Kona looked fondly at the little Arceus nestled in the dragon's arms and said softly: "The titles of Invincible and Creation God belong to his father, he is just an ignorant newborn child, he is just Arceus , maybe one day, maybe in the future, he will become a god that surpasses the world, and become the true god of the gods."

Nazi.Wuyue and Xiaoxue looked at each other, the shy look of the little guy still made them connect with the majestic and sacred image of the Creator God.But there is no doubt about the words of Long and Kona, this little guy is indeed Arceus, the son of God!

"Papa called the dragon,"

The little guy didn't detect what kind of thoughts were in everyone's mind, he just seemed to only say this one sentence, and just stuck to him.

All the girls looked at Long in amazement, this little guy actually called Long his father!My God, are these various worlds too crazy? When did the dragon become the creation god?

Miss Kazmire suddenly cried out in shock, looked at the dragon with guessing eyes and said in surprise: "You...you must have been transformed by the Creator God, and deliberately changed into a human appearance and became a human being. Trainer..." The young lady's words immediately shocked everyone, and all the girls looked at Long.

Looking at the pair of suspicious eyes, Long couldn't help but smile bitterly. The imaginations of these ladies are really rich, and they are really eclectic.It's so bold, it really dares to think about anything.

"What I'm saying is true. Think about it, how many legendary Pokemons are there on the dragon, such as Cykrom, Lugia, and Dream. Are these ordinary people able to subdue them?"

Kazmire pointed to the dragon with more certainty and plausibility and said: "No one can surpass them except the Chuangshi God, and this little guy has admitted it himself, he has been screaming daddy, daddy, so he can't be wrong , you are the Chuangshi God in disguise!"

Long rolled his eyes and almost leaned back and passed out. What is it all about?What nonsense!But when Long went to Wuyue, Xiaoxue, Lan, and even Sakura and Nazi, their expressions were full of surprise, as if there was a faint sign of believing in Kazmire.Long almost fainted, he looked to Kona for help, now only she can prove his identity.

The Ice Queen lived up to the expectations of the dragon. Her eyes swept over the girls who had guessed their names, and she said slowly: "The dragon is definitely not the god of creation. I believe in my eyes and my heart. The most important thing is that I believe in him." Don't lie to me!"

The expressions on the faces of the girls were different, some were disappointed and some were relieved, while Long breathed a long sigh of relief.All eyes turned back to the little guy in front of him, no, it was little Arceus... --260 elf balls, arceus, gs and concentric balls260 elf balls, arceus, GS and concentric balls will pass through the dense rainforest The boat berthed at the port designated by Mr. White, and Long and his party finally returned to the era of hiking.Celebi sat on the dragon's shoulders, and little Arceus followed closely behind the dragon. The little guy seemed to have just come to this world, so he was very curious about everything and didn't want to stay in the poke ball.

9 Huhua Arceus's elf egg turned into a purple elf ball that is as crystal clear as jade after being broken. Different from the master ball, this elf ball is like amethyst with dazzling brilliance like the sun, moon and stars. Just like the vast universe.The most special thing is that there is a line of purple English letters engraved on this elf ball, ARCEUS! The dragon is turning this elf ball like a work of art in his hand. I don’t know where Arceus got this thing, this little one Things will not be exchanged even if they take a country, and the dragon does not have the courage.Chuangshishen was tricked into launching a war of annihilation because of the Jade of Life. If his son was replaced...---I can't imagine.


Little Arceus looked at the dragon curiously and asked, "Why do you always put two feet on the ground and two feet on your head? Isn't that tiring?"

The dragon staggered and almost stepped on the air and fell out of shape. He glared at those little girls who covered their mouths and laughed, but Wuyue and Kazmire didn't buy him and glared back at him fiercely.Long Yan rolled over helplessly and took the two hands on the spoon on the back of his stomach. He happily used childish words to cover up the embarrassment in his heart, and then explained the difference between his hands and feet to the curious little Arceus.

