Looking at the cherry blossoms not far away, the dragon released all his elves from the elf ball, Menus, water elves, Gotha duck, small saw crocodile, hippo king and iron armored tyrannosaurus, like a military parade Reviewing his large troops, seeing Xiao Nizi's sad face seemed to be entangled.

Looking at the leisurely and contented expression of the Hippo King, the dragon couldn't help laughing, this guy is usually too lazy to move, if it can run the whole distance, it may take half a day.As for the little saw crocodile and the water elf, they were also eliminated. These two are too small for them to pull people to participate in this rambunctious racing competition. It is too difficult for them.

As for Menus and Gotha Duck, they are both good swimmers in the water, but it is too difficult to compete on the shore. As a result, in Xiaonizi's lineup, only this non-water-type iron-clad tyrannosaurus can compete. It's worth it.Even if it is a strongman in the world of rock elves, but is the two-legged Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus the opponent of the four-legged Wind Speed ​​Dog and Thunder Lion?

Long turned his eyes to Touzi on the other side. This girl trainer is very good, and the flame-type Pokemon in her hand is also very powerful, and her tactical style of play is exactly the same as that of Long. People themselves feel very strange, even the relationship between master and apprentice is not like them, obviously these two people have nothing to do with each other before.

In addition to the water-type elf, Ying Tuo also has a non-water-type iron-clad tyrannosaurus that can surf, while Touzi is a lineup of all six fire-types.The final evolution of Yan Wuwang, the initial Pokemon Nuannuan pig in the Yixiu area, is also the fire-breathing dragon, fire elf, Vulcan worm, Dharma baboon and chandelier ghost.This set of plastic surgery looks more luxurious than Sakura's, especially the Vulcan worm, which is rare in the Yixiu area and a rare Pokemon.

It's a pity that this game is not a battle between elves, and obviously there is no player in Touzi's team who is particularly suitable for this game. "Fire-breathing dragon... [-]" Touzi was just experimenting with this big guy with wings, but the girl's whole body was dragged off the skateboard by the leaping fire-breathing dragon and fell headlong to the ground.Seeing that Touzi's upturned butt suffered another disaster, Long was really a little worried. It would not be worthwhile if it fell into two pieces for such a match.

"I will win this match!"

The dragon immediately roared and said loudly to the wind speed dog: "Use super speed ∥ 'Wow n'" the wind speed dog roared and his body accelerated suddenly, and Long suddenly felt that his body had not caught up with its starting speed, and his whole body was blown by the wind speed like flying a kite. The dog pulled and galloped ahead.There was a whirring sound in his ears, and the dragon was frightened, and he flew out and hit his head on the wind speed dog's buttocks, and then fell to the ground in a daze.

"Haha, hahaha... [-]" Not far away, Touzi put her waist down and laughed out loudly. This girl is really flawed, and she must be reported for her flaws. Unexpectedly, Long just finished laughing, and she soon got caught too. up.The super fast start speed of Wind Speed ​​Dog can be compared with Bugatti, and the dragon did not come and react in time, so it was a big embarrassment.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"" the wind speed dog ran to the side, bent down and whimpered continuously, his face was full of self-blame. The dragon had no choice but to comfort it and said: "Feng speed dog, this time is not as usual, this time I can't Riding on your back, so when you run and start speed, you can't do whatever you want as usual, you must control your pace, and I will follow you to adjust the rhythm. "

"Aww n" the wind speed dog looked at the dragon's eyes with a puzzled look, the dragon didn't know how to explain to it, the wind speed dog had the feeling that the dragon was riding wildly on its back as usual, so the rhythm with the dragon was always the same for a while. Can't connect.After falling a few more somersaults in a row, Long felt that he had no time to get in touch with the wind speed dog. More importantly, his body couldn't hold it anymore, and he would definitely fall apart after falling so many times.

In desperation, the dragon had no choice but to replace the members, comforted the wind speed dog and took it back into the poke ball. The dragon began to try to cooperate with the thunder lion...--345 speed, the grand fireworks of the competition bloomed in the air, which is the practice of all large-scale competitions Although the Thunder Town's annual Pokemon Speed ​​Race doesn't gather as many contestants as the Odomare Water Race, the number of applicants is still quite impressive.

There is no preliminaries and finals in this competition. All the contestants will start at the five assigned locations at the same time, and then return to the town along the same road after getting a substitute for an elf egg at the transfer station Dazao Breeding House. On the road, there are twelve contestants in each of the five locations, and everyone starts at the same time, and the contestant who reaches the finish line first through the transfer station will win the final prize.

The distance from the five locations to the transfer station is about the same 3.4 miles, and the distance from the transfer station to the finish line is 4.2 miles, so the total length of this race is 7.6 miles, with a total distance of more than 1 meters.The over 12-kilometer race in Thunder Town is much longer than Aldomare's water race, but Aldomare's waterways are more complicated and have route restrictions.However, there is no route requirement for the racing competition in Thunder Town, and all players are free to choose the route.

