"Because you are a child now."

Lan smiled slightly.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. When I heard Lan say this, Long really remembered that Xiaozhi would meet all kinds of mythical beasts and legendary elves in the future, "It won't be true that Xiaozhi will really conquer those when he grows up. Elf, that would be very bad, no,"

Long secretly made up his mind, "I must be the first to strike."

"My lighthouse was destroyed by a giant dragon, and we have nowhere to stay tonight."

Zhenghui looked at the lighthouse in ruins and said regretfully. "Leave that to me."

Long looked at Hu Di and smiled, "How about Hu Di? Can you take us to Dry Leaf City?"

"Hu Di" Hu Di raised his two spoons again, his eyes lit up with a faint blue light, and with a "swoosh" all the people disappeared on the shore.

"It's an incredible ability."

Xiaogang looked at the skyscrapers and street lamps lit up everywhere in disbelief.

"Hey, have we arrived at Dryleaf City?"

Xiaoxia looked around.

"Okay, no matter how we got here, since we came to Dry Leaf City, let's go to the gym to challenge."

Xiao Zhi exclaimed excitedly.

Everyone was sweating, Xiaoxia said helplessly, "If you want to challenge the gym, don't look at the time. Now it's dark and we have to rest. Even if you don't need to rest Pikachu, they still want us to rest."

"Pika" Pikachu placed an alarm clock next to the floor directly on the street, and everyone fell to the ground immediately.

"What an energetic kid."

Zhenghui smiled and said, "Everyone, let's separate here first. My lighthouse has been destroyed. I have to deal with some things. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet in the future."

After everyone said goodbye to Zhenghui, Xiao Zhi said to Long, "Okay, Long, I will definitely get the badge in front of you."

Of course Long did not show weakness, "I'm not going to lose to you."

"I think you have no chance."

At this time, three shadows suddenly appeared behind the dragon, and the dragon immediately felt a chill behind him. "Sakura-san showed such a terrifying expression for the first time."

Xiaoxia was surprised.

"Just go back to the hospital obediently for me."

Sannulan is on the left, Sakura is on the right, Sundae is in the middle, dragging the collar of the dragon to the direction of the hospital. "Sister Sakura, where are you going?"

Xiaoxia asked loudly.

"I have important things to do now, Xiaoxia, take care of yourself first."

Sakura waved her hand to Xiaoxia and continued He Lan and Sundae dragged the wailing dragon and disappeared in front of the stunned Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

"Is that really the man who calmly commanded the legendary elves and giant fast dragons to fight just now?"

Xiaogang said in surprise, and then showed an envious expression on his face, "It seems that the lethality of beautiful women is effective against all men. The huge lethality of the three beauties is something that the legendary elf trainer is trying to convince."

"Hmph, whether you have a legendary elf or a huge fast dragon, I am determined to become the world's number one trainer, so I will not lose to you."

Xiao Zhi said loudly.

"Someone's talking big again,"

Xiaoxia hit Xiaozhi without hesitation, "It's hundreds of years before you reached the level of the battle just now."

Then Xiaoxia said, "And you will never be able to defeat the legendary water elf Yishuijun, it is so elegant and noble, it is so charming to defeat that powerful fast dragon with the attitude of ruling the world. , he is the king of the noble and elegant water elves, so..." Xiaoxia shook her finger at Xiaozhi, "You can't defeat Suijun."


Xiao Zhi pulled his head down and said in frustration, "Although you like water elves, you can't hit me like that."

Xiaogang looked at Xiaoxia, who was attacking Xiaozhi, and then looked at the place where the dragon disappeared and murmured, "The legendary elf and huge fast dragon, Xiaozhi, you have met the most powerful opponent, and you will defeat him. ?"

Chapter 017: In the City of Dead Leaves, Encounter

"I said how long will the three of you imprison me?"

Long looked at the three women who were standing around his bed with arms crossed around his chest and looked at him aggressively and said weakly.

"Wait until you're fully recovered."

Lan said angrily.

"Long, you don't let us worry too much."

Sakura also said angrily.

"It took us a long time to run away because we didn't pay attention."

Sundae said that he rushed towards the dragon and groped for a while on his waist.

"Ah, sundae, what are you doing?"

Long paled in shock, "You're in the public eye now, and you're still very young."

"what are you talking about."

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