"That's enslavement, what kind of subjugation is it if you don't let the Pokemon recognize you!"

Sakura clenched her fists excitedly and roared, "I will never approve of a trainer like you, and I will never forgive you for my beloved water-type Pokemon. Water elf, the water cannon trick!"

The "Xia n" water elf shook its fishtail-like blue tail and opened its mouth to spray out a powerful jet of high-pressure water, attacking Xueli directly from behind. "Protect!"

Shirley jumped up with her back turned, and Suicune let out a roar, and instantly opened a layer of protective cover to bounce off the high-pressure water jet ejected by the water elf.There was a deep light in Nazi's sharp eyes, and the superpowers couldn't penetrate the protective shield to have an effect on Shirley.

"Hu Di, use the railgun; Sun Elf, Iron Tail!"

As soon as Nazi's cold voice fell, the two elves cooperated to launch continuous attacks on the evil Suicune and Shirley. "Hu Di n" put two spoons together in front of his chest, Hu Di instantly condensed an electromagnetic cannon shining with electric light and blasted directly at the evil Suicune. .

"Mi n" the sun elf jumped up, and the slender and forked tail shone with white dazzling light. The slender tail became as hard as steel in an instant, and slammed into the gap hit by the electromagnetic gun just now.

"Ho n" the evil Suicune raised his neck and roared, the protective cover shattered, and at the same time the slender body of the sun elf was blown upside down and flew out. "Mi n" the sun elf fell to the ground lightly, with his body lowered and his eyes fixed on his opponent.The Suicune who had been waiting for an opportunity to act as a dragon finally found a chance, and a golden light of energy condensed in its mouth, burst out in an instant, like an anti-tank gun, the powerful recoil force blows the branches and leaves behind Suicune. Swish.

Shirley lightly pressed on the back of the evil Suicune, and she jumped onto the big man next to her with very light movements, but her jump was more than three meters high, this woman's skill was very good immediately Well, even compared to Aya, it is not much better.

"Roar"" The evil Suicune immediately ejected a high-pressure water column to meet the powerful destructive death light. The two forces intertwined and then exploded, and the powerful air wave spread to the surroundings in an instant. A laser beam shot towards Nazi. Come here, and the super queen was already on guard, and disappeared in place in the next teleportation.

Shirley missed a single hit and leapt and jumped onto the body of the evil Suicune. Nazi appeared out of thin air at the position where Shirley was standing just now. Nazi opened her palm and sent a blow to Xueli with powerful spiritual power. Remember to be strong.The body of the evil Suicune instantly rolled up a layer of monstrous waves out of thin air, and the super power that Nazi slapped down directly overturned the wave layer.

"Water spirit, use the freezing light!"

With a wave of Sakura's arm, Suicune and the water elves moved simultaneously, and the blue freezing light shot out from bottom to top, instantly freezing the huge waves created by the evil Suicune's wave-riding trick.

However, the evil Suicune took advantage of this gap to jump up and leap up, using the huge branches of the dense forest to break through the encirclement with light taps.

Hu Di and Sun Elf's destructive light intertwined and swept out, but they just overturned the huge trees one after another. The evil Suicune ran with incredible speed and threw Nazi and Sakura away in a moment. "Damn woman, don't just run away like this!"

Sakura turned over and rode on Suicune's body and wanted to run away quickly, but the sound of buzzing bells came from above the forest.

Dazzling green lights flashed, and Nazi and Sakura didn't know that Celebi took the dragon and Kona to cross because they chased Shirley and the evil Suicune first. "Oh n" the storm salamander let out a dragon roar and flew over the forest, Long and Kona jumped down and asked, "What's going on, why are you two in this place?"

"Master, what's wrong with you, why are you bleeding so much, are you injured, don't scare me!"

Sakura didn't answer Long's words, she was really frightened when she saw Kona's red shirt, and asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I can't explain this right now. Why are you and Nazi here, Sakura? What about the others?"

Kona comforted Xiao Nizi in a soft voice, then looked around and found that there were obvious signs of fighting here, and asked involuntarily.

"Team Rocket, that's the villain Shirley we met before who was against us all the time. She used the dark ball to capture Suicune. Nazi and I followed her all the way here and surrounded her."

When Sakura said this, she couldn't help feeling annoyed: "But just now we let her seize the opportunity to escape by carelessness, and Suicune and I just caught up and saw you and the dragon appearing suddenly."


Long and Kona immediately remembered that it was the one they saw on the ship before. When Long and Kona got it, they thought that the battle with Diablo Rogia was heating up, so they didn't have time to pay attention to the situation on the ground. Attack Suicune and Lugia.

The dragon's fists were beeping loudly. The reason why the God of the Sea ran away this time and Kona was almost killed was thanks to the Rockets and Shirley. "Damn it, this damned woman, I must catch her this time!"

Long turned to look at Celebi and said, "You are the patron saint of this forest, please help us track down which damn Team Rocket member. Sakura and Nazi ride Suicune to chase on the ground, Kona and Storm Salamander The salamander is retrieving in the air."

As Long said, he took out the purple master ball from his waist and shouted, "I'm counting on you, Dark Rogia!"