Dragon, Sakura, and Touko are at three different starting points. Dragon’s partner elf is Thunder Lion, Sakura finally chooses Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Touko chooses King Yanwu. I don’t know how these two two-legged guys ended up. What kind of performance can you have.However, Long always feels that these two will be very reluctant. The rock body of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus exceeds 120 kilograms and King Yanwu is even more ridiculous. This fat pig weighs [-] + [-] kilograms. It is really embarrassing for two big fat people to participate in the long-distance running. They are gone.

Looking around at the other eleven players in the same group, Long couldn't help but look confused, Lada, Overlord Flower, Fast Swimming Frog, Abby Lang and even Big Needle Bee, etc. Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonderful things in this kind of competition, The only thing that can attract attention is the three-headed Duduli, the frightened horned deer and Dunjia.In particular, Duduli is a well-known long-distance runner who can reach an average speed of [-] miles per hour.

There was a beep, and the red light indicating the start of the game came on, and the Thunder Lion took the lead to start the timing very well.The rest of the players around him also started one after another, but there was still a little accident. A toucan trainer screamed and was dragged into the air by his own elf and then fell down and gnawed on the mud.Sure enough, although there is no restriction on the use of elves, it is not a very clear choice to use the flying type in such a game. Of course, the Duduli, who is galloping on two legs, is an exception.

"Thunder Lion seizes the path in the middle, don't go on the grass!"

Long carefully stepped on the skateboard, grasped the reins quietly, and followed the thunder lion to slide to the road less than six feet long. The grass next to it was relatively soft, and if it was not good, the pulley would sink into the mud.Long and Thunder Lion had honed a tacit understanding last night, and Thunder Lion was more and more comfortable controlling the speed.

Now the situation on the fifth track of the dragon is that the Thunder Lion is the first to ride, followed by Duduli, the Horned Deer, and Dunjia, who is stepping on the ground with a bang.Without exception, everyone chose to seize the not very wide road in the middle. Just now, as a lesson from the past, the Lada trainer had overturned and fell down there.

This is how Thunder Lion controls a uniform and stable running speed. Looking at the rapidly retreating scenery around him, Long estimated that the current speed should reach about [-] miles. This is the beginning stage. It is very good to maintain this situation.Although Thunder Lion's speed is much faster than this, Long also needs to consider whether he can control it, especially since the track is not flat, and the hilly terrain still has ups and downs.

"Doodoo, speed up!"

At this time, the Duduli trainer at the back was finally dissatisfied that the dragon had been occupying the middle track, and Duduli began to sprint&sprint&go forward with all his strength, rolling past the dragon and Thunder Lion like a whirlwind, and leaping down. Poe threw the dragon far away at once.

"Damn, do you want to bring something like this!"

Looking at the guy squatting and leaping while sticking to the skateboard, Long knew that the other party was very proficient in skateboarding. The trainer of Duduli should be a local resident, so he was already familiar with this sport.Skateboarding is something that is faster and more controllable. In the end, this competition does not mean that the elves will win when they reach the finish line. It must pay attention to the cooperation between the trainers.

"Wow n" Thunder Lion let out a roar and stared at the county Duduli in front of him. Looking at it, Long knew that this proud guy was angry.It's like a Mercedes-Benz is running on the road, but suddenly a car is speeding past him. If the other party is a Bugatti, that's fine, but the other party is a BMW. Even if the driver doesn't get angry, the car will I can't swallow this breath myself.

Thunder Lion's speed has increased significantly and is getting faster and faster. Long felt that the skateboard under his feet was swinging violently and quickly dissuaded him, saying: "Calm down, Thunder Lion, the game is just starting now, it's not time to sprint hard, control the speed and slow down." Slow down... one" "嗤嘻n" Lei Dianshi finally suppressed his anger a little bit, and his running speed gradually slowed down. Long finally regained control of the skateboard under his feet.

Long looked at the Duduli trainer in front of him and finally slowed down after throwing himself 300 meters. With such a long distance, Long wanted the Thunder Lion to strike a lightning bolt and send the kid directly to him Grandma, but this time the competition rules allow the use of special moves to speed up, but it is absolutely not allowed to directly attack other trainers.Otherwise, before the start of the game, Long would let Thunder Lion directly knock down all the opponents, then rush to the transfer station and flatten the players who came from the rest of the track regardless of the three-seven-two-one, and finally left himself to catch up leisurely. go to finish.

Since then, the dragon has been firmly suppressed by that Duduli trainer, but he is ahead of this group. The other trainers finally rushed to the transfer station Dazao Breeding House to get a replacement elf egg. In the group, only the frightened horned deer and Dunjia can still follow behind. As for the rest of the Lada and the big needle bee, they have disappeared far away.

"Uncle... [-]" Long Long heard a familiar voice, and when he realized it, Touzi wearing a sun hat had already flashed past him.With a slight hook of his footsteps, he picked up the skateboard and grabbed it in his hand. The movement was indescribably chic and heroic, and Long Yi stared straight at his eyes for a moment.King Yanwu, who was about the same height as Touzi, ran over after the girl, but it seemed that she was not very relaxed just now.

