Stepping on the white marble marble floor and entering this luxurious mansion, Long suddenly felt that his eyes were a little dazzled, not because he was dazzled by the magnificent decorations inside, but because there were about twenty or so of them dressed in maid outfits in two rows. The maids, who looked very youthful and pretty, bowed to each other and said crisply, "Mr. Long, hello."

A red woven carpet was rolled all the way and stretched directly to the dragon's feet, but he blinked and couldn't move, this... this... don't be so exaggerated, come up with such a big drinking ceremony!Long was really at a loss. He didn't think it was written by Sirona. Although this lady champion was extremely calm and composed during the battle, she was completely opposite in life. What flavor could she choose for her? A woman who spends an hour on ice cream will be interested in doing these things?He wouldn't believe it even if he killed the dragon!

Long bit the bullet and walked to the end of the red carpet under the watchful eyes of more than 20 maids. Although he was ready to meet Sirona's family, he was extremely nervous when he actually faced it, let alone her Also specially made such a big battle out.I don't know who he is about to meet, Sirona's parents or the grandma known as the "heart of wisdom"?

A maid directly led Long up the stairs and through a long corridor to the quaint study. Long felt a little surprised when he saw the maid asking him to knock on the door.I don't know who is going to see him here. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Sirona to see herself in the study. Long even guessed that Miss Champion hasn't found out that she has come to her home.

He knocked lightly on the door, who knew that the door of this study room was ajar, and Long knocked on the door all at once.Just now, his eyes were squeezed through the crack of the door, but he didn't expect that the door of the study room was opened directly. Before Long recovered his senses, he saw a big thick book like an encyclopedia falling directly on his head with a bang. superior.

"Ouch man" Long immediately squatted down with his head in his arms, howling in pain, who would have thought that the sneak attacker would lift up a thick big book and hit him hard on the head again.

The dragon ran away with his head in his arms, but the opponent was unreasonable and rained attacks one after another, hitting his arms and back that were holding his head one after another.Long almost ran away, but thinking that it was at Sirona's house, it was not easy to fight back, not to mention that the attacker was an old woman in a white coat.

"Old man, do you have any misunderstanding, I am here to visit Sirona and her family."

While fleeing with his head in his arms, Long hurriedly explained to the old man who was chasing him: "If you don't believe it, we can go to see Sirona together, and then we can figure it out."


The old man in a white coat with a bookish temperament but also looked very sturdy looked at Long and said with a sneer: "You are here to visit Sirona's family, right? Then I am Sirona's grandma, come here now Please greet me!"


The dragon's mouth was wide open, his chin almost fell to the carpet, and his eyes were about to pop out and shatter on the ground.God, what kind of international joke are you making, this is Sirona's grandma, Dr. Kale, who is known as Sinnoh's "heart of wisdom"?I'm not mistaken, can a cultural person be so tough, the emotional one is more like a saint!

But in Sirona's house, no one would dare to pretend to be her grandma, right? This should be the grandma of the two eldest ladies, Sirona and Sundae.

Long almost wanted to cry but had no tears. Those few blows just now were in vain.Long glanced at Dr. Mustard Lan's thick book, on which was written "Pokemon Encyclopedia Simplified Edition"!Long felt both sad and grateful. If it was a complicated version of the encyclopedia, he would not have smashed himself into a concussion.

"Grandma, that... Is there any misunderstanding between us, why don't we go to see Sirona first, then sit down and have a cup of tea together, and then talk slowly, okay?"

Long was really afraid of the old lady in front of him, to be precise, he was afraid of the big thick book in her hand.Although the other party is Sirona's grandma and a famous scholar, it doesn't look like this at all!


Dr. Jie Zilan patted the heavy encyclopedia in his hand and asked with a smile, "Aren't you the Gongsun Long from Zhenxin Town?"

"Uh... one" Long was choked up by the old lady's words. He was really scared of being beaten just now. Khan, he didn't expect that what he was worried about when he met with the future generation did not happen until now.Long looked at the weird smile on Grandma Sirona's face, which made him panic, and he didn't know if she made the scene before, and he was really puzzled.

