
Kona narrowed his eyes and said to Long: "It's okay to go to the hospital, but just the two of us don't tell others, especially sundae!"

Long was a little puzzled as to why Kona was so mysterious. The Ice Queen pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked at Long and said, "I guess I guessed why, but I just wanted to be right."

Looking at Kona's mysterious appearance, Long couldn't help but feel puzzled, but after thinking for a moment, Long still agreed to Kona.

The storm salamander opened a pair of gorgeous blood-red wings and carried the dragon and Kona to fly directly and secretly away from the Dragon Palace Gym. The two secretly flew towards the nearby seaside town.Just like what Kona said before, if Sundae knew that the two sneaked away, he would definitely have a dark face.

The speed of the storm salamander was very fast, Long and Kona flew along the seashore for nearly 10 minutes and landed in a small seaside town.The Ice Queen took out a mask to cover most of her face. Long couldn't figure out why she had to wear a mask when she saw a doctor. Isn't this what a doctor should do?

Long dragged a random person on the street and came to the hospital with Kona. It doesn't look like a big town, but the hospital is very well-built. In fact, it is indispensable in most places in the world. Both are Pokemon centers and hospitals.There is no way, the profession of pokemon trainer is more like an adventurer, not only elves are vulnerable to injuries, but also trainers.

Long saw that Kona registered with the name Sakurai Mizumon, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This woman is really careful enough, not only covering most of her face, but also concealing her identity.Long became more and more curious, Kona's behavior today was really strange.

Long followed behind Kona and was stopped by a young nurse. Long was still a little puzzled, but the nurse gave him a lot of strange eyes.Long Yi looked puzzled and thought about what kind of plane this hospital was doing. Could it be that the doctor also studied the family members?

The little nurse didn't explain anything to Long, but pointed her finger on it. Long's eyes closed and he saw three big words written on the door plate, Gynecology Department.Long understood immediately, and immediately turned his head and went to the bench outside to close his eyes and meditate, muttering in his heart, women are really troublesome, there are many problems, and there has never been a men's department specially set up for men.

After Long didn't sit for more than ten minutes, the battle communicator at his waist beeped, and the message was sent by Touzi: Uncle, where did you die, and Master Kona disappeared with him, Sundae is about to go crazy , you wish for luck.

Long rolled his eyes, this girl is really getting smaller and smaller, Long casually sent a message to tell all the girls that he and Ke Na were in the hospital to see a doctor, and then simply turned off the communicator.

After sitting for more than 40 minutes, Kona and a female doctor in a white coat came out of the gynecology room. The ice queen was full of energy, even though most of her face was covered by a mask, the dragon could tell that she was not sick at all. look.

The female doctor in the white coat asked Ke Na to say a few words, then nodded to Long with a smile and then left, Long looked at Ke Na with a file bag in his hand in doubt and asked: "What disease do you have, why do I feel so strange? "

Kona, who was fascinated, heard Long Zhishiun roll his eyes at him and said loudly, "You're the only one who is sick, why are you talking!"

After the Ice Queen teased the dragon, she carefully stroked her stomach. The dragon looked at Kona's nonchalant expression and didn't understand what she was up to.

"Come on, come and touch my belly."

Ke Na suddenly pulled Long's hand to stick to his stomach, Long was startled, then quickly swept his eyes around and said softly: "You are really crazy, this is a hospital and not a hotel, even if you can't wait It should be another place!"

"What's going on in your head, it's a mess!"

Kona immediately rewarded Long with a chestnut, and the Ice Queen was merciless this time.Looking at Long Ke, who was holding his head and constantly crying out for pain, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and said in a concentrated voice, "Don't you want to know? I have it."

Long Naotou didn't turn the corner and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Kona, who was looking forward to it, was almost out of breath. The Ice Queen kicked the dragon with a high heel, grabbed the guy by the ear and pulled him over, saying, "I have your child!"

"Oh, boy..."

Long Nianmao suddenly reacted and said in surprise, "What are you talking about, child..."

Long's voice over [-] decibels suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the hospital. Ke Na looked at the curious eyes of everyone, his face turned red and he felt a burst of embarrassment.The Ice Queen pulled the mask and dragged Long directly all the way out of the hospital, while Long was in a daze, his head seemed to have crashed and hadn't restarted.

Kona pulled the dragon all the way outside the hospital and finally breathed a sigh of relief. The ice queen looked at the dull dragon and was very satisfied with his expression.Kona shook his hand in front of the dragon and said, "It's time to recover, are you going to say something?"

Long opened his mouth, then pointed at Kona's stomach and stammered, "You...---you're not kidding, this...---this is true...---" Kona pushed his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose indifferently He said calmly: "Do I need to make a joke about this thing? Look at it, this is the hospital's examination certificate. It's almost a month, which coincides with the last time we had a relationship in Pokemon."

Kona looked at Long, who was holding the file bag in a daze, and said with gusto, "Congratulations, sir, you're going to be a father again..." 424 Kona left, and the [-]-magnitude earthquake news was about to become a father again. Dad?The dragon's head is in a daze, shit, he still has a child who hasn't been born yet, but suddenly there is another one?Long looked at Kona with a playful face, and automatically ignored the sour taste in the Ice Queen's tone.Originally, having children was the top priority in ancient China, not to say that unfilialism has three major problems and no offspring is the greatest. If the grandfather of Long's previous life knew it, he might be successful.

