Hearing what the narrator said, the dragon was completely speechless. Although he didn't mind using Pokemon with unfavorable attributes to fight, but Frog Flower had just used the super trick of hardening plants, so his body could not move for the time being, and the dragon had to be forced to fight. Replace the sprite.

"I will send you to deal with the ancient bronze bell, all of them, flame horse!"

The dragon spins and throws the elf ball, and the flaming horse runs into the field with a long hiss. This is the pink flaming horse that the dragon captured in the Orange Islands. I was recruited by the boring Pokemon who had been idle for a long time.

"Woo...--" the flame horse hissed long ago, the pink flame mane was fluttering in the wind and looked very elegant, and Touzi, who was watching the battle on the edge of the field, had already stared round when he saw such a chic and handsome flame-type Pokemon ~Smart big eyes.This girl never knew that Long even had such a great Pokemon. From this girl's point of view, it would be best for Long to replace all the Pokemon on his body with fire-type ones like her!

455 was blocked by the audience, the mighty big steel snake "Do you want to use a flame-type Pokemon to fight against my bronze bell, but unfortunately I will disappoint you, this Pokemon of mine has the characteristic of heat resistance."

Xin also looked at Long and snorted coldly and said, "And I won't give you another chance this time, go, Bronze Bell, Spiral Ball!"

"Woo man" The bronze bell roared, and the huge bell-shaped body swung two long steel arms and turned rapidly, forming a huge spherical spiral in an instant. The bronze bell slowly pushed towards the flaming horse. The trick of the spiral ball is similar High-speed rotation is a trick that integrates offense and defense, but the power and defense of this trick are even greater than that of high-speed rotation, but the speed is much worse than that of high-speed rotation.

"Even if it's the heat resistance attribute, do you think I defeated you by relying on the superiority in attributes before!"

The dragon waved his arm and shouted at the flame horse: "Go up, gunpowder and charge∥'calling people'" The flame horse stood up and the pink flames on his body suddenly burned, and the flame horse's slender hooves stomped heavily on the ground and then charged The shot flew out. With a bang, the flaming horse wrapped in scorching flames slammed into the bronze bell of the spiral ball.

The two Pokemon slammed into each other and there was a violent explosion. The two Pokemon made contact and then separated immediately.The body of the bronze bell spun and flew back away. The trick of the spiral ball was broken by the powerful charge of the gunsmoke charge, but the flame horse was also difficult, with its four hooves sticking to the ground and gliding all the way back for more than ten steps. stop.

Xin also waved his hand and looked at the bronze bell and roared loudly: "Hypnotism ∥ 'Oh Wuren'" Bronze Zhongjun's pair of red eyeballs exuded a strange light, and a copper face with no expression was looking directly at the flame horse .

"If you are hypnotized, you will be finished, flame horse, move at high speed!"

The dragon waved his arm and shouted loudly. "Calling people" The hot flames burning on the four hooves of the flaming horse seemed to be galloping and rushing out like clouds and fog. On the rocky field with many obstacles, the flaming horse galloped and jumped and slashed afterimages. Such a fast speed Walk on the ground!

"Damn it, it's still possible to run so fast in this situation. If you can't catch the figure of the flame horse, then the hypnotism will be completely useless."

Xin also looked at the flaming horse galloping around the bronze clock and raised his head and roared loudly: "Don't be fooled by the opponent's speed, Iron Wall!"

"Woo man" The bronze bell choked, and the body of the cyan copper bell seemed to be plated with a layer of silver and immediately became extremely hard. The huge bell-shaped body fell heavily on the ground. With a bang, the flaming horse jumped out of the bronze bell The side of the body suddenly burst out, and the sharp long horns shining with a burst of white light slammed the bronze bell and flew straight to the top. A rock pillar was directly broken by the bronze bell and rolled out of the competition field. This is the insect. The strongest trick of the attribute, the megaton horn strike!

"Raging Flame Horse's million-ton horn shot hit, it's so powerful, even the Bronze Bell who used the iron wall trick to greatly improve his own defense was knocked out on the 1st, but Shinya's hand is still the Bronze Bell's The damage is minimized!"

The dragon would not let go of this excellent opportunity to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. With a wave of his arm, he shouted loudly: "Flame horse, spray flames!"

The flaming horse roared loudly, opened its mouth and sprayed a hot pink flame fury towards the bronze clock, but the hot flame hit an invisible wall and was separated and bounced away. have the expected effect.

"Psychic interference, I never expected to use a super power trick to defend."

The dragon's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the bronze clock covered with a faint blue halo, turned his head and shouted at the flame horse: "Smoke charge!"

"Woo...--" the flaming horse hissed for a long time, its body was instantly covered with a layer of pink flames and then exploded, and the flaming horse with its long pink flame tail hit the body of the bronze bell with a bang.

The narrator said loudly: "The bronze bell was hit again. The slow speed is completely useless in front of the explosive and extremely fast flame horse. Is the player Shinya already at the end of his skills?"

Shinya's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and he was really flustered now, "Bronze bell, metal tone!"

The body of the bronze bell trembled rapidly, and suddenly, a piercing and sharp sound wave shot out from the bronze bell and spread around.

The Flaming Horse couldn't avoid it, and amidst the sharp sound like fingernails scratching glass, its body kept backing away, with a distorted expression on its face.

Looking at the flaming horse in the field with clenched fists, the dragon shouted loudly: "The flaming horse, stick to it, give the opponent the last blow, the flaming collision!"

Hearing the dragon's words, the flame horse in the arena stomped heavily on the ground with its forelimbs, and there was a bang, and a burst of pink flames burst out from the flame horse's body, and then suddenly turned into white and blue.

