The black capture device opened up in the air and turned into a red silk net that tightly bound Ladios' whole body, and Ladios's pair of wings were tightly bound. Not only that, the capture device inspired Powerful electric current continuously filled Ladios' body.

"Oh... woo... [-]" Ladios let out a scream of pain, and his body fell directly from the air and fell to the ground. The capture device emitted a red repulsive current, and Ladios' body twitched for a while. Lie on the ground completely unable to fly again.

The corner of Sang Lan's mouth turned upwards to instruct the sun elf to wave his arms and said loudly: "Leave the rest to me, sun elf, aim at Ladias at eleven o'clock, and use phantom light∥'oh n" the sun elf came from The red gemstone on the top of the head directly shot out a red-purple light and hit Ladias who was hiding in the air.

"Oh... [-]" The self-protection method that Ladias had been relying on was once again seen through, and Alidos shot a green signal light and a red-purple phantom light from the unicorn to hit it alternately, and Ladia Si immediately howled in pain, rolled from the air and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh..." Ladios let out a roar when he saw that his sister was hurt. Ladios yelled loudly at his sister, and Ladios looked at his brother with a worried expression.At this time, both Sun Elf and Alidos rushed over again and prepared to continue to attack Ladias. Ladios shot across the lawn from the lawn with all his strength, and shot at Sun Elf and Ali. in front of Doss.

Sun Elf's mental impact and Alidos' stinger hit Ladios, Sang Lan saw Ladios flying from the ground and wanted to escape, and cut a sound, pulled out the same capture device from behind and threw it out, capturing The weapon opened like a big net and rushed towards Ladias from behind.

"Ahhh..." Ladios struggled to break free from the sun elf's superpower shackles, and suddenly flew out to the open net, and the red electric current spread throughout Ladios's body again. "Aw... woo... one"

Ladios roared sadly, seeing Ladias fly away quickly and dive into the pool, finally closed his eyes and fell to the ground, twitching continuously.

"Ah, sister, your prey has escaped."

Leo looked at Ladios who was struggling on the ground and said, "I only caught one end, so what should I do next?"

Sang Lan said indifferently: "We're not Pokemon poachers, so if it's just a pet, it's no big deal. We'd better get the orb first."

Leo and Sang Lan didn't care about Ladios, who was basically disabled on the ground, and the two directly found the pool where the "Heart Drop" was placed according to the scene recorded by the camera robot during the day.

After wasting a lot of effort to carefully remove the "Heart Orb" from the base of the pool, Sang Lan lifted up the almost transparent and shining light blue orb and exclaimed, "This is my heart." It is the most beautiful orb I have seen so far, what should I do, I am not willing to sell such a beautiful thing, such a good thing should be treasured."

"No matter how beautiful and precious things are, they are all reflected in their value. If we don't sell them, how can we realize how precious this 'heart drop' is?"

Leo took the "Heart Orb" and said: "My dear sister, so please don't be stupid now. But...--I want to make sure of one thing before selling this priceless orb. "

Sang Lan looked at her sister suspiciously, but Leo smiled mysteriously, "Maybe we can use this 'Heart Droplet' to take revenge, if my investigation is correct, this is to activate the Aldomare defense device the core energy source."

In a quiet alleyway in Odo Ale, Ladias suddenly flew out from the water. "Oh n" Ladias turned around suddenly and his body became transparent. Ladias, who was hidden, turned around and cut a wave on the water surface, then quickly flew into the air and flew away.

"Ladias? It's so late, why are you here?"

The sleeping Canon was woken up by Ladias, looking at Ladias with a sad face and hissing, he asked in surprise.Suddenly, she remembered what Long Tiantian had told her about Ladias being chased by two women, and the girl keenly sensed that something was wrong.Canon hurriedly dressed and rushed to his grandfather's room shouting loudly, "Grandpa, grandpa...--something is wrong...--" Grandpa Mugli was woken up by his granddaughter, and when he saw Ladias He felt terrible at the time, but Ladias had never looked for them at such a late hour, something must have happened in the secret garden.The old man quickly put on a piece of clothing and said: "Kanon, something is wrong, I'll go to the secret garden to see, you and Ladias don't rush to the hotel to find the young man and girl we met during the day, and ask them for help , faster."

Canon nodded and understood what Grandpa meant. Something must have happened to Ladios and Ladias finally ran out. If he waited for someone to rush back in such a mindless way, he might be caught by the other party. .

Thinking of this, Kanon said to Ladias: "Please, Ladias, we have to hurry to the dragon and the sundae... oh n" Ladias nodded after hearing Canon's words He flew out quickly with the girl under her instructions and flew towards the hotel where the dragon was staying.

