Ash yelled at the dragon.

"Hey, Ash, what about the things I threw on you?"

Long asked curiously.

"Xiao Zhi, you bastard."

Xiaoxia carried a large bag of things on her back and said angrily to Xiaozhi, "What do you say is just a fight, a fight, but it ended up being played. It's really abominable."

"I'm sorry Xiaoxia,"

Xiao Zhi waved his hand and said, "The last time, I'll be fine after defeating the dragon."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore."

Xiaoxia threw those things at Xiaozhi, "Give it back to you."

"Ah, be careful," Sakura shouted in surprise, "There is my precious perfume in there, don't break it."


Xiaozhi danced and then what Xiaoxia threw finally fell to the ground with a "pop" sound, and Xiaozhi's Poke Ball fell from his body to the ground at once.

"Hey, I can't stand this guy, it's too spoofable."

The dragon looked defeated.


A pair of big hands picked up Ash's Poké Ball, "We have received these Poké Balls."

"Who are you? Why take someone else's pokeball."

Xiaoxia said angrily.

"Since you asked the question sincerely."

The red-haired Musashi suddenly jumped out of the crowd.

"We will tell you mercifully!"

The blue-haired Kojiro pulled his head down and cried weakly.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed."

"To protect world peace."

"To carry out love and true evil."

"Lovely and charming villain."



"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy."

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us."

"That's it~ Meow~~~~" From the beginning to the end, only Musashi shouted the lines excitedly. Kojiro kept his head down. It seemed that he was cheated of money by the uncle who sold the carp king just like the original book.

"Team Rocket!"

Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and they were old acquaintances and they reacted immediately.

"All the elves here are taken over by Team Rocket."

Meow said.At this time, a large group of Rockets members carried pockets and absorbers and sucked the Pokeballs from their waists into their pockets, causing a great commotion.

Chapter 020: Sunken, San Annu

Looking at the constantly looting Rocket Team Dragon, he slapped his head violently, and was too invested in the battle with Sundae to forget it for a while. "Team Rocket? What kind of people are they?"

asked Sakura.

"Team Rocket is a group of evil organizations that specialize in robbing other people's elves. When I was Junsha in Victory City, they attacked the Viridian City Fairy Center and tried to snatch the elves there, but they failed."

Lan said angrily. "I heard about Team Rocket when I was at the Elf Academy. It's really low-level to use inferior means to rob other people's elves."

Sundaes are disdainful.

"You guys, get my Poke Ball back."

Xiao Zhi shouted loudly. "Oh, really, I just know what's the use of shouting so loudly."

The dragon threw the Poke Ball, "Hu Di, Flaming Monkey, Bi Diao, Bangira, Kuailong and Big Rock Snake took care of Team Rocket for me."

"Bang", "Bang", "Ban", "Lie", "Bi", "Roar" and "Hudi" The sudden appearance of several elves, especially the huge big rock snake, Kuailong, Bangira, and Bidiao 's appearance immediately engulfed a larger commotion.Musashi shouted loudly, "I said, that guy didn't want to demolish this place."

In the face of the destructive light of death flying all over the sky, the flames and the huge rolling stones falling from the sky from time to time, whether it is Team Rocket or an ordinary elf trainer, they can only hug their heads and fall to the ground to avoid attacks from all directions.

Musashi threw down Kojiro, who was still passive and almost unconscious, "What are you still confused about, do you want to be killed!"

Miaomiao dodged a seat that was blown away by the explosion of the death light and shouted, "Meow, how can there be such a person here, more crazy than our Rockets. Is he going to kill all the people here? !"

"Ah... run!" There were all kinds of wailing everywhere in the cabin. "Long, stop now, if this continues, we will suffer too."

Lan shouted loudly.

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