"Heh heh n" Huo Jingjiong's body in the ice was shining with a dazzling red light, and the ice cubes melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

332 Mysterious old lady, nightmare reincarnation?

"The maximum temperature of the fire sprayed by the fire spirit can reach 1700 degrees Celsius, and it shakes the hair on its body to reduce the body temperature, which can usually reach 800 degrees Celsius."

Touzi said with a smile: "So it's delusional to use ice to deal with us, fire elf, a flash of lightning!"

"Hey n" the fire elf lightly tapped his limbs on the ground like a sharp white arrow and flew straight out, the messenger Wu Zhimian who had no time to dodge in the future suddenly flew up, and Touzi waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Big characters burn!"

"Hey n" the fire elf leaped high, a large flame shot out from its mouth and smashed heavily, blasting the messenger bird and the ground with a big mark, and a large area of ​​the green lawn was scorched, the messenger Wu's body was scorched black, his eyes were dizzy, and he lost the ability to fight.


Touzi proudly scratched her nose with her thumb, and the girl turned around and made a victory gesture to everyone and said proudly: "How about it, I'm very good!"

Xiaoxue and Sakura looked at each other, and in the end, Lan pointed to the Messenger Wu and asked: "It is indeed very powerful, but you are so excited that you forgot that this is not a battle between elves, but what should we do with this Messenger Wu next?" ?”

Touzi's smug face suddenly turned cold, and her whole body relaxed.

With a bang, a red light bounced over and took Messenger Wu back into the poke ball. An old woman with gray hair in clogs came over and held a poke ball in her hand.Everyone looked at this slut-like figure who had lost two front teeth who appeared suddenly, and after a long time, Xiaoxue finally asked curiously: "Senior, is that Messenger bird your Pokemon?" ?”

After getting an affirmative answer, everyone was a little puzzled, Sundae asked curiously: "Since you are the trainer of that elf, but what was it just now?"

"I'm so sorry, the one just now was just a small test."

As soon as the grandma spoke, people could see her mouth with few teeth, "Let me introduce myself, I am a poacher for the Rockets, do you want to join the Rockets? I think your strength seems to be very good, very Easily defeated my messenger Wu. Hmm, it's really good."

"Team Rocket!"

The girls exclaimed, and then everyone fell into petrification, even Kona was quite surprised.Long almost smashed his chin on the ground and broke his own stone, and finally woke up from his sluggishness. Long laughed and said: "Hehe, old lady, you really know how to joke, haha..." The short old woman walked away with a serious face. In front of the dragon, I somehow took out a folding fan from behind and smashed it heavily on the dragon's head. "Ah, it hurts, it hurts..." Long hurriedly backed away with his head in his arms, unable to defend himself, but he didn't expect that this old man was actually a murderer.

"Do I look funny!"

The old lady looked angry and then turned into a frowning look and continued: "Recently, the police have been cracking down more and more severely, and more and more people have been arrested. We are short of manpower, so we are eager to replenish fresh blood. How is it? , I promise we are the real Rockets, do you want to think about it."

Long also ignored the headache and looked at Kona with a face full of tears and laughter and asked: "It seems that it is not a joke... But is the Rockets really such a superb team? It is also a matter of blatantly intercepting strange trainers on the road and poaching them." The leading evil organization in the capital area, this method is too bad. And anyway, I should be on the blacklist of the Rockets. There will be people who don't know me, but there should be no master Kona who doesn't know the Four Heavenly Kings... -- "Hey, what are you muttering about?"

At this time, the grandma finally couldn't help getting mad when she saw Long and Kona who were whispering. The miraculous grandma put the folding fan behind her back as if by magic, and when he took it out again, there was an extra calculator in his hand.Cracked with his dry fingers, then said with a bright light in front of the dragon: "This number is your signing bonus, and it's per person!"

Seeing the series of five zeros on it, Long said in surprise: "No mistake, so much money, is the Rockets really so rich? It's no wonder that a group of people who are not afraid of death are clamoring for the underworld. Guang A person who is not afraid of wearing shoes, is there any death penalty in this world, and he is a hero after being caught by the police for 18 years.”

"Hey, what are you still thinking about? It's hard to find such a good job now that everything is in recession."

The old grandmother put an old wrinkled face in front of Long's Kona to startle them, and Long kept avoiding this old face.

"What should I do? I didn't expect that the members of the Rockets would come to our door for us to catch, but I really can't do anything against such an old man."

Lan spread his palms and walked to Kona helplessly, pulled the Ice Queen and said, "Old man, at such an age, don't be a bad boy and join the underworld. You can't even recognize such a famous face, right?" ?”

"Hee hee... [-]" Looking at the frowning and frowning recruiter of the Rockets, all the women couldn't help covering their mouths and chuckling, and Touzi said cheerfully, "I didn't expect the Rockets to be so interesting, and the scouting was actually the four kings of the league." Here, is this a self-inflicted trap? Haha..." "No!"

The old lady who was staring at Kona suddenly had a stern expression, and the dragon and the girls felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze.Suddenly, the toothless grandma showed a treacherous smile, her right arm holding the calculator was twirled behind her back, and then the cuff flicked, and a strange powdery green scale came down towards Kona.

Be careful, Longan quickly pulled Ke Na back. After noticing the change in the old man's face, he felt that something was a little strange.I don't know what the green powdery scale-like thing is, Long Zhi felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and a burning pain all over his face.

"Dragon! What's wrong with you!"

