The force of the giant claw crab's blow was stronger than that of the crab punch just now, and the sea surface quickly broke open, even exposing the rocks on the bottom.The referee, Long and Duli who were in charge of directing backed away quickly, for fear that if they moved a step slower, they would be swallowed up by this monstrous rage.

The roaring roar of the huge waves devoured the lamp monster without waiting for the lamp monster to react. The turbulent sea swept the lamp monster and washed it heavily on a rock pillar standing in the sea. Under the heavy blow of this blow, he was dizzy.It took a long time for the roaring sea to calm down slowly. A few eddies floated and then quieted down.

The giant claw crab crawled on the platform in the center of the arena, panting continuously. Everyone looked at the calming sea in surprise, and the scene lost their voices. It seemed that the huge wave just now was about to hit the auditorium more than ten meters high. Average.The giant claw crab's final blow was really amazing, it was simply terrifying!

"The lamp monster lost the ability to fight, and the giant claw crab won. All three elves of the Duli player were unable to fight, so the dragon player won and advanced to the next game!"

The referee's voice finally pulled back the distracted crowd, and the scene burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Oh duo! It's really amazing. The giant claw crab's last attack with all its strength is too powerful. This power is simply terrifying. Originally, the overwhelming advantage of the lamp monster was under the excellent tactical command of the dragon player. It collapsed in an instant, and the patience and the dying struggle showed the ultimate strength... "289 sea giants, stinging jellyfish's special whirlpool archipelago competition entered the white-hot stage on the first day, and the cruel preliminaries almost screened out all the desires. It is impossible for a trainer who fishes in troubled waters to break through the preliminaries without strong strength, so each of the sixteen water-type trainers who can advance has one or two brushes.

Although Long didn't win this match by an overwhelming advantage, it was still very impressive to win a match with only two elves. In the first round of the knockout round, there were only two other trainers. It turned out that there was also a trainer from the Yixiu area who was so arrogant that he ended all three battles with only one chief swan and advanced strongly.

Sakura's match was the last one, and the trainer she was fighting against was Domon, who was from Kumquat Island in the Orange Islands.The strength of this man is very strong, and the elves he sent are Gem Starfish, Vigorous Crocodile and Sickle Helmet!Yes, I heard you right, it is the sickle helmets of the rock-type and water-type Pokemon that should have been extinct and now only fossils can be found!

When the dragon was in the Grand Canyon of the Kanto region, he had encountered these fossil elves that should have been extinct, sickle helmets, spiny ammonites, and fossil flying dragons.At that time, he used the elf ball to subdue a fossilized helmet in the form of a sickle helmet before it evolved, and a spiny ammonite in the form before its evolution was given to Dr. Oki for research, and he himself subdued the fossil flying dragon.

Ammonites and spiny ammonites once appeared in large numbers in the ruins of Alufu. At that time, this incident even alarmed the headquarters of the Chengdu Alliance. The headquarters of the Chengdu Alliance specially sent the champion of the Chengdu Alliance, Zun Kaodu, and the King of Fighters Xiba to go there. Alufu handles related matters, and now these ammonites and prickly ammonites are properly arranged by the alliance in a nature protection park.

As for the sickle helmet, a few months ago, Long heard that there was big news in the Orange Islands, saying that a large number of fossil helmets and sickle helmets were found on a small island in the Orange Islands.At that time, I thought that this news was purely for attracting attention, but I didn't expect that there would be a trainer from the Orange Islands participating in the Whirlpool Islands Competition.

When Domon took out the sickle helmet, it really caused a lot of shock. After all, these fossil elves only exist in theory.Xiao Nizi was obviously not prepared enough, this sickle helmet did not appear in her previous materials.At that time, the battle between Xiao Nizi and the male player named Domon was like this. The little saw crocodile took the lead and lost to the gem starfish, and the lustful Gotha duck broke out with a strong fighting power to defeat the gem starfish, and then Sakura was replaced by Menus Defeat the opposing crocodile.

Originally two-on-one should have the initiative and the upper hand, but the player Duomeng's sickle helmet broke out with amazing combat power. He defeated Gotha Duck and Menus in a row, making one foot into the quarterfinals. Cherry Blossom is very regrettable to be eliminated.

The sickle helmet was a carnivorous elf in ancient times, so its fighting consciousness is very strong, and its bloodthirsty character can also make it exert its own strength of 120 points. In addition, Sakura doesn't know much about the sickle helmet, so she is doomed The result of subsequent failure.

