Long said that he looked up at the dark crow that had been croaking all the time and said, "It's really unlucky. I didn't expect to see such an unlucky elf in broad daylight."

The dark crow ignored the dragon but continued to bark so loudly that people's heads would explode. The good mood of the young lady who had just tamed Pikachu was completely destroyed by the dark crow, just as she decided to drive away the pikachu. When it was dark, smoke and dust suddenly billowed in the distance.Hearing an excited laugh, a girl in a strange costume twisted a large cowhide handbag and hurried towards Long and his group.

"Dark Raven, what did you find, Pylast, Long-tailed Hand and Pikachu?"

The girl ran to Long and the others and looked around.Everyone looked at this girl wearing a black pointed hat, a robe embroidered with a magic circle, and a small cloak on her back. If she was holding a broom instead of a purse, she would be a real person. little witch.But even this is ridiculous enough, is this girl Cardcaptor Sakura?

"Pikachu, Plaster, and the Long-tailed Monster Hand..." The girl in the strange dress hugged Niura on the dragon's shoulders and put it down, followed by the Fireball Mouse holding Touzi again and again, and finally said in disappointment: "What are you doing? Well, it's Niura and Fireball Rat are not the Pokemon I'm looking for at all."

Looking at this young girl who seemed to be a bit nervous talking to herself, Lan finally couldn't help asking: "Excuse me...--Who are you?"

The girl seemed to have noticed that the dragons, the living beings, didn't answer Lan's question, but asked, "Excuse me, are you trainers? Do you have Pikachu, Plaster, or Long-tailed Hand?"

When Kazmire heard the girl's words, he said in a daze, "Pikachu, I happened to subdue ____ just now..."

Before Kazmire finished speaking, the girl jumped up again, and then suddenly moved her face in front of the eldest lady as if she was about to paste it.The girl let out a high-decibel scream, "Wow, there is really Pikachu, where is it, can you show me!"

Kazmire was taken two steps back by the strange girl whose height was even lower than his own, "That...--that, please don't get excited. May I ask if there is anything you want from Pikachu?"

Long also looked at the girl curiously. There are many people in strange clothes in this world.For example, exhibitionists like Uncle Xiba and Uncle Ah Si of Zhanlan Gym who often show their chests and belly, and flirtatious men like Du and Milike who often wear capes.Khan, these words cannot be heard by these people.

Long thought that normal people would not run around the world wearing this girl, and even if they attracted attention, they could pretend to be an angel or something. Even pretending to be a Sailor Moon was better than this witch.It is said that there is no "Harry Potter" and "Cardcaptor Sakura" in this world, so the witches should not be so popular.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The girl quickly bowed and apologized after hearing Kazmirei's question, and then said, "My name is Xiaoli, and I'm a Pokemon magician. Please give me your advice!"

"Pokemon magician?"

The dragon and the girls were taken aback, and then Long, who felt that his head was not enough, couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "What kind of stuff is that?"

"Pokemon magic I know, it's a way to use all kinds of Pokemon related things to benefit in life."

Sundae, who has always been known as a living encyclopedia, looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously while explaining, "But this is different from magic. Pokemon magic is an advanced knowledge that uses natural science, and it is not Those who want to be proficient cannot control it. It can be said that every Pokemon magician is a scientist who is proficient in the natural science of Pokemon, are you really a Pokemon magician?"

Listening to what Sundae said about the amazing Pokemon magician, Long couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him with doubts. Is there really such a young scientist and genius girl?

The girl named Xiaoli touched her head embarrassingly and said: "I am also an apprentice magician, but our family has been studying Pokemon magic for generations, and my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather is a A terrific mage."

Long was dizzy from hearing the girl's series of grandpas. He wondered how many grandpas she said she had seen.

Before the dragon was dizzy, the next call from Sundae knocked him out completely, "It turns out that your grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa is a magician, that's really amazing, but if you're a trainee magician It’s also pretty amazing.”

"Well, don't bother with Grandpa anymore, let's talk about Miss Xiaoli."

Touzi obviously couldn't bear so many grandpas just like the dragon, so he interrupted the sundae directly, then looked at the strange trainee magician with yearning and said: "Well, I have never seen Pokemon magic before, Xiao Li Miss wonders if you can perform and see."

