Musashi looked at Junsha and said, "Cut, I didn't expect to be discovered so soon. I should have tied the rope tighter just now."

Musashi suddenly roared excitedly: "We can't blame us. Our race number is 289, which is really too late. Anyway, we must be the winners in the end. It would be nice to make the race our personal performance!"

"Stop babbling with me here, get out!"

This Miss Junsha was extremely tough and immediately snarled at the two of them with a ferocious face. Then, under Long's astonished gaze, she grabbed the back collars of the two people's clothes with her bare hands wearing white gloves, and Miss Jinghua dragged a Adults weighing more than one hundred catties dragged them all from the aisle to the back door and threw them out.

Good arm strength, Long looked at this beautiful Miss Junsha and didn't know what kind of relationship she had with Lan Youxue. This Junsha subverted the image of a gentle policewoman in his heart before.

Due to such a sudden situation during the competition, Ms. Junsha and the organizing committee had to come out temporarily to maintain order on the scene, and all contestants had to wait for a while before appearing.Long didn't care about it, his number was right in the middle.

Xiao Xiang walked over and said regretfully: "Even so, I still think their tastes are very interesting, and they cooperate very well with each other."

Xiaoxiang looked at Xiaoxue and continued: "Seeing them, I suddenly had an idea in my heart!"

202 Xiaoxue's heart, goodbye Xiaoxiang Xiaoxue looked at Xiaoxiang suspiciously, not knowing what this childhood friend wanted to say.Xiaoxiang took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, looked at Xiaoxue and said in a deep voice: "I just saw them and thought that if we can combine each other's strengths, then Pokemon should be more beautiful. So my The idea is..." Xiaoxiang said here and looked at the dragon, then continued to Xiaoxue: "Your specialty can trigger the natural charm of elves, and I can beautify their appearance. Since you have been traveling for so long We have already accumulated enough experience and are qualified to work as top breeders with our abilities, why don't you cooperate with me to open a store and let us use our respective strengths."

Finally came, Long looked at Xiaoxiang intently, is your purpose really just that simple?Long turned his head to look at Xiaoxue, why did he ask her if she would leave before, now she should understand.But Xiaoxue was obviously at a loss, and she didn't expect Xiaoxiang to make such a request suddenly.

Turning her head to look at Long, Xiaoxue subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when she saw Xiaoxiang's sincere and even admiring expression, she hesitated.It's not that Xiaoxue wanted to agree to Xiaoxiang, but she didn't know how to refuse him. The childhood sweethearts who grew up with her childhood friends have had a very deep relationship for many years.Xiaoxue's character is that she thinks too much about others, so she can't say such heartless words at all.

Long looked at Xiaoxiang just standing here and Xiaoxue was so hesitant.He knew that if Xiaoxue didn't show up again, Xiaoxue might really soften her heart and agree to it. At that time, it would be hard to say if she wanted to go back on her word.In front of Xiaoxiang, Long gently grabbed Xiaoxue's plain hand, then looked at Xiaoxiang with a smile on his face and said: "You should give Xiaoxue some time to think about such an important decision, right? The competition is still going on now. I think this issue can be left to discuss tomorrow."

Xiaoxiang looked at Xiaoxue with some disappointment, this was not the result he wanted.But Long has already said that, but it is not good for him to continue to refute, otherwise it will make people feel that he is deliberately forcing Xiaoxue to make a decision, which will cause Xiaoxue's resentment and resistance.

Although the game was temporarily interrupted due to the sudden disruption of the Rockets, under the maintenance of Miss Junsha and the organizing committee, the game quickly returned to normal, and the waiting breeders were able to start the normal game.Long and Xiaoxue patiently sat in the waiting area watching the contestants who were going to make their debut on the big screen, and Xiaoxiang was naturally sitting beside them.From time to time, Long commented on the contestants on the stage one by one, and his attitude of talking was as if he was a judge and a master breeder.

Originally, they were all trainers waiting in one place to play, so it was very inappropriate to comment on the opponent's behavior like Long, especially this guy who didn't know how to restrain himself and seemed to speak loudly on purpose.Looking at the unfriendly eyes, Xiaoxue felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She really couldn't bear the feeling of being watched by so many people. She had no choice but to cover Long's mouth. I like to play tricks.

With Xiaoxue covering his mouth, the dragon finally could not make a sound, but this stinky boy took the opportunity to nibble on Xiaoxue's palm, Xiaoxue immediately blushed and retracted his palm like an electric shock and gave Long a reproachful look.This shameless guy giggled and didn't care at all. It seems that he did the series of actions just now on purpose.

Slightly stunned by the panoramic expression of Xiao Xiang, he felt his heart twitch, seeing Xiao Xue blushing and shy, he suddenly felt very sad in his heart.He and Xiaoxue grew up together, but they parted ways later in order to pursue their own ideas.But in all these years, he has never forgotten that gentle and pleasant figure. The reunion seems to be in a trance, the face remains the same, but the heart has changed with time.

