Long took out a poke ball from his arms, "Go, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Thunder Lion!"

"Wow n" Thunder Lion jumped out of the air and directly shot out several golden electric currents, sweeping off several sickle helmets crawling on the walls and streets one by one. "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The wind speed dog jumped sideways to let a sickle helmet that was flying over, and a large flame was thrown out, directly blasting the ground with a large-shaped mark.Thunder Lions guarded the safety of Storm Salamander and Hack Dragon with electric shocks and flames on both sides.

"Oh n" the storm salamander let out a roar, and a wave of red dragon flames swept out, blasting the sickle helmet that flew over from the front into pieces, and the blood-red wings suddenly bypassed the two guarding the square The rock pillar rushed directly towards the front of the museum's gate.

"Finally here, rush in!"

The dragon turned over and jumped off the back of the storm salamander with Canon in his arms, and then threw an elf ball. The huge sting jellyfish monster-sized body traversed the entrance of the museum, "Please, the sting jellyfish and the storm salamander are still here!" There are Thunder Lions and Wind Speed ​​Dogs, keep all these eyes-obscuring guys out of the door and don't let any one in."

Long, Sundae, Kanon, and Ladiasfei rushed into the museum, and a red-purple spiritual light shot over from the ground. Longfei jumped to avoid it, and Long waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Everyone back off!"

A sun elf and Alidos crossed in front of everyone, and the dragon frowned. These two were the two elves who hunted Ladias before.

"Double Ax Battle Dragon!"

Sundae threw an elf ball casually and waved, "Shadow Claw ∥ 'Whoa"!" The Double Ax Warrior suddenly stretched out a three-foot-long black claw, and rushed towards the sun elf and Alidos. In the past, with a bang, the marble floor was directly pried open a huge crack by a powerful blow from the Double Ax War Dragon.

Alidos was directly thrown into the air by the powerful blow of the Double Ax War Dragon and fell to the ground, while the sun elf jumped away in a spirit and then emitted a reddish-purple spiritual light from above his head. "Aww n" the double-axe war dragon was hit by the mental impact of the sun elf, let out a painful roar, and retreated a few steps, and on the other side, Alidos spit out a circle of spider silk to wrap the body of the double-axe war dragon tightly. .

Sundae said in a cold voice: "It's not that simple, fight the dragon with a double axe, cut off the shackles on your body with your teeth, and then use the chain to cut ∥' oh wow n" The double axe war dragon inherited by Sundae from the Dragon's Town The dragon was very powerful, and the explosive double-axe warrior cut off the spider silk on his body with the blade-like teeth on both sides of his head, then shook his head and rushed straight towards Alidos.

A blue light blade slashed and flew out, but was avoided by the sun elf. Immediately afterwards, the Double Ax War Dragon shook his head and slashed out with the same light blade to blast the sun elf away.Alidos fired densely packed poisonous needles from the unicorn above his head, and the double-axe war dragon roared angrily and directly bounced the poisonous needles away with the hard armor on his body.

"One hit kills, scissors guillotine!"

During the battle, the sundae became extraordinarily imposing, and his black hair fluttered behind his head.The teeth on both sides of the Double Ax War Dragon's head shone with a cold white light, and the Dual Ax War Dragon flew between Alidos and the Sun Elf at an incomparably swift speed, like a white horse passing through the gap, and the two little elves hit each other heavily. fell to the ground.The scissors guillotine hit by the double ax and war dragon killed two hostile elves in seconds.

This is the first time the dragon has seen battle back from Sundae Dragon Country.The tactical command intention is clear, and the double-axe battle dragon is also clean and neat to directly overthrow two enemies. This is a strong attack tactic often used by dragons. The sundae cooperates with the powerful combat power and strong physical fitness of the dragon elves to express it in this way. very beautiful.It seems that during the three months of the sundae, not only the temperament has changed, but the thinking has also matured.

The Double Ax War Dragon took the lead, and the Dragon and Sundae, as well as Canon and Ladias, rushed to the end of the museum.This is the place where Aldomare stored the city defense mechanism. Long and Sundae used dream projection to see the two women here, and they didn't know what they were doing.


Canon first rushed towards his grandfather who was stuck to the wall by spider webs, while Ladias hissed at his brother who was trapped in a circular machine in mid-air. With the blue electric current, Ladios roared continuously and hit the surroundings with his head, but he couldn't break through the mechanical blockade.

"You guy can break through many blockades to come here, can't even Aldomare's ultimate war machine stop you?"

The silver-haired younger sister, Leo, was sitting in a circular mechanical device that looked like a control cabin. When she saw the dragon and Sundae barging in together, she couldn't help being surprised and said: "Who are you, you are definitely not an ordinary trainer. !"


Long snorted and said in a cold voice: "It doesn't matter who I am, but I know who you are going to be. Sure enough, the fossil flying dragon army and the sickle helmet group just now are the masterpieces you made. You made a mess of this city. , you should come here for this!"

"Hahahaha... [-]" Leo laughed wildly and then looked at the dragon and said provocatively: "Even the descendants who guard Ladios and Ladias Aldomare don't know, this The entire defense mechanism is actually driven by the 'heart drop'. The demons that invaded the island, the fossil flying dragon and the scythe helmet were repulsed by Ladios and Ladias, and their resentment was in the 'heart' It's ironic that the water bead has become the city's defensive weapon."

"It's no wonder that this museum has so many fossils and remains of scythe helmets and fossil wyverns. It turns out that these two kinds of elves invaded Aldomare in the first place, and the 'Heart Droplet' contains such powerful power. "

Sundae looked at Leo and said in a deep voice: "But this machine is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, what do you mean by using it in a peaceful age!"

