Before the dragon and the girls had time to react, the eldest lady's lightning zebra had already shot a blue negative current from the top of its head, straight to the lightning crow in the sky on the top of the mountain.

"Oh woo n" the Lightning Crow stared fiercely at the Thunder Zebra attacking it on the ground, and the Lightning Crow vibrated its wings and sent a golden electric current from the air towards the Thunder Zebra.Xiaoxue exclaimed, "The lightning zebra is dangerous, hurry up and avoid it!"

Kazmire ignored Xiaoxue's warning and said loudly: "Thunder Zebra, don't be afraid, bear the lightning's electric shock∥'" "Thunder Zebra shouted loudly, and the two lightning tentacles on the top of his head became a lightning rod. All the current of the Lightning Crow was drawn.

Sundae immediately understood Kazmire's intentions. She wanted to use the characteristics of the Thunderbolt Zebra's electrical engine to counter Lightning Crow's electric shock.But Lightning Crow is a legendary electric Pokemon. Can Thunder Zebra's electric engine really withstand the opponent's powerful electric bombardment?

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" The lightning zebra's black and white stripes are flowing in a circle of golden electric current.Long, Kona and all the girls Qiqi were shocked that this thunder zebra really resisted the lightning crow's bombardment.Kazmire waved his arm and scolded, "Thunder Zebra, use one hundred thousand volts!"

The Thunderbolt Zebra stood up, and it actually shot a golden electric current directly from the body, and the Lightning Crow counter-boomed the electric shock trick!It's just that the electric shock trick bombarded by the Thunder Zebra is completely absorbed by the Lightning Crow, and the electricity of the Thunder and Lightning Zebra is completely absorbed by the Lightning Crow.

Kona said in a condensed voice: "The legendary Pokemon Lightning Crow has two characteristics, pressure and lightning rod. Just like the electric engine, for the Pokemon with the characteristic of the lightning rod, not only will it not be hurt by the attack of the electric system, but also It can also absorb the opponent's electrical energy to increase the power of its own special attack."

As soon as Ke Na finished speaking, the Lightning Crow in the sky vibrated its wings and slapped the golden thunder and bombarded the Thunder Zebra.Sensing that the appearance of the lightning crow in the sky seemed a bit wrong, and the electric shock of this level seemed too weak for the lightning crow, he immediately frowned and said, "The lightning crow looks a bit strange."

Not only the dragon, but all the girls are aware of the abnormality of this lightning crow at this time, but at the moment Kazmire obviously has no time but thinks too much, so he waved his hand and scolded directly: "Thunder zebra, use, gunpowder charge∥ 'Woo'" The thunderbolt zebra kicked its four hooves on the ground, then instantly wrapped in a hot flame, rode up from the steep hillside, then jumped up, rushed seven or eight meters high, and slammed into Lightning Crow's body.

The Lightning Crow's face twisted for a while, and his body fell directly from the air. Longlong and the girls were shocked. Unexpectedly, the Lightning Crow couldn't even withstand this attack. It really didn't fit its legendary Pokemon. identity of.Kazmire obviously didn't expect her attack to be effective, but she immediately reacted and waved her arm and said loudly: "Trample!"

The thunderbolt zebra let out a long sigh, its body flew up, and its four hooves stomped heavily on the huge body of the lightning crow, and the lightning crow rolled over and fell heavily to the ground.When everyone was still in shock, Kazmire threw a volt ball directly to catch the Lightning Crow into it. After a violent shake, the volt ball was suspended from the ground, and a burst of intense electric current flooded the elf ball. around.

With a bang, the Volt Ball suddenly opened, and the Lightning Crow let out a golden electric current that blasted the Volt Ball to pieces, and the golden thunder pierced through the elf ball and bombarded the Thunder Zebra.With a wave of his arm, Kazmire scolded again: "Thunderbolt zebra, hundreds of millions of shock waves!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The person stood up and shook the current on his body, and the body of the thunderbolt zebra was wrapped in a burst of golden shock waves galloping up the mountain road, the powerful billions of shock waves headed Bombarded on Lightning Crow.The legendary Three Saint Crow let out a howl, and fell to the ground heavily.

Kazmire once pulled out a volt ball with the lightning logo on it, and the poke ball bounced off the lightning bird and caught the lightning bird in it again.The volt ball shook violently again, the surface of the yellow spirit ball was filled with golden lightning, the spirit ball floated up and fell back to the ground trembling rapidly.The button of the volt ball kept flashing red light and then went out with a ding dong. Just when everyone thought that the lightning bird had been subdued, the volt ball shook again.

