"too naive."

Long pursed his mouth in disdain and said: "Do you still want to become the world's number one trainer with this kind of thinking and mentality? Don't laugh your ass off. Pikachu is Pikachu, no matter how hard you try, you won't be a Tyrannosaurus or Tyrannosaurus." Newt's opponent, do you really expect it to challenge the Champions League in its current form, the brat is too naive!"

"Let's fight!"

Xiaozhi patted the table and said loudly to Long: "My elf is looked down upon by others, how could he be so indifferent as a trainer, let's use the Pokemon duel to win."

"Pika n" Pikachu jumped onto the table from Xiaozhi's shoulders, the electric pockets on his cheeks were glowing with electric sparks, and he looked at the dragon with a covetous expression.

Xiaoxia pulled Xiaozhi and said: "Why are you so excited, you suddenly got into a fight with the dragon."

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Long rolled out a poke ball from his waist and said to Xiaozhi, "If you want to defeat you, this one is enough. Do you want to try it?"

"Let's have a duel between trainers before the formal assessment of breeders!"

Xiaozhi said with high fighting spirit: "Since the last time on Honglian Island, I have been looking for an opportunity to fight you again. I passed this opportunity during the Quartz Conference. I must win you this time!"

"I really don't know where you guys have such confidence, I'll show you what absolute strength is!"

Long smiled and looked at Xiaoxiang and said: "The charm of Pokemon lies in the battle. Are you interested in seeing it?"

Xiao Xiang smiled and said: "Of course, I really want to see the strength of the elite trainers in the Kanto region. Breeders and trainers already have a lot in common, and there must be a lot in this battle that I can learn from." .”

Long hehe smiled, afraid that you would not come, there are two deep-seated reasons why he deliberately provoked a fight with Xiaozhi this time.Xiaoxue and Lan looked at Kona suspiciously, what happened to Long today, why did he criticize Xiaozhi as if he had been shot, could it be because he was upset by letting him wear women's clothes just now?Kona shook his head and signaled to the girls not to ask too much now, just follow along and watch. As for what method the dragon was playing, wouldn't she be clear about it?

Just find a larger open space as the battle field. You don’t need to find a special place to deal with Xiaozhi every minute. Besides, there are too many breeders in Bro Town. The battle field in the Elf Center has already been rented. .Xiaozhi, a combat freak, didn't care about it, but said to Long: "Wait for me first, I'm going to Dr. Damu's place to exchange some elves."

Long waved his hand and said, "Whatever, the result will be the same no matter which elves you catch back, just hurry up."

Xiaozhi took off the hat on his head and called Pikachu and ran towards the nearby Pokemon Center in a hurry. Long shrugged to everyone and signaled that everyone could only wait for a while.

"Come out, Lizard King!"

The dragon throws the elf ball and releases his own elf first. "Chirp Kayin n" the Lizard King stood quietly with a branch in his mouth, folded his arms and closed his eyes. Long Xiao looked at it and said, "Are you confident in a one-on-one fight?"

The Lizard King smiled and gave the dragon a thumbs up, as if to say, Noproblem! "Is this the new Pokemon that the dragon has taken over? It's a type I've never seen before. The dragon can't be telling the truth, right? Does he really want to use one to fight Xiaozhi's six?"

Xiaoxia said in surprise, "Although Xiaozhi's strength is still not as good as that of the dragon, the difficulty of one-on-six is ​​still a bit too rash!"

Long smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously. At this time, he only heard a crisp crow call and a bird flew down rapidly. Xiaozhi and Pikachu turned over and jumped down.

"This is Xiaozhi's Bi Diao, it's really the first time I've seen it."

The look of reminiscence appeared on Long's face, and he couldn't help but think of the golden bag Bidiao he let go. The past and those good memories came to his mind one by one.How are you, Bi Diao, I miss you so much.Like a shattered void, somewhere in the sky in the Kanto region, a group of Bobos streaked across the sky under the leadership of a mighty golden eagle.

"Bi n" the Golden Bi statue heard some kind of call, and immediately screamed and screamed, a line of tears fell from its eyes...--"Shall we start, dragon?"

Xiaozhi interrupted Long, who had a look of memory on his face, clenched his fist and said to him: "I'm all ready, this time I'm fully prepared, so I will definitely not lose to you easily, Bi Diao is Now except for Pikachu who followed me the first elf, so it was the first one I sent out!"

"Cha..." Lizard King pursed his mouth and glanced sideways at Xiaozhi's Bi Diao, his hands still crossed his chest with an extremely arrogant expression.Long smiled and said to Xiaozhi: "I said that you only use the Lizard King to fight against all six of your elves. This time, there is no need for any referees and no time limit. You only need to knock down all your six elves." I won. Not only that, but I also let you attack first, just show what you can, I want to see how much you have grown after the Quartz Conference."

"Damn it, stop looking down on people!"

Xiaozhi took out the Elf Illustrated Book and wanted to check the information of the Lizard King, but there was nothing there. Xiaozhi put away the Elf Illustrated Book and looked at the Lizard King. In this way, the effect of using flying-type skills will be very significant, Bi Diao will use his flying skills to defeat it!"