"Woo...--" Lieyan horseman stood up and let out a long hiss, and Lieyan galloped out like the wind, rushed past and hit the bronze bell head-on.The violent flame exploded and bounced off, and the sharp metallic sound stopped abruptly. The whole body of the bronze bell was covered with a layer of white-blue flame, rolling on the ground, rolling all the way out of the playing field and hitting the wall to stop. live.

The referee waved the family flag in his hand and announced loudly: "The Bronze Bell lost the ability to fight and the Flaming Horse won!"

"Xinya's bronze bell was knocked down. According to the rules of the game, when three Pokemon on one side are knocked down, it will enter the intermission stage, and the playing field will be changed accordingly. What kind of playing field will the second half be... Yi" Long and Xin also took back the flaming horse and the bronze bell respectively, and the two temporarily truceed and retreated to the lounge where they could have some drinks.As the entire gigantic rocky field sank into the ground, out of the ground rumbled out a gigantic playing field frozen in thick layers of ice and icicles, the mirror-flat surface blazing brightly in the sun. Light, this is the field of ice!

The 10-minute rest time passed quickly. In the first half, Shinya was the first player to attack first, so at the beginning of the second half, he had to replace Jackie Chan to make the first move.Long took out a poke ball and threw it vigorously, then said loudly: "The ice field is left to you to lead the battle, go, Big Steel Snake!"

"Roaring people" The big steel snake roared, and its 20-meter-long body slammed heavily on the ice layer with a bang. Its thick and long steel tail swept across and shattered an icicle on the ground into ice chips. The huge steel head looks very ferocious, and it is really domineering with this huge figure, and the heavy metallic luster is very oppressive.

"Oh, it's amazing. The first Pokemon Dragon Player sent out in the second half was the Big Steel Snake. However, this Big Steel Snake is really too huge! The length of the Big Steel Snake was measured on the spot. Three times the size of a normal big steel snake, it's hard to imagine how this elf grew up!"

Not only the commentator was amazed, but the more than 8 spectators gasped in unison.

Xinye stared blankly at the huge monster on the playing field, "This guy, he has so many monsters in his hands, this big steel snake is even more outrageous than the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus before..." After thinking for a long time, Xinye finally He took out an elf ball from his bosom and threw it out, and the Manatee appeared again.

"Is it this little thing again, but this time the big steel snake is not an armored tyrannosaurus!"

With a wave of his arm, the dragon shouted loudly: "Big steel snake, block the rock∥'Roar'" The big steel snake let out a roar, its thick and long tail straightened up and then plunged heavily into the thick ice on the ground. Boom boom boom The rocks sprung up row after row from under the ice like mushrooms after rain, and the sharp stone pillars continued to spread towards the manatee.

Shin also looked at the big steel snake's mighty rock-type trick and shouted anxiously, "Manatee, dig a hole!"

With a bang, the ever-growing rock pillars and stone blades closed abruptly, but the manatee sank to the bottom of the ground at this critical moment.

Long snorted coldly, "It seems that there are many people who are not well-behaved in this world. Using the same trick twice may not only cause no effect but also cause fatal injuries! Big Steel Snake, do it again, spread it all over the audience. Full of rocks to block!"

"Roaring people" The big steel snake screamed suddenly, its thick and long steel tail rolled up high and then plunged heavily into the ground. Suddenly, the entire competition field shook violently, and suddenly grew out of the underground ice layer. Rows of dense rock pillars, layer by layer centered on the huge body of the big steel snake and then covered the whole field. The entire ice field is covered with dense rock pillars except for the icicles on the bottom layer. The snake's trick turned the ice field into a rocky field directly!

The whole audience was shocked, and Xinye, who was facing the dragon, gasped even more. The range and power of this move of rock banning were simply unprecedented for him.This time, the manatee beast hidden in the bottom layer was completely buried by this move, unable to break through the thick stone pillars on the ground floor and break out.

The corner of the dragon's mouth lightly twitched, then he looked at the letter and said with a smile: "Now you are completely buried in the ground, big steel snake, earthquake∥'roaring people'"The big steel snake roared suddenly, with a thick and long steel tail A layer of white light shone on the ground, and with a bang, the body of the big steel snake twisted, and its thick and long tail suddenly hit the ground.

There was a bang, and an invisible and powerful impact force burst out from the tail end of the big steel snake and spread to the surroundings. The ground turned violently and shook, and the rows of rock pillars above the stratum were shaken one by one. The fragments spread rapidly.With a bang, the big steel snake suddenly drilled into the bottom layer and then came out, the dust scattered everywhere, and the manatee's body was directly thrown high by its huge head.

The flag of the black-clothed referee waved down, "The manatee loses its ability to fight, and the big steel snake wins!"

"Oh, it's really amazing. This battle ended too quickly. Not only was the manatee under the ground unavoidable, but the powerful earthquake trick of the big steel snake directly burned the entire ice field!"

Long smiled and looked at the huge guy on the field and said: "It's over, good job, Big Steel Snake ∥ 'Roaring People'" Big Steel Snake roared, and its thick and long tail swept the ground lightly An area was cleaned up, Long looked at this guy's high-spirited look, obviously he hadn't had enough just now.

"Come back manatee, you did your best."

Xin also saw that the dragon did not intend to replace the elves, and then scanned the messy playing field and frowned. The attributes of the two elves in his hands are restrained by the huge guy in front of him. Judging from the strength displayed by this big guy In the future, maybe only this one monster can wipe out his remaining two.

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