As for the question of why you have to walk down-to-earth, it made the dragon waste a lot of energy. He is not a bird with no wings on his back. Speaking of which, did he learn Maoshan Taoism, and there is no immortality in this world.

"Dad, why do I have four feet but no hands?"

Little Arceus looked at his four hooves depressedly, and the dragon touched the curious baby's little head and said comfortingly: "You have your advantages, you will become the creator god in the future, the invincible god of gods , this is an incredible honor."

Little Arceus tilted his head curiously, obviously he didn't have a clear understanding of the rankings mentioned by the dragon, and he didn't know what kind of concept invincibility was.The little guy now only believes in one thing, that is, what his father said is correct.

"Why does little Arceus keep calling the dragon father? How could the dragon have anything to do with the Creator God?"

Sakura has never been able to figure out what happened to the scary name of the little guy. She tried to ask the two parties.But little Arceus is actually a newly born ignorant child despite his respected identity as the Son of God. Not only is he shy and afraid of life, but he also has a strong sense of self-protection, except for his father who is now very repulsive to get close to other people.

The other party, Long, guessed some clues. When the Creator God entrusted him with the elf egg, he once said that this is your child too. According to Long's exact understanding, there should be only one Creator God in the Pokemon world. It is unreasonable why Arceus, who was supposed to be unique, would have an extra heir.You must know that Arceus has eternal life, not to mention where his heir came from, the dragon immediately shook his head after thinking of some unsuitable scenes.

The only explanation is that the appearance of the dragon overturned the balance of the world, so Arceus, who was originally unique, had an extra heir for this reason, and the dragon also felt a sense of familiarity in his heart when facing the little Arceus.But even if Arceus is no longer the only one because of the world changes, the God of Creation is still unique. Only Arceus who has the stone slab that is the source of life of 16 yuan will have unlimited creativity and can launch the ultimate mystery of destruction.

The 16-yuan stone slab that is the source of life is absolutely unique in this world. If little Arceus really wants to become the invincible creator god in the world, he must own all the slates. can do.As for the idea of ​​usurping the throne and grabbing the throne, Long never thought about it at all. After witnessing the extremely powerful power of the Judgment Gravel, the dragon decided that for Arceus who had a 16 yuan stone tablet, this was completely the same as sending him to death. dead.

The dragon and the girls found the Pokemon Center all the way. Along the way, everyone looked curiously at the mighty group of people and a little Arceus who didn't touch the ground with his toes.Sometimes being unknown is also a blessing. If people know the true identity of Long, the little elf who walks around the market, it may cause some big cholera.Chuangshi God is right. Human selfishness and greed will make them lose their minds. As long as it is profitable, the world will not lack a group of people who take risks.

Because it is convenient to communicate about the GS ball in the future, I wrote down the contact information of Master Yantie in Junipi Zhenlong.The person who answered the phone was Qianhui, the granddaughter of Master Yantie. This cute little girl with freckles finally remembered the group of people like Ryu. After saying hello to Kona and Sakura, she put down the phone and went to the workshop. Hurriedly calling her grandpa.

Seeing the gray-haired old man Long with sweat profusely appearing in front of the screen, he couldn't help but feel sincere respect. He is a master-level figure and still has to do everything by himself every day. Master Yantie is really admirable.You must know that because of the mass production of cheap poke balls, there are fewer and fewer masters who make mandarin fruit balls. If this continues, mandarin fruit balls will become more and more rare and precious, and the shield will eventually lose this skill. It is possible.

"Oh, Long and Kona, your spirits look very good, where are you now?"

Master Yantie took it from Qianhui's hand and greeted everyone with a smile while wiping his sweat.

"I've already obtained the fourth badge in Yuanzhu City, and I'm on my way to Qiansong City now, and it probably won't take long to get there."

Long smiled and greeted Master Yantie and said impatiently: "Master Yantie, I think I should find out about the GS ball."

As Long said, he hugged Celebi from Nazi's hand and continued: "This is the time-moving Pokemon Celebi I captured in the forest not long ago. I think the GS ball is likely to be related to this little elf." There is a great connection between them.”