Xiao Xiang's dejected expression was all seen by Long. Now that the goal has been achieved, he can shut up next. Although doing so is a bit wicked, I feel sorry for Xiao Xiang, but Long has no regrets.Long gently squeezed Xiaoxue's palm and said with a smile: "The top breeder is not the end of you, go on to the master or even the path of nether. Just like me, I will not stop until I am truly mature. Take your own steps, travel is a process of growth.”

Xiaoxue stared blankly at the dragon and seemed to have a little realization. Maybe the educator and the trainer are directly complementary, or this combination is the most suitable for her.Xiaoxue's experience in the past few years is even better than the previous few years in Beauty Street. Thinking of this, Xiaoxue has already made a decision in her heart, and she doesn't need to think about it anymore. A more important reason supports her having to stay.

Contestants came on stage one after another, and soon it was Hibiki's turn. Nine-Tails, who has golden body hair and nine beautiful tails, is inherently better than most Pokemon, and has the top-level modification of Hibiki. As soon as Kyuubi appeared on the stage, the audience cheered one after another.Just feeling the audience's admiration and praise, it seems that this year's beautiful representatives can be locked in advance, and the brilliance of Nine Tails eclipses all the elves who appeared before.

Looking at Xiao Yang who was calmly waving to the audience on the screen, and the graceful and luxurious Nine Tails, Long looked at Xiaoxue and couldn't help but admire sincerely: "He is really a top Pokemon beautician, even though Nine Tails Tail itself is outstanding and beautiful, but after Hibiki’s modification, the beauty has gone a step further. Especially Hibiki trimmed the curly hair on Kyuubi’s forehead perfectly, it’s simply a stroke of magic.”

Xiaoxue nodded in agreement. Although she had different ideas from Xiaoxiang before, she admired Xiaoxiang's talent and taste in beauty.Xiaoxue looked at Long with a smile and said: "Xiaoxiang performed very well, we must not lose to him next."

Long showed a confident smile. Although he and Xiaoxue are not as good as Xiao Hibiki in terms of beauty, Suicune has its own advantages. Whether it is temperament or beauty, Suicune will never lose to this one. Any Pokemon in the world.

After Xiao Hibiki, the players who appeared on the stage had the previous Kyuubi as a comparison, and everything seemed to be eclipsed.Although these breeders have put a lot of effort into how to dress up the elves, obviously most people still don't know how to color and make up the elves.It's just that they paint their elves colorfully with bright colors. Except for some people with special aesthetics, the elves after makeup are worse than their original appearance.

Compared with Xiaoxiang, they are really much worse.If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.It seems that most people do not understand this truth.

"Among the No. 91 contestants on the stage below, Miss Xiaoxue is a top breeder from Beauty Street in the Kanto region. Xiaoxue has been the champion of the Beauty Street Breeder Competition for three consecutive years. Not only that, she has also won the title of Pokemon Trainer Recognized by the alliance, it is the most popular breeder voted by the readers of Pokemon Friends Magazine and has won No.1 for four consecutive years. Like the previous Hibiki contestant, Xiaoxue is also the highest-ranked sixth-level player in this competition. Top breeder. Next, we look forward to what kind of beautiful elf this super excellent lady breeder will show us!"

Since Xiaoxue is a heavyweight contestant in this assessment competition, the host also specially stated the honors she has won. Just hearing this series of names is already very scary.Even the dragon who appeared together looked at Xiaoxue with reverence on his face. He had traveled together for so long and didn't know that Xiaoxue had such brilliant achievements before. He was really humble and low-key.

Under the eyes of everyone, Long and Xiaoxue stepped onto the stage. The gentle and pleasant Xiaoxue’s warm smile made the audience feel very comfortable. The affinity of the top breeders is not only contagious to elves, but also to humans Be applicable.Long scratched his head and thought helplessly, well, I am only a supporting role in this game, so if I am ignored, I will be ignored.The green leaves themselves are used to set off the flowers, and he already has this awareness.

Everyone has seen the top beauty breeders, but this time it's a Pokemon beauty pageant. The audience is surprised why they haven't seen the protagonist?Just when everyone was curious, a low howling sound came, and then a figure was seen flying onto the stage as lightly as the wind.

It has an elegant body like a wolf in blue, with a purple cloud-like mane and two white ribbon-like tails fluttering in front of it. The sharp eyes and long white kiss make it have an elegant temperament Sometimes without losing majesty, the blue diamond-shaped crystal on the top of the head flows with the brilliance of a clear lake.Noble like a king, elegant like a breeze.

"Aw..." Suicune raised his neck and let out a long cry, the airflow in the surrounding environment seemed to change, and the breeze blowing head-on gave everyone a sense of peace and comfort.Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes and feel the gentle breeze through the pores of their bodies. This subtle feeling is so wonderful that people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

Is this the incarnation of the legendary elf Beifeng and the symbol of the elf Suicune in Chengdu? It has the power to purify even dirty water in an instant. This one seems to purify the hearts of everyone.Everyone couldn't help but wonder in their hearts, this is really a beautiful and moving elf, and even makes people's soul tremble.

