Minato scanned Kona and Ryu with his eyes, and then took out a white time ball and said, "Will it be a one-on-one matchup or a full-player matchup."

"Obviously I was the first to challenge, but now it becomes a dragon fighting."

Xiaozhi shouted: "I really want to fight."

Xiaoxia's face was covered, Xiaozhi really didn't have any wit at all, she had to pull Xiaozhi over and said, "You don't even have six Pokemon on you, so don't run over to join in the fun, obediently Just stand aside and watch and study."

Long didn't care about Xiaozhi, but played with DrakLoong and the master ball in his hand, "Is it an all-hands match, but I'm not interested in a match where the result can be predicted. It's still a compromise, a three-on-three matchup Bar."

Seeing the dragon put down the two master balls, the girls felt relieved. If all the players face off, the dragon will definitely send one of them, and this game will also be meaningless.

The venue for the competition is the battle arena of the Fairy Center. The dragon and the water gate are separated from each other, and Xiaogang volunteers to act as the referee.The two sides decide the order of attack by tossing a coin.

Minato was the first to throw the poke ball, and what jumped out of the time ball was a fox with bright fur and nine red tails with gorgeous tails.Unexpectedly, Minato's first Pokemon turned out to be a flame-type Pokemon, which was beyond everyone's expectations.As the grandson of the ice-type master and the heir of the big family that cultivated the ice-type Pokemon, Minato would use Nine-Tails, which is really unpredictable.

Long looked at Kona and said angrily, "You bastard, do you really think you are the Fourth Hokage? I want to see what you, a nine-tailed demon fox, are capable of∥'bang" With a sound, the black fire-breathing dragon Ferret reloaded, and it is the most suitable to use Ferret to fight against the fire-type Pokemon.

"Hey, when did the dragon subdue a black fire-breathing dragon of such a big size?"

Xiaoxia asked Sakura curiously: "Since you have a fire-breathing dragon, have you ever been to the fire-breathing dragon valley?"

Sakura pursed her lips and said meaningfully: Yes, we also saw that Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon was repaired miserably. "

"This black fire-breathing dragon was subdued in that place, but its situation doesn't seem to be good. You have to work hard to be the fire-breathing dragon every day. You must work hard to become the most powerful fire-breathing dragon in the world. Xiaozhi listened to Sakura's words Finally, he clenched his fists and silently cheered for the fire-breathing dragon. Although he said unfeeling words to the fire-breathing dragon when he parted, Xiaozhi still missed the fire-breathing dragon very much.

The game officially started, and Minato, who sent out the Pokemon first, attacked first. "Nine Tails, use the will-o'-the-wisps!"

Minato was not at all surprised that the dragon also sent out a fire-type elf.For a strong trainer, many times they win when their attributes are unfavorable, but for the strength of a dragon.He doesn't understand it at all, but he doesn't take it lightly.

"It's pretty careful."

Long sneered and waved his hand, "However, if you want to use the fire-type unique move to deal with my fire-breathing dragon, this nine-tailed dragon alone can't do it. Weasel, charge up with the shadow claw!"

"Roar" the weasel let out a roar, and the black wings spread out, and a foot-long black claw with a strange aura shot out from its arm, rushing directly from the blue ghost fire ejected by the nine tails, the black claws The sharp claws tore through Nine-Tails' line of defense and would directly hit him out of the arena.

Ferrets soaked in magma all year round not only have a strong resistance to the fire-type tricks, but also cultivate a strong physique that will not be burned.Therefore, the elves of the flame system were already at a disadvantage at the beginning of the battle.

Minato stared at Ferret quietly, without the slightest panic in his eyes.Kyuubi climbed up from the ground and gently wiped the dust off his body with his nine tails. After eating such a powerful Shadow Claw, he was still so calm.

Long frowned, thinking quickly in his heart, what kind of special ability should this uniquely colored Nine Tails have.Although Long must despise Minato strategically, he did not take it lightly tactically.There must be something special about the young master of the big ice family being able to produce the elves of the fire system.

His eyes stayed on Kona for a short while, and Ryu turned his eyes back to stare at Minato. "I want to see what other things you can be proud of besides a glamorous appearance and a famous family background."

Long said in a deep voice in his heart, "Can you be worthy of the fiancé of the Four Heavenly Kings? Then let me beat you in this match!"

137 made a difficult decision, and decided to leave the weasel spread a pair of wings and fly high, pouring a hot black flame towards Nine Tails.The dragon stood quietly, and the characteristic of Nine Tails was to attract fire. Under normal circumstances, not only could the fire attribute attack not cause damage to it, but it would also increase the power of Nine Tails' flame attribute tricks.But the black flames ejected by the ferret are quite special, with a strong devouring and burning effect.

Kyuubi seemed to be a little afraid of the black jet flames and used a quick dodge to avoid the attack.The corner of the dragon's mouth was slightly raised, "The Pokemon with the fire attribute can actually avoid the fire attack. If this is the case, the weasel will use Purgatory!"

"Nine Tails, use your supernatural powers to take over the Purgatory trick!"

