What Kona hates is that the dragon is too conniving to Sundae. She tolerated everything in front of her, but this girl made it clear that she wanted to find fault with the Ice Queen. can tolerate.Just today, all the anger accumulated in the past was released, and Kona wanted to hit Sundae here to let her understand that the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Alliance are not easy to get along with.

The sundae rested on the table with a pair of pink fists, and the long eyes were so full that the glass of cool white water on the table was covered with circles of water. It was not the table that was trembling, but the sundae!The anger in Sundae's heart began to erupt uncontrollably, and Kona was exposing the scars in her heart.

As Kona said, the relationship between Sundae and her sister is not as harmonious as it used to be. As early as a year ago, Sundae was secretly competing with Sirona, but the relationship between the two sisters was actually very harmonious. The two were together in Kanto During the time of travel, they often slept together.Sundae is also very happy to tell his own secrets to his sister, and every night when he goes to bed, he whispers the dragon and many benefits about him in Sirona's ears.

But all of this came to an end a few months ago. Sundae never thought that his sister and his most beloved man would actually betray him.This young lady, who had been carefree before, suffered a major blow at once, because Sirona's begging sundae did not take advantage of the situation to hit her sister who already had a small belly.But that's about it for the relationship between the once very close sisters!

Sundae will not criticize and beat his good sister, it is because of the family relationship that blood is thicker than water and Sirona is pregnant, but this is not the reason why Sundae can forgive her for betraying herself.Imagine how irritating it is for a man you have been talking about with your closest person in your sleep, and suddenly the two of them are having sex together one day.Therefore, a gap thicker than the city wall was completely erected between the sisters Sundae and Sirona.

Even now, Sundae reluctantly forgives the dragon because she can't let go, but she will not forgive her sister.Sundae forgiving the dragon did not fulfill his and his sister's ideas. As for letting the dragon hug and sit and enjoy~ for the beautiful sisters?This kind of thing let it dream!

During the three months in Yixiu, Sundae had completely transformed and grown up, but her personality had become even colder.How could it be possible for her to share love with other women as the daughter of the Youto family, not even her own sisters, and it was even more impossible for an outsider like Kola!

Although Sundae was very touched by the lingering and life-and-death love between Long and Sirona and Kona that night, it was viewed from the attitude of a bystander, and it only happened on TV like this If you put your own affairs on yourself, then it is absolutely impossible.

How could Kona know the news that Sundae and Sirona are not getting along now? Is it true that it was spread in the market as she said, or was it a scandal fabricated by a third-rate Xiaobao?Absolutely not, no newspaper has dared to fabricate the scandal between the Sinnoh champion Sirona and the Youto family.

Of course, the two sisters, Sirona and Sundae, would not tell this news to others, let alone their big love rival, Kona of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region.All of this is actually imagined by the Ice Queen. Since she got along with Sundae these days, she has a very thorough understanding of the character of this glamorous girl who has captured the infatuation of countless young men and young people.The Ice Queen knows that this girl's glamorous appearance, which looks approachable but rejects others thousands of miles away, also has a very strong internal character. Such a girl must not allow others to intervene in her love, even if it is But from the fact that Touzi mentioned Sirona several times during the trip, which aroused her repulsion, and from the previous reaction of Sundae when the Sinnoh champion was mentioned in the lake of anger, Kona can easily guess a little bit. Clue.By analogy, Kona only needs to scrutinize lightly, and he can naturally guess what is the trick.The Ice Queen is very good at figuring out people, and the battlefield of love is a war without gunpowder, so this is completely a psychological warfare, but in fact it really caught Kola's mind.


Sundae, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly let out a cold snort. That cold demeanor and matching cold eyes just made people feel as if they were shot by a cold light when they looked at her, and they felt chills all over.

"How can a good daughter of our Youto family be as good as a good apprentice on the Frozen Throne? Stealing people is a thief, but I don't know if the alliance has issued a law to clearly mark what 'stealing people' is? "

Sundae glanced at Kona, as if asking casually.

The coffee cup in Long's hand shook, and he almost knocked the whole cup onto the table. Sundae's words were too cruel, and the irony in his words was already very explicit.Sundae seems to have missed a word just now, but she puts the word "stealing people" very seriously. Long, Kona, Sakura, and all the women except Xiaoli understand that Sheng What Dai Nai clearly wanted to say was "grab a man", but such a sentence from Sundae's mouth did not match her temperament so much.

Long's heart paled with astonishment, and Kona was sneering at him earlier.Insinuating, but the sundae was nakedly slapped in the face.The dragon and the girls felt that the temperature around them turned extremely cold, and the dragon sitting next to the ice queen also felt that he would become an ice sculpture in a short time.Long pretended to look over his head with difficulty and looked at Kona's side. Under the reflection of a pair of lenses, his eyes could not see any joy or sorrow at all, but Long could feel the cold eyes that seemed to be pierced by the essence.