The black wings of "ang n" suddenly spread, and a powerful momentum surged out. The king of the evil department was eliminated by the God of Creation, and Diablo Rogia let out a loud roar, just like the king of the world overlooking the world. earth.

Nazi and Sakura were inexplicably shocked, and the Super Queen asked nervously, "How can you send it out again!"

"Don't worry, although the God of the Sea can't change back to its original form, its rationality and emotions have all recovered. I'll tell you what exactly happened later, and now we have to hurry after Shirley."

The dragon waved his arm and waved Dark Rogia, and immediately let out a roar, his body swooped down like a jet plane, turned over and leaped up, and Dark Rogia roared, his body quickly flew and leaped up.

"I'm really obedient..." Xiao Nizi stared blankly at the figure of Diablo Rogia disappearing in the air, and asked Kona in a daze: "The dragon is so powerful, how did he tame the violent Diablo Rogia?" coming?"

"Didn't the dragon say it? I'll explain it to you later. Time is running out now."

Kona didn't have time to elaborate and stood on the storm salamander and flew up. Celebi rushed ahead of Kona and flew towards her opposite direction at a faster speed.Sakura and Nazi hurriedly took the water elves, sun elves, and Hudi back into the elf balls, and Suicune let out a roar and rushed away chasing the breath left by the evil Suicune.

The area of ​​this rain forest is very large, and the trees are dense and dense so that it can be hidden.Generally speaking, even if Suicune runs very fast, it is definitely not as fast as the dark Rogia flying in the air, and this Suicune is infected by the dark ball, so its breath Diablo Rogia will definitely be able to Can tell.But Shirley is a very cunning and insidious woman. If she takes Suicune back into the poke ball and deliberately hides her body, even if she sends an organizer, it will be difficult to capture a small one in this wide jungle. Target.

An hour passed, and the Diablo Rogia had expanded the diameter of the rope to ten kilometers, but Shirley and Suicune were still not found.This dense forest is lush and leafy, and it is very difficult to retrieve it from the sky. Although Celebi is the god of the forest, it is a bit powerless to find a cunning human who deliberately hides his breath.

Both Diablo Rogia and Celebi got nothing, let alone the Storm Salamander, which neither has the keen sense of smell like the wind speed dog nor the golden eyes like the thunder lion. The dragon specially made Kona and the flying dragon a group Feel sorry for her, do your best.On the ground, Sakura, Nazi and Suicune followed the aura left by the evil Suicune all the way to a huge waterfall. The aura disappeared here, and the clues to trace the whereabouts of Shirley and Suicune were pinched broken.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, let that woman run away! No, I must continue to search, even if I collect all the forest, I will dig that woman out."

Sakura was very angry, and when Xiao Nizi rode Suicune to continue searching, she was pulled back by the dragon.

"You're too impulsive, how are you going to find it? Are you going to play hide-and-seek with Shirley in the Zhezuo Forest?"

Long said loudly: "Even if you use ten years to dig all this forest three feet, Shirley doesn't know where to go, and she plans to do it later. Now the momentary enthusiasm is useless."

For the first time, Sakura met the dragon's eyes and questioned loudly: "Then we should do this now, are we going to watch the Rockets leave with Suicune in a grandiose manner?"

"How could I allow the Rockets and these evil organizations to run rampant!"

Long looked at the cherry blossoms and said word by word: "The monk can't run away from the temple if he can run. As long as Shirley is still on this earth, we will definitely dig her out. Believe me, we will definitely confront the Rockets in the future. As long as we let I met Shirley, and I will never let this wicked woman have a good time!"

Kona comforted Sakura, she knew that Xiao Nizi had a special liking for water-type Pokemon, and she had an almost hot attachment to Suicune, "Now time is not allowed, it is impossible for us to be here with Team Rocket Hide and seek. Don't worry, although Long usually likes to flirt, he will never be ambiguous when it comes to right and wrong."

Sakura lowered her head in frustration, although she was unwilling, but Kona said so, Xiao Nizi had no choice but to accept this reality helplessly.Sakura tightly clenched her fists, and Xiao Nizi secretly made up her mind that she would never forgive this woman next time she met Shirley.

Long, Kona, Sakura, and Nazi reluctantly returned to Guoye Village to gather with all the girls. Li Lin almost frightened half to death when she saw Kona's terrifying outfit. This Chengdu evil king was very daring and kept silent Walking up to the ground of the dragon, he slapped the dragon resoundingly!The crisp sound shocked everyone, and the girls looked at this Chengdu evil king with a short-circuited head for a moment.

Kona was the first to react and scolded Li Lin fiercely, then held Long's swollen cheeks distressedly. This place had already been dropped twice.Lan, Xiaoxue, and Miss Kazmire glared at Lilin very displeased, and even the girls Juzi and Wuyue, two women who didn't have a good relationship with Long, stared at her viciously.

Nazi and Sakura are going to do it, regardless of whether she is a senior master of the Elven Alliance or a sexy goddess in the eyes of men, it is not easy for these two women who protect their weaknesses.Long hurriedly pulled Nazi and Xiaonizi back and said guiltily: "Li Lin was right about the slap in the face, I didn't protect Kona well, and even almost...---caused eternal pain in my heart. A slap in the face is worth a lifetime of grief and guilt."

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