The two sisters Sakura and Xiaoxia are typical Suicune idiots. This is the ultimate water-type Pokemon that all water-type trainers dream of.Xiaoxiang stared blankly at Xiaoxue who was looking at Long and smiling on the stage. He never thought that the elf who cooperated with Xiaoxue was no longer Liuwei.

Suicune, the messenger who carries the hope of friendship between humans and elves, such a sacred existence has recognized Koyuki.Hibiki has already predicted that the outcome of this competition has been decided, because even if he is the judge, he will not hesitate to choose the latter between Kyuubi and Suicune.Not only is Suicune's unparalleled noble and elegant temperament, but more importantly, this little elf carries too many things.

Originally, each contestant was given a maximum of 1 minute in this assessment competition, but Suicune's appearance deeply moved the more than 1 spectators present.The vast majority of people have never had the chance to see the legendary Pokemon in their entire lives, but they did not expect that they would have such good luck to see the incarnation of Beifeng with their own eyes this time.

Long, Xiaoxue, and Suicune stood on the stage for more than 10 minutes. No one urged them to leave the stage quickly to save time for the contestants who needed to appear later. Even the judges and the host of the conference were touched and couldn't bear it. Let Suicune exit so quickly.In the end, Long reluctantly pulled Xiaoxue to bow to everyone and then left with Suicune. Even so, there were still many spectators and contestants who did not recover.

Xiao Xiang stroked the curly hair on Nine Tails' head, lowered his head and said in a rather disappointed way: "It seems that I really took it for granted. It's just that I got a little achievement and started to be complacent and complacent, thinking that I can be a beautician, or even beautician. I still want to open a store. Xiaoxue’s achievements are beyond my expectation, and I have been pulled down by her a lot. If we continue to stagnate like this, the gap between us will widen, and I finally understand.”

"Oh" Kyuubi tilted his head and looked at Hibiki. It might be doubting his breeder's sudden change or awakening.Kyuubi kept rubbing his head against Hibiki's body, as if comforting and encouraging his master.

"The result of the competition has been announced and Xiaoxue has almost known what's in her heart. It doesn't make much sense to stay here and it will bring unnecessary troubles to her."

Xiao Hibiki touched Kyuubi's head and said with some disappointment: "Unexpectedly, I was defeated on both fronts. Let's start all over again. After Kyuubi is gone, let's go on a trip too. Now we have to start from scratch to catch up." Xiaoxue is moving forward."

Hibiki walked out of the arena alone with Kyuubi, not paying attention to the departure of a top breeder and a gorgeous Kyuubi.Although this Nine-Tails made the elf that appeared before it lose its color, but now Suicune's brilliance completely overwhelms it, and this year's beautiful representative can be 100% sure which elf it is.

The competition continued, but the players behind took on a bigger burden this time, causing many breeders to perform inaccurately.Suicune was dragged by Xiaoxue to search for Hibiki, but he and Kyuubi were nowhere to be seen.

203 Dragon Star Group is a big firework, there is no suspense to watch the fireworks together, Hibiki left without waiting for the assessment to start or even before the game was over, but although his Kyuubi lost to Suicune, he still won the organizing committee recognition.After the discussion of the Breeders Association, it was decided to award Xiaoxue and Xiaohibi the qualifications of the seventh-level top breeders at the same time, and Shui Jun was undisputedly elected as the most beautiful elf representative this year.

Long looked at the girls with a Level 3 breeder certificate in his hand and said, "Unexpectedly, I also have a commemorative award, at least it's not nothing, but why is it a Level [-] entry? At least I have to give it to a Level [-] elite class Certificate."

Sakura held back her mouth and said to the dragon: "You can be content, Xiaogang has just been promoted to a level 5 breeder, and considering your strength, it is reasonable to be a level [-] breeder. You must know that trainers and breeders Although they have similarities, there are also great differences between them.”

Long put away this third-level breeder certificate. This thing can still be used as a facade in the future. Maybe he can also work part-time to develop into a top breeder in the future. "Xiaoxue, congratulations that you are one step closer to becoming a master trainer."

Long then turned his head and said to Xiao Gang with a smile: "Xiao Gang is also taking another step towards becoming a top breeder. Since this is the case, we can celebrate together."

Xiaoxia first said happily: "This is really great. I have been camping in the wild and living in the Pokemon Center. I have long wanted to relax and relax. Luxurious star hotels and luxurious French cuisine. Sure enough, life with money is the most comfortable and a kind of enjoyment.”

Sakura walked up to Xiaoxia with her hips on her hips and said, "Mom and Dad entrusted you to us before they traveled around the world, so as your guardian, I must teach you well. What kind of luxurious living standard do children still want to pursue?" , a few hundred yuan of pocket money every month is enough.”

Xiaoxia snorted coldly, disapproving of her sister's words, children and so on were just excuses, and her three sisters used this excuse to perfunctorily bully her.Although a ten-year-old child is not yet an adult, he is completely independent. There are not many trainers who travel alone at the age of ten.Seeing that the two sisters wanted to confront each other again, Ke Na quickly came out to smooth things over, and Ying Hua and Xiao Xia gave a cold snort and turned their heads away and did not continue the confrontation.

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