Sakura shrugged helplessly and said: "Although I don't hate bugs like Yaomei, I also don't like this kind of elves. I was planning to catch an insect-type elf and give it to Xiaoxia after winning the game, but since you said it will Give me the king's certificate and I won't have to work so hard."

Long felt that it was necessary to vaccinate this chick, "Let me say it first, you know Nazi's strength, and this time I will use the temporarily subdued insect-type elves to compete for victory. If she uses superpowers If not, my chances of winning are very slim, so don't have too much hope."

Sakura patted Long's shoulder and said nonchalantly: "I'm already very touched by your kindness, Nazi and I both have dumb beasts, but you gave me the certificate of king, it's really annoying Moved."

Long Hehe cooperated with the cherry blossoms and put on a smiling face, muttering to himself: "Although they are two dumb beasts tamed in the same place, the difference between the two dumb beasts is huge just because of the difference in the strength of the trainers."

Although this kind of elf with a dull expression and unresponsive response is very easy to control, but if it is Nazi, there is absolutely no problem.

Long and Sakura searched for more than ten minutes, and finally found a more important target on a very tall tree. A unicorn-like elf with a big horn on its head was lying on the tree sucking the sap. This is Heracross, an elf whose attributes are bug and fighting.

"Okay, we have found our target, and that's it."

The dragon finger pointed at Heracros and said loudly: "Go, the giant pincer mantis flashes with lightning!"

The giant pincer mantis set up a pair of giant pincers and jumped all the way up the branch of the big tree, approaching Heracross at an extremely fast speed. The iron body knocked the opponent away.

Heracross shook his head and got up from the ground, staring at the giant pincer mantis that suddenly attacked it with an angry face, "Heracross^''The iconic big horn lit up with white light, and Heracross flapped his hands The wings quickly rushed towards the giant pincer mantis. Because of the weight of the giant pincer mantis, its wings cannot be used to fly at all, but those who can fly are not necessarily fast.

The giant pincer mantis used an extremely fast dodge to pull out an afterimage on the spot, and Heracross's mega-ton horn attack did not hold back the strength, and directly hit a thick tree and fell to the ground.The dragon smashed his mouth, he is worthy of being the Hercules among the bug elves, but in terms of pure strength, there is no existence in the bug system that can beat Heracross.

"Giant pincer mantis, use swallow back trick!"

Long decided to give the opponent the last blow, the opponent has already shown his weakness, so let's see if this extremely effective flying-type trick can knock the opponent down with one blow. The formed wings quickly flapped the propeller's body and approached Heracros in a low-altitude gliding posture, knocking it out from behind.

Heracross flipped his body and fell heavily on the ground. It was really difficult for a fighter with dual attributes of fighting and bugs to take this move.Long looked at Heracross who was struggling to get up from the ground and frowned slightly. This guy is still a bit difficult to deal with.Sakura pulled Lalong and said, "The game time is running out, we have to hurry up."

Long nodded, then took out the park ball distributed to each player by the conference and said in a deep voice: "This time is the real final blow, go, giant pincer mantis, billions of shock waves!"

Heracross rushed all the way to the giant pincer mantis without fear, and even used his body to carry the extremely powerful billions of shock waves head-on with his amazing strength.The giant pincer mantis pushed Heracross back and forth, and Heracross dug out a several-meter-long mark on the ground.

With the help of the power of hundreds of millions of shock waves, the giant pincer mantis gritted his teeth and raised the giant pincers glowing with titanium alloy color, and smashed Heracross to the ground. This is the special skill of the giant pincer mantis, the alloy claw, which is the result of the training of the giant pincer mantis. , It is very difficult to match this giant pincer attack in the process of using billions of shock waves.

"Go ahead, Parkball."

The dragon took the opportunity to throw the green-patterned elf ball, and the park ball hit Heracross's head and bounced off itself to collect it into the ball.This kind of Poké Ball is not much different from the commonly used Pokemon Balls in essence, it is just an ordinary Poké Ball that has been colored.

The park ball finally stopped after shaking four or five times. Fortunately, this Heracross did not continue to resist, otherwise the situation would have been a bit worse.The dragon gratefully said to the Giant Pincer Mantis, who was panting slightly, "Your task has been completed quite well. This Heracross is excellent, so leave it to me."

Sakura smiled and said to the giant pincer mantis: "Thank you very much, if the dragon gets No.1 this time, you will definitely be the first."

Seeing that the giant pincer mantis stole all the limelight from Sakura's Gotha duck, he ran up to the giant pincer mantis with his arms puffed up, shouting provocatively. Will be jealous.

"Cutting" the Giant Pincer Mantis turned its head away and ignored the Gotha Duck. If its body was not in a rigid state, it would not hesitate to reward this idiot with continuous bullets and flying punches.Sakura dragged the Gotha Duck away and scolded, "You just give me a little peace of mind, don't make trouble at the critical moment!"

Halfway through the game time, many trainers had returned one after another, and Nazi completed her task in less than 10 minutes.This stunned the members of the organizing committee. They even wondered if this cold-looking girl just grabbed a green caterpillar and a unicorn to deal with it.As for Long and Sakura, they were the last two to rush back, and they finally ran back panting before the end of the game.

Among these contestants, apart from Sakura, some of them didn't even catch a bug, and only came back with a broken park ball.Long rolled his eyes. The texture of this park ball was worse than expected. It seemed that the organizing committee did it on purpose.

According to the process of the conference, the contestants will fight each other with the subdued insect-type elves. There are a total of five or 60 people here. If you want to get No.1, you will have to play seven games.The insect-type elves that everyone subdued are basically unsuccessful, and it is very difficult to play the game soon. If you want to win the first place in several games against Lian Bin, it will be very cruel to the elves and trainers test.