After repeating this several times, the volt ball finally stopped struggling with a ding-dong sound. Time passed for three or four minutes, but the volt ball was still lying quietly on the ground.

Finally, the young magician Xiaoli put on a tall pointed hat and said, "This...---Lightning Crow should be subdued, right?"

The dragon and the girls looked at each other in dismay, their eyes full of disbelief, the Lightning Crow was actually defeated by Kazmire's Lightning Zebra and was subdued?

The model herself also had a look of disbelief, until the Pikachu she had tamed not long ago ran from her shoulders to the ground and picked up the volt ball, until now she finally came to her senses and excitedly took Pikachu Hug the whole body from the ground.Then he turned around excitedly and shouted excitedly: "What to do, what to do, I actually subdued the Lightning Crow... Oh my God, am I dreaming, is it really Lightning Crow!"

Touzi, who turned into Pikachu and was held in Sundae's arms, couldn't help but look at the excited Kazmirei and teased: "I thought my recent luck was good, first I got the fireball rat and then I subdued the giant lava snail, But compared with Lightning Wu, I realized that I have failed. Why not Flaming Wu and Yandi, I also want to subdue a legendary flame-type Pokemon."

"Even if you meet Emperor Yan and Yandi, you will never be able to subdue them. Not to mention the question of whether you can beat them, do you want to subdue Yandi and Yandi with the appearance of Pikachu now?"

Long couldn't help hitting Touzi and said, "Don't just send yourself on the field and be burned black by the flames of Emperor Yan and Huoyanwu."

Immediately listening to Long's words, Touzi, who was lying in Sundai's arms, went crazy. This girl showed her white teeth and seemed to rush towards Long Jiao to death.At this time, Kona walked up to Kazmire, who was constantly rubbing the volt ball in his hand, and said, "Can you let the lightning bird out first, I think the lightning bird just now It doesn't look right."

Kazmire hesitated for a while, as if he was afraid that the Lightning Crow would run away when he was released from the poke ball, but the eldest lady finally opened the Volt ball in her hand after looking at the staring Kona.With a bang, Lightning Wujin's huge body collapsed on the ground, his eyes were closed tightly, and his wings rested on the ground weakly, as if he was dying.

The dragon and all the girls were taken aback, and Lan asked in surprise: "What's going on, why did the Lightning Crow become what it is now?"

Xiaoxue hurriedly leaned forward, but her fingers just touched the Lightning Crow, and then she screamed and bounced off like an electric shock.Sakura hurriedly stepped forward to help Xiaoxue up from the ground, Lightning Crow's body was filled with electric current and it was impossible to touch it in this state.

Kona said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, I felt that this Lightning Crow was very weak just now, and the battle just now drained its last ounce of strength, so now its condition is even weaker. If you don't think about it, it will be dangerous gone."

Kazmire panicked, and hurried forward but was held tightly by the dragon, "Now the Lightning Crow's consciousness is in a blur, and the current on it is very messy and self-protecting. If you approach it casually, you will only be shocked by the current." middle."

Kazmire was on the verge of crying when he heard the dragon's words, and said at a loss: "So what should we do now...Wow, I'm sorry for Lightning Crow, I'm sorry for it, if I didn't just want to subdue it and it If it fights, it won't become as weak as it is now."

The young lady burst into tears in desperation, and the tears rolled down like pearls with broken strings.

Xiaoxue also said anxiously: "Lightning Wu can't let people get close to treatment, and there is no Pokemon Center nearby..." Long took out a golden GS ball and said to the girls: "Everyone, don't worry, We are not helpless, go ahead, Celebi, pray for healing∥'Rabi"" Celebi flew out of the elf ball, his small body flapped its wings and revolved around the Lightning Crow. Snow The rabbi's body shone with a green halo that sprinkled little by little on Lightning Wu's body, and Lightning Wu absorbed the healing energy released by Celebi bit by bit.

The green light shining on Celebi's body became more and more dazzling, continuously healing and recovering the Lightning Crow's physical strength. "Oh ^'' The Lightning Crow, bathed in a green halo, finally regained its vitality slowly and then slowly opened its eyes. When the Lightning Crow saw the crowd surrounding it, a dazzling golden light surged from its body Thunder. The powerful electric current bombarded the ground and shattered the broken rocks on the mountain. The dragon and the girls didn't expect that the Lightning Crow would suddenly burst into trouble and they couldn't react in time.