All the other people in the entire Pokemon center were gone, only the dragon was left. The table was full of invisible swords and swords. The powerful aura emanating from Kona and Sundae touched the dragon and the girls around him the most.Even Xiaoli, who didn't know what was going on, only felt that she was in a storm. The young magician wisely moved her body to the side a few times and used silence to avoid the risk, otherwise the violent storm would blow her away of fragmented.

Kona pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, then looked directly at the sundae and said, "Of course everyone is fighting for good things. Only the weak will rely on the strength of others to seek help. If even your beloved If you can't keep things, it proves that this person's ability and charm are very limited, I think it's better to let go. Because, sooner or later, what will be lost cannot be retained!"

Kona's words are full of momentum. From the perspective of the Ice Queen, the real enemy who can catch her eye now is Sirona who is far away in the Sinnoh area, not the 16-year-old girl in front of her.Apart from her youth, Kona prided herself on being superior to her in every way.For such a young girl, she didn't pay much attention to it, but just now Sundae actually faced her directly, which made the Ice Queen not angry. If so, then she doesn't have to be polite!

"Hehe, did I hear a funny joke just now?"

Sundae smiled softly, then casually glanced at Long and looked straight at him and said, "I don't know if others are attractive or not, but I am also conceited that I can protect what belongs to me, don't you think so?"

A group of women followed Sundae and looked at Long. Long felt that half of his face was bitingly cold and hot at the same time, which made him extremely painful.The ice queen's cold eyes intertwined with Sundae's blazing eyes and immediately attracted him to the storm surge that was originally colliding fiercely. The dragon only felt the danger of being mercilessly torn apart by the violent storm if he was not careful. .

Long subconsciously moved her body to the side of Kona, and Kona reacted immediately when she saw the small movements of the dragon, and tightly hooked the dragon's calf with her beautiful legs in stockings, but now the dragon is not in the mood to experience that. The wonderful experience brought by the bouts of grinding.

If the two of them were alone together like this, and the Ice Queen dared to seduce her like this, then the dragon would definitely shake his body and show his domineering side, and use his masculine aura to completely surrender her under his crotch.However, in this situation, even if Long shakes his body to the point of cramping, it is only possible to show his bastard's aura, and the tragedy is that he wants to be a bastard and shrink his head into his shell.Sundae had already pulled him out of the turtle shell completely, and showed him to the public, and now several pairs of eyes were coming over, which made the dragon's whole body tingle.

The question of the sundae is very simple, as simple as answering yes and no.It's definitely true for everyone else, but the only person in this world who can't answer is the dragon.If he said yes, Sundae was absolutely satisfied, but this was to slap the Ice Queen in the face, no one in the world dared to do this, and Long swallowed a saliva in his throat after imagining the consequences.

Answer no, Kola should be satisfied with this, and even dedicated himself to let Long Kai, who has been eating vegetarian food for a long time, eat meat when he is happy. This is indeed a very exciting but full of temptation choose.However, this foundation is based on the pain of Sundae with a knife in his heart.

Whenever Long thinks of Sundae in Yixiu, he feels very guilty in his heart for the pain he suffered during those three months. Feeling sorry, so such a heartless thing, Long couldn't do it anyway.

Originally, Long thought that the two women were just fine as usual, with occasional small conflicts but they lived in peace, but he didn't expect that this conflict would break out so intensely.Both Kona and Sundae knew in their hearts that this kind of thing was impossible for the dragon to make a choice. The palms and backs of the hands were all flesh, and no matter which side was hurt, it was like self-mutilation for the dragon.

However, women sometimes lose their sanity when they fight for the wind, even the ice queen Kona, who is known for her calmness and wisdom, is not immune.Long originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Anyway, he was not afraid that the two women would fight in the Pokemon Center. This is a public place and these two are people with status, so they will not make a scene too presumptuously in this place. .Long thought that after they had just quarreled, it was estimated that the two sides would stop there when it was boring in the end.

Long's idea was good, but when he was about to implement it, Kona saw it and held him back.Kona has always been very considerate like a caring big sister, and she would never be so embarrassing to Long in normal times.But Sundae's pungent tone just now completely irritated her, and even mocked her for "robbing men", how could Kona bear it!

388 Pokemon Competitive Park, identity login "Excuse me, this is... one" Just when Long was struggling to advance and retreat, the nurse lady of the Pokemon Center suddenly broke the stalemate on the field with a weak voice.

"Ah, so it's Miss Joy, I'm so touched!"

Long was overjoyed, and rushed to Miss Joy with a stride and said loudly: "I am your fan, and your beauty has deeply moved me. Oh, I am already sick, and I am suffering from lovesickness. A wounded heart longs for the healing of tender Miss Joy."

"Uh... [-]" Ms. Joy was startled by the dragon who suddenly approached her like a pig brother. A pair of soft white hands were caught by the dragon, and her whole face turned crimson all of a sudden. He panicked and took two small steps back.Obviously, Miss Joy has never met Xiaozhi and his party, so she has no experience in dealing with this kind of Xiaogang-style strike-up.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time for someone to perform an imitation show, step aside obediently..." Sakura imitated how her Yaomei often treated Xiaogang, stretched out her finger and twisted one of the dragon's ears As he pulled it away, Long took advantage of the opportunity to find a step and was dragged away by Sakura happily.