However, this is not the feudal society of ancient China after all. The mothers of the two children, Long, are not only not the same person, but both of them are one of the most powerful figures in the world who can shock the alliance with every gesture.There has been a lot of noise about Sirona's pregnancy before, if it is now reported that the Ice Queen Kona, who has four golden flowers in the alliance, is also pregnant, it will definitely trigger a magnitude [-] earthquake... Hehe, if people know that Sirona and Kona's stomach was made bigger by the same man... Yilong swallowed subconsciously, and a picture of the Frozen Throne chasing him all over the world appeared in his mind... Khan, Sirona's grandma over there hasn't done it yet , Now that there is such a moth, the friendly relationship he finally established with the throne may have to be tested.

Long was suddenly a little unbelievable. It was a one-shot hit between him and Sirona, and although Kona didn't have sex with him every night, the number of times the two had a good time was also very few, but it was just these few times that they sowed seeds success?Long feels that with his high hit rate, he can endorse the advertisement of any infertility hospital. As long as Sirona and Kona stand beside him with a big belly, the threshold for keeping this hospital will be stepped on. rotten.

Sirona is about to give birth in a month, but Kona is only a month old now, so there is no abnormality in her stomach at all. After all, ordinary people don't see a bulge in her stomach until at least three months later. By then, the Ice Queen will also It is impossible to run with Longmanshijie with a big belly.

"Long, what name do you think the child should have?"

Kona stroked his stomach, although there was no possibility of any movement now, but the Ice Queen's face was full of maternal brilliance, but Long, the father, had a bitter expression on his face.It seems that Kona attaches great importance to this child. The little guy will not be born for about eight or nine months, and he doesn't even know the gender. However, the child's mother has already started to think about the name.

Sirona also asked this question before, and Long thought about it for a while.Now when Ke Na asked this question, Long immediately opened his mouth and answered, "The boy is called Gongsun Qingyang, and the girl is called Gongsun Qianyu."

Ke Na's eyes lit up when he heard Long's words, and he stroked his stomach and murmured, "Honey, are you Qing Yang or Qian Yu?"

Long scratched his head depressedly, Kona was silent in the joy of reaping his beloved son, but he was incomparably distressed.I'm afraid that at this time two years ago, Long would never have dared to imagine that he would become the father of two children today. He is so full of money that he has not even reached the legal age of marriage. Even if he travels back now, the Civil Affairs Bureau will not issue a certificate. of.

Kona noticed Long's distressed look and his face suddenly became ugly, "What's the matter, the expression on your face now shouldn't be the expression that should appear on the face of a father who is about to become a father. Could it be that I have a child and let you very unhappy?"

"Don't get me wrong, I definitely didn't mean that!"

Long shook his head even more like a rattle, what a joke, the Ice Queen's eyes were too frightening, Long had no doubt that as long as he gave her an unsatisfactory answer, he would definitely die a miserable death.

Long pulled Konara to a quiet and remote place in the park and asked cautiously, "What do you decide to do with our child? I think you should temporarily hide the news?"

"what do you mean!"

The still angry Ice Queen looked at Long Jiao and reprimanded, "When will I, Kena, be so timid? Sirona was able to spread the news of her pregnancy all over the world, but I was afraid of her. How dare she Am I going to become a mouse hiding in a dark corner, Gongsun Long, tell me clearly, this is not my own flesh and blood!"

This was the first time Long saw Kona throwing a tantrum at him, and seeing the posture of the Ice Queen, it was clear that there was no possibility of any compromise.Long really underestimated the mutual competition between women. Two equally proud women like Kona and Sirona will definitely compete against each other when they get together.In the case of Kona, as long as she faces Sirona, she will not take a step back.

Kona snorted coldly, then looked at Long and said, "Originally, I wanted to hide it this time and announce it to the whole world when Sirona gave birth. But, I changed my mind just now! I decided to call on Kanto immediately. Region, Chengdu Region, Fangyuan Region, Sinnoh Region, and the five news media in Yixiu Region, I want to officially notify the entire alliance!"

"I rely on!"

A sudden cold sweat broke out in Long's heart, and he immediately yelled at Kona anxiously: "You are crazy, do you need to publicize this matter all over the world, are you trying to kill me!"

"You have become less courageous now. Since you dare not take on this responsibility, then you should take care of the things in your crotch!"

Ke Na gave Long a farewell look and said: "Since you dare not admit that you are the father of the child, then I will not spread any information about you. My child can live well with only a mother. It will not be worse than anyone else. Definitely stronger than his brother or sister!"

What Kona said made the dragon speechless, the Ice Queen directly raised her hand and threw it, and the Frozen Crow fluttered down with its crystal wings.Kona looked at Long and said, "I originally wanted to accompany you until the end of the Silver Conference, but now it seems that this is not necessary for the time being. Before the child is born, I will go to Master to cultivate. Don't come until you think it through thoroughly. Find me, if I haven't seen your figure when the child is born, then you won't use it in the future!"

The dragon opened his mouth to persuade him to stay, but the Frozen Crow shook his wings and flew away with Kona in the distance, looking sadly at the ice queen dragon who never looked back.Kona's words were like a slap directly on his face. When did he shrink back and become hesitant.Long has been deliberately avoiding him all this time, and he has not had a good way to deal with the entangled relationship between him and several women until now, and has been procrastinating.

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