Long was awakened by a sudden knock on the door, rubbed his sleepy eyes and muttered dissatisfiedly: "What the hell is going on? The service in a high-end hotel is so bad. Could it be that in the middle of the night you just let a lunatic Are you disturbing the guest's rest?"

The angry dragon directly rushed over barefoot and opened the door, ready to give a severe lesson to the guy who disturbed his sleep.When Long opened the door, he saw two young girls, Kanon and Ladias wearing hats.Ladias seemed to have been extremely frightened and threw himself into the arms of the dragon, and his drowsiness was quickly dispelled.

"What's going on, what are you arguing about in the middle of the night... Long, who is she?"

At this time, Sakura, who lived in the room opposite to the dragon, opened the door yelling, but when she saw a girl throwing herself into the arms of the dragon, she immediately changed her mouth and asked angrily.It's too outrageous, this girl came here in the middle of the night and hugged her man.

At this time, the waiter of the hotel also rushed over. Long hurriedly stopped the waiter who was about to rush away and said: "These two are my friends. I have urgent matters to come to me at night. Don't worry, the luxurious rooms on this floor are all It was booked by us so it will not affect the rest of other guests, you should go back first."

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Long speak. This is a big customer, and he didn't know how the two girls slipped up.Fortunately, the guest didn't care about it. If he was complained, he would be miserable. The waiter carefully apologized and then quickly stepped back.

With such a commotion outside, Kona and Lan in the next room all woke up, except for Tozi who was sleeping like a dead pig, everyone surrounded them.

Long simply pulled all the girls to his room, comforted Ladios in his arms and asked Canon in a low voice, "What happened? You came here in the middle of the night, where is Ladios?"

Except Sundae, all the girls couldn't help being puzzled when they heard the dragon talking about Ladios, while Kanon looked worriedly at the many women with curious faces around him, wanting to speak but seemed worried about something.

Long comforted her and said, "Kanon, they are all my friends and trustworthy people. Don't worry, we won't reveal the secret."

Canon looked at the dragon and looked at Uzi, who had a frightened expression on his face, and finally said: "Actually, I don't know what happened. Wake up, it's Grandpa who said something might happen to the secret garden, so let us come to you."

317 The demons attacked again, and under the astonished eyes of the girls, Ladias changed back to his original appearance. "Oh n" Ladias may be the first time to show himself in front of so many human beings The real body, and was a little embarrassed by the scorching eyes.

"This...---long, how did you get to know Aldomare's patron saint?"

Sakura finally forgot about the previous incident, no one would be jealous with a Pokemon.

"Not only me, Sundae is also familiar with Ladios, and you have also seen him."

Long looked at the girls and said slowly: "The wandering young painter we met before is Ladios."

Long waved his hand to stop the surprised girls and said, "Now is not the time to argue about this, Ladias, what happened?"

"Oh n" Ladias' eyes sparkled for a while, and the surrounding environment changed for a while, from the hotel room directly to the exhibition hall of the museum.Kazmire said in surprise: "Isn't this the fossil elf museum we saw during the day, or...---that huge ancient machine?"

Long explained: "This is a dream projection. The phantoms we see now are all seen through Ladios' eyes."

Long saw that the two women he met during the day frowned, it was indeed their fault, but what did they come to the museum for?

"Ah... Grandpa!"

Kanon yelled in shock and covered his mouth with both hands. The dragon and the girls followed her gaze and saw that Grandpa Mugli was bound by a huge spider web and stuck against the wall.Sundae pointed to a transparent blue bright orb on the machine and said: "That is the 'Heart Orb', but what are these two women going to do with the 'Heart Orb' on the machine?"

Long suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice: "That's enough. Those who come uninvited are thieves and robbers. No matter what they want to do now, they can't let them succeed. I have to go to the museum as soon as possible, bastard, then It really wasn't good for the two hateful women to chase Ladias before. It's just how they found the secret garden, damn it!"

After Long finished speaking, he quickly rushed into the bathroom with his underwear.

"Quick Dragon, destroy the death light!"

After Long walked out of the bathroom, he threw the poke ball directly. With a roar, Kuailong opened his mouth and shot a powerful destructive energy beam, which smashed the huge floor-to-ceiling glass in the room. The dragon leaned on Kuailong's back and rushed out.

Xiaoxue opened her mouth wide and asked in surprise, "Don't you have to use such a violent method if you can't walk up the stairs? How are we going to explain to the hotel management later?"

Xiaoxue didn't finish her words, Ladias drove Canon and rushed out behind Kuailong, then Sundae took out another poke ball and rode behind Hackron, followed by Kona blue frozen crow.

The rest of the girls looked at each other, Wu Yue asked in amazement: "What should we do here, we will definitely be questioned by the person in charge of the hotel later, how should we explain it? Now I really regret why I didn't subdue all of them before." Only flying Pokemon like Bidiao, I also want to just leave like this."

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