Sakura said puzzledly: "Lugia, who was defeated by the Phoenix King and escaped 150 years ago, escaped to the Whirlpool Islands, right? But now it is the God of the Sea of ​​Asia Island, so it shouldn't be so angry. ?”


All the monks in the temple, Komatsu, and the sisters of the Sea Clan were astonished. They turned their eyes to Sakura and asked in surprise, "Are you really sure that this Lugia is the god of the sea in Asia Island? How do you know?" Its origin!"

"This Lugia is our travel partner. You have heard that a few months ago, the Orange Islands and most of the Kanto region had an unusually sudden blizzard. The cold weather even froze the sea."

Kona stood up and looked at the crowd and said, "It was me and the Sinnoh champion Sirona who were in charge of dealing with that disaster, and it was the sea god of Asia Island who finally quelled the disaster, that is, the fallen bird over Yuanzhu City. Dark Rogia."

Everyone looked solemnly at the dark Rogia exuding an evil aura in the sky, and a feeling of powerlessness that could not be fought against rose in everyone's heart.Now everyone doesn't even have elves that can fly up to [-] meters in the air, and ordinary elves have no possibility of fighting against Diablo Rogia. If they rush up blindly, they will definitely be killed in one blow.

"Why did the dragon go to the elf center for so long and didn't come back? Now even Chaomeng can't resist it."

Lan couldn't sit still and said immediately: "I must find him quickly!"

"Roar..." A high-pitched dragon chant resounded over the sky of Yuanzhu City, and another dark figure crossed the sky of Yuanzhu City. Sekrom opened his huge mouth and sprayed a purple giant towards the dark Rogia. shock wave.Diablo Rogia adjusted his contradictory eyes and stared for a moment, condensing and spraying out an evil wave to counter Sekrom's wave of dragon, which was gathering momentum. The energy of dragon and evil collided in the air and set off a powerful wave.

"What kind of Pokemon is that, where did it come from!"

Komatsu's heart was filled with dreadful waves.

The previous super dream was enough to amaze him, but now there is another elf that can compete head-on with the dark Rogia. The thoughts of the monks in the temple and the five sisters of the sea clan are similar to him .

"It's finally here, one of the two dragons who created the Yixiu Continent in the Yixiu mythology."

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "Don't worry about inviting the Phoenix King to provoke Diablo Lugia. It's not too late for the dragon to arrive."

As soon as Sakura finished speaking, there was another dragon roar in the sky, and a green dragon swam with a long body and shot a destructive beam of destructive death light towards the dark Lugia.

"The legendary ultra-ancient Pokemon in the Yoshien area, Rikuza!"

The old abbot squinted his eyes and stared at the green dragon swimming in the sky, and said uncertainly: "Why does the overlord who lives in the ozone layer come to Yuanzhu City..." Although the abbot of the temple can recognize Chu Likongzuo has a bit of vision, but he doesn't know that there is a dream in this world that can change into other pokemon.

Dark Rogia roared and sprayed out a beam of golden energy. Dream launched a confrontation. The two forces were equal in power. A fake is a fake. The power of Dream's destructive death light was better than that of the real sky dragon seen by Bro Town. His special skills are a little worse.

A blue light radiated from Sekrom's body, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly rolled and gathered together to form a huge black vortex.A golden thunder shot out from Sekrom's body, and then was reflected by the swirling cloud and slammed into Diablo Rogia's body fiercely. Such a powerful thunder trick is simply shocking.The newly condensed red-purple protective shield on Diablo Rogia's body was smashed by Sekrom's thunder strike, and golden lightning passed through Diablo Rogia's body.

Dark Rogia sent out its wings, curled up its body, suspended in the air and twitched continuously, a layer of golden electric current flowed continuously on the dark black body. Unexpectedly, Sekrom hit the Dark Rogia hard and also sent his body Paralyzed.

"Oh n" Shui Jun rushed over like a gust of wind, Long looked at the girls and said with concern: "Because Dr. Well, why don't you see Chaomeng's figure?"

"I'm here..." A weak voice came to mind beside the dragon, and Chaomeng, who was covered in scars, suddenly flashed in front of everyone.Long was taken aback, supported Chaomeng and said in surprise: "Why are you injured so badly? I saw this dark Rogia in the sky before. What happened?"