"Since your name is Gongsun Long, you can't be wrong. I'm hitting you bastard!"

Mustard Lan suddenly ran over and slapped Long on the head, "Stinky boy, I let you bully my granddaughter, you stinky bastard, you stinky boy!"

"Aw... [-]" Long was beaten up by the old lady who suddenly jumped up. Long felt that even if he had eighteen martial arts skills, he couldn't use them at this time. He didn't even dare to use force when he was dodging. The wife pushed and fell Sirona and Sundae had to strangle herself.

"Help, Sirona, Sirona!"

The dragon ghost cried and the wolf howled loudly for help while running, now no one except his wife can rescue him from the dire straits.

"Stinky boy, you still dare to run, stop for me!"

Dr. Mustard Lan scolded loudly while tracking the dragon, the dragon is really ashamed, Grandma Sirona is really energetic, she is too tough, doesn't it mean that high-quality people pay great attention to their image, but this one is clearly for Lao Bu Zun I was jumping up and down like a headless mouse, and finally the savior he was looking forward to appeared. Wearing a casual dress and a big belly, Miss Champion was helpless under the help of a maid. The forehead said: "Grandma,, are you trying to fall when you run so fast at such an age?"

"Sirona, the child is fucking!"

Dragon's eyes suddenly lit up and ran to Sirona, crying without tears: "I'm about to be beaten to death by your grandma, help me!"

Shirona stood in front of the dragon with a big belly and looked at the old lady who refused to give up on the first day and said helplessly: "Grandma, just punish him casually. Are you really going to beat her to death?"

Dr. Mustard Lan calmed down his excited mood, then stared fiercely at the dragon hiding behind Sirona and said angrily: "It's better to kill this stinky boy, and kill him before the sundae is harmed by him." This nasty boy is really outrageous, not to mention bullying my eldest granddaughter, but my little granddaughter was also murdered by him, it's all your fault that your grandpa sent the sundae to the tiger's mouth!"

Long's face suddenly collapsed. The old lady's words were really shocking. He should be glad that he didn't touch the sundae. Bai Ze, the old man, should have chased him all over the world with a knife.Sirona glanced at the dragon loudly and said to Dr. Kazilan who was still furious: "Grandma, you know, even if you don't sympathize with him, you should pity your granddaughter. I can't calm down if you continue to make such a noise. Come and rest, the baby in my belly can't sleep peacefully either."

"Phew..." Dr. Jie Zilan took a long breath, then squinted at Long and muttered, "A big man is really useless, he can't stand the pain and howl and howl."

Long really wants to smash his head against the wall to death. This old lady is really shocking. Even if the newspaper is rolled into a circle and hits people vigorously, it will be very painful. And this old lady is holding such a A thick encyclopedia can even crack open walnuts.He is not an armored tyrannosaurus and a big rock snake, and his head is not made of stone. He didn't protect his head just now. The dragon really doubted that he would be concussed by this old lady. Sirona, a violent grandma, is really ruthless!

Sirona is also aware of her grandma's character. Dr. Kazilan had been clamoring to show Long at home before, and now he took the initiative to send it to her door, and she would not let it go without venting hard.Sirona played tricks on the dragon and asked with a gentle smile: "Why are you here now, the Silver Conference hasn't started yet?"

Seeing the gentle expression on the face of the shy and pregnant Miss Champion, Long suddenly felt that the beatings he had received just now were nothing, but when Dr. Kale Zilan walked up to him with the thick "weapon" At that time, he couldn't help but take a step back.The old lady handed the encyclopedia in her hand as a weapon to the maid, then looked at Long with a sneer and said, "I know now, how dare you pursue my granddaughter with such little courage, and how did Kequan fall in love with you?" of?"

Seeing that the dragon's face turned green, Sirona immediately relieved and said: "Grandma's character is like this, she likes to speak straight, so don't bother with her."

Long shook his head and said that he could still hold on, but he was thinking in his heart that even if he wanted to care about it, he didn't have the guts. Who told this old lady to be the grandma of you and Sundae.

