Long listlessly followed the girls to the very end of the museum, where fossils and skeletons were no longer on display but a machine with a very complicated structure.Long looked at this huge thing and didn't know what it was for. Looking at the complex mechanical structure of this thing, it seemed that it was not a product of modern technology. Modern technology is inseparable from electricity and semiconductors.I don't know how this purely mechanical thing is activated, and what it is used for. It seems a bit inappropriate to put it in such a fossil museum.

"This huge machine was built by our ancestors to protect the city, but unfortunately, so far no one knows how to use it."

A short, gray-haired old man in suspenders, who looked like a worker, came over. Seeing that Long seemed very interested in this machine, he couldn't help explaining: "It's useless if you don't know how to use it. Although the museum has been rebuilt several times, this machine has never been passive since it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors."

"With modern technology, I don't know how to use a machine built in ancient times. This... To be honest, this is indeed a disgraceful thing."

Kona looked at the huge machine in front of him and said in a deep voice: "People often say that human society is constantly improving with the development of technology, but it seems that not all of them are like this, at least many things left over from ancient times surpass the wisdom of modern people. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, but the old man who came over suddenly smiled and continued: "I'm really ashamed, you should have heard about the origin and legend of Aldomare. Our ancestors built this The exhibition hall and the guardian tower, in addition to commemorating Ladios and Ladias, made this machine, in order to guard against the possibility of being attacked by demons again one day."

The old man continued: "But the city has never been attacked again this time, so this machine has not been activated, and the time has been getting longer and longer, until later generations like us don't even know how to use this thing..." The old man continued to explain to Long and the others. Touzi, who was listening attentively at the beginning, soon became bored, and his eyes became unfocused. He wandered around, his eyes squinted towards the second-floor corridor of the museum, and suddenly found a familiar figure who immediately called loudly Shouted: "That, look, it's the painter from yesterday."

Following the girls, Long He turned his attention to the second floor, and he found the handsome artist who had quickly made a sketch for Sundae on the bridge yesterday. "Excuse me...[-]" Sundae hadn't asked a word yet, but the other party had already put away the easel and turned to leave. He turned around a corner and disappeared.

"Wait a minute... [-]" Sundae chased a few steps and said to everyone: "I have something to ask him and thank him for giving me a painting I like very much. If you don't get it later I'll go straight back to the hotel."

After Sundae finished speaking, he ran out of the museum and chased after him. Before everyone could react, Long hurriedly followed without saying hello.What are you doing, this is my fiancée, if I let her go after a strange man, that's a big fool.No, men are actually more cautious than women sometimes. Although he didn't think that Sundae would suddenly have a crush on a man who had only met twice and didn't even say a word, he seemed to have a lump in his heart.

When the dragon ran out, he saw that Sundae had been riding on the body of Ha Kelong, turning around a lane and disappearing quickly.It won't work if this goes on, the dragon can't be blatant and use the fast dragon and the violent salamander to catch up, so it's not good for Sundae to find out.Almost using all his strength, the dragon ran after it with all his strength, and even jumped directly from a three-meter-wide waterway in front of the square, thinking that crossing the bridge would be a waste of time and effort.

The people around the square looked at the running dragon who seemed to be running for his life, all of them were puzzled. Those who didn't know thought that this man was being chased behind his back.Long didn't ignore the stranger's opinion, and chased directly from the alleyway where Sundae and Hacklong disappeared, but there were no figures in the sky or other directions.

Long was puzzled, where did a target as big as Hackron run away, and he felt that something was wrong with that man yesterday.Although most of the reasons in Long's heart were because he chased after him because of jealousy, he didn't admit it in his heart because of his good face. The explanation he gave was that he was worried about Sundae's safety. It's very mysterious.

The mindless dragon continued to run along this alley, looking around for the figure of Sundae and the handsome painter. Apart from the criss-crossing waterways, Aldomare was full of alleys and alleys everywhere. It looks like a nine-square building.Long was still a road idiot before, even though his sense of direction has become stronger now, he still gets confused in such a complicated terrain.

Soon, Long was completely lost after a few fruitless wanderings, and now he couldn't even find his way back.Long reluctantly prepared to give up, but he suddenly found a girl on the bridge smiling at her.Long said curiously: "You are the girl before me just now. Where did you go just now? I didn't find you when I turned around."

The girl smiled at the dragon, then suddenly turned around and ran away while beckoning, the dragon was stunned and quickly chased after him before he had time to catch his breath.What is it all about? My fiancée went after a strange handsome man, and here I am chasing a beautiful girl.It's really a mess. Is this the so-called intentional arrangement of flowers, but unintentional arrangement of willows and willows?

The dragon chased after the girl in his heart, and the girl was running fast in front of her, stopping from time to time and looking back, as if she was waiting for the dragon, just when Long Yi was trying to catch up with her, she ran quickly again After that, the dragon did not have time to take a few breaths, and once again chased after him.

It was so depressing, for the first time in Long's heart he had the feeling of being a late hero, a big man himself couldn't catch up with a little girl.And after running for such a long time, even he felt out of breath, but the girl still looked relaxed, as if she was not too tired at all. Is this really a girl and not a marathon runner?He couldn't just be despised like this, the dragon followed the girl around and didn't care where he was going, anyway, he followed the girl behind.

Passing through a green corridor made of trees and vines, the dragon slowed down, and the girl kept running and stepping on the spot at the end of the greenery, as if urging him.Unable to do so, the dragon chased after the girl again, and ran until a yellow wall appeared in front of him, which turned out to be a dead end.

