Kazmire, Lan, and even Wuyue all agreed, and even Kona and Nazi expressed emotion.Long looked at how much these young, beautiful, or mature and charming women wanted to say, I want to wash with you too, but he knew very well what the consequences would be if he really said these words, and he was bombarded to death It is the lightest end.

Long and his group are very different from Xiaozhi now. Before they arrive in a new city, they have to book a hotel first. After everyone absorbs the wind and dust on their bodies, they walk around the street to relax and refresh their minds the next day. Go challenge gym.After all, he has been in this world for such a long time. Long's mood has been suppressed from the curiosity and excitement at the beginning, and he is used to the current life, so Long's behavior is not so ostentatious, and his personality is much more mature.

Shallow City, like Manjin City, is a seaside city. Walking on the street, you will feel a cool sea breeze blowing in your face from time to time. There are many high-rise buildings on the street, and the tallest landmark building of Shallow City, the Shining Lighthouse, stands by the sea.Of course, this is not a place that you can visit casually. You must have at least one official gym badge recognized by the alliance to enter. Not only the Chengdu Alliance, but the badges of alliance gyms in all regions are also acceptable.

Because the Guanghui Lighthouse is divided into multiple layers, there are three high-rise buildings that are precisely put together. The left side is used as a lighthouse to guide the direction of the ships. In addition to the most basic function, there is another most important use. The tall building in the middle It is the battle tower where trainers interact with each other.

There are a total of eight floors here in the battle tower, and there are huge arenas for trainers to compete with each other. If a trainer wants to go up to a higher floor, he must win three consecutive games on that floor.The building on the right is an observation tower open to ordinary tourists.

Of course, the battle tower also has a place for rest and leisure, and even the restaurants and hotels after the eighth floor are completely free for all trainers who can come here.Because of this, the Lighthouse of Light and the Battle Tower have become places that many trainers rush to visit. This is not only a place to recognize the strength of a trainer, but also has additional benefits, so how can people not flock to it.

Xiaoxue, Lan and Wuyue in Long's group were not allowed to enter the lighthouse, and Kona didn't have the consciousness to use his status as the Four Heavenly Kings to get through the back door for the girls.As for the dragon, because there will be a gymnasium battle tomorrow, I don’t have the energy to deal with the extra games. It’s also very tiring work to go up to the eighth floor. After sleeping alone in the hotel all night, the next day A group of people rushed towards Qiancong Gymnasium in a mighty manner.

There is a five-storey building on the steel building as tall as the steps. The overall architectural style of the shallow onion gymnasium is very similar to the waiting hall of the railway station that Long saw in his previous life.The gate of the gymnasium is entirely made of poured steel and opened below. The three English letters of GYM made of steel are engraved on the gate, indicating that the gymnasium is officially recognized by the Elf Alliance as an official identity.

Passing through the gate of the gymnasium and walking straight forward along a straight line made of steel plates, the women and dragons kept looking at the pillars and walls made entirely of steel. The light in the whole room was rather dim, like in a basement, gray The metallic luster transmits a dignified and thick atmosphere.Xiaoxue sighed involuntarily: "As expected of the gymnasium of the steel-type Pokemon, it makes people feel a strong breath rushing toward their faces."

The last thick steel gate opened to reveal a large arena. A tender figure appeared in front of everyone. A little girl as big as a millet was carrying a green satchel with her eyes closed, posing in a cute poss. Said: "I am Qiansong City, Ami, the trainer of Qiansong Gym, a beautiful and beautiful warrior."

"Ugh, is the trainer of Asagi Gymnasium such a young child, lsreallytoocute!" Kazmire said to Long happily, "Your opponent is such a cute little girl, you have to be merciful later!" That's it."

All the girls looked at the five or six-year-old child in amazement. It was really hard to imagine that she was a trainer in such a large gymnasium. You must know that children usually only receive it when they are ten years old. own initial sprite.And the five or six-year-old children in Long's world are still wearing crotch pants. Sure enough, the children in this Pokemon world are very responsible.

Long didn't despise her because the other party was young, but walked out, looked at the little girl in front of him with a formal tone and said with a smile: "Hello, I am the trainer Long from Zhenxin Town, and I want to use it with you." The badge of the Asparagus Gym is a wager for the competitive battle of Pokémon."

The little girl calmly walked to the designated position of the trainer on the battle field, looked at the dragon calmly with her arms akimbo, and said, "I see, the number of Pokemon to be used is three, that's fine!"

Long immediately nodded to express that he had no objection.

With a wave of her arm, the little girl took out an elf ball and shouted imposingly: "Go, Big Rock Snake!"

"Yo oh n" a big rock snake with a shining body made a very powerful roar. Its huge body can easily bring a strong sense of oppression.

"Only after the Big Rock Snake evolves into a Big Steel Snake will it change from rock-type attributes to steel-type attributes, and overcome the weak resistance to steel-type, grass-type, and ice-type tricks, and be affected by water-type tricks. After the injury, it will not be affected as much as the big rock snake."

Xiaoxue continued to analyze while continuing: "Of course, after evolving into the big steel snake, the fire-type special attack is its new weakness, and the demonstration body in the form of the big rock snake is very resistant to the fire-type special move."

"Hey, why is there no referee to preside over and read out the rules of the game? Is this how the shallow onion gymnasium directly kicks off the battle?"

Sakura pointed to the big rock snake curiously and said: "And that big rock snake feels very strange, how can the body of a rock elf be so shiny."