Chaomeng shook his hands and coughed and said: "I don't know the specific situation. I was in a fierce battle with the God of the Sea before. Originally, I had the upper hand by virtue of my strong control over Chaomeng's power and flexibility. But ...--" Chaomeng paused and looked at Diablo Rogia who was caught between Sekrom and Dream and said: "But just now, I used the power of waveguide to notice that the breath of the sea god suddenly changed. I have never met an elf with such a violent and evil aura. Not only that, my mental destruction just now couldn't cause the slightest harm to it. If I guessed correctly, Rogia's attributes have changed .I found out that its waveguide attribute is the super energy system and the evil system that I instinctively feel repulsed."

"What... one..." Everyone exclaimed, even the dragon was shocked, and he couldn't help but look at the dark Rogia in the sky. It was the first time he had met a Pokemon with superpowers and evil attributes.The dark Rogia, which only exists in legends and has never been seen before, actually exists in time, and the money is enough to ignore Mewtwo's ultimate esoteric spiritual destruction. Even ordinary evil elves can never do it. Only the king of the evil department has such ability.

Chaomeng said to looking at the dragon: "Just now, Diablo Rogia used a very powerful evil-type esoteric trick, which not only has the speed and destructive power of air blasting, but also has the effect of seal recovery and ability-enhancing skills. , now I can no longer use self-regeneration to restore my physical strength, even meditation can no longer be used."

"Is that black hole just now so powerful!"

Xiaoxue, Lan, Sakura, and Nazi are witnesses who have deeply felt Chaomeng's powerful power. When Chaomeng was in Niijima, Chaomeng was a heaven-defying existence that completely defeated Sirona and Long. Lost in embarrassment in the hands of Dark Rogia.

Kona was startled and said to the old abbot of Yuanzhu Temple: "I think the black hole cyclone trick that we have never seen just now is the profound meaning that Diablo Rogia specially used to restrain the rebirth of Phoenix King. , the fallen Lugia is the nightmare of all Pokemon with superpowers and the nemesis of the God of Life."

No one would doubt Kona's deduction, and all the monks in the temple were secretly rejoicing.Also in his heart is the dragon who is lucky. Fortunately, he didn't let Mengmeng transform into Giratina, otherwise the attributes of ghosts would also be unfavorable in the hands of the king of evil.Judging from the relationship between attributes, only insect-type tricks can inflict outstanding damage on Diablo Rogia, who has dual attributes of super power and evil. However, there is no insect-type Pokemon that can threaten The king of the evil department.

Mengmeng and Sekrom sandwiched Dark Rogia from left to right, and two giant purple shocks shot out and would bombard the red-purple protective cover on Dark Rogia's body.Countless black cyclones condensed around Diablo Rogia's body again, and Nazi quickly reminded the dragon, "It's going to use that black hole trick again!"

The palm of the dragon squeezed a thin layer of sweat, and his eyes stared closely at the huge black hole that gradually formed above the head of Diablo Rogia to comfort everyone, saying: "The attributes of Dark Rogia are very important for Cykrom and the transformation into a cracked empty seat." It doesn't have an advantage for the fantasy of the real thing, this is the ideal hero in the real myth, and I believe they can handle it."

"Aww" Mengmeng flew back to the sky above Sekrom and began to gather energy. Sekrom's limbs stretched out the huge engine tail and turned at high speed, shining a burst of blue light. A huge blue lightning ball bag was attached. Sekrom's huge body. Yixiu's Thunder God Supreme let out a roar that pierced the sky, and the cross lightning filled with negative lightning flashed with blue light.

Diablo Rogia flicked his head, and the huge black hole rotating at high speed ejected a series of friction & vibrations and a series of sonic booms slammed into Sekrom.The blue lightning ball and the black hole rubbed against each other, and the black cyclone blade and the blue electric current radiated intertwined to make a series of beeping sounds. For a while, the cross lightning was comparable to the cyclone black hole.

"嗤^''Dream let out an extremely high-pitched dragon chant, a huge group of dragon stars exploded in the air, and the scattered dragon star meteorites were like guided missiles bombarding Dark Rogia one after another. Dream, the ace of the dragon elf's ultimate move, hit the king of the evil department by surprise, and Diablo Rogia couldn't help but let out a roar of pain.