The trainee magician Xiaoli squinted and smiled when she heard Touzi's words: "Recently, I am researching a lost fantasy magic, but the key to this magic can only be successful with Pikachu's [-] volts. So I went around with the Dark Crow. I have searched many places, I have searched in the village and the city but I can’t find it, so I am a little sad...""I was trying to use the magic to capture Pikachu...but that magic needs Lei Gong's mane is fine. But Lei Gong's mane is even more difficult to get, because..." This girl is really nervous, and she babbled for a long time by herself. The dragon and all the girls were dumbfounded. Finally, it was Xiaoxue who couldn't help interrupting her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Miss Xiaoli, that... Now that Kazmir has subdued the Pikachu you want, what is your magic?"

Xiaoxue smiled awkwardly.

Xiaoli held her chin with a gloved finger and said, "Well, the fantasy magic I'm researching now is actually a magic that can understand the mood of Pokemon, and can know all kinds of thoughts in Pokemon's heart. "

"Ah... there is such magic?"

This time, even the well-informed and well-informed Four Heavenly King Kona was not calm anymore. He looked at Xiaoli surprisingly and said, "Can you really perform this magic that sounds amazing?"

Xiaoxue first said in amazement: "This magic is simply a boon for breeders. If it can be realized, you don't have to think about Pokemon's ideas, and the relationship between people and Pokemon can be further improved."

Sakura said in amazement: "Among the people I've met now, the only one who can get along with Pokemon is Nazi, but Nazi is also a Pokemon with superpowers."

"Okay, okay, Miss Xiaoli, your magic is really amazing, can you show it to me quickly."

Touzi clasped his hands together and looked at Xiaoli beggingly, while Long and all the girls, including Sundae and Kona, showed curiosity and interest on their faces.

The trainee magician Xiaoli looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Since you all said so, I am too embarrassed to refuse, but..." Xiaoli said here, scratching her forehead and said in embarrassment: "This magic requires a lot. Materials, pots of secret potion, powdered antlers of the frightened deer, flower petals with lip prints of Miss Lips, and yogurt made from milk in large milk pots. I have collected all these, even with Pikachu’s One hundred thousand volts but I'm short of a few things."

Listening to the girl Lin Lin Zong always said a lot of strange things, Long couldn't help asking directly: "What are you short of, we will definitely find a way to help you get it, I am good at finding things."

"This is really great, thank you."

Xiao Li said happily when she heard Longjiang's chest slapping: "In addition to the above mentioned ones, I also sent Plaster's paralysis powder, the tears of the long-tailed monster's hand, and Meow's nail stains."

"It's really a strange thing."

Long muttered and then smiled and said: "But the three elves you mentioned are relatively easy to appear in the forest, so don't worry and leave it to me. Come out, Thunderbolt and Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

376 collected materials, full of jokes. "Aww n" Thunder Lion roared to attract Long and his party, and pushed away the bushes and grass, only to see a Plaster with a big mushroom on its back walking slowly on the grass Leaving.Xiaoli said happily: "It's really Palastye, it's really great, I can collect paralysis powder!"

Kazmire said: "Even if we found Pylast, what should we do next so that he can give us the paralysis powder?"

"It's simple, just fight it and induce it to use the paralyzing powder's ultimate move."

As soon as the eldest lady finished talking about the dragon, she greeted the Thunder Lion and rushed out from the bushes, "Palaster, take the move, one hundred thousand volts∥'Oh, n" the Thunder Lion roared before Pilast Before he had time to react, a golden thunder shot out from his body.

There was a thunderbolt, and one hundred thousand volts bombarded down. The Plaster trembled immediately, then turned over and passed out.Dumbfounded, Long looked at the charred Pylast and said in a daze, "If you don't want to just play around like this, you haven't collected the paralysis powder yet!"

"Ah... one..." Xiao Li rushed out from the bushes and shook Pilast desperately, but it seemed that the elf would not wake up for a while.Xiaoli said disappointedly, "I found this elf with great difficulty, what should I do now?"

Touzi pouted at the dragon dissatisfied and said: "It's so strange, uncle, he forgets everything when he starts fighting. This little elf looks very weak, but you let the Thunder Lion use such a powerful trick, and now it is completely slumped. Alright, where are we going to collect the paralysis powder!"

Long wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it's my fault...---I still have a way."

Long hurriedly took out a golden GS ball from his waist and threw it out, "Celebi, please, pray for healing to bring this Plaster back to life."

"Rabbi n" Celebi flew around in the air, leaving a faint green halo covering Palast's body. For just a moment, the scorched black body lying on the ground seemed to be washed by holy light. , Palast got up on the ground again in a daze.

"Okay, Thunder Lion, we must succeed this time!"

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