Long smiled and looked at the pouting Touzi and asked curiously: "Why did you come to the west with Sundae? Is the Yixiu League game over? How about it? Did you win the championship?"

"Really uncle, I can't imagine that you still speak so poorly after such a long time."

Touzi straightened the hat on his head and said in frustration: "I came to Chengdu on purpose to relax. This time the game was really terrible. He was also a nasty uncle in the semi-finals. He saw the previous game I have been using fire-type pokemon so I took out water-type and ground-type and rock-type pokemon to fight with me. It's too bad that I would lose to a wretched uncle. It really pissed me off gone."

"Touzi, do you remember me? Kazmire, the Thunderlane Gym Trainer who fought against you before."

The eldest lady became very excited when she saw her fellow villager. Like Lan before, she gave Touzi a warm hug, which finally comforted her wounded heart, "It's really amazing, you were able to enter the Yixiu League for the first time in the competition. Sure enough, my badge was not wrong."

Touzi proudly gave a thumbs up and said, "Of course, I'm a genius in Lu'er Town, the cute and playful Touzi, well, I will definitely win the championship next time!"

After finishing his complacency, Touzi looked at Kazimire suspiciously and said, "But...why did Miss Chuzimire come to Chengdu area and she was with the strange uncle? Aren't you afraid that your sister will find out about your blatant private meeting?" huh, and it’s because Uncle’s real fiancee is here.”

"Yeah, it hurts!"

Touzi covered his head and looked up angrily at Long and said, "Uncle, what are you doing? Just knock on the girl's head for a long time. If it breaks, what will you do to compensate me?"

"Hmph, there are too many messy things in your little head, so it's easy to get confused. I'm waking you up!"

Long blew his fist and then ignored her and said to Sundae: "Just come back, come on, here are a few people, let me introduce you."

Sundae's beautiful eyes looked at the dragon and blinked and said: "I know Master Kona, one of the strongest four heavenly kings in the Kanto region alliance, and the master of ice and water dual systems in the Megatron Elf Alliance. To be honest, when I was in the Elf Academy I have heard many deeds of Master Kona. The Dragon Envoy, who is known as the invincible in the world, has twice challenged the throne of the Kanto League Champion, but was defeated by the Ice Queen. Now Mr. Dragon Envoy Du is me. an idol to worship."

Touzi, who had just calmed down, his eyes lit up when he heard Kona's name, but he was just bullied miserably by a water-type elf trainer in the alliance, and now he is also afraid of the water-type master , This is the sorrow of elf trainers who specialize in fire systems, and the master trainers of water systems will always be the devil in their hearts that they want to overcome.

Kona pushed his glasses. Although he has never seen a sundae, he usually knows the character of this lady from Sakura and Ran. The eldest sister of the Elf Academy, the savage little princess... But, today is the first time we meet Sundae was a lot of surprise to her, how the tall and quiet temperament matched the character described by the girls before.What Xiaoxue said is right, this is a standard socialite lady, her glamorous temperament is very similar to that of Naijie Sirona, and her noble demeanor is very similar to another close friend of hers, the daughter of the Sakurai family Miss Sakurai Minato.

These thoughts turned in Kona's mind. Of course, not only the Ice Queen was surprised, but even the dragon was surprised by the great changes in Sundae. Originally, it was worried that Sundae and Kona might have such a scene when they met. He has guessed many possibilities, but the current situation is undoubtedly beyond his expectations.This...--Is this really a sundae? There was even a hint of doubt in Long's heart.

"The strongest four heavenly kings in the alliance are just nonsense in the market. It is not true at all. Apart from the disadvantage of attributes, half of the credit for Du's loss to me is due to Xiba and Juzi seniors. Without their blocking, they can directly fight against speed I have no certainty of winning."

Kona smiled and said to Sundae: "As for the title of dual-attribute master, it is not worth mentioning compared with your sister Sirona. She and Adik, the champion of the Ixiu region, are both masters of multiple attributes. Woolen cloth."

"alright, alright!"

Long waved his hands and said with a smile: "You will have a lot of time to communicate slowly in the future, let's introduce the others first. Well, Kazmire and you have known each other since we were in Yixiu. The only new face here is Miss May, who ate and drank after us, is a descendant of the Haizhi clan, and their five sisters are very famous geisha in Yuanzhu City."

Miss May's rare silence, there is no way, she is not familiar with Touzi or sundae, so she has to keep silent, although Wuyue is very dissatisfied with Long saying that she eats and drinks, but now this situation is not easy to attack him, I had to swallow my breath and endure it.Both Sundae and Touzi greeted Wuyue politely, and Wuyue also rarely showed her cultivation as the eldest lady of an ancient family, which made Long look a little different.