Kona frowned, pushed his glasses and said softly, "The body of this big rock snake has been waxed. This is against the rules. This little girl is not a real Asahi Gym trainer."


All the girls were shocked when they heard the news. When Lan Gang wanted to remind Long and asked the little girl, Ke Na stopped him, "Wait a minute, let's see."

How could the passionate dragon think about referees or not? It's not like he hasn't experienced battles without referees. As for the layer of waterproof wax on the big rock snake, he can't see it. "This battle is up to you, go, Toucan!"

Unexpectedly, Long even sent a flying toucan to fight, and the silver toucan was obviously not as powerful and domineering as the storm salamander.All the girls couldn't help thinking that Long really took care of this little girl.

"Hey, you didn't pull out the Pokemon of the water system, so my previous job was not..." The little girl's expression was more surprised than that of the other girls, and she almost lost her voice and said the secret in her heart. The quick little girl shut up and looked at the dragon and said, "To deal with the rock-type Pokemon, you actually took out a toucan with unfavorable attributes. I don't know how you can resist my tricks and attacks. Uncle, I will Let you attack first!"

Long's expression was blank, he was reprimanded as an uncle by a little girl, but he was actually taught face to face by her.I made myself look like Xiaozhi was a beginner who didn’t understand anything when he faced Xiaogang’s Big Rock Snake and sent Pikachu of the electrical department. The doubt in Long's heart just flashed by.

"Toucan, hit it straight with the drill!"

With a wave of the dragon's arm, he immediately ordered the toucan to attack directly.The toucan croaked, and its body turned rapidly along its iconic long beak, like a sharp arrow flying through the air, and rushed towards the big rock snake head-on.

Drilling is different from drilling and pecking. Many people often mistakenly classify the attributes of this trick as flying, and some trainers even confuse the two tricks.In fact, drilling and pecking is the unique skill of the flying system, while direct hitting with the drill bit is the unique skill of the ground system, just to restrain the big rock snake!

"Big rock snake, use the impact trick!"

With a wave of her arm, the little girl gracefully instructed the big rock snake and the dragon's silver toucan to launch a frontal confrontation. It seems that this little girl also didn't distinguish the attribute of the drill bit direct attack, and confrontation with the unique ability that restrains her own attributes is a very An irrational behavior, and it looked like she didn't do it because she was extremely confident in the big rock snake.

"Roar n" the big rock snake let out a roar, its huge body straightened instantly, and then flew out to face the silver toucan.After the two elves confronted each other head-on, there was a bang, and the big rock snake tilted its head and fell heavily to the ground.

The silver toucan quickly flapped its wings and flew back into the air, shaking its dizzy head constantly. It was also very uncomfortable to collide head-on with the huge elf with a stone head.However, in the confrontation just now, the toucan had the upper hand.

"Hehe, the little girl seems immature."

Long Zi thought that this little girl should have just inherited the gymnasium trainer, since the probing attack was over, it was time to launch a fierce attack.The dragon waved his arm and pointed at the toucan and shouted loudly: "Move at high speed!"

"Gua n" the toucan let out a scream, and immediately flapped its wings quickly and flashed in the air, its silver body turned into afterimages and quickly approached the big rock snake.The little girl raised her arms and said encouragingly to the big rock snake: "Big rock snake, quickly use the trick of digging to avoid it!"

"Hoo n" the big rock snake roared and smashed a big hole in the ground with its head, and its body flew into the cave. The high-speed circling sparrow didn't really want to get close to the big rock snake and fight it, moving at high speed Just want to achieve the effect of repelling.The little girl was so frightened by the dragon that she used evasive tactics, and the ground-based trick of digging holes didn't work for the toucan at all, so she wasn't very mature yet.

"Hoo n" the body of the big rock snake suddenly drilled out of the ground, but no matter how long its body was, it still couldn't reach the silver toucan.Long waved his arms and said with a smile, "It's now, Iron Wings!"

The toucan immediately croaked, and its wings suddenly spread, shining bright white light.

"Gua n" the toucan flew through the air like a glider, and the steel wings slammed head-on, turning the big rock snake's body over and knocking it to the ground.The dragon waved his arms and shouted loudly: "The last blow, Toucan, use the combo trick!"

The body of the toucan flew up like a flash of lightning, and its long black beak hit the head of the big rock snake head-on, and then its body flew rapidly and its wings took advantage of the opportunity to slap the big rock snake's huge body away.The big rock snake wailed, and its huge body fell heavily to the ground, completely losing its ability to fight.

Long clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's easy to win the first game, well done, Toucan."

Although the other party is just a little girl, the dragon still has no awareness of bullying the weak, and the toucan flaps its wings arrogantly like a real winner.

"Big Rock Snake..." The little girl sat weakly on the ground and took out the elf ball to take the Big Rock Snake back, "I actually lost, and the opponent was still a flying elf. It's really pitiful. Haven't I trained enough?" ?”

Long looked at the little girl in front of him in amazement and said in surprise, "Isn't it a three-on-three match? You just lost one elf, and the match will continue."

The little girl lowered her head weakly and said: "The competition is over. I don't have three Pokemon at all. I only have one big rock snake... [-]... ah... [-]." What is going on with this?

"Idiot, I still don't understand, this little girl is not the trainer of Qiangong Gym at all."

Nazi was very speechless about the slowness of the dragon. She was quite an elf when she was fighting just now, so why did she become stupid again all of a sudden.

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