead of schedule, I won't admit defeat. I'm here, Blazing Monkey, so I'll decide it's you."

"Wow, there it is, it's the flame monkey vs Lucario."

Junsheng said excitedly.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to send a flaming monkey, I thought it was the powerful fast dragon,"

Shirona smiled and said, "But your flaming monkey is much bigger than usual, and it seems to be well-bred. Then let me see its strength. Lucario, there is a flash of lightning."

"Flame Monkey, get out of the way...--what!"

Before the dragon could finish speaking, Lucario had already rushed to the front of the flaming monkey and knocked the flaming monkey flying.

"Wow, worthy of being the champion Lucario, his speed is amazing."

Junsheng said excitedly.

The flame monkey climbed up from the ground and looked at Lucario in the distance and called out in dissatisfaction, "Lucario, another flash of lightning."

"Flame Monkey greets you with divine speed!"

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