After the meeting, a group of people took a hovercraft along the waterway of Ore Mare to admire this world-famous sea city. Long and Sundae couldn't say a few words from the beginning of the meeting.Because of the transformation of the sundae, the dragon suddenly didn't know how to take the initiative to speak. The scenes after the meeting and the response lines that he imagined were useless. Now he can only sit in the bow of the boat and smell the sundae and the cherry blossoms. They are talking. with.

Forget it, it's a good thing that Sundae has such a change, which shows that she has become more mature, Long thought so while lying on the bow of the boat and looking at the blue sky.Sure enough, time can change a person the most. The girl from the famous academy in the past has turned into a glamorous and noble daughter. Although she is still wearing a plain and simple college attire, her temperament has changed the most.

Alas...--Long suddenly sighed, and suddenly he didn't know which character sundae he liked.It was the unruly little princess in the past, who bullied him from time to time, but in the end it was the touch that made him famous, but she devoted herself to her feelings and had a very strong possessive desire, defending her love like a proud peacock, laying her down. Famous places will eat all kinds of flying vinegar like a vinegar jar.

Suddenly, Long felt as if he missed the years when he was bullied. Although the sundae would make him angry from time to time, she would always be by his side.No, it should be snatching the position next to him and being inseparable, just like now, if it was back then, Sundae would have been lying next to him with a laugh or simply laying on his body...--Back then Long once felt that Sundae's domineering behavior and coquettishness gave him a headache and annoyed him.But now, he is nostalgic for the past again, as if Sundae could be the same as before...---To put it bluntly, Kona took care of his cheap bones too comfortably.People are like this, they like to miss the past, and they only know how to cherish it when they lose it. The girl gave him all her heart at that time, but she never cared about it.

The melodious music reminds me, the beautiful sound of the piano is full of romantic exoticism. It turns out that the boatman pulled out an accordion at the stern and played it casually. And playing the accordion is very disqualified.The boatman sang cheerfully while playing the accordion: It is as important as the sea to have wind and the morning to have the sun. There must be people around you who think you are important. Just as the forest must have water and the night must have light, there must be someone who is there for you. You can live a good life and pray silently No matter how far the journey is, one day you will reach the end. If you stop and don't keep going, your dreams will slowly disappear. Don't be afraid, don't give up your courage. You are not alone. One day, two people will chase together. The stars that have passed will shine even now Even if you hate the dark tide and the turbulent future will engulf us, trust each other and tolerate each other, please never lose your importance like the sea has wind and the morning has sun No matter how long or far the slope is, one day you will be able to climb to the end. If you stop and don’t keep going, your dreams will slowly disappear. Don’t be afraid, don’t give up your courage. You are not alone. One day, two people will cross it together. The rainbow will shine even now Even if we lose our way in a world full of wars, we love each other and tolerate each other, please never lose the dragon With eyes closed, Xue Jing listens to the boatman's magnetic voice and sings this romantic exotic land Minor, this is the theme song of Aldomare as a world-renowned tourist city, and it is a song that everyone here in Aldomare will sing—not alone.

"Love each other and tolerate each other, please never lose..." Long whispered the last lyric of the young boatman, then looked at the different faces of every woman in the cabin and said softly: "I will always remember it. , because I have never been alone, so I will cherish every moment and every day in the future."

The beautiful sound of the piano and the ups and downs of the boatman's singing gradually made all the girls stop talking. Sundae slowly got up and walked to the bow of the boat and stood beside the dragon. Floating like a beautiful elf.

Long stared blankly at Sundae, the girl suddenly turned her head and smiled at Long Yanran, then pointed to the statues on the two rock pillars erected in the water plaza in the distance and asked, "Do you know the two elves over there?"

The dragon looked at the two statues facing each other on the rock pillar. The two elves spread their wings like flying birds.

"Well, that should be the infinite Pokemon Ladios and Ladias."

Long added: "When I came here, I read the legend about Aldomare. These two fantasy Pokemon have always been admired by people, and they are the patron saints of this beautiful water city."

Sundae nodded and looked at the two stone statues in the water central square and said: "You are right, they are the legendary infinite Pokemon, and they are also dreamy Pokemon with dragon attributes. According to legend, they came from the devil saved the city at his hands."

"A long time ago, there lived a pair of old grandpa and old grandma on a small island called Oldomare. One day, they found a pair of injured brother and sister by the sea. Under the careful care of the grandpa and grandma, the pair The siblings gradually regained their health. But suddenly one day, an evil demon appeared and attacked the village..."

"People in the village were frightened by this demon. However, at that time... in front of the old man and the old man, the appearance of the brother and sister they saved changed. It turns out that these two children are the legend The Pokémon Ladios and Ladias. They summoned their companions, and they brought the power to drive away evil..." "This is the gem called 'Heart Water Bead', As a result, peace was restored to the island. After that, as long as the "Heart Drop" is still on the island, Ladios and Ladias will return there again, and the island has never been attacked by that demon again. attack."