Mengmeng opened the huge mouth of the basin and sprayed out a few flashes of freezing light to freeze the dark Rogia in an instant. Dreamy's body took off and turned over quickly to catch up. Flying down towards the ground quickly, with a twitch of its tail, Diablo Rogia fell heavily to the ground.

The dream of this two-on-one battle is the main force. Secrom's task is more to contain the dark Rogia, and only Thor Supreme, one of the six dragons, has the tyrannical power to counter the ultimate mystery of the evil king .Sekrom let out a loud and high-pitched dragon cry, his scarlet eyes locked on Diablo Rogia tightly, and powerful power surged out.The ground slammed loudly, and several scorching hot streams erupted from the ground like a volcanic eruption, engulfing Diablo Rogia instantly. Is it okay?"

Looking at the frowning elder sister, Tao Zi couldn't help asking, as members of the Sea Clan, their mission is to protect the God of the Sea, but the current situation really put them in a dilemma, and instead asked them to stand by and watch.

The dragon didn't have time to pay attention to what this kind of sister was thinking. At this time, Diablo Rogia looked a little strange. The black on its body gradually faded away, and its head and wings turned back to its original white form.Rogia let out a series of roars as if in extreme pain.Sekrom and Mengmeng were both suspended in the air. After seeing this scene, they all stopped attacking and looked at the dragon with eyes aligned.

"The middle strength of Rogia's body is still unstable. It seems that he has just changed from the flying type to the evil type and has not been able to control this power well."

Chaomeng closed his eyes and used the waveguide to perceive Lugia's body changes, and then said to the dragon: "Now is a good time to subdue it, first put it back into the poke ball, and then slowly think of a way."

The dragon nodded and took out the master ball and took back Lugia, who had faded into white half of his body, back into the elf ball. Komatsu and all the monks in the temple looked at the dragon in horror, while the eldest sister of the five sisters of the Haizhi clan Yue looked at Long in disbelief and said, "You actually subdued the God of the Sea, how is this possible!"

Holding the master ball, Long shook his head and said softly, "I didn't tame Rogia, it's just my traveling partner."

227 Haizhi Clan, Disaster Prophecy In a luxurious mansion in Yuanzhu City, Long looked at the five sisters of the Haizhi Clan kneeling in front of him wearing kimonos and said: "Yesterday you said that there is a way to get rid of Rogia's heart. It’s time to tell me what to do now.”

Among the five sisters, Sakura, the youngest sister, held a tray and offered six cups of tea to the group on Long's side. Sakura picked up the teacup and smiled and said to the little girl in front of her, "Thank you, your name is the same as mine. I too Your name is Sakura, and there is a fourth younger sister in your family who is about the same age as you, her name is Xiaoxia, if you have a chance, you can get to know each other."

The girl looked at Sakura with bright eyes and said with a smile on her face, "Really, sister Sakura, is your sister Xiaoxia staying at home now?"

"No, like me, she is now traveling to the Chengdu League with another trainer from Zhenxin Town."

Sakura had a good impression of the girl with the same name in front of her and said happily: "I think they will come to Yuanzhu gymnasium to challenge soon, please help me say hello to Xiaoxia when the time comes."

Long smiled and shook his head, unexpectedly, Yinghua would ask someone to say hello to Xiaoxia, didn't the three sisters always have the tip of the needle against Maimang.

Kona held the teacup in his hand and took a sip, then closed his eyes and savored the lingering taste on the tip of his tongue carefully.Looking at Nazi, Xiaoxue and Lan, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves, Long looked at the green liquid in the cup with a bitter face and couldn't speak.To be honest, he has no interest in this kind of Dafu tea at all, the taste is bitter and bitter like drinking Chinese medicine, it is hard to drink.It is said that the Japanese tea ceremony is still learned from China. I really don’t know how they made such a bitter thing after studying for so long. Who likes to drink Chinese medicine for nothing.

With his fingers, Long picked up a pasta snack that was the size of a bean paste bag and threw it into his mouth, smashing it into his mouth and swallowing it. This refreshment is indeed very good, but it is not enough to eat.Long Yan glanced around, probably swallowed all the portions in front of the women here to barely eat half full. He now regrets that when he came to this tea party before, he should have filled his stomach first at the hotel before coming back.

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