The Pyrobeast used its claws to force the Pyromonkey away, and immediately rolled up its body and spun rapidly, sending Pyrobomb's body flying away. Then Pyrobeast opened its mouth and sprayed out a series of high-speed stars to launch continuous triple blows on Pyromope.

The flame monkey crossed its buttocks in front of it to resist the high-speed star attack of the fiery beast. The dragon pointed at the arm and said loudly: "Brother, blasting flame strike∥'哦萨n" the flame monkey roared, and suddenly burst out a hot and violent shot from its body. flame.Layer after layer of continuously intertwined and dancing flames instantly turned into a flame dragon with teeth and claws, circling and flying around its body to crush the high-speed stars of the fire beast.

Kenta saw that the dragon used the super powerful fire-type trick, and immediately said to the fire beast in a concentrated voice: "Fire beast, we also use explosive flame strikes, go∥'storm n" the fire beast roared, and the flames on its shoulders It erupted violently, and in an instant, a fiery angry dragon whirled and condensed on the top of the fiery beast.

Two flame dragons that suddenly opened their teeth and claws flew out and then violently intertwined and collided together. The two coiled dragons formed a huge flame vortex, and the flames that rippling and scorching aura spread continuously to clean the grass. The clumps of green grass on the field.

The intertwined flames shone dazzlingly bright and then suddenly burst and scattered. The scorching fire waves that rolled out pushed layer by layer and spread to the surroundings, blowing away the flame monkey and the fire beast in unison. The two elves were in front After a series of battles, his whole body was wounded, and the explosive blow just now completely exhausted the remaining physical strength.

Kenta looked at the Pyrobeast, which was full of scars and kept gnashing its teeth on the ground, trying to get up, and encouraged him, "Come on, Pyrobeast, stand up!"

Touzi on Long's side was also loudly and constantly cheering for the Flaming Monkey, while Long didn't say a word, just staring at the Flaming Monkey with a serious face.The two elves are now at the point of exhaustion, even a small movement is very difficult for them.

"Row... [-]" the flame monkey stared at the fire beast opposite with its teeth clenched. The flame monkey kept trembling with its hands on the ground, as if it was using great perseverance and faith to support itself to stand up.And Kenta's Pyrobeast was like this at the same time, the eyes of the two elves stared at each other, and slowly, the flame monkey and Pyrobeast stood up from the ground at the same time.

Kenta gritted his teeth and looked at the Pyrobeast and said, "Can you still grow big, Pyrobeast, use your last strength to use the jet flame∥'热卡n" Pyrobeast roared, but the flames on its shoulders exploded and burned again. is off.

The dragon waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Brother, Sonic Fist ∥ 'Ba Yi ah n" Flaming Monkey's iron fist was instantly covered with a layer of white light, and then it violently charged towards the Fiery Beast, smashing it into the air, causing the Fiery Beast to turn over Falling on the ground...-392 Hurt the whole world, and it won't hurt you. Ryu and Toko got their wish. In the Pokemon Arena, they had an evenly matched contest with Kenta and Marina. The final result was slightly dominated by physical strength. The flame monkey narrowly won.But no matter what, the strength of Kenta and Marina is really nothing to say, especially this young man, he deserves to be the champion of the last Chengdu League Silver Conference.

Pokemon trainers do not simply fight for the sake of victory, nor do they fight for meaningless victory in order to command Pokemon. This is the best way for trainers and Pokemon to grow and strengthen together and deepen mutual affection and communication. Way.Regardless of the outcome of the game, Pokemon trainers will shake hands and even respect each other after the game.

Long found that he and this Kenta boy had a lot in common with each other, and the boy's concept of treating Pokemon had something in common with him.Long patted Kenta on the shoulder and said: "I think we can chat so well, why don't we come to Taoyuan and get married three times, and kowtow to be good!"

"What are the 'Taoyuan three knots' and 'kowtow and obeisance'?"

Marina, who has been chatting with Toko about food and fashion, couldn't help but ask in confusion when she heard what Long said, and Kenta, who was her childhood sweetheart, also looked at Long with a puzzled expression.

"Well..." Long scratched his head. Obviously, there is no "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in this world, so for a while he didn't know how to explain the allusion to these two people. Propagate the various cultures of the 5000-year-old Chinese civilization, but this task is too difficult for one person to handle.

"Forget it, it's not clear for a while."