Sundae narrated quietly, then looked at the two stone statues in the Water Square and said softly: "That stone statue is the brother and sister who saved Aldomare in the legend, the one on the left is the younger sister Ladias, and the one on the right is the elder brother Ladios. Even now, the people here still firmly believe in Ladios, and Ladios is still guarding this city, the patron saint of the city of water!"

Long looked at Sundae with an emotional face and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to know so much about Aldomare's origins and legends, no wonder you want us to meet here, not just on the way, but most importantly because of this legend and Lady Oss and Ladias."

Sundae smiled softly and turned back to the dragon and said: "This is a very beautiful legend, isn't it? It adds a mysterious color and charm to Aldomare. Infinite Pokemon, the patron saint of the city of water, I really want to see Seeing them, even one side is fine...--" 312 The mysterious girl, the mysterious painter Aldomare, can be said to be the only city in the world without cars. Sea God shed tears here, but it made it even more Crystal clear and tender, like a romantic dream floating on the blue waves.The waterway is the road of the city. There are no cars, bicycles, or traffic lights in the city. Boats are the only means of transportation in the city.All forms of transportation are prohibited except boats.

The houses in Aldomare have different architectural styles, and the doors, windows, and corridors of the houses are carved with exquisite patterns and patterns.Rafting in the water capital at night is a unique fun.Thousands of tourists come to Old Mare every year to feel her beauty, warmth and romance.

The guardian square is the pearl of Aldomare, not only because of the fascinating scenery here, but also because the statues of Ladios and Ladias are erected here, which is the spiritual sustenance of the people of Aldomare.

The most beautiful time to guard the square is when the tide is high. A wave of tide is like laying a huge mirror on the square, making all the buildings look more exquisite and radiant as if they are inlaid in the middle of crystal or glass.Coupled with the open-air furnishings of the surrounding cafes, the colorful clothes of the tourists, reflecting up and down, form an extremely charming picture.

In the Guardian Square, there are often mothers playing in the water with their children, and young people running back and forth taking off their shoes and socks; large groups of Bo & Bo, sometimes flocking to the ground to look for food, and sometimes fluttering their wings Flying, flying over the entire square.

It’s hard to come to this beautiful water city, of course you have to feel her unique charm. Of course, the dragon and the girls come to this world-famous water city to have a good time here.There are no broad roads, there are criss-crossing waterways and stone arch bridges, there are no exhausted cars, only small boats shuttling on the blue waves and the melodious sound of accordions and Rough singing.

Odomare's unique culture is not only reflected in the architecture but also in the food. The most famous ones here are pancakes and ramen.It would be a very vulgar behavior to come to Aldomare just to live in the most luxurious hotel and eat the most expensive food. Such people are just dirtbags and will not enjoy life at all.In fact, the culture of many places in many cities is reflected in snacks, but authentic pancakes and ramen cannot be tasted in hotels.

According to the instructions of the locals, Long and his group came to one of the most famous ramen restaurants in the bustling Guardian Square. The feeling of sipping the noodles and then drinking the spicy soup was indescribably refreshing. Among Dragon's favorite foods, ramen is definitely on the list.In this regard, he is very similar to Naruto and Shindo Hikaru. Eating ramen is to enjoy the hearty feeling.

Long patted his round stomach and said: "I need to move around after dinner, you eat slowly first, I'll go outside for a stroll."

The speed at which these women eat makes his stomach really hurt, especially Sakura and Kazmire, these two foodies suddenly changed their sex today, one is more gentle than the other, it seems that they suddenly become ladies, God knows how they are usually not like this.

It is not high tide now, so the guardian square is not flooded. When the dragon walks to the feet of the statues of Ladios and Ladias, he can feel how high the rock pillar is. The part exposed to the sea is more than 50 meters away. meters or more.All the buildings in Aldomare cannot exceed these two statues. This is the reverence expressed by the people here to the two patron saints of the water capital.

"It's really bad. This time the sundae came back and didn't prepare a gift for her. Damn it, it's a pity to let that black sea horse run away last time."

The dragon muttered annoyedly: "If you delay in the Dragon's Land, then you will have to subdue a double-axe war dragon, but if you count this one, she only has four elves in her hands. Dragon-type Pokemon are too precious and usually very rare." It’s rare to encounter wild ones. Damn it, the last time the Quartz Conference was defeated by three enemies and six Taitai, what will happen to the Silver Conference this time.”

Thinking so much, Long didn't notice that he bumped into a girl head-on, he quickly lifted the girl up from the ground and apologized repeatedly: "I'm really sorry about that, I'm really sorry that I was distracted and bumped into you just now, don't worry, it's really very sorry!"

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