"Shui Jun's blizzard trick is really amazing. As expected of the legendary elves, they are really powerful."

After being amazed, the narrator said in a puzzled tone: "However, does the dragon player have any ideas about using blizzard on the empty sea? But the chief swan has already flown into the sky, so no matter how loud the movement and momentum of the sea are, it is impossible to affect it." It..." Before the commentator finished speaking, his body had already swooped down from the air, Suicune's whole body got into the hollow icicle tornado, and the chief swan also chased after him like a bomber that swooped down from a low altitude. Suicune followed closely behind.

"Please enter the urn!"

The dragon flicked his fingers and shouted loudly: "Sui-kun, now, use the most powerful water jet trick!"

There was a sudden turbulence on the sea surface, and there was only a bang, and a huge wave suddenly surged out of the hollow icicle tornado.Suicune's body was wrapped in a layer of blue rage and flew upwards, the chief swan was caught in the shield of the huge wave and fell into the sea, the icicle tornado crashed, and countless ice chips collapsed from the air and shattered into pieces. The hailstones fell on the chief swan.

The referee waited for a long time until the boiling sea completely calmed down before waving the flag and loudly pronouncing: "The chief swan loses the ability to fight, and Suicune wins!"

Kona explained to the girls with a smile: "The chief swan followed Suicune into the hollow icicle tornado, but he didn't expect that the dragon had intentionally guided it in. In that environment, the water jet suddenly launched The counterattack makes the chief swan trapped in it even if it has wings, except for the gap above it is unavoidable."

"It's no wonder that the dragon deliberately used the blizzard trick on the sea just now, so it was a deliberate idea, but to deliberately create such a hollow waterspout, you must have amazing control over the sea water, Suicune It's really amazing!"

Sakura looked at the majestic body standing on the rock pillar with dazzled eyes. Such an elf is the ultimate goal of a water system trainer. She wanted to subdue Suicune more and more.

"Come back, Chief Swan!"

Yapa squinted at the dragon and lowered his head wondering what he was thinking. Finally, he took out a love ball made of pink mandarin fruit from his bosom. Has a very high success rate.The heart ball shone with a burst of pink light and then bounced off. What came out was a little elf with fins like a heart and a pair of pink wings. It was the nanny Mambo.

The narrator introduced to the audience and said: "The last elf of Yapa contestant is a single-attribute elf babysitter Mambo from the waters of the Yixiu area that has never been used in previous competitions. It is also called the heart butterfly fish. Nanny Mambo drifts on the sea plain, and when he finds an injured Pokmon, he will hug and transport him to the shore, gently pick up the injured or tired Pokmon with his fins, and treat it with a special mucous membrane. Covering Nanny Mambo's Special mucous membranes have a therapeutic effect."

This is the first time for Long to actually see the nanny Mambo, because this little elf looks like a heart shape, and Long once thought it was an evolution of the love fish.Unexpectedly, Yapa finally took out such an elf, nanny Mambo, from the name, it should be an elf who is proficient in auxiliary tricks, and it should be more suitable as a pet elf like Lucky Egg and Tabnai Nurse at the Spirit Center.

"Why am I worrying about it? If you can't win the last match even commanding Suicune, then there's no need to mess around."

The dragon rubbed his temples with his fingers, then waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Knock it down with one blow, use the destructive death light!"

"Hey" Suicune stood on the top of the rock pillar. Hearing the dragon's instructions, his mouth quickly condensed a ball of golden energy light and shot it towards the babysitter Mambo. The body of the babysitter Mambo shone with a layer of green light The halo formed a shield-like protective layer to carry the powerful destructive death light trick head-on, and the water surface exploded with a bang, setting off waves more than ten meters high.

Although Suicune's attack was fierce, it didn't break through Nanny Mambo's defense, and the dragon touched his forehead in pain. If there is something more annoying than the protection trick, it is definitely a professional use of protection tricks like Nanny Mambo elf.

I really don’t understand, under normal circumstances, trainers will subdue elves with powerful destructive power to strengthen their own strength, so there are few auxiliary elves like Lucky Egg and Nanny Mambo to subdue and train them .This Yapa not only does not follow the usual path, but also the nanny Mambo has been bred to a very high level. I really don't know where he got so much energy. Is it really necessary to thoroughly implement the tactical policy of the obscene style?