Minato was quite surprised by the black flame sprayed by the ferret. Since Kyuubi chose to avoid it, it shows that it has an instinctive resistance to the black flame.That being the case, Minato will never let the venue become the home of the fire-breathing dragon, after all, Kyuubi does not have the ability to fly.

The flame purgatory sprayed by the ferret was blasted in the air under the control of Nine-Tails' supernatural power, and this Nine-Tails dragon was a little surprised that it was so good at using super powers. "Since the tactical purpose has not been achieved, what will happen if you replace it with this one, Tianyou uses the hot wind trick!"

The ferret let out a roar, its black wings flapped violently, and a gust of black flames was blown violently towards Nine Tails.Kyuubi erected its nine blood-red tails high, and with the rapid rotation of the nine tails, Ninetails' body was covered with a green halo.The flame wave rolled up by the ferret shunted past Nine Tails, but it didn't wash away its protective coating.

Long looked at the Mizumen who looked as steady as Mount Tai and breathed fire straightly. This guy was just like a tortoise, except for the first tentative attack with his head out, he was always passively defending.Such a quiet and then moving evasion defense is very difficult for the dragon to grasp the flaws of Nine Tails.

Xiaoxue, who had been watching the battle, asked curiously: "Miss Kona, you must know this Nine-Tails very well. After experiencing such a fierce battle from just now, it seems that this Nine-Tails' physical strength does not seem to have declined at all. It seems a little unreasonable."

Kona pushed his glasses and looked at the competition field with a heavy face and said: "The biggest feature of this nine-tailed bird is that it has extraordinary physical strength. In a war of attrition, both the Snorby and the Howler Whale King will lose to it. It would be very dangerous if the dragon continued to keep the Charizard high-intensity attack."

Kona didn't deliberately lower his voice when he said this, Minato smiled slightly and didn't care about Kona pointing out his secret. "Damn tortoise, you really think of yourself as a nine-tailed demon fox."

Long muttered softly to calm down his mind, and then roared loudly: "Sky Weasel rushes over and grabs Nine Tails with the Shadow Claw!"

Sky Weasel roared violently, and the one-foot-long shadow claws popped out instantly, and the black figure streaked across the orbit like a shooting star, and Sky Weasel's figure shortened the distance between him and Nine Tails very quickly. "Aw..." The shadow claws embedded in the ground and forcefully lifted a large rock formation. Even though the ferret was very fast, Nine Tails still nimbly jumped over its head.

"Hmph, do you think you can really hide!"

With the dragon's cold snort, the ferret's nearly three-meter-long tail wrapped around Nine Tails tightly like lightning. With a "bang", the ferret drew a powerful steel tail towards the ground and threw Nine Tails to the ground hard.The ferret let out a furious roar and stepped on Nine-Tails fiercely into the cracks in the ground, black flames gushed out and instantly engulfed Nine-Tails.

At this time, everyone finally knew why the ferret became the leader of the Charizard Valley. The furious ferret pulled the nine tails out of the crack with his tail again and again and stepped on it again and again. The whole process Kyuubi was not given a chance to breathe at all.

After repeating this cycle many times, the ferret directly grabbed Nine-Tailed with its tail, spread its wings and flew high, and then circled and circled in the sky continuously. "Aw..." The weasel that was descending rapidly twisted its body the moment it approached the ground, and its thick long tail curled up with nine tails slammed on the ground, the ultimate skill of the fighting system-earth throw!

"This fire-breathing dragon looks much crazier than Xiaozhi."

Xiao Zhen felt a little cold all over, this scene was really scary enough. "Pika... [-]" Xiaozhi's Pikachu was in a cold sweat, and seemed to be thankful that it wasn't the one fighting.

Tianlu was panting slightly, because the smoke and dust filled the air, he couldn't see the other side, but he was looking forward to what Minato would look like. "Looking at whether you are still dead or not, even the two Kirbys should be finished!"

The smoke dissipated, but to everyone's surprise, the Nine-Tails still climbed up from the playing field after being attacked so fiercely, but it looked very embarrassed and its coat color was no longer glamorous. "This...---this Nine-Tails is really terrifying!"

As a referee, Xiao Gang couldn't help exclaiming.Also covering their mouths were the girls who were sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, didn't they get knocked down like this!

"This Nine-Tails is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang."

Long Yi looked at Minato with a serious face, this guy is really a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.Minato said with a smile, "Although my Nine-Tails can only know four unique moves, its physical strength and ability to resist blows are definitely beyond your imagination."

"That's really a disgusting tactic. Will-o'-the-wisps, flashes of lightning, and supernatural powers for protection?"

Long pursed his lips, "A Nine-Tails with such potential can only know four tricks. I really don't know that you are a trainer."

Long took back the ferret and took out the GS ball and said: "I'm not a person who always likes to procrastinate. Since you put on a stance and hooked up with me, then just accept the move. I want to see if you, the undead Nine-Tails, can fight against me." How long will this elf last under attack. Go, Dream!"

Dream rubbed his eyes, patted his mouth and yawned. These Tianlong locked it in the elf ball and it slept comfortably. "Wonderful" Mengmeng jumped into Long's arms with a cry of joy and rubbed her small head against him, even more coquettish than Xiaozhi's Chrysanthemum Leaf.

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