The dragon suddenly jumped up and said loudly in surprise: "This...--this Chen Shimei was later acquired by Oda City, the number one beauty in the Warring States Period? And the general mentioned in this diary is one of the three heroes of the Warring States Period in Japan' Demon King of the Sixth Heaven 'Oda Nobunaga?"

Long couldn't calm down anymore, how could it be, this is really amazing!He hadn't heard anything about Ashi before, but when he connected the general in his diary with the Honnoji he said, he suddenly thought of this famous figure in the Warring States Period of Japan, the demon king Nobunaga of the Honnoji Temple and his soul-destroying Honnoji Temple. The younger sister of that "No. [-] Beauty", Oda City.

Sundae looked at the dragon suspiciously, obviously confused by his four-dimensional jumping nerves, and she didn't know much about Oda City and Oda Nobunaga.She didn't understand why the dragon suddenly had such a big reaction and the expression on his face was so surprised. Seeing the horrified expression on the dragon's face, she forgot to continue reading for a while, and wanted to ask aloud, but it was inexplicable. .

Long's heart was filled with huge waves, and he was even more shocked than before.He doesn't know much about the history of Japan, but through the two games "Sengoku Warriors" and "Pokemon: Nobunaga's Ambition", he can still know some famous figures in the Warring States Period and the most important things in their lives.The Warring States Period in Japan is very similar to the Three Kingdoms Period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China.Among them, Oda Nobunaga and Oda City are the outstanding representatives of men and women. They are equivalent to Cao Cao, the hero of the Three Kingdoms era, and Diao Chan, the first beauty!

Rare!Long cursed in his heart, then looked at the man in the portrait who looked exactly like himself and thought, this guy's wife is the number one beauty, Oda City, so this wretched guy is Asai Nagamasa... This guy is just virtuous and wretched, it's a waste of such a handsome skin... But it seems that Asai Nagamasa and Oda Nobunaga are not dealing with it, but what is described here seems to be not the case, but what happened ?

After the shock in Long's heart, his heart gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help but wondered.Both Oda City and Oda Nobunaga are characters from the Warring States Period in Japan. How could they appear in the history of the Pokemon world?Long suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that the ancient composition of this world is really the same as that portrayed in the game "Pocket Nobunaga"?

"Dragon? What's wrong with you?"

Sundae looked at the pensive dragon and asked curiously, "What's the matter, why do you have such a big reaction?"

Long waved his hand and looked at Sundae and said: "You just turn to the last page of the diary and see what this guy wrote last. Why did such a character suddenly disappear? What happened to him? ?

Sundae nodded in doubt and continued to read: "I thought that the general would unify the world immediately and create a world of peace and tranquility for everyone, but who knew that because of the passing of the general, everyone became restless and more intense wars broke out again. ...[-]" "I've grown tired of this chaotic world of war, and I want to go to a place where no one lives and live a peaceful life with my beloved. I just found out that I was still in love with her, my real Wife, she must be waiting for me obsessively, I firmly believe! I must go to her, I am tired of this world, I am tired of this home, I want to go back alone, go back..." This is the last page of the diary It turned out that the owner of this house, Chu Chu, was not planning to come back when he left.Long and Sundae felt sad suddenly, poor Luoke and Kyuubi had been waiting...-- While Sundae was talking, I suddenly felt a gloomy wind coming from the room, and the black and white portrait hanging on the wall It was shaking and beeping on the wall and then fell to the ground.

Long and Sundae's relaxed nerves suddenly tightened like bowstrings, the light in the room suddenly dimmed, and the quiet environment and atmosphere became extremely strange and gloomy.Sundae was frightened by this sudden change, and threw the diary in his hand on the ground in extreme fright. His frail body nestled in the arms of the dragon, trembling.

"Come on, come on, it's really a ghost..."

The degree of panic in Long's heart is not inferior to Sundae's at all. If he still had such a fluke in his heart before, then after reading this diary, all the guesses in his heart before have been confirmed. There is not only a female ghost in this house, but also A demon fox that has become a spirit is a real nine-tailed demon fox and a thousand-year-old ghost!

Long quickly reached out to take out the poke ball from his waist, but suddenly he felt a dizzy feeling in his head, and Long felt that the surrounding environment was constantly changing, and the whole room and space seemed to be spinning rapidly.The blue elf ball pendant on the dragon's neck was shining with crystal light, and I felt dizzy, uh, the dragon fell to the ground with Sundae's whole body in his arms... "Woo... one" Long rubbed his painful head, moved his fingers, and finally opened his eyes slowly.The space is a quiet darkness, the silence is like hell, it feels like there is nothing here.