Long decided not to entangle too much on this issue, but looked at Kenta and Marina and asked, "Why did you come here? Are you planning to go to the Yanmo Gymnasium to challenge and then participate in the White Shadow Conference?"

After hearing Long's question, Kenta quickly said: "It's true that we are going to the Yanmo Gymnasium, but it's not to challenge..." Kenta blushed when he said this, as if it was hard to say, "I didn't sign up for the Silver Conference this year , I have already challenged the Chengdu League and Yanmo Gymnasium last year, and I also challenged the Champions League in the Chengdu area, but it is a pity that in the first round, I was defeated by Master Kazuki, the super king among the four heavenly kings."

"Hey Gu, I thought that if Kenta would be lucky enough to challenge Mr. Long Shidu, then maybe I could have a chat with him, or even drink coffee or even have a meal or something..." Zhennai said with a straight face With his hands clasped in front of his chest, a blush appeared on his face, obviously suffering from nympho.Long and Touzi looked at the girl with black lines. They finally remembered that the slogan the girl yelled during the previous challenge was to become a star trainer and then Du's lover.

Longyou poked Kenta who was beside him with his arm and asked, "Would you be jealous if your girlfriend worshiped King Dutian so much?"

Anyone who sees the combination of Kenta and Marina will think that they are a pair of boyfriend and girlfriend. These days, two trainers who are about the same age as a man and a woman go on a trip together. The two were still childhood sweethearts.

However, to Long's surprise, when Long asked this, Kenta's face was startled, almost like lightning, he reached out his hand to cover Long's mouth, and then quickly turned his head to look at Mari Nai beside him, and then let out a long sigh after confirming that she had not heard Long's words in one breath.But I didn't want Touzi to point at Long and Kenta as if he had discovered a cockroach and asked in surprise: "Uncle and Kenta, you...--what are you doing...--" Hearing what Touzi said, Long immediately reacted and seemed Jumping away like an electric shock, Kenta hastily removed his palm.The two of them were so close just now, it was like a small gesture between boyfriend and girlfriend.Long quickly muttered in his heart, Namo Amitabha said straightly that he likes women but not gays, although he admires Kenta, but it is not the kind that goes beyond friendship.

If Kenta's actions just now happened between two women, it would be fine. Now people's hearts are not old in the world, and men and women are treated differently.A woman and a woman holding hands is intimacy, a man and a man are holding hands, that is intimacy; a woman and a woman are whispering, that is intimacy, and a man and a man are whispering, that is intimacy; even if a woman and a woman are kissing, that is intimacy , and if a man and a man kiss and slap each other...--Hey!Disgusting, these two fags!

Seeing Kenta's bewildered look, Marina couldn't help asking suspiciously: "What were you doing just now?"

"Ah... that, um, I'm asking about Long's challenge to the Kanto Regional Champions League last year..." The cold sweat on Kenta's forehead was like Genghis Khan, but fortunately he turned his head quickly and said: "In the Chengdu Champions League, you must challenge all the Four Heavenly Kings before you can challenge Mr. Du, the champion, but Long is different. Mr. Long Shi is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region. If he is lucky, he may be able to challenge Du Tianwang directly. "


After hearing Kenta's words, Marina suddenly yelled excitedly and then leaned in front of the dragon and asked excitedly: "Well, tell me, was the first opponent you drew when you participated in the Champions League last year? Although no matter who is drawn, it is impossible to win, but King Dutian is so handsome!"

Hearing this girl's words, the dragon almost slammed his head on the steps and fell to his death. This girl's game is completely different from when she was a nymphomaniac. Is her thinking stuck in the fourth dimension?

Touzi looked at Long, who had a perplexed face, and couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling. This Zhennai was really the uncle's nemesis, and this was the first time he had been hit.Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help interjecting, "My uncle didn't even challenge the Four Heavenly Kings in the Champions League in the Kanto region last year. He probably abstained because he was afraid that the loss would be too ugly."


This time Kenta and Mari Nai Qiqi looked at the dragon in surprise, and Mari Nai said directly: "Uncle, you are too poor. The Pokemon competition is not just for winning or losing. It is rare to have the opportunity to fight against the Four Heavenly Kings. But you use Give up this cowardly reason...--I despise you!"

Long wished to drag the girl Touzi over, press her on her knee and spank her ass hard. How dare this lawless girl directly ruin his reputation like this!Zhen Nai's words that I despise you really hit him too hard. Long Chang has never been said such a sentence in person at such a young age, not to mention that the reason why Zhen Nai despises him is completely non-existent.

