"I'm the second sister Peony."

"I'm the third sister calamus."

"We are the beautiful girls of Hualan City", the three female sisters. "

"It really doesn't look like a gym owner."

Lan shame.

"Long, I look forward to defeating you every day. This has almost become my inner demon. I finally met you today, so I must fight you again. I don't want to wait for a minute."

Xiaomao moved towards the dragon excitedly.

Long did not expect that Xiao Mao was so eager to fight with him, "Well, I have already obtained the badge of the Hualan City Gym, I will use this blue badge in my hand as a bet to fight with me, Long. "

Hualan City Junsha said in surprise, "Don't you have no badge in this way?"

"Cut, I can win at a gym of this strength at any time, I don't care."

Xiaomao sneered.


The three sisters in Hualan City were furious, "What an arrogant kid."

Xiaomao continued, "Hmph, I'm just telling the truth."


Long snapped his fingers, "Xiao Mao, I accept your challenge."

"We can lend you the venue of the gymnasium."

Sakura said, "And the trainer called Dragon over there can give you a badge if you win."

"Oh, is this okay?"

calamus asked.

"It doesn't matter, I really can't see the arrogant attitude of that kid, but we just didn't have the ability to take revenge after being repaired by her just now."

Peony said, "Therefore, if the trainer named Dragon wins that arrogant brat, there's nothing wrong with us giving him the badge, and by the way, help us get revenge."

"Hmph, Dragon, let's have a six-on-six battle this time."

Xiaomao said. "as you wish."

Dragon doesn't care.Xiaomao said, "I want to exchange the elf in my hand to fight you with my six strongest ones, so I also hope that you can bring out your six most powerful dragons."

Long Zhou waved his hand and said, "I don't need it anymore, I only got six of them recently."

"No way?"

Xiaomao said in surprise, "Dragon, with your strength, you can't get together six spirits, right?"

Long Hehe smiled and said, "For me, elves like Little Lada and Horned Goldfish have limited potential even if they evolve into Lada and King Goldfish. to subdue."

"What, this dragon looks more arrogant."

Calamus was dissatisfied. "I would like to see how powerful the six elves in his hands are."

Hualan City Junsha said. "Dragon, you really have your own unique ideas. I'm looking forward to your other five elves."

Xiaomao said, "But I am also full of confidence in my six strongest elves."

"Xiao Mao-kun, if you want to teleport the elves, our gym has that device."

Sakura said. "Then Xiao Mao, I'll be waiting for you at the competition venue."

said the dragon.

Xiao Mao used the teleportation device in Hualan City to exchange his six strongest elves with his grandfather, Dr.

"The rules of the game are six-on-six, and the game will end until all the elves on one side can't fight."

Sakura announces the rules of the game.

"My first elf is it, go dart turtle."

Xiao Mao shouted.

"Oh, has that jerky evolved?"

Long said in surprise, "It seems that you really worked hard, Xiaomao."

"That's right, since we were defeated by Bangira, the Jenny Turtle and I worked hard to improve ourselves every day. We kept winning and defeating our opponents, and the Jenny Turtle continued to grow and finally turned into a water arrow turtle not long ago."

Xiao Maojiao "do it.

"It seems that you have suffered a lot, but it seems that you sent the water arrow turtle in the first game to take advantage of the venue."

Long smiled.

"Yes, for you and me and the elves, we must go all out to win the first game by taking advantage of the natural advantages of water attributes in the water field."

Xiaomao smiled confidently, "Dragon, I don't know what kind of elf you will send in the first game, is it your powerful Bangira? But the water field is not good for Bangira, and my water The Arrow Turtle is not the Jenny Turtle who was afraid of fighting when he saw Bangira."

"Water arrow" seems to be to echo Xiao Mao's words, and the water arrow turtle shouted aggressively at the dragon.

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