"Sundai... [-]" Long suddenly remembered that something was more important than whether he was in the underworld, and immediately looked into his arms.What greeted us was a pair of bright and clear eyes with a touch of sadness and complex emotions. The dragon's heart turned pale with shock, and suddenly let go of the girl in his arms. Suddenly, he said in an incoherent tone: "You...--you are ..."The girl smiled lightly with a sad look on her face, she had soft and silver-white shawl-length hair, adorned with beautiful flowers on her head, and around her neck was a string of blue jewel-like bright necklaces.The beautiful and cool face is filled with a faint sad look, she is wearing a sleeveless white silk long dress that mopping the floor, and she is wearing a pair of white silk cloth shoes embroidered with small is.

When the girl saw the dragon avoiding her name in fear, she couldn't help but look sad, "I've been by your side forever, don't tell me, have you forgotten me?"

"No, no, no..." Long waved his hands again and again, then finally got up from the ground and asked in surprise, "Ye, why did you appear, where is this place?"

The girl in front of me is the blue elf ball charm that Yun has been wearing on Long's neck, the wandering soul of the girl I met in Maiden Gorge in the Kanto area last year, Ye.

"Why... [-]" The girl had a sad face, clasped her hands together in front of her chest, this delicate and weak look was like a Xizi holding a heart, her beauty was unmatched and aroused infinite love and pity, and she wanted to embrace her in her arms and take care of her.

"Dragon, can you hold me?"

The girl suddenly opened her eyes slowly, looked at him and said pleadingly: "I really want to be able to fall into your arms, even if this is an empty space, a world that does not exist like phantoms. After waiting for thousands of years, I finally waited. But this is not what I hope for. Now, I just want a hug and sustenance..." Looking at the girl with a sad look, he suddenly thought of the guy who looked like himself in the black and white photo, could it be ...-340 How much do you know about flowers falling in a dream, the two lovers who are immortal in the sky look at each other's eyes like this, full of smiles, completely natural.Girl Ye felt that something seemed to surround her body, and she completely released all the suppressed emotions in her heart, all the cells in her body were mobilized, and when she breathed, it seemed that the air was singing.

Looking at each other and smiling, Ye's eyes were full of excitement, but Long's eyes were full of tenderness.Ye's heart trembled, and the smile on his face hadn't completely melted.Looking at this contagious smile, so real and touching, he hesitated for a moment and then unconsciously kissed the girl's small mouth.

The two are doomed to have no relationship in this life. Although it is an illusion, the girl is really giving all her emotions, including the pure virgin body that was too late to give to her lover in her previous life. The thousand years of waiting finally came to fruition.She hated why she had to wait for a thousand years, why there was such an insurmountable horizontal gap between the two, and there was no way to pass through without a physical body.God is too fortunate for her, why can't she let her be born a thousand years later...-I was born before I was born, and I am old when I was born.You hate me for being born late, I hate you for being born early.You were born before I was born, and I am old when I was born.I hate not being born at the same time, but the day is good to you. I was born before you were born, and I am old when you were born. I am far away from you, and you are separated from me. Looking for flowers, living in fragrant grass every night.

"Ye, I swear, in this life, in the next life, no matter how many lives there are in the future, I will make you my woman and make you happy forever."

After Long finished speaking softly, he pushed & entered her Yun's body lightly.The girl bit the dragon's shoulder, and a string of tears rolled down.She thought she had finally become a real woman.For this, she paid a thousand years of waiting.

341 Thousand-year-old evildoer, nine-tailed sky fox "Dragon...why are you...crying?"

Sundae looked at the room and rubbed the blue elf ball-shaped pendant on his neck with a dazed look, and there was a sparkle in the corner of his eyes.In this quiet room, even each other's breathing can be heard clearly, Sundae can't see Long's sad face clearly, but he can understand his sadness and desolation.

Long remained silent, but leaned over to pick up the black and white portrait on the ground, looked at the smiling face that completely resembled himself, and sneered, "Maybe you and I are both unlucky, you make two women crazy I have been waiting for a thousand years, and I want to help you end this entangled relationship after a thousand years. That's all, maybe you are really my past life, and I don't know."

Sundae watched suspiciously as the dragon put the portrait in his hand on the table, and pretending to be himself, the dragon suddenly embraced it tightly in his arms, as if feeling deeply in love, he said, "I won't let it go." For you, ten years, one hundred years or one thousand years, never...--" "Dragon, you..." Sundae gently pressed his head into that broad chest, and sure enough, this chest is still so big. Reassuring.The most important thing is the promise made by Long just now. The corner of Sundae's mouth was slightly raised, and a palpitating smile appeared on his face.

Long hugged tightly, then looked at the nine-tailed bird in the photo and said, "It's time to end, the thousand years of persistence and waiting, let me end all of this, maybe this is fate and long-cherished wish."

Sundae raised his head and looked at Long's eyes showing doubts and incomprehension. Long smiled lightly and then told Sundae all his rest methods.

"You want to tame that nine-tailed one?"

Sundae looked at the dragon in amazement and said: "Is this really feasible? The other party does not look like an ordinary nine-tailed fox, but a demon fox that has lived for thousands of years. Even the nine-tailed fox that has accumulated over the years The strength has also grown to an extremely shocking level, is it really possible for you to do this?"