Long thought sadly in his heart, could it be that this girl was just playing games with him by running around the city like this, and she actually didn't know where she was going, so she brought Long here?Long was feeling sorry for himself because he was tired from playing the chasing game with the girl for a long time, when an astonishing scene happened in front of him. The girl actually passed through the wall directly, as if she was performing magic or it was as simple as passing through the air.

"This... one..." The dragon didn't directly bump into it like a school girl, but walked to the side and tentatively stretched out his arms to touch the wall.But his palm passed through miraculously, and the place where he started didn't have the thick feeling of touching the wall, as if he was touching the air.Long couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's really amazing."

Long walked through the wall with a feeling of apprehension, as if it was as simple as passing through the air.Long looked curiously behind him, there was a blocked door, and his position was like a corridor of a huge building.After walking a few steps forward, a downward step appeared, and the scenery in front of him was completely stunned. There were rows of dense trees, green lawns and bright red flowers, and the water spray in front of the staggered bluestone path. There are also several horned goldfish swimming in the pool.

Long looked at the stone chairs on both sides of the Qingshi trail and some stone statues of Pokémon. Insect elves such as Yangyangma and Ba Dahu were chasing each other around the red flowers, and there were a few Bo & Bo jumping Landed in the pool to drink clear water and then flapped their wings to catch up and play.

"There is such a place in Aldomare? Where is this place? It seems to be a secret garden. It is really hard to imagine such a peaceful and pure land in the bustling city of water."

Long said in amazement, looking at the lush trees on both sides, he lingered for a while.

Under a big tree, the girl who led the dragon all the way here was sitting on a swing with her legs rippling along with the swinging rope, with a slight smile on her face.

Long slowly walked forward and watched the girl swinging on the swing without saying hello to her, just looking at her quietly. This girl was as pure and full of aura as Long had seen before.There are very few girls like her now, she is like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world, her clean temperament has not been polluted by the complexity of the world, maybe this is the reason why Long has been chasing her here without hesitation.

Aldomare is a bustling pearl on the water, attracting a large number of tourists every year, but this city that never sleeps now has a flamboyant air due to the surge in the number of people.However, in this secret garden like a pure land, Long met this clean girl, is this fate?

315 The patron saint of the city of water, it turned out to be a brother and sister. When the dragon was concentrating, this secret garden welcomed a guest again. The handsome painter who had seen it before looked at the dragon in surprise, then turned his eyes to stop and continued to sway Girl on a swing.Long stared in astonishment at Sundae, who followed the young painter with a surprised face, and asked in the same surprise, "You...---how did you come here?"


After being surprised, Sundae thought for a while and smiled and said, "You didn't sneak up after me, did you? It's just that you ran in front of me."

"Ah...--this is not..." Long waved his hands again and again and said defensively: "I saw this girl and chased her all the way here. Didn't I tell you before that she is the girl who was bullied, But I didn't expect to meet you here...--" Sundae nodded with an expression that the dragon couldn't understand, hummed and put his hands behind his back, "There are so many things that are compatible in this world, but I I never thought that there would be such a place in Aldomare, a beautiful and peaceful garden."

Long thought for a while, then looked at the girl and the painter who had been silent all this time, and said, "I found out that your temperament is very similar, so you know each other, but, is this your home?"

The girl and the painter looked at each other and still didn't make a sound, Long couldn't help but wondered in his heart, maybe the two brothers and sisters are dumb.

"Where is who?"

At this time, a girl's voice suddenly sounded, a girl who was dressed and looked exactly like the little girl Long met in front of him walked over with an easel on her back, looked suspiciously at Long and Sundae, and the girl The difference is that the girl is wearing a white round hat on her head.

"Huh... twins?"

Long looked at the girl who appeared suddenly, his eyes kept scanning back and forth, as if he was looking in a mirror.It's just that there are obvious differences in the temperament of these two girls. This newly appeared girl wearing a hat does not have that kind of aura but is more like a mortal woman.

"Hey, what do you mean, keep staring at the girl like this."

Long seemed to be staring at the girl, she frowned angrily and asked Long, "Where did you come from?"

Long was questioned by the girl and was speechless. Sundae couldn't help explaining: "Because we have met several times before, we followed them here, and we have no malicious intentions."

The girl looked at Sundae, and it was obvious that what she said was useful. The daughter of a famous family who was dressed in a simple college attire but possessed a noble temperament was more convincing than Long.

The girl believed half of it in her heart, then turned her head to look at the two siblings and asked, "Is that so, these two are the guests you brought over, Ladios and Ladias?"

"Ah... one" this time Long and Sundae were surprised at the same time. Long opened his mouth wide and Sundae also covered his mouth with the back of his hand. The two looked at the mysterious girl and young man in surprise.

"Ladios and Ladias...hehe, does anyone still take the name of a Pokemon?"

Long grinned, although he was extremely suspicious, he still looked for another explanation.

The girl and the young man looked at each other and smiled, and then changed their appearance in the astonished eyes of Long and Sundae, turning into two elves with the same appearance but one red and one blue. These are the two statues erected in the guardian square. Legend has it that Unlimited Pokemon, Ladios and Ladias in !

"Kanon, is this your invited guest?"

Long and Sundae were quite surprised when the diminutive old man they met in the museum came over.Long felt that the building he saw just now looked familiar, and now he asked in surprise: "This is indeed the back garden behind the museum, but the entrance door is really secret, most people would not bang their heads against the wall Bar."

The girl in the hat turned around and said, "No, they were invited back by Ladios and Ladias, but Grandpa, do you know them?"

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