Because of Miss Joey's sudden intervention, the stalemate atmosphere on the field was broken at once, and with Long's gag, the confrontation between Kona and Sundae suddenly collapsed. No matter how powerful the situation is, it is impossible to fight directly in front of outsiders.At the moment, Kona and Sundae readjusted their sitting postures, and their bodies also lowered down.

Joey took out three poke balls and handed them to Touzi, Kazmire, and Xiaoxue respectively, and said, "The fireball mouse, Pikachu, and walking grass that you entrusted to me just now have regained their vitality, so I specially came here to give them to you...- -Also, what happened to all of you just now, I feel a very depressing and dignified atmosphere, could it be that the breakfast in our elf center is not to your liking?"

Seeing Miss Joy's hesitant and confused look, Lan quickly looked at the faces of Sundae and Kona, and then hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Thank you Miss Joy, the breakfast you prepared is very nutritious and great, we Everyone likes it very much. Hehe..." After Lan finished speaking, she smiled unnaturally on her face, but the rest of Toko, Kazmire, Sakura, Xiaoxue, and Xiaoli all laughed together as if they were very tacit. The scene looked extremely strange.

Miss Joy felt a little apprehensive when she saw the people smirking blankly, and she decided that it would be better to leave here as soon as possible.

Seeing that Joey was about to leave, Long quickly followed up and said loudly: "Ah, the weather today is really good, the sky is cloudless and the sun is shining brightly. After I'm full, I suddenly want to do some radio gymnastics...---Bah, bah, it's here. Pokemon battle. Well, that's it, I can't wait any longer, I hurried to the Pokemon Arena..." Seeing the back of the dragon rushing away with his mouth full, all the women looked at each other in blank dismay, Ka Miss Zimir's reflex arc slowed down by half a beat again. She raised her head to look at the ceiling of the Pokemon Center and said, "How did the dragon see that today's weather is good?"

When Touzi heard that the dragon was going to the sports park, he stuffed the remaining half of the sandwich into his mouth and hurriedly chased after him while sucking his fingers, "Uncle blame, cough cough... wait for me slowly, I will I want to go too!"

After Touzi walked away, all the girls came to their senses one by one and rushed to find excuses to leave. Even Kazmir suddenly became clever.

On the whole table, only Kona and Sundae were left facing each other. In silence, a needle drop could be heard. The Ice Queen pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and stood up slowly from the seat. The pair of glasses behind the glasses His wise eyes flicked meaningfully over Sundae's body.Kona turned and walked away without saying a word, the slapping sound of the high heels hitting the ground sounded so eye-catching.

Sundae stared closely at Konana's leaving back. It is undeniable that the graceful figure is uneven, the charm of a mature woman and the various amorous feelings that are not easily revealed in the intellectual, even if they are both women She felt her heart pounding when she saw it.Sundae held his hands tightly and then slowly relaxed, his eyes as deep as black gemstones revealed the color of thought.

In the Pokemon Competitive Park, Long rubbed the cold sweat on his head. It was really thrilling just now. I knew that he would rather break his two legs and walk back with a limp than hurry Come here, mess around, this is simply a crime!

"Wow, is this the Pokemon Arena? This venue is so big and there are so many people!"

Touzi followed the dragon and looked around at the stalls selling trinkets, and then there were all kinds of trainers with all kinds of Pokemon and many adults and children of all kinds.This Pokemon competition park is unexpectedly large and lively like an amusement park. Touzi's eyes suddenly widened. There are also stalls with various snacks here.

Long also came to the Pokemon Arena for the first time, but his heart was troubled now, so he didn't yell like Touzi, and he always looked very interested in everything he saw.And the girl Touzi is obviously not An Fen's role. She found that she was always yelling, so she immediately became boring. Immediately, the restless girl pulled Long and said, "Brother Long, there is still some octopus balls left." The vine grill looks good, let's buy it and eat it."

The arm was held by the child like a swing and kept shaking. Long looked at the jumping girl and said depressedly: "Didn't you just have breakfast at the Pokemon Center, and I saw you and killed one by yourself. Burgers and two sandwiches with a large glass of Coke. This is the morning, it’s not good for you to overeat like this, be careful to eat into a little chubby you...--" "There is no such thing!"

Touzi patted his stomach and said to Longjiao: "My digestive system is very good. No matter how much food flows into my stomach, it will be completely digested before the next meal. Brother Long, he is really good. It's like eating the special snacks in the Kanto area..." Touzi shook the dragon's arm and acted coquettishly, her eyes also shed a tear or two in line with her lovely and pitiful expression.This weak and pitiful appearance is undoubtedly very lethal to those strange people. There is already a boss who puts vines on the barbecue and wants to push himself away to comfort this beautiful and flawless cute girl. I am willing to eat poor!

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