Long looked at the shocked sundae with a reassuring look and said: "I only heard the proverb that the nine-tailed turtle lived for a thousand years, and the kami turtle lived for ten thousand years, and the kami turtle lived ten thousand years. I didn’t expect that it’s really a coincidence that we ran into it. After living for a thousand years, I have cultivated to become a master. Didn’t Guisi just learn the human language and also have that weird hypnotism and the body can freely change among the three evolutionary forms. ...--I don’t know what special ability this nine-tails has.”

Long pulled Sundae and opened the door to look for the Nine-Tails, but the scene outside and around him suddenly changed.The diffused dense fog disappeared completely. When the clouds and mists were lifted to look at the blue sky, the original magnificent mansion suddenly became dilapidated. The dilapidated wooden doors, the disastrous walls and the roof with big holes were exposed. The courtyard was full of piles of various things. plant leaves.It seems that the blindness is suddenly unraveled, and the scene in front of me is the most real and clear.

"This...--this is... one" Sundae's face turned pale, "Where is this... one" "This is probably the true face of the thousand-year-old house we saw with our own eyes, and what we saw just now It's all just an illusion."

Long Shensheng said: "This illusion is much more powerful than ordinary hypnosis, even the six senses of human beings are concealed, and it is extremely difficult to perform such a large-scale hypnosis. Guisi can do this degree. However, I know whether all this just now is the masterpiece of Nine Tails or Luoke."

Just when Sundae and Long were shocked, a fiery flame shot up in the distance and blasted away the broken roof. Long dragged Sundae to the scene of the accident and said in surprise, "It must be Kona and the others." Nine-Tails and Luo Ke are fighting, this time the opponent is not only powerful but also cannot be judged by common sense, let's hurry up and help."


When Long and Sundae arrived, they only saw Sakura screaming, and Menus, who had been cruising along the pillars and above the beams, seemed to be bound by a powerful superpower and pulled into the air suspended.A faint blue flame was burning on the beams and the floor, like a will-o'-the-wisp.Long and Sundae could clearly see that Menus was struggling, but under the powerful super power, he was frozen and unable to move.

Sundae exclaimed, "This is supernatural power? Sure enough, this Nine-Tails has a very high level of unique skill. This powerful spiritual power is really terrifying!"

Kyuubi was obviously taken aback when he heard Sundae's words, and turned his head to look at Long and Sundae in astonishment. Menus fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Long and Sundae hurriedly ran to the girls to watch, and Sakura took back Menus, who had lost the ability to fight, and said to the two in a deep voice: "This Nine-Tails is very strong, just now the Gotha Duck was attacked by the other party!" The water cannon level of the Gotha Duck is already very high, but it is completely suppressed by the flame trick and it is still not the opponent. Now Menus is easily defeated by it again, not just the flame trick , the other party is also able to easily control the super power trick..." "Where is Kona?"

Shuo Suo couldn't see the shadow of Kona and that Luo Ke was also missing, Long suddenly had a bad thought in his heart and hurriedly asked.No matter how powerful Nine Tails is, it is still a Pokemon. With Kona's strength at the Heavenly King level and the God of Ice, it shouldn't be a problem if he wants to deal with this Nine Tails.And Luo Ke is different, that is a thousand-year-old female ghost, not a thousand-year ghost Pokemon, and it is impossible to deal with these unsolvable things according to common sense.

The girls suddenly felt relieved when they saw Long coming here, and Lan hurriedly explained to Long: "Just now when we returned to the room, she said that she would go out to investigate, and told us to stay in the room and not to run around casually. Because I was scared, I didn’t dare to go out. Who knew that this Nine-Tails would suddenly come in as if trying to drive us away, and Sakura fought with it.”

"It's really..." Long didn't know what to say, his wife of the Four Heavenly Kings was really daring. She had gone undercover to the Rockets before, and now she even spied on her in the middle of the night. Haunted house.My God, Long felt his heart was pounding because of her playing.However, Long is not qualified to talk about others now. He did even more absurd things just now. Although it was in a dream and illusion, the feeling was very real.

At this time, Nine Tails suddenly let out a roar, its eyes suddenly became sharp, and its body was lowered, Nine Tails stood upright behind its buttocks like a peacock spreading its tail.That feeling, that aura was very frightening.The dragon didn't dare to be careless, now it had to deal with the Nine-Tails first, and immediately threw an elf ball with a wave of its arm and shouted loudly: "Please, fast dragon!"

"Oh n" Kuailong's huge body just bounced out of the elf ball, and immediately the hot flame vortex swept his whole body, knocked down a broken wooden pillar, and suddenly there was a place on the roof. The beam fell on everyone's side, and several women immediately let out a sound of exclamation.

"No, this house may collapse at any time. It is too dangerous to choose this place as a battlefield."

The dragon turned his head and said to the girls: "The Tai family quickly hides in the courtyard. It is easier for Kuailong to take advantage of its strength and flight in an open place."

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