All the girls watching the battle at the side of the field silently watched Uncle Liu and scolded the dragon. Although Sakura and the others felt sorry for the dragon, this was the teaching of a senior Pokemon master, so she couldn't refute Uncle Liu's words at all. During this time to maintain the dragon.Xiao Nizi turned her head to look at her master, and Kona was also sitting beside the queen in silence.

The Frozen Throne, the only senior master here who is qualified to reprimand the dragon stood up from his seat at this time, then went straight to the dragon's side, patted his shoulder and said with a kind smile on his face: "Young man, you You've never had a setback, have you?"

Long looked at the kind old man in front of him with doubts on his face, and the empress nodded and looked at Uncle Liu on the opposite side, then turned to Long and said, "Ah Liu's words are a bit too harsh, as a newcomer trainer, what you have done is not enough. Quite good. It is not necessarily a good thing for young people to be too smooth on the road to success. Everyone learns to walk when they are constantly wrestling when they are young. No one will always be successful. Failure and setbacks are life A compulsory course."

The queen said that here she cast a reproachful look at Kona, then shook her head helplessly and said, "In the end, it's actually my precious apprentice who spoiled you. It's not a good thing for her to spoil you like this. He is a man who bravely bears the burden of wind and rain, not a spoiled flower in a greenhouse."

Looking at Long Dai with a puzzled look on his face, he changed into a sincere tone and said: "The words Ah Liu said today were not intended to hurt your self-confidence. In fact, today's gymnasium competition is I ask him to intentionally give you some setbacks and blows."

Hearing Dai Hou's words, Long, the girls on the sidelines, and even Kona all looked surprised. They really didn't forgive them, and they still hid such a thing in the middle, which is really shocking.

"Master... [-]" Ke Na stood up with a look of astonishment on his face, and the queen raised her hand to stop her from speaking, but looked at her with a look of reproach and said, "Do you really think that Master is old? I'm so old and confused, and now I'm starting to hide things from me. You, you have been dazzled by love, and usually a shrewd person has become stupid, so it's so easy to be deceived by others. "

Hearing what Daihou said, Kona quickly waved his hand and said: "Master, listen to me to explain..." Kona was busy trying to explain the relationship between her and the dragon, but there was a difference for a while. I know where to say it, but I can't figure out how to explain it. It's really like Dai Hou said, the ice queen, who is usually shrewd and known for her calm and wise, is actually talking out of her mouth.

Uncle Liu took the ivory pig back and went straight to the empress with his hands in his arms, saying, "Before, I asked me to help your son-in-law find setbacks, but now you are here to comfort him yourself. Sister, you came here specially to ask me to be the son-in-law." Is the villain?"

Long and Kona were blushed by Uncle Liu's son-in-law, but Long took advantage of the name Long, and looked at Kona furtively.

Seeing Uncle Liu making fun of himself, Empress Dai couldn't help laughing, "Originally I proposed that I be responsible for testing his strength, but A Liu, what did you say that this is your gymnasium, since you don't want to lend yourself Then I have to ask you the other way around. At first I was worried that you would be defeated, but in the end I would be taught a lesson, but it’s okay..." Uncle Liu frowned when he heard the words of Empress Dai, and his tone was bad He said: "Senior sister, what do you mean by that? Could it be that I am so unbearable in my eyes that even a kid from a new trainer can't win? Are you going to find a place for your apprentice to fight against me? Then That's it, it's up to you to take over for this brat to finish this unfinished game. He still has an elf that can be used. I want to see how the Frozen Throne got this ice badge from me of!"


Empress Dai looked at Liu Bo with raised eyebrows and said, "A Liu, are you serious?"

Uncle Liu snorted coldly, then looked at Empress Dai and said, "Hmph, I don't like to tell jokes, and my temper hasn't changed for decades!"

After Liu Bo finished speaking, he walked straight back to the other side of the battle field. The weight ball bounced away with a bang, and the prehistoric giant ivory pig with a height of more than three meters roared and appeared in front of everyone again.

"what happened?"

The dragon, the girls, and even Kona were stunned. Things seemed to have become outrageous all of a sudden, and when the contemporary queen walked straight to the position where the dragon had just stood, everyone felt confused.

