Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive, "Xiao Chuan, I thought Xiao Mao would be the first to come."

Dr. Oki laughed.

"Well, I've been looking forward to today."

Xiaochuan said excitedly, "Brother Long, you are also here, you will fight against me later."

Long smiled.At this time, there was a sound of brakes outside, and just as Long turned his head, he saw a young boy bumping into it recklessly. The good guy Long took a side step and dodged, and Xiaochuan and him gave him a close hug.

"It hurts, Xiao Mao, what are you doing?"

Xiaochuan couldn't help complaining when he saw the person coming.Xiao Mao ignored Xiao J and hurriedly said to Dr. Damu, "Grandpa, where is my elf?"

"Xiao Mao, you're going to travel, so you can't be as reckless as before."

Dr. Damu said, "There is also Xiaochuan who came earlier than you, so you should choose after Xiaochuan's election."

Xiao Mao rubbed his head, "It seems that Xiao Zhi hasn't come yet, but is it very early, Xiao Chuan?"

"That's right, I've been waiting for this day for a long time. I choose the little fire dragon for that Dr. Big Wood."

Ogawa said to Dr. Ogi.

"Then grandpa, I'll take the jenny turtle."

Xiaomao said lightly. "Here, this is for your elf and elf ball, um elf picture book."

Ogawa and Xiaomo took over their respective elves in the hands of Dr. Ogi.

"Great brother Long, I finally have my own elf."

Xiaochuan proudly showed off the little fire dragon's Poke Ball in Yang Yang's hand.

"Hehe, congratulations."

Long was sincerely happy for Xiaochuan. "Brother Long. Let's have a duel with the elves."

Xiaochuan suddenly said seriously.

"Uh, who is this guy?"

Only then did Xiaomao discover the existence of dragons. "This is Brother Long, a very powerful d trainer."

Ogawa introduced to Xiao Mao.


Xiao Mao said disdainfully, "Stinky guy."

Long smiled and shook his head, Xiaomao was just like in the anime.

"Oh, Xiaochuan is very motivated, Long, let me see your spirit too."

Dr. Damu gave Long the upgraded picture book and said to the three, "But it's not good to fight here, there is a suitable open space behind the research institute."

Long nodded to Xiaochuan and followed Dr. Ogi to the open space behind the institute.

"Come out, little fire dragon."

Xiaochuan threw the Pokeball, and the little fire dragon raised his head and looked confident. Dr. Damu nodded and said, "Well, the fighting spirit of the little fire dragon is good."

Long smiled and said to Xiaomao, "How about Xiaomao, why don't you come along too?"

When Xiao Mao saw the smile on the corner of Long's mouth, he was annoyed and said, "Arrogant guy, do you want to have a couple?"

Xiaochuan looked at the dragon puzzled, and Dr. Damu said, "Dragon is very confident in his own strength, but the one who suffers from a pair of two is not necessarily the one who is alone and lonely. It may not be possible to play it all out.”

Xiaomao looked more and more unhappy at Long's smile, the guy seemed to have everything under control, "Since you are determined to fail, I will fulfill you, let's go, Jenny Turtle."

"Jenny" Jenny Turtle and Little Fire Dragon confronted the dragon side by side.The dragon felt the first real elf battle, smiled, took out the elf ball and threw it out, "Come on, Bangira... roar" Bangira's huge body suddenly appeared in front of the four, Little Fire Dragon and Jenny The turtles and Ogawa Shigeru behind them faced Bangira and felt a huge pressure rushing towards them.

Chapter 003: Conquer, Huge Rock Snake

After all, this is the first elf battle between Xiaochuan and Xiaomao. I just watched the elf battle on TV before and the feeling of facing it in real life is completely impossible to compare.

Although it is two to one, Bangira's aura is really too powerful. It is a quasi-god-level existence as powerful as the fast dragon salamander, and the dragon's Bangira is at the level of a king. The dragon asks himself. This Bangira can completely fight against the fast dragon of Du and Shirona's tyrannical dragon.

Not to mention Xiaochuan and Xiaomao, even Dr. Damu was taken aback by the dragon's Bangira.Xiaochuan hurriedly opened the illustrated book and said in a panic, "What is that?"

However, it was clear that there was no description in the picture book. Xiao Mao looked at Bangira with a solemn expression and said, "Don't look at it, there is no information about Bangira in this picture book. This is a elf in the Chengdu area, and even in Chengdu, it is very good. Rare elf."

Xiaomao is indeed the well-informed grandson of Dr. Damu.

"Dragon, your Bangira is very powerful. It may be the most powerful Bangira I have ever seen."

Dr. Ogi stared at Bangira and pondered, and then said to Xiaochuan and Xiaomao, "This is your first elves battle, but you will go through a huge test in your first battle. What I want to say is that this time you want Well, it's not about winning, it's about how to overcome the fear of facing a strong opponent, if you can't overcome the pressure and fear, you can't be a first-class trainer in the future."


Xiaomao clenched his fists fiercely, while Xiaochuan was a little overwhelmed, and the little fire dragon and the Jenny Turtle who could not get the instructions hugged and shivered under the huge pressure of Bangira.

Hanaji and Ogawa Xiaomao stood facing each other for a few minutes and finally said seriously to the two of them, "What? Is this the person who aspires to become a Pokemon trainer? People who don't even dare to fight joked about what kind of Pokemon master they want to be. ? If you were just blindly fantasizing before, I advise you to give up that ridiculous fantasy as soon as possible. The elf battle is far more cruel than you imagined. In the face of a powerful opponent, if you dare not even have the idea of ​​fighting, you guys. Don't you think your own slogan of becoming a master is ridiculous?"

Looking at the struggling two, Long continued to say coldly, "If the trainer doesn't trust his partner, he will only fail."

"Ban" Bangira roared in the sky.Looking at the mighty Bangira Xiaomao and Xiaochuan, their hearts slowly calmed down, "Yes, I am a person who wants to become an elf master, I have to believe in my partner, cowardice should not exist in the heart of an elf master. ."

Xiaochuan said firmly, "Come on, little fire dragon, Spark."

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