"Rabbi n" Celebi suddenly turned around and flashed in front of the crowd. A green halo flowed around her small body and instantly opened a huge green shield to envelop everyone in it. The huge protective shield blocked all of them, mysterious guardian!

"Oh woo n" the Lightning Crow fluttered its wings suddenly and flew up from the ground, turning its body and flying straight towards the valley.With a scream, Kazmire rushed out from the green shield and chased the Lightning Crow, shouting loudly, "Lightning Crow, where are you going!"

Lightning Crow's body moved fast, Kazmire yelled, and the black-and-white-striped Lightning Zebra rushed over with a long hiss.Kazmire got on his horse, and before he even had time to say hello to Long, he commanded the Thunder Zebra to chase after the Lightning Crow.

"Although the Lightning Crow has not fully recovered, it is much stronger than when it was weak before. If Kazmire rushed to catch up, if it angered it, something might happen."

Kona said anxiously: "Now Kazmire's trainer level can't lower the Lightning Crow at all."

"Everyone come out!"

The dragon flipped his hands and scattered the three elf balls like flowers, and the figures of Flame Crow, Storm Salamander, and Kuailong flashed from the elf balls one by one.Kona and Sundae also threw out the ice god Frozen Crow and the three-headed dragon.The dragon turned over and jumped on the flame wu, and then he and the frozen wu took the lead in chasing the lightning wu and Kazmire, followed by Sundae and the three-headed dragon.

Sakura and Xiaoxue also flew up on Kuailong, while Lan directly grabbed Xiaoli who was still dazed and dazed on the back of the storm salamander...-379 Lightning Crow, Thunder and Lie Yan duel Flame Crow Frozen Crow climbed a steep hillside and leaped to the top of a mountain, and saw a crystal-clear blue lake shining with crystal light, while Long and Kona, the target Lightning Crow they were looking for, was soaked in the lake water. Not only that, but there are also electric shock beasts, Raichu, electric dragons, and naughty eggs in the lake, and many other electric-type Pokemon.

"What's the matter with this lake, so many electric-type Pokemon are here, even the Lightning Crow is here."

Sundae looked at the crystal lake with incredible eyes.

"Lightning Crow!"

At this time, the Thunder Zebra turned over the hillside and ran straight towards the lake. Kazmire turned over and jumped off the Thunder Zebra, looked at Lightning Crow and said eagerly, "Lightning Crow, please don't leave me, please?"

"Oh woo n" Lightning Crow stared at Kazmiri fiercely. At this time, all the electric-type Pokemon in the lake came up from the middle of the lake and shot golden and dazzling thunder at Kazmiri and Thunder Zebra. Lightning.

"Danger, Flame Crow, stop them quickly!"

With a finger of the dragon, the Flame Crow shook his head and ejected an extremely hot pillar of flames head-on, together with the bombardment from many Pokemons. There was a bang, and the blow of the Flame Crow completely burned ten All the electric shock tricks of the pokemon were blocked.

Flame Crow, Frozen Crow, Three-Headed Dragon, Kuailong and Storm Salamander flew down together, while Lightning Crow looked at the group of uninvited guests and still ignored them but continued to soak in the lake water.And those Pokemon of the electric type all surrounded them, as if they were protecting the Lightning Crow in front of the dragon.

"Who are you, how did you come to Lake Caldera!"

Just when Long and the group of electrical Pokemon were in a stalemate with each other and didn't know what to do, a woman ran over hurriedly and opened her arms to block everyone's face and asked sharply.This woman has short blue hair, is carrying a mountaineering bag, and is wearing a light yellow work uniform that looks like a forest ranger.

"Oh..." Huo Wu yelled loudly, opened his mouth and let out a flame that swept across the feet of the woman whose arms were in front of her, forcing her to retreat.Huoyanwu's temper has never been very good, and today he is even more irritable.As the God of Fire of Asia Island, the boss of all the flame crows of the three holy crows in the world, this Lightning Crow can be counted as the younger brother of the God of Thunder in Asia Island, so whether it is the Flame Crow of the Dragon or the Crow of the Kona The frozen crow can be regarded as the predecessor of this lightning crow.

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