"Bi" Bi Diaoqing yelled and flew obliquely into the sky like a sharp arrow, his figure became smaller and smaller.Long smiled coldly and looked up at the incomparably fast Bi Diao who turned down the air and gave instructions to the Lizard King, "Billions of shock waves!"

The lizard king spit out the branch held in his mouth and stuck it on the ground, his body was covered with a layer of golden light flowing energy, "Cha!" The lizard king let out a loud roar, and his body rushed up and hit the straight fly that turned into a white light and turned down. Bi Diao. "Boom" The golden energy light ball hit Bi Diao like a surface-to-air missile and knocked him down from the air. Bi Diao wailed and his body spun and fell straight to the ground.One hit kills, how powerful it is!

The Lizard King landed lightly on the ground, as if he had completed an insignificant task, although Bi Diao also rushed towards it at an extremely fast speed and had an absolute advantage in condescending.But there is no doubt that the power of the billions of shock waves is even stronger. It is indeed the most powerful physical attack trick in the ordinary system, and the strength of the Lizard King itself is not comparable to Xiaozhi's Bidiao!

"It's amazing, that little elf has a very high skill level!"

Xiaogang looked at the Lizard King with cold sweat on his forehead and said: "The dragon really has absolute confidence, so he said the words of [-]v[-], but this Lizard King is really the little elf Ming who has just subdued, and his strength is really incredible. Measurement."

Xiao Xiang also looked at Long with a look of astonishment, then turned his head to look at Xiao Xue who was smiling and frowned. His complicated mood is probably something that other people can't easily understand.

"Little Zhi, now is the best chance to attack. The elf who successfully used billions of shock waves will be unable to move for a certain period of time. Hurry up and launch a fierce attack now!"

Xiaoxia hugged Bokby and shouted loudly, she was the only one who clearly stood by Xiaozhi's side to cheer for him, but if the dragon sends Suicune to fight, I don't know if this little girl will turn against him.

The biggest thing about Xiaozhi is that he is never discouraged, no matter how strong his opponent is, he will persist in fighting until the last moment.Xiaozhi bit his mouth and threw a poke ball again, pointing at the Lizard King and shouting loudly: "Heracross uses a megaton horn attack!"

The corner of Long's mouth suffocated and said in a cold voice: "Unexpectedly, this guy also subdued a Heracross, but Xiaozhi's tactical style of launching a fierce attack with a big trick with matching attributes has not changed at all. Just now, he didn't know how to use the elf's own strength Attacking from the side of the advantage, Bi Diao's speed was not fully utilized by him. But this saved me a lot of effort."

Xiaozhi's Heracross flew straight towards the lizard king with a big horn shining with white light. The immobile lizard king suffered this powerful move head-on, and immediately flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.Ordinary grass-type elves might be defeated after eating the strongest insect-type ultimate move. Heracross is the strongman among insect-type elves. A big tree was uprooted.

The Lizard King knelt on the ground with his arms on the ground and slowly got up, staring fiercely at Heracross with murderous eyes.Xiaozhi didn't notice the change in the eyes of the Lizard King. He felt that the attack just now was very effective, so he waved his hands and shouted loudly to ask Heracross to strike again with a million tons of horns.

"Sunshine Flames!"

The lizard king raised his head high and opened his mouth to shoot out a blazing white flame, Heracross who was flying towards the lizard king was instantly engulfed.Heracross stood sluggishly on the ground with his legs leaning forward and knelt on the ground, and was killed by one blow just like Bi Diao.

"Isn't the Sunshine Flame a trick that needs to accumulate energy and prepare for a period of time before launching it. Today's sunlight is not very strong at all, but why did the lizard king launch the Sunshine Flame almost without preparation?"

Xiaoxia looked at the lizard king standing with her head held high in surprise.

Xiao Xiang said solemnly: "That's because this little elf had already completed its energy accumulation before that. Even though this little elf's body was stiff and unable to move after using the powerful hundreds of millions of shock waves just now, it However, the preliminary work of launching the sun and flames to collect energy has been completed, so this little elf can immediately use this grass-type ultimate move to launch a sudden counterattack after receiving a million tons of horn blows and recovering its body."

Long smiled slightly at Xiaoxiang, he really deserves to be a top breeder, and his observation ability is really meticulous.

Killed the lizard king six generals in a row for 200 times, so mighty and domineering, "Xiao Zhi, is he alright?"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi worriedly, this lizard king was unexpectedly powerful, and even defeated Xiaozhi's two little elves with a one-shot instant kill skill, and Bi Diao was the first little boy Xiaozhi subdued. Elf.

"It's the next one, go, Miao Frog Flower!"

It's not surprising that Xiaozhi sent out the wonderful frog seed that refused to evolve. With the strength of this wonderful frog flower, it can definitely be squeezed into Xiaozhi's six main force for plastic surgery.Miaowahua not only has grass-type attributes but also has poison-type attributes, so it is very resistant to grass-type tricks.

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