Long smiled at Sirona and said: "Originally, I had already arrived at Baiyin Mountain and planned to come to see you after the Chengdu Alliance Conference. Who knows that some accidents happened suddenly. We rescued a sick unknown totem, who knows At night, it was brought into a different dimension world, and we encountered a big battle between Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina there. Finally, I entered the reversed world , and then came to Dianyuan Mountain."

The wind and clouds described by the dragon were calm, but the words were very different in the ears of Dr. Kazilan and Sirona. The old lady who was chasing the dragon up and down just now looked at him and asked in surprise: "You No mistake, why do I feel that you are teasing us? Leaving aside the unknown totem and the unknown world, you really saw Dialuka, the god of time, Palkia, the god of space, and the god in charge The Giratina who reversed the world?"

"How could I lie and lie to you about this matter? If you don't believe me, you can ask Sundae for verification. She also saw Dialuca, Palkia, and Giratina with her own eyes."

The dragon suddenly wondered curiously whether he would scare the two of them by releasing little Arceus.

437 Mythology scholars, father’s caring cotton jacket Sirona and her grandmother Dr. Kazilan are well-known mythologists in the Sinnoh area. They are very interested in the origin of the Sinnoh area and the legendary Pokemon. Of course, I was very surprised to hear that Dialuca, Palkia, and Giratina, the three legendary dragons that have a lot to do with the origin and legend of the Sinnoh region.

Dr. Mustard Lan was still skeptical when he saw that Long even moved out the sundae, and now he had to believe it. The old lady expected that Long would not dare to lie to her in the name of his little granddaughter.Dr. Jie Zilan suddenly became excited and asked the dragon: "Since you have seen these three legendary dragons, please tell us in detail what happened to you this time!"

Long was finally relieved to see Sirona's grandma curious and very interested, and it was undoubtedly the best thing to be able to divert her attention and stop chasing him.Although Long hasn't seen Sirona for a long time and wants to communicate with Miss Champion about the relationship between husband and wife, but judging from the current situation, the old lady can't get rid of it easily, let alone this is still at someone's home, and seeing Sirona She was obviously intrigued by what Long said.

Long suddenly felt that this was the time for him to express himself. Since Sirona's grandma is interested in the legendary Pokemon, he can try his best to please her. As long as he makes the old lady happy, maybe she will be happy soon. Just marry Sirona to him, and maybe a little granddaughter as a gift... Well, Long admits that he is too sexual in his heart 7... This time the old lady's attitude towards Long slowed down a lot, although she was not polite to treat Long Please go to the study but it is better to come than to shout and kill.The active substitution of the dragon is balanced, and the dragon is about to talk about the beginning of the encounter with the unknown totem.Because Sundae has also experienced this incident personally, Long can't hide it at all, but there is another secret that must never be revealed. Even Sundae doesn't know that the different-dimensional world she went to is the hometown of Dragon.

"Why are Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina fighting each other?"

Dr. Mustard Lan and Sirona couldn't help but feel puzzled when they heard the three dragons representing time, space and reversal power fighting.Long was just a bystander. As for the inside story, he didn't know what was going on. At that time, he was almost hit by Chi Yu, so he didn't have the energy to dig out the inside story.

Sirona stroked her belly and asked curiously: "You said that you followed Dialuka and Palkia into the reversed world, and then came to Dianyuan Mountain. It was said that Dianyuan Mountain is the real world And the entrance to the reversed world, it seems that this statement is likely to be true. However, how could Giratina let Dialga and Palkia go so easily, and finally pulled you from the reversed world? Send the world back to the real world?"

Dr. Mustard Lan also turned his curious eyes to the dragon. Obviously, the old lady didn't think anyone could escape unscathed under such circumstances.Giratina is not a good tempered person. In ancient times, he was notoriously violent. The reason why he was exiled in the end was because of killing too much, and the dragon was able to escape from the inverted world. It was really unimaginable, in that world, almost no pokemon in this world would be its opponent.

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