With a wave of the dragon's arm, the Great God shouted: "See if your protection can defend against my attacks continuously, Suicune uses the water cannon!"

"Hey" Suicune let out an angry roar, the blue crystal on the top of his head shone with blue crystal light, and a jet of high-pressure water jetted out towards the nanny Mambo.

Yapa couldn't pick his nostrils calmly after Suicune appeared on the stage. He waved his arms and shouted loudly at the same time as the dragon gave the order: "Use a wish∥'Boomn" Nanny Mambo's body shone blue for a while. There was a dazzling light, and then Suicune's high-pressure water cannon blasted at it, and the whole body of the nanny Mambo flew and fell heavily on the rock pillar.

Nanny Mambo's biggest advantage as an auxiliary elf is that he has extraordinary physical strength. Even if he suffered from Suicune's powerful one-hit water-type ultimate move, he was not killed by a single blow.Although Suicune's water cannon doesn't look as strong as the giant Gyarados, the legendary Pokémon's talent and powerful strength make every attack of Suicune not to be underestimated, even if it is an ordinary Pokémon with water characteristics They should all be knocked down by this concentrated high-pressure water cannon.

A blue soft light flashed out of nowhere and haunted the nanny Mambo, who was constantly repairing the wounds on its body. This was the wish-making trick just now starting to take effect.Wishing is a normal recovery skill that has the same healing effect as Yuqi and self-regeneration, except that wishing is not an instant recovery skill, but will take effect after a period of time after using the unique skill.

"This kid really has a good plan. He deliberately reserved his back hand before being attacked, and he will be recovered immediately after being attacked."

Long looked at Yapa on the opposite side with an ugly face, he didn't like such a protracted battle.What Long likes most is a trainer like Uncle Ah Si in Zhanlan Gym. The head-to-head confrontation makes people feel more exciting and passionate, but the kid on the other side is really a wretched grandma, just like a brown candy.

The dragon waved his arms and shouted to Suicune: "You can't dodge this attack with the speed of the babysitter Mambo. Suicune, gather your strength and prepare to use the most powerful destructive death light. I want to see this time." Can it defend against this attack?"


Suicune let out a roar, and the surface of the sea exploded and created a huge wave as if responding to its mood.Suicune opened his mouth, and a ball of golden energy light was continuously accumulated and formed. The north wind was blowing slightly on the sea surface, and Suicune's sharp eyes locked tightly on the figure of the nanny Mambo.

Yapa's sparse eyebrows were almost twisted into a [-]-degree right angle. Judging from Suicune's attack that destroyed the death light just now, it was absolutely impossible for his elf to avoid the attack of the rapid destruction death light at such a distance.Now Suicune's posture is accumulating energy. It can be imagined that the attack later will be earth-shattering, and now he can only deploy as many defensive measures as possible.

Yapa said loudly to his elf: "Nanny Mambo, dive into the water and use the protection trick∥'Boom n" Nanny Mambo dived into the water with a bang, it seems that Yapa is using the water surface to help hide himself With the figure of an elf, and he was afraid that it would not be safe to use a protective trick underwater, it seems that this Yixiu boy is really desperate.

The sea water in the Whirlpool Islands Arena is very clear, and after the battle just now, the water surface here has been evaporated by at least one meter by the giant Gyarados and Suicune.Mambo, the nanny, used a protective trick at the bottom of the water to reveal her whereabouts. Long directly found a green light like a firefly on the surface of Kanlan water. This guy was too daring to play a lantern underwater.

Yapa also saw the green light at the bottom of the water, but there was no panic on his face. On the contrary, Long obviously saw that the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and he was actually laughing.

When the dragon was about to let Suicune launch an attack, his heart suddenly changed and he shouted loudly: "Shui-kun, use the unique skill of destroying the death light to aim at the direct direction of the green light at the bottom of the water∥'ao n" Shui-kun shouted angrily. There is no order for the dragon. Any hesitation, the body jumped high from the rock pillar, and the powerful condensed and destroyed death light shot out, and the huge recoil force actually made Suicune's body several meters higher again.The golden energy rays sank into the sea, and a huge wave soared into the sky.

The powerful destructive power of the destructive death light caused a large amount of sea water to evaporate, and the sea surface was instantly sunken and broken to reveal the figure of the nanny Mambo.The green protective layer was instantly torn apart by the powerful impact force.The destructive death ray devoured the pink elf who looked like a heart, and the destructive death ray scattered and lased at the bottom of the water, coating the entire blue sea surface with a layer of golden brilliance.