Sang Lan under the control cabin looked at her sister worriedly and said: "Leo, you have had enough fun, our original intention is not like this, because your insistence has made this city a mess now. We are Thief is not a terrorist organization, and what you do is not in line with our purpose."

Facing her sister's persuasion, Leo remained indifferent to her sister's persuasion, but said with a wild smile: "A 6-heart water drop is nothing, now I can use this machine to freely control the city. Now this world-famous The tourist city and the pearl of the sea, Aldomare, are all mine, and I am the ruler of this city, Queen!"

Long snorted coldly and said: "Stubborn guy, your heart has been completely invaded by selfish desires. There is no way for a selfish crazy woman to change. Then I will make you sober."

Leo looked at the dragon with disdain and said: "Do you think that you have won by coming here? You who dared to tease me before, I will make you regret what you have done. Let Your Majesty crawl on the ground obediently." !"

Leo waved her hands quickly in the control cabin, and suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the surrounding space. Four sickle helmets flashed out of nowhere on the four corners of the ground, and four fossil flying dragons circled and danced in the air, making a roaring sound. .

"Enough, Leo, get sober now!"

Sang Lan looked at her crazy sister and finally shouted loudly: "Are you going to destroy yourself!"

Turning a deaf ear to her sister's words, human beings can easily lose their nature after possessing great power, and the inferiority of greed and bloodthirsty is fully aroused in the bones.Leo waved her hands and shouted loudly: "All of you, obey me! Go, tear these guys who dare to offend me into pieces!"

"Roar"" the fossil flying dragon roared and rushed towards the dragon and the sundae in unison, while the four sickle helmets on the ground moved at the same time and attacked together. The dragon took out the last two elf balls on his body, "the lizard king still has Blue crocodile, knock them down! "

"Xia" Lizard King yelled angrily, two three-foot-long jasper light blades bounced off each side of his arms, Lizard King suddenly flew up from the ground, and the intersecting blades threw a fossil flying dragon head-on. Both claws were cut off and turned into dots of green fluorescence. "Just^" A small earth dragon jumped from behind the lizard king, and its arm fins shining with white light slammed down, and the powerful tile cut The fossil flying dragon fell on its head, and before it could howl, the fossil flying dragon dissipated into the air.

"Wow..." A fossil flying dragon flapped its wings and flew the little earth dragon out head-on, and the remaining two fossil flying dragons opened their mouths wide and shot a golden energy ray straight at the lizard king.Lizard King shouted angrily and directly attacked with a blue penetrating shock wave, intercepting two destructive rays in mid-air, and the violent explosion produced a wave of air rippling in the air.

"Bayi!" Just as the two fossil flying dragons were unable to move due to their stiff bodies, a green figure broke through the thick smoke, and the two jasper light blades cut through the skin of the fossil flying dragons, neatly aligning the two phantom elves. cut open.

On the ground, the Double Ax War Dragon used its powerful teeth to support the powerful double knives of the sickle helmet. "Ho wow n" the two-axe battle dragon let out a roar, and suddenly stretched out a foot long green claws from its arms. The powerful dragon claws directly crushed the arm of a sickle helmet and pierced its entire body.After all, the phantom cannot be compared with the elf with a body, and a body without flesh and blood will be easily defeated.

"Oh n" Ladias opened a red and green shield to wrap the dragon and the sundae in it, and the swift attack of the two sickle helmets that leaped over from the side did not break the shield.The blue crocodile seized the opportunity to rush out a sickle helmet with a water gun, and then the sickle helmet was disembowelled by the flying two-axe war dragon.

Leo looked at the dragon and Sundae who were commanding the battle and said with a sneer: "You are really difficult, but no matter how hard you try, it is just a waste of energy. I can summon fossil flying dragons and sickle helmets infinitely. Look at you! How long can you hold on!"

"Shoot a man first, shoot a horse, capture a thief first capture the king!"

The dragon waved his arms and looked at the Lizard King and roared loudly: "Let that arrogant smelly woman have a long memory, billions of shock waves∥'Xiawa n" The Lizard King let out a roar, wrapped in a golden energy light group, facing Leo directly. Shock past.

There was a bang, and even though the round control cabin was very strong and was not broken under the powerful impact of the Lizard King, the control cabin stopped rotating with sparks and blue currents.But Leo in the control cabin couldn't stand it anymore, the strong shock made her head hit the wall in the control cabin and she fainted.

"Aw, ho..." A few fossil flying dragons and sickle helmets that had just formed in the air screamed and disappeared immediately, and the dragon spat bitterly. This hateful crazy woman was finally solved.

"Leo...[-]" Sang Lan yelled worriedly when she saw her sister passed out, but before she could take a few steps, there was a green light blade lying in front of her.Long said coldly: "As I said, it doesn't matter who I am, but I know that you will become criminals, so be obedient and stay still."

Looking at Daoye Sanglan in front of her, she couldn't help but stop, and a cold sweat broke out from her back.


Seeing Ladios who was trapped and struggling desperately, Sundae yelled in worry, then turned to the Double Ax War Dragon and said, "Use the scissors guillotine ∥ 'oh wow n" the Double Ax War Dragon lifted its head and raised the teeth on both sides of its head Shining with a cold white light, the Double Ax War Dragon jumped up from the ground with a roar like a white light flashing across the air.

The mechanical arm supporting the ring snapped and fell from the air and hit the ground. Sundae and Ladias rushed over when the ring cracked. "Blue crocodile, cut!"

On the other side, the dragon commanded the blue crocodile to break through the spider web that was entangled with Grandpa Mugli.

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