"Hey, you girl, you only need a good reputation when you go out, and the reputation I have accumulated with great difficulty, you don't want to pour dirty water on me!"

The dragon said angrily: "Sinnoh Champion Sirona, Four Heavenly Kings Aju, Four Heavenly Kings Xiba and Li Lin, and Four Heavenly Kings Kona, I have fought against these champions and Masters of Heavenly Kings, you said I would give up the Champions League because of fear Do you qualify for the challenge?"

"Wow... one" Hearing the series of names reported by Long, Kenta and Marina couldn't help but lose their voices. They didn't expect that Long had fought against so many powerful people. Lifting a strand of bangs in front of his forehead.Does this surprise you so much? If there is even more exciting & explosive news for you to know, it’s okay.

Back at the Pokemon Center, the four of them handed over the Pokemon they fought just now to the Pokemon for help in treatment. From Ms. Joey, I learned that Sakura and Kazmire, an ordinary woman, went shopping in the town. Sundae was resting in the guest room of the Elf Center, but Kona's whereabouts were not disclosed.

Hearing that Kona was traveling with Long and the others, and that Sundae turned out to be Sinnoh champion Sirona's younger sister Marina, she screamed excitedly again. The way this girl vented her emotions was really different.Kenta hastily covered his ears, watched Marina take out a small pink notebook and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I will ask Master Kona of the Four Heavenly Kings to sign for me later!"

Manina said excitedly: "At the same time, the four heavenly kings in the Kanto region, if I can ask Master Kona to help me get a signature of Dutianwang, it would be perfect..." Kenta said directly without thinking: "This should be impossible, Kona How could Master Na do such a naive thing!"

Fortunately, he didn't know about the last time Kona asked Du for concert tickets, otherwise, the image of the perfect Master Kona in the young man's heart would have collapsed.

Touzi reminded Zhennai and said: "If you want to ask Master Kona for the signature of Du Tianwang, you still need it, but when you see Sundae later, you must not ask her for Sirona's signature!"

Marina looked at Touko, not knowing why she said this. Long heard Miss Joy just said that the sundae was resting in the guest room and asked Touko to greet Kenta and Marina, so he decided to go and see the sundae.

He was still a little worried, Kona and Sundae had a bit of a fight in the morning, he didn't have to worry about the Ice Queen, but Sundae's side Long was a little worried.Long knew that this strong girl was very fragile emotionally, and Long only had endless pity, love and care for her.

Walking to the guest room where Sundae was resting, Long found that the door was unlocked. He frowned involuntarily and walked in quietly.The room in this Pokemon center is for four people with two beds, a pair of small leather shoes are placed tightly on the ground, and the sundae is lying sideways on the bed, revealing a perfectly curvy waist.Long walked slowly to the window, but the girl didn't notice it at all.

Like a sleeping beauty, looking at this girl's sleeping posture gives people a very peaceful feeling.There was a trace of tenderness in Long's heart, and he couldn't help but slowly squatted down to look at this beautiful girl who couldn't help but feel pity and love.However, his gaze was stunned by the water stains on the side of the girl's pillow, and Long couldn't help stretching out his fingers to touch that spot lightly, and felt a throbbing pain in his heart, which was clearly the tear stains.

It turns out that everything is an illusion. The strong girl who was fighting against Kona just now is actually very fragile in her heart, and the dragon is her biggest weakness!

Long felt very remorseful. He should have answered her question directly just now. Obviously, his evasive behavior just now had caused great harm to this girl.There was endless self-blame in Long's heart. After all, this girl was no more mature and stable than Kona.As long as...--as long as he favors this girl, then she probably won't secretly hide and cry alone.

Leaning down, the dragon gently kissed the girl's temples.However, the hot air from the dragon's breath sprayed into the girl's ears and woke up the girl who was sleeping soundly.Sundae suddenly opened his eyes, and his temperament changed as if he had suddenly cooled down. He almost slapped Long's face with a slap, and there was a crisp sound in the room.


The girl who was awakened from a deep sleep looked at the dragon in surprise. Obviously, the slap just now was just a subconscious behavior.Long smiled wryly, he deserved it, but compared to the damage he caused to this girl, this slap was obviously too light.He had been slapped several times by her sister before, and the two eventually became lovers who knew each other well.Now the situation is reversed. He and Sundae first knew each other and fell in love with each other, and then received this belated slap in the face.

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