Xiaoxue held her chin and said suddenly, "I read a book that once said such a theory, that is, Pippi's family of Pokemon actually immigrated from an alien planet."

"Isn't it possible? In this way, then this baby skin is actually an alien?"

Sakura was curious about the baby's appearance, then shook her head and said, "There is no such thing as aliens in the world, it's obviously nonsense."

"Except for Pi Baobao, the meteor flying saucer just now fell to the other side of the mountain. As long as we follow the past and take a look, we can figure out what's going on."

Kona pushed the golden eyes on the bridge of his nose and said: "There must be a companion of this baby fur on the flying saucer. Maybe this may be a big discovery."

"Go to the other side of the mountain, the tent has just been set up, what should we do next?"

The dragon pointed to the things that witnessed the fruits of his labor.On the other hand, Sakura waved her arms generously and said expectantly: "Don't worry about these details, the tent will be put here first."

Just when the dragon and the girls were packing their luggage and were about to go to the other side of the mountain, there was a burst of rushing sound from the grass, a man and a woman in black robes, one with a camera and the other with a ruler, went straight to the end. Pi Baobao was taking pictures while measuring.Long looked curiously at the strange two who wore the same clothes as the biggest villain in Hokage, Akatsuki, and they even wore a pair of black sunglasses at night, so they were not afraid of walking in the middle of the night and falling to death.

"Well, it can't be wrong!"

"It can't be wrong!"

"This is the space baby that fell from the flying saucer just now."

"Yes, it's Cosmic Baby."

Just now, the man and the woman chatted and drank and couldn't help asking curiously: "Are you two crosstalk actors? Is the one who sings and harmonizes performing a double reed?"

Hearing Long's question, the man raised his head with a cool smile, and said cool, this is probably the green-haired guy's self-feeling, because Long couldn't see clearly whether it was Danfeng eyes or triangular small eyes hidden behind the black sunglasses. .

All of a sudden, the man and the woman stood side by side with their backs behind them. This look was very similar to the flirtatious looks that Musashi and Kojiro of the Rockets, as well as Amado and Kosan, put on when they appeared on stage.

"There are incredible places in the world."

"You can definitely see the Pokemon behind you."

The dragon and the girls looked at the prologue with black hair, and suddenly, the green-haired man threw up his posture and yelled, jumping the girls, "We're about to start!"

And the woman with the purple hair, who had been echoing the green-haired man before, also put on the same pose and said loudly, "Pokemon Incredible Club."

"P...--F...--C!" The man and the woman displayed the three letters with their bodies, and then the green-haired man said his name, "I'm Ken!"

And the woman who was following him also said loudly: "And I, Mary!"

This super shocking opening show completely made Long Lei's appearance tender, he stared blankly at these two flirtatious people, why do these two bastards look even more idiots than the Rockets? "What PFC?" Kazmire asked suspiciously: Is it an organization similar to the Rockets? "

"PFC is the abbreviation of Pokemon Mysterious Club, and it is a scientific research institution with networks all over the world."

The green-haired man said aloud, "We PFC- have argued that Pokemon Pippies are aliens, and to prove that we need Pippies."

The woman then added: "Also, please don't confuse our PFC with an evil group like the Rockets, okay? This is a serious insult to our personality!"

"What did you say!"

Suddenly, another man in "R" uniform appeared from the bushes, and he shouted angrily, "You are not allowed to underestimate Team Rocket, an evil organization with a long tradition!"

A blond-haired woman said directly contemptuously: "We've never heard of you PFC and Pokemon Incredible Club, just such a small organization with no name and no idea where it's tucked away, how dare you attack it?" Under the guise of a scientific institution, it's ridiculous!"

"Team Rocket!"

Looking at another man and a woman coming out of the bushes, Long was surprised and said, "Why are you again, Amado and Sanji?"

"Stupid, you're wrong again. We've met many times and you should be right once."

The man in Team Rocket's uniform jumped up and cursed loudly: "I don't call Xiao Sanji, I call Xiao San San...--Bah, I don't call Xiao San Ji, but Xiao San Lang!"

The man from the PFC organization who said you were Ken before said with a contemptuous smile: "Oh, you are the Rockets?"

"Oh! Are you Team Rocket?"

Amado jumped out of the bushes suddenly and said loudly, "Since you asked so."

"We will tell you mercifully that there is nothing wrong with it!"

Xiao San San hurriedly jumped out and set up her pose POSS.

"To prevent the universe from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the universe!"

"To carry out the evil of love and honesty."

"Lovely and playful villain."


"Little Saburo!"

"I am Team Rocket traveling through the solar system."

"White hole, pink tomorrow is waiting for us!"

The 382 confrontation escalated, and PFC made a magnificent attack, "Team Rocket, where did this group of people come from?"

Sakura looked suspiciously at the two people who suddenly appeared in black uniforms and confronted PFC, and asked in confusion, "Amado and Kogoro?"

"Idiot, there is something wrong with your ears, you just announced my name, it's Xiao Saburo!"

The watermelon-headed man next to Amado roared loudly at the cherry blossoms, jumping his feet angrily.

"Don't worry too much about it, this cosmic baby is also our goal. We don't care if the PFC is a rotten organization in that corner. Anyway, no one dares to grab what our Rockets want to take away!"

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