Although it's a bit regrettable, Xiao Nizi's performance in the Whirlpool Islands Competition is still very good overall. You must know that even Xiaozhi, the trainer who advanced to the quarterfinals of the last Silver Conference, has not yet failed in the preliminaries.Even Kona said that the trainers who can enter the Whirlpool Islands Competition have at least eight alliance badges and can be called elite trainers.

The quarter-finals were held on the second day, and this time Long's opponent was a trainer from the Sinnoh region named Fika.The dragon game is the second game in the afternoon, which is the last game of the day.

Long didn't work as hard as Xiao Nizi, and he didn't bother to check what kind of elf this guy named Fika used in the preliminaries.Because this time I brought all the water-type Pokemon with me after I went from Kanto to Chengdu to let them move their muscles and bones.Both the blue crocodile and the giant claw crab performed very well today and need some training, but there is still an elf in the dragon's hand that hasn't got the chance to play. You can't favor one over the other. It's time to let it move around tomorrow.

"Okay, audience. Today's first three games have already determined three places to enter the final four, and now the last ~ game will also have a fierce duel."

The narrator introduced in an incendiary tone: "The trainer on the left is the Fika player who came here from the Sinnoh area to participate in our Uzumaki Islands competition, and the trainer on the right is the trainer from Zhenxin Town in the Kanto area, Dragon player!"

Long is no longer the first brother, and it is a task that has been baptized by the competition anyway, so now he can basically remain calm in the face of the [-] spectators cheering in unison.Fika on the opposite side and the trainer who played against yesterday were also a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Long couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. Why did he fight against underage boys twice.

Although Long didn't care about his opponent in the competition, Sakura, a little girl, helped him find Fika's information. The two elves used by this boy in the preliminaries were Steel Emperor Penguin and Big-tailed Beaver.Because only one of the four of them participated in the Whirlpool Islands Contest is left, the hope of winning the championship all falls on the shoulders of the dragon.

"It's my first elf, go, ocean weasel!"

Fika is in the first attack position. The first Pokémon he sends is the Pokémon Ocean Floating Itachi from Sinnoh with a single water attribute, which is the evolution of Swimming Itachi.Most of the people here, including Xiaozhi and the Sakura girls, have never seen such elves.

The narrator began to play the role of the illustration book to help everyone explain: "The ocean floating weasel sent by the Fika player is difficult to see in other areas. This little elf often swims with its well-developed air bag. When the floating bag is inflated, it can be used by people On its back, after the floating bladder dries up, it dives into the water. Pokemon who like to help rescue drowning people live in large numbers in fishing villages, rescue drowning villagers, or help them carry the fish they catch.”

Long once again looked at the arena in front of him to confirm that there was no problem, and then slowly took out a poke ball from his waist, "I only use this one, go ahead, stinger jellyfish∥'houn" The huge stinging jellyfish let out a roar, and its whole body sank into the water with a bang.

The audience was silent, and everyone watched the monster-like sting jellyfish gasp in unison, hiss...--The audience sitting at the front of the auditorium was not even as tall as the sting jellyfish, while the sting jellyfish standing in the arena The four rock pillars suddenly became very small in front of the huge body, not even as long as a tentacle of the stinging jellyfish.

"This... this... this, my God, I didn't see the flowers, did I? Is this really a stinging jellyfish?"

The narrator's tongue was a little knotted, and it took him a long time to confirm that he was right. "Although I heard that the dragon contestants used a huge sting jellyfish with a body size of more than 30 meters in the Quartz Conference, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. Now...---this sting jellyfish, which is as tall as a lighthouse, actually appeared in front of me. In front of him, it is really...--If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I simply couldn't believe that there would be such a huge pet elf in the world...--" Seeing is believing, such a huge guy appeared in front of everyone The visual impact is extremely shocking.Even the spectators in the front row could feel that the stinging jellyfish stretched out its tentacles to engulf them all. They looked at the big guy in front of them with a little trembling, and many people even rubbed their eyes several times. Make sure you are not dazzled.

The trainer named Fika from the Sinnoh region who fought against the dragon was already stunned. During the preliminaries, he specially investigated the dragon's information and learned that he swept the entire ninth venue with a 20-meter-long tyrannosaurus He basically didn't report any hope.This is a gap in absolute strength. It is very difficult to defeat such a Gyarados without the strength of a master.

Today is better, the huge tyrannosaurus did not see yet another even bigger stinging jellyfish came, this body shape is almost ten times the size of ordinary jellyfish.The sea weasel is like the difference between a mouse and an elephant in front of such a huge stinging jellyfish. An elephant can squash a mouse flat with one foot, but this giant jellyfish probably only needs one tentacle to clean up the sea weasel.