Long didn't expect that the promotion path of such an event would be quite harsh, but his Heracross's physical strength and superior resistance to fighting ability compared with the same kind had taken the lead from the very beginning.Long now has to adapt to this brutal mode of repeated fierce battles. It must be known that it will be more difficult to challenge the champion's alliance in the future.The Four Heavenly Kings sent six elves to battle in turn, and they had to defeat all of them within four days to be eligible to challenge for the championship. One could imagine the great pressure.

After all the teams were formed, Nazi was actually the first to play. According to the rules, this is really a bit of a disadvantage.Xiaoxue, Lan, and Sakura collectively supported Nazi and continued to encourage her. The Super Queen calmly walked to the side of the arena and threw the poke ball in her hand. She subdued a moth.

Nazi's opponent was the uncle Long had questioned before, which was a bit of an IS, and the insect-type elf he subdued was Ba Dahu.Uh, Long was stunned, this uncle with well-developed limbs is really kawaii.

"Yoxi, girl, be happy, you are the first stepping stone on my way to the championship."

The uncle waved his arms very excitedly and said, "History will only remember two types of losers, that is, the first and last opponents who lost to the champions, so you should congratulate yourself for your good luck. What a joy to know you won't be forgotten."

Long really misjudged, this uncle has a good eloquence, it should be impressive that these words can come out of his mouth, an ordinary event he said seems to be the road to the championship hall.Long shook his head, this guy is in trouble, ignorant, dare to speak nonsense in front of the super queen, he will die in a very rhythmic manner later.

Nazi looked at this guy who was chattering endlessly, and his face was covered with frost. The Super Queen gave a cold glance to the referee and said in a deep voice, "You have to wait for him to finish talking before starting the game." !"

"oh oh……"

The referee was fooled by the uncle for a long time, finally startled by Na Zi's sharp eyes, and immediately waved the flag and said: "The game is on...--begin... one" The referee's eyes lit up before the referee finished speaking. of light.Ba Dahu was instantly restrained by a powerful superpower and was directly thrown out, together with the uncle who was still chattering and self-indulgent, and fell outside the playing field.The referee's eyeballs almost didn't pop out of his eyes, and finally spit out the last word "beginning" out of inertia.

Nazi gave the referee a cold look. The crew-cut referee finally reacted quickly this time and announced the result of the match immediately, "Ba Dahu lost the ability to fight, and the last one won, so this match is for Nazi's contestant." Advance."

Na Zi snorted coldly, glanced at the uncle who passed out with Ba Dahu, turned his head sideways and walked off the field without looking back.Many contestants looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling the icy chill on Ran Shang, and shrank involuntarily.

The person in charge of the organizing committee looked at the Four Heavenly Kings sitting next to him and said in a daze, "Master Kona, what is your opinion on the first match?"

Kona just smiled and said nothing, her expression wasn't too surprised, it wasn't surprising that all this happened to Nazi.

Long rubbed the cold sweat on his head, he hadn't fought Nazi for a long time, and he forgot the fear he felt back then.This time the competition was much more difficult than he had imagined. Can Heracross hold back the super power tricks of Last Moth and Nazi?

With the lessons learned from the past, the next players basically had no nonsense, and all played honestly.However, this kind of battle is not exciting at all, the cooperation between the trainer and the elves is too rusty, and these insect elves are all defeated and then subdued, so the state is not very good.Basically, it is more difficult for everyone who advances to win.

Long didn't have that sense of tacit understanding when using Heracross to fight for the first time, but with the power of Heracross, he still won four games in a row.Especially after Heracross was bitten by an Alidos fang and fell into a poisoned state, he became more and more vigorous.Only then did Long realize that the characteristic of his elf turned out to be self-motivated. After an elf with this characteristic fell into abnormal states such as poisoning, paralysis, sleep, burn, and freezing, its physical attack power would be greatly improved.

As for Na Zi, she was able to kill many opponents in a flash all the way to the fifth round, and the person she was going to fight next was Long.Although Heracross was extremely vigorous, he had been fighting with the poisoned state for so long and had already reached the 711 boundary point, while Nazi's final moth was in a harmless state, and it was even full of energy now.Long looked at the super queen opposite with a bitter face, how to play this one-on-two match.

Nazi looked at the dragon playfully, but quietly did not give any instructions, which clearly meant that the dragon should attack first.

"The only thing left to do is to give it a go. Although the super power trick of the last moth is very powerful, Heracross will definitely not be able to withstand it."

Long looked at Nazi quietly and thought, "But the last moth has just been subdued. Although it can use Nazi's power to guarantee its powerful attack output, its physical strength and defensive power cannot be strengthened. If Using Yan Fan to launch an assault, relying on the powerful power of Heracross may be able to kill in one hit."

This is currently the only way Long can think of to defeat Nazi, "Heracross uses a test knife!"

If you use Yan Fan directly, you will be easily seen through. Use this move first to find gaps in the attack, and then use the flying-type trick to quickly decide the winner.

Heracloth sprinted toward the Last Moth, and a sudden turn drew its attention.Right now, when Long was about to use Yan Fan to decide the outcome, Na Zi acted suddenly.The last moth suddenly disappeared in place, and Fei didn't even bother to fly, and teleported directly behind Heracros.

Too bad, Long forgot that Nazi can use her own power to help her elves teleport.Heracross's figure was only restrained, and the last moth used super powers to throw it directly, and fell to the ground hard.Heracross lay sprawled on the ground, completely unable to get up.

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