"Why is your skateboard so good?"

Long looked at Touzi curiously and asked, this girl struggled with the contestants for a whole day last night and didn't have time to get in touch, so she didn't show her beauty in the end.On Long's side, it was because of him that the Thunder Lion's speed was slowed down, while on Touzi's side, it was the Pokemon that slowed down the trainer's speed.

"You don't even look at who I am, I'm a tortoise!"

Tou Zijiao & raised his head and shrugged his nose in an indescribably cute way, Tou Zi looked at the dragon and said: "I didn't expect that uncle, your movements are not slow, but the track on your side is the fastest Arrived first?"

Long suddenly slapped his head, the game was only halfway through, and now is not the time to chat. "There is a Dodoo trainer who is good at skateboarding. He ran away before me. If we don't catch up, we will never be able to catch up with him."

Long said that if Ruo hurriedly called Touzi to catch up, as he had guessed before, King Yanwu, who only had two legs but weighed more than 150 kilograms, was really hard to run, and the race of more than [-] kilometers was also a test for the physical strength of the second brother .

Touzi was able to keep pace with the dragon entirely by relying on his proficient skateboarding skills, and the two barely managed to keep their speed above forty miles. "Uncle, don't be complacent. If I want to subdue the wind speed dog, how can I fall behind you."

Touzi said angrily, "It's a waste of such a good seed player as the Thunder Lion in your hands. If it were me, I would definitely be faster than that Duduli trainer. There is no problem within [-] miles." !"

"What's the use of you being faster than me..." Long's forehead was bulging with blue veins when he heard Touzi's strange uncle's call. If it weren't for the competition, Long would definitely reward this girl with a "sugar-fried chestnut", "You also care about it. Brother, can you increase the speed to [-] mph, we have to leave first. Thunder Lion, speed up, and throw King Yanwu away in one breath!"

Touzi and Sakura, who obviously don't have suitable elves, come here to make do with it. Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus and Xiaonizi are completely missing. It is estimated that the rock-type hunk is even more unbearable than the second senior brother. Although King Yanwu screamed He was gasping for breath, but his strength was sufficient and he still had more energy left.As for Sakura and Armored Tyrannosaurus, let’s forget about it. If it’s a car, even the little girl who is driving an F1 car is fully capable of driving it. I’m afraid the group of Sakura should give up.

"Aww..." Thunder Lion let out a roar, then his body suddenly rose, and then he quickly left the wheezing Yanwu King far behind, and Long heard Touzi's loud shouting from behind.Like the wind in his ears, the dragon let the thunder lion continue to accelerate with all his strength.Maybe he was really stimulated by the girl Touzi just now. Long didn't intend to slow down the thunder lion at all. The body of the Duduli trainer in front finally appeared in his eyes.

As if sensing someone chasing him from behind, the fast-running Duduli picked up his speed again.Long's spirit is highly concentrated, and his speed is now estimated to be close to sixty miles, and the skateboard under his feet is now swinging fiercely.Looking at the scenery flashing past his ears, Long felt his legs were shaking violently, and there might be a mistake if he was not careful.

"Thunder Lion, don't continue to speed up, just stay in the current state and chase Duduli in front of you."

Long looked at the curved mountain road and the undulating terrain in front of him and had to make him cautious. It is a good thing to be motivated, but if you are dazed by your drive, you will have no brains.

Long Chao passed the difficult terrain very smoothly and kept chasing Duduli in front, but the speed of the opponent was no less than him, and the distance between the two sides was about 300 meters. According to If the current situation continues, it will not be able to catch up at all.

The game is still going on, Thunder Lion has run about seven miles in a row but still does not show signs of weakness, while Duduli in front is not as relaxed as Thunder Lion, but it is far from reaching the limit.According to the development of this situation, it is very likely that the other party will cross the finish line in one breath, which is definitely not what Long wants!

The last half mile was a straight line sprint. Duduli's trainer increased his speed again, maybe with his skateboard speed, he could increase the speed even higher in a straight line, but at [-] miles, it was already too much. Duduli's limit.

Long felt that this opportunity was here, and immediately shouted furiously at the Thunder Lion: "Continue to speed up and catch up with the opponent in one breath, Thunder Lion, use Mad & Wild Volt∥'嘿嘿n" Thunder Lion roared and suddenly his body was full of blood. There was a burst of dazzling golden lightning, and the roaring Thunder Lion was like a golden flash that quickly increased its speed and pulled the dragon to run rapidly.

The friction between the pulley and the ground became more and more intense, and the dragon felt the oncoming strong wind blowing past the scenery in front of him, and it was constantly moving backwards.The nerds in the previous life did not dare to exceed the speed of [-] mph when riding a motorcycle, let alone play with a skateboard so fast, the speed is estimated to exceed [-] mph!

Stimulated by the thunder and lightning, the Thunder Lion ran extremely fast, and the distance between the two sides narrowed rapidly, and finally the dragon leaped past and left Duduli's trainer behind.

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