Excitedly, Master Yantie almost put his entire face on the screen, and deliberately found a pair of reading glasses for fear of not being able to see clearly, "Sure enough, my guess is correct, it really is this little elf, Celebi That's right."

Standing on the side, Lan couldn't help interjecting, "Master Yantie, have you already guessed the function of the GS ball? Why did you..." Master Yantie waved his hand to interrupt Lan, and ordered his granddaughter Qianhui to general Taking the GS ball over, he carefully rubbed it in his hand and said, "Actually, when I unlocked the time lock on the GS ball, I vaguely guessed that this ball was specially made to catch Celebi, because in the This is the only Pokémon in the Kanto area that needs to use such a complicated process. For other types of Pokémon, this is a completely redundant procedure. But the next thing I know is who made such a thing on purpose, even if Yes, there are GS balls, but it is not an easy task to subdue Celebi."

"In the Kanto area, other than the Rockets, there are people who can do such a thing. A group of delusional guys who are full and have nothing to do."

Long couldn't help muttering to himself in his heart.Since seeing the destructive power of Chuangshi God, Long has completely labeled those guys who want to rule the world through the power of Pokemon as mentally ill.

This is the world of Pokemon, and harmony is the way to go. If human beings really want to rule Pokemon and other humans, there is no other way but to perish.If all the Pokemon in the world unite to drive out humans, there will be absolutely no place for humans in this world.

Master Yantie didn't know that there were so many thoughts in Long's mind, but he sighed and said: "I really didn't expect it, you really surprised and surprised me, you actually subdued Celebi, how did you do it?"

Long smiled and touched Celebi's onion head and said brazenly: "Actually, this is the higher level of a trainer. The way to subdue the legendary elves through battle is really the lower level. The most important thing is to use your affinity. , subdue it with your heart, then it will come naturally."

"I really can't stand this guy, who is so arrogant in front of the master. Seeing him so arrogantly makes his tail stick to the sky."

Wuyue moved her body away, showing with practical actions that she must draw a line with the dragon, idiots are contagious.

Kazmiretto looked at little Arceus with a cute expression on his cheeks. The eldest lady did not directly deny the dragon like May, but thought about what he said in her heart.Trainers are really a very deep knowledge. Indeed, is there really anyone in this world who can subdue Cykrom and Diablo Rogia through battles?Not to mention little Arceus!

The same master Yantie also showed a thoughtful expression like the eldest lady, "In this case, I will send you the GS ball. This is your thing. The defect that the elf ball cannot be transferred has been eliminated by me. Fixed, other factors aside, I think this poke ball is very suitable for Celebi."

Long didn't expect that Master Yantie would come out and offer to pass the GS ball back to him, but it was really good to say so, and he said gratefully without pretense: "Thank you, Master Yantie, you are worthy of being the craftsman who made the Pokéball." Master, it is really amazing to fix the defect of the GS ball so quickly. Then I will accept the GS ball, thank you again!"

Master Yantie delivered the golden GS ball to the dragon through the transmission device, and then took out two poke balls, one red and one blue, and said: "This is a pair of poke balls I made recently. Qianhui is picking orange fruits I found that there were two fruits connected together, and the colors were not the same, one red and one blue. I spent a lot of effort to make these two fruits into this pair of elf balls. I named them concentric balls. There is only this pair in the world, I will give them to you together."

After Master Yantie finished speaking, he sent the pair of concentric spheres over. Long held the two exquisite elf balls in his hand, bowed deeply and said in gratitude: "Thank you, Master Yantie, thank you very much. You gave me such a precious Poké Ball."

Master Yantie smiled and said: "Compared to the troubles you helped us solve in Junipi Town, these two poke balls are nothing, and even the best poke balls are for use. Two Pokéballs can definitely play the most effective role in your hands, fantasy ball and GS ball are the best examples.”

Long said his thanks again and waved goodbye to Master Yantie. Sakura and Kazmire held a concentric ball and exclaimed: "This elf ball is really beautiful, it's soft and soft to the touch. There is a cool feeling, just like clear water, which is really a nice touch.”

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