With a bang, a golden ray of destruction suddenly drilled out from the bottom of the water and shot into the sky. The whole body of the nanny Mambo fell from the air...--293 finals, Blastoise was unlucky in the semi-finals. The competition finally came to an end, Suicune Lianke's chief swan and babysitter Mambo advanced strongly, and the dragon contestant secured a place in the final first."

The commentator said: "Although I don't know why Suicune's last destruction and death light was aimed at the position directly in front of the nanny Mambo, but the result of the game has proved the foresight of the dragon player. Congratulations to the dragon player again, I hope he can achieve better Once again, let us give the applause to Suicune who performed very well in the competition!"

It was the first time that the two sisters, Sakura and Xiaoxia, agreed so much and clapped their hands. No matter how different the two sisters were in front of outsiders, their love for water-type Pokemon and their love for Suicune Worship is the same.However, they have the same doubts as the host and the audience at the scene, why Suicune's last blow deliberately aimed at the wrong position.

"This involves the refraction of light in physics. In this case, the water-type Pokemon trainer and the police will use it to confuse the opponent."

Kona said with a smile: "Light is refracted when it travels from one medium to another different medium, so the eyes see that the objects in the water are actually deviated from their actual positions. This is why the dragon The reason Suicune is aiming directly in front of Nanny Mambo is because that's where Nanny Mambo is actually in the water."

"Wow, this is so profound."

Xiao Nizi is confused by the medium and the refraction of light. She is not a student who likes to learn, let alone such theoretical knowledge.However, Xiao Nizi still took out the small notebook she carried with her and carefully wrote down what Kona said. What the master said was not wrong. For water-type Pokemon trainers, this refraction must be kept in mind.

Through these few days of competition, the dragon has become famous in the whirlpool islands. Just being the trainer of the legendary little elf Suicune is enough to make people envy and remember him.It's just that today's game is really tiring, and I was tortured by that wretched boy Yixiu, especially the way that guy picked his nose during the game...--If he can't eat at noon today, he must be the culprit.

"Hey one ancient... one" the dragon lay on the chair in the center of the spirit and stretched out. Suicune didn't suffer too much damage in this game, but the giant Gyarados definitely needed some healing.Another semi-final match in the afternoon was watched directly by Long and the girls in the Fairy Center. One of the two sides was to eliminate Sakura's trainer from the Orange Islands, and the other was to eliminate Xiaoxia's Url Island Silver Rock in the preliminaries of the second venue. Takami, the island's local trainer.

Xiaogang is the least resistant to Yujie-type beauties. From the salivating expression on his face while watching TV, it can be seen that he must be fantasizing or having other dirty thoughts in his heart.

Although this game was not as heart-wrenching and thrilling as the one between Long and Yapa, it was still very exciting, especially the last big showdown between Scythe Helmet and Gyarados was very intense.In the end, the Gyarados used its steel-like body to resist a test knife from the sickle helmet, and then blasted the opponent with a destructive death light to advance.

"Dragon's next opponent is this Gaomei player. It seems that the strongest opponent is this Gyarados. Now he has touched the championship trophy with one hand."

Sakura happily pulled Long's arm and said flatteringly, "With your strength, I'm afraid you don't need props like mysterious water droplets. Give me the prize for the final, okay?"

Long looked at the eyes of all the girls including Xiaoxue. It seems that girls have no resistance to beautiful accessories, but it is a bit difficult to deal with too many monks and too few porridge. "The Elf League has regulations. It is not allowed to use props in official competitions and gymnasium competitions. Moreover, using props will make elves and trainers dependent. This is not good..." Before Long finished talking about Sakura Repeatedly said: "I didn't say that I would use this mysterious water droplet for my elves. I thought it would be okay to hang it around my neck as a necklace. There is nothing more suitable for a water-type Pokemon trainer." Necklaces and pendants."

"You're discussing about taking away the championship prize before the game, let's talk about it after tomorrow's victory."

Long rubbed his temples and said with a headache: "Finally, there is only one opponent left for tomorrow. I'm too tired today, so please let me have a good rest. I didn't expect that there is such a character in Yixiu. The kid who is watching is really amazing." what."

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