The referee took a few steps back involuntarily, but he did not forget his job. Although he understood that the trainer on the left had not taken any action, the game still had to continue.The referee bit the bullet and reminded Fika to launch an attack quickly, but... he himself felt that this seemed to be urging the opponent to die quickly. This kind referee even felt a little bit uneasy about his conscience, because he was too cruel.However, this is to blame the trainer in Zhenxin Town for being unkind.

Fika looked at the huge stinging jellyfish in front of her and didn't know what to do, feeling that she couldn't use any tricks.It is estimated that the weasel can tickle the opponent, and the water cannon can give the opponent a shower, let's use the tail of the water... You can't attack with the tentacles aimed at the opponent, otherwise you think the sea weasel can rush to the front of the huge stinging jellyfish Pout your fart & ass and then whip it with your tail?

"Ocean floating weasel, shoot with water!"

Fika player hesitated for a long time and finally started Chrysostom after the referee's third urging.Although the sea weasel absorbed the terrifying deterrent power of the huge stinging jellyfish, this elf still faithfully carried out the orders of its trainer.Haiyang Fushen roared as if to embolden himself, his body was wrapped in a layer of blue fury and rushed towards the stinging jellyfish, the starting speed and acceleration were excellent.

Long yawned. After waiting for so long, the other party finally started to move, "Stinger jellyfish, use the stinger!"

With a clatter, a tentacle of the giant stinging jellyfish was pulled out from its hand, and it intercepted the ocean weasel rushing in front of it at an extremely fast speed. And thick.

The thick and long tentacles smashed the ocean weasel down to the surface of the water at a lightning-fast speed. At the same time, the originally dark tentacles protruded out with a purple halo of poison like lightning, and the whole body of the ocean weasel was thrown heavily into the water.When the floating sleeve of the ocean floated to the surface, the referee waved the flag and directly decided that the stinger jellyfish won. In fact, the referee's eyes were shining brightly.

"Come back, Ocean Floating Weasel, I'm so lucky for you!"

Fika player took back his little elf very simply, and after comforting Haifu Weasel, he sent out his second elf, which was a soft-shelled manatee that looked like a snail.

It is also an elf from the Sinnoh area, but this time the commentator does not continue to serve as a picture book.Just now he enthusiastically introduced the Ocean Floating Weasel, but he was easily killed by the Stinger Jellyfish in just one round. The whole process took less than 30 seconds, and the battle time was shorter than the time he introduced.What is this, making him look like a fool.

Unless the manatee sent out this time is Sinnoh champion Sirona's manatee who entered the Hall of Champions, then this battle will be a bit interesting and suspenseful, and he will not hesitate to praise the manatee to promote it.But in the current situation, it seems that it would be better for him to keep his mouth shut.

This time, there is no need to wait for the opponent to attack first, Long directly waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Stinger jellyfish. Use the unique trick of wrapping!"

Facing such an opponent, the stinging jellyfish didn't even bother to roar, and its long tentacles stretched out and flew towards the manatee.

"Hurry up and avoid it, Manatee!"

Player Fika probably felt that it would be very useless for him not to be such an elf who let himself be dumped by the opponent, so he immediately ordered the manatee to keep avoiding the attack of the stinging jellyfish.

The manatee moves very fast in the hand. The stinging jellyfish can't even catch it with one tentacle, but the stinging jellyfish stretches out its second, third, and fourth tentacles... Finally , a thick and long tentacle rolled out of the water tightly around the manatee's body and drilled out of the water, and the stinging jellyfish smashed the manatee heavily on the wall, ending the second battle.

The referee didn't bother to babble, and announced the result of the game in six words, "The stinger jellyfish wins!"

Fika player is really short of breath. He even has a feeling that he has been abused by rushing all the way from Sinnoh to participate in this Uzumaki Islands competition.If he had known it would be like this at the beginning, he would never have come running over like this. The guy opposite him is a complete pervert. How did he subdue such a monster-like guy!

The last elf that Fika appeared on was a neon fish, a very beautiful elf with fins as beautiful as butterfly wings.However, this is not a beauty contest after all, whether the Pokemon is beautiful or not has nothing to do with the competition.

The Neon Fish faced the stinging jellyfish. The result is conceivable. 290 shared the pain and got into trouble. The match between the Dragon and the trainer Fika from the Sinnoh area broke many records in the Uzumaki Islands Competition. , the most suspenseful duel in the knockout round, the fastest end-of-fight match in the knockout round, and the Fika player also won the title of the most tragic trainer in this whirlpool archipelago competition in advance.

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