This, this is... - this is nonsense!

I've never heard of gymnastic competitions where substitutes play. This is simply absurd, but this absurd and unruly thing is happening, and Dan is directing this scene with two well-known big men in the league.God, this is just a dream!

Long and Sundae turned their eyes to Kona together. Are these two childish old urchins really her master and uncle?The Ice Queen looked at the eyes of everyone looking over one by one with a wry smile on her face, and then said helplessly: "I suddenly realized that I was just as dazed as you are. The ten years of my time with Master were wasted, and I didn't know She still has this side!"

Aunt Xima looked at the empress and Liu Bo and laughed. The only one who was not surprised was her. This aunt who claimed to be a young girl with a lot of energy said with a smile: "It's really interesting. It turns out that the challenge The player can also replace the trainer, but does the alliance have such a rule?"

The queen put her hands behind her back, then blinked and said to Sima: "Now most of the rules of the Elven League are approved by me. Now I temporarily add this rule until the end of this game. It will not take effect in the future. You What do you say?"

Sima nodded amusedly and then kept saying that such words would have legal effect.Then "Of course, you used the Frozen Throne to say this. Now, the challenger really replaces the trainer with the Dragon of New Town, and the Frozen Throne will replace him. The competition with the gym trainer Liu Bo continues now!"

"Ah... one" the dragon and all the girls opened their mouths together, and all of them stood at the edge of the field in a daze, their entire jaws were about to hit the ground.This shit can do it too... A gust of cold wind blows, and the people who are collectively petrified stand there like statues, motionless... - Dai Hou reached out and took out a red and white poke ball from behind He threw it out with a flick of his hand, "Then it's my last one, go ∥'my yo n" A cute little elf with bright pink eyes and big eyes blinked his eyes, and the little guy pouted. Dudu's lips appeared in the middle of the playing field with his hands on his hips in a very sprouting shape.

Looking at this little lolita who is less than half a meter tall and has a head of golden hair appearing on the playing field, which is very cute and sprouting, the mouths of the dragon and the girls on the sidelines once again opened their mouths very inconspicuously. This is...- - lips baby?

Touzi quickly took out the Pokemon illustrated book, "Milip baby, Kissing Pokemon, the attributes are ice and super power. The nerves of the lips are the most sensitive, whether it is something you like or hate, you can touch it with your lips to mark it." Stop, confirm what it is. Keep pretending to be kissing, and keep shaking your head in a comfortable rhythm."

368's cute lip baby, Ice Battle lip baby is a cute and cute little lolita, but the Pokemon competition is extremely cruel, no one will show mercy just because lip baby is a cute little loli.The dragon and the girls were all skeptical about using such a little guy to fight Liu Bo's unusually strong ivory pig. Can this little guy really beat that giant beast that is more than three meters tall?

As a professional referee, it is not within her scope to consider whether the Milip baby who will be the next generation will be the opponent of Liu Bo's ivory pig.Aunt Sima waved the flag and announced loudly: "Missing lips against ivory pigs, the match is now officially started!"

Liu Bo preemptively waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Ivory pig, use Blizzard ∥'吹吱n" The ivory pig shook the thick body hair covering its body rapidly, and immediately a violent storm of snow blew towards Milip Baby , The entire playing field was immediately diffused in a white mist of ice, blocking the sight of the entire playing field.

There was a loud bang, and countless ice chips shot out from the mist and snowstorm, and a huge black figure appeared in everyone's sight. The condensed iceberg was like a heavy armored chariot and was directly crushed towards Milip Baby. With Milip Baby's small body, there is no doubt that she would be smashed into mud.

The queen put her hands behind her back with a faint smile on her face, "Milip baby, use blowing snow ∥' mi yo n" Milip baby pursed her lips and then blew a layer of violent storm tornado forward, a storm tornado with swirl-shaped makeup Wrapped in snowflakes and hail, it rushed towards the ivory pig and flew straight away.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a huge amount of energy under the small body of Milip Baby. The tornado of ice and snow that flew in anger wrapped around the ivory pig and then condensed rapidly. The ivory pig seemed to be bound by several ice chains. Entangling half of it, the huge body was trapped in the ice cage to death for a while.