I couldn't open my eyes, but I heard Sundae's anxious cry, which was mixed with the different voices of the other girls.The fiery pain from his face and eyes made Long unable to control himself, and a sense of fatigue stung his brain nerves and made him drowsy.Long's body fell into an embrace, and a pair of arms hugged him tightly. It was Kona.

When Long retained the last sliver of clear consciousness, he only heard a strange laughter that made people chill to the bone, and only heard an old and imposing voice shouting loudly: "Geng Gui, use Nightmare..." A burst of intense sleepiness Suddenly, there was nothing under his feet, and he felt like he was falling into endless cliffs and darkness.Long wanted to shout desperately, but his mouth seemed to be dry and his throat was inflamed, so he couldn't speak out. His body fell rapidly, and then a burst of severe pain came. Long fell into a coma and completely lost his last consciousness... -The dragon was woken up by a piercing horn sound, and a burst of strong thorns made him unable to resist opening his eyes.I haven't fully seen the surrounding situation, I only heard a sharp sound of tires rubbing against the ground, which is the sound of the car braking suddenly, and it happened right next to my ear!

Under the instinctive reaction of his body, Long quickly rolled to the side on the spot, and only when he opened his eyes just now did he realize that it was a heavy truck lying in front of him, and he was almost run over by the double-layer tires half the height of a person. Overwhelmed.Luckily, the driver was quick enough to save him from a mangled corpse lying on the street, a real close call.

Before Long could sigh, a truck driver with yellow teeth and a strong smell of tobacco opened the car door, jumped down and roared loudly at Long: "Boy, you don't want to live anymore, you still doze off while walking. Grass, If you want to die, don't bring me with you!"

Long, who hadn't reacted yet, saw the big yellow tooth spit on the ground again after venting, and muttered in his mouth, "I'm still a high school student who is a provincial key. These days, I'm really stupefied with my studies."

Seeing the heavy-duty truck with black exhaust roaring past the dragon, he couldn't help wondering, what's going on, how did this middle-aged man speak so well?

"What's the matter, Tang Xing?"

Just when Long was puzzled, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came, and a boy in a black school uniform ran over and pulled Long up from the ground.

Just so dull, he let the thin boy with pimples in front of him pull himself up from the ground. The four big characters "Eighth Middle School" were impressively printed on the front chest of this boy's black school uniform, and the boy in front of him I haven't seen a familiar yet unfamiliar face for many years.

Long stared blankly at what he was wearing, the school uniform of the same style, the same style and the same dirty dregs.This is the customized school uniform that Long paid 500 yuan in exchange for Dayang in high school. Not to mention the dirt, not only the name is printed on the chest, but also a few "Eighth Middle School" are printed on the back. Big lettering.The soil is like a painter, and it is inferior to the uniform of the Rockets.

But the problem is, this is the school uniform that Long wore in high school, how can it be put on him now?It is simply a fantasy!Looking at the young dragon in front of him, he asked uncertainly, "Are you a 'monkey'?"

The young man's forehead was obviously raised and he pushed the dragon back, "Your sister, I think you are in a bad mood, so don't call me by my nickname, grandson!"

Long ignored the berserk boy, but desperately pinched his face and thighs, muttering in his mouth, "Is it a dream, is it a dream, is it a dream..." "Hey, you didn't get hit by a car, did you?" Could it be that you fell stupid?"

The boy who was called a monkey by the dragon pushed the dragon suspiciously, but this guy didn't know it, and continued to engage in self-abuse and nonsense.The monkey sighed helplessly: "The college entrance examination is coming soon. It seems that the recent study pressure is too great, and it has driven little Xingxing crazy. Alas, this is really the sorrow of the exam..." "Haha, it doesn't hurt, It really doesn't hurt, I really am dreaming!"

Long suddenly jumped up happily and said to himself, "I'm just saying, I'm a senior intern, and I clearly remember that I was time-traveled rather than reborn..." Long Laughing wildly and unscrupulously, he looks like he has practiced evil martial arts as if he has gone mad, and the boy named Monkey next to him has his mouth wide open.It seems that this kid was really scared and stupid, and now he is crazy.

Long, who was sure that he was really dreaming, felt relieved immediately, but he didn't expect how he could have such a strange dream, and it was so real.Looking at the roommate in front of me with admiration, but in college, he was a best friend who was flying in different directions. Long couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. He stretched out his hand and hugged the monkey's thin body into his arms. Honestly, I thought it was a long way for me to go out of Sichuan to support the west, but you went directly to Kashgar..." The monkey listened to Long's crazy words and said uncertainly: "You are not scared. Be silly, do you want to go to the hospital or see a psychiatrist, is it because the recent study pressure is too much, I said you can't have any accidents before the college entrance examination."

"It's useless to hold Buddha's feet temporarily. You usually go online secretly and play basketball, but you became a monk during the exam."

Long said carelessly: "Speaking of which, your playing skills have improved this semester, and your fantasy game level has also improved...--but your academic performance has dropped, haha!"

Monkey has a constricted look on his face, this damn guy actually satirized himself so directly in front of him.Immediately decided to ignore him, the monkey walked towards the classroom with a few books.When I was in high school, the dormitories and classrooms of Long School were separated. There was a road in the middle, and there were flyovers passing through the two sides. However, sometimes students would directly cross the road when there were few people because they were too lazy to walk around the flyover.

Following the monkey and looking at the place where he lived for three years, Long couldn't help expressing emotion. The life in the third year of high school was hell, but now Long has changed his mentality to experience the anxious and uneasy life of the past. It's so special.

"Look, Tang Xing, that's not our goddess, school beauty, Murong Xue!"

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