The ferocious impact of the giant ivory pig slowed down in this way, and the blizzard slowly dissipated. Liu Bo pointed his arm and shouted loudly: "This trouble is nothing, Ivory pig, hit it out∥'哩n" Ivory With a loud roar, the pig stepped heavily on the ice, and the two giant fangs stirred and smashed the ice chains that locked it up.The ivory pig let out a loud roar, and charged towards Milip Baby at an even faster speed.

Behind the back of Daihou's arm, he said softly, "Avoid."

Milip Baby leaned over and slipped directly from under the ivory pig to the back of the giant beast.Long and all the girls were taken aback. This baby with lips is really unexpected, the idea is too bold!

Uncle Liu also didn't expect that Daihou would use this method to avoid his slamming impact, and the huge body of the ivory pig, which was three meters high, lost his opponent's figure for a moment. But small-scale movement is extremely difficult.

The empress smiled lightly on her face and then directly instructed: "Angel's kiss ∥'my yo n" Milip baby flashed her big eyes and then blinked playfully, her little hand tapped her lips and threw it at the ivory pig A few blown kisses.As soon as the ivory pig pretended to turn around, he was blown pink kisses several times in a row. The ivory pig's eyes dazzled for a while, its steps staggered, and its body swayed like a convulsion.

Touzi waved his arms and shouted loudly: "The ivory pig has fallen into a state of chaos, now is a good time to fight back!"

However, Dai Hou gave up this very good opportunity, and Milip Baby used a sliding shovel to get under the ivory pig's body and get behind the giant beast's butt again.The ivory pig in a state of confusion couldn't hear the trainer's orders. The ivory pig roared angrily with its huge body and rampaged across the field. Two ice rocks were directly smashed by this huge body.

Uncle Liu felt that there was no need to continue to let things go like this, so he immediately shouted: "Ivory pig, quickly use your sleeping trick!"

Liu Bo wanted the ivory pig to recover its physical strength by using the trick of sleeping. If the ivory pig is really successful, it can also directly stagger the effect of chaos. When it wakes up, the effect of the state of chaos should also disappear. A good plan to kill two birds with one stone!

"Do you want to sleep? It's easy."

Shuangyu, the descendant of the generation, said with a smile on his back: "Milip Baby, use your unique singing skills... 哕哕呵...--啊米啦, Bo Li Li Bo..." Mi Lip Baby kept shaking her hands and sang with her eyes closed. There was a melodious and bewildering lullaby, beautiful notes circling around the head of the ivory pig, the eyelids of the rioting ivory pig became heavier and heavier, and finally the eyes closed and the huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

Empress Dai chuckled and then said in a clear voice, "Dream Eater!"

Milip Baby's body jumped directly onto the ivory pig's body with a missile. The eyes of this sprouting little loli suddenly opened and shone with a strange light, and the whole small arm was attached to the huge body of the ivory pig.

The sleeping ivory pig's face suddenly showed a burst of pain, as if it had encountered some terrible thing, and its body trembled uncontrollably in its sleep.On the other hand, Milip Baby's body shone with a burst of green light, which was because she was constantly sucking the strength of the ivory pig!Uncle Liu yelled loudly to wake the ivory pig from its deep sleep, but it was ineffective. The ivory pig's face became paler and paler, and the expression of fear indicated that its physical strength was rapidly draining.

Dai Hou chuckled, "Enough is enough! Milip baby, the last blow, sober slap!"

"Miyo"" Milip Baby jumped high on the tiptoe of the ivory pig's body after a high-speed rotation. Knock on the head of the ivory pig.

An invisible energy surged loudly, and with a bang, the ice layer under the ivory pig's body continued to shatter and break.The huge body of the ivory pig sank down with a bang, and the ivory pig, which suddenly woke up from sleep, let out a mournful roar, and then the huge body fell to the side on the ice with a bang, and this time it couldn't get up again !

"The ivory pig loses the ability to fight, and the lip baby wins!"

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