As he said that, he went straight to the foot of the mountain and climbed up straight up without even using his hands. Xiaodan's mouth was so wide open that he could stuff an apple into it. Long sighed secretly, the super power is really convenient .

Long used the protruding rocks of the mountain to climb up cautiously. At first, he kept cursing Xiaodan for making such perverted rules. It is a shame that Long came to this world and exercised through travel and adventure for a few months. Otherwise, with the physique of the nerd in the previous life, he would have to fall down all of a sudden if his hands and feet became weak.Although with the help of the power of the Pokemon, he would not be crushed to pieces, but the qualification to challenge was lost.

As for Xiao Danlong, he felt that it was not accidental that he appeared here. He pretended to be a challenger. First, he was to supervise the trainers who came to the gym to challenge him. to help.You know that if a challenger falls and he doesn't have a Pokemon on him that can handle the scene, it will be a lot of fun, and killing people is not fun.

Now that Nazi is leading the way, Long suddenly feels much more at ease in his heart. This cold woman must have intentionally not taken the cable car. Safe woman.

The more you climb up the mountain, the steeper the slope becomes, and the dragon can finally move forward with both hands and feet free.The air is crisp and refreshing, the sky is so blue and the white layer is so close that you can reach out and touch it with your hand.Never had an otaku in his previous life ever had such an experience, standing at such a high place would make him feel very comfortable.Long gently took Nazi's hand and wiped her sweat-free forehead with the back of his hand, and said in a sincere tone, "Thank you!"

The reason why Nazi was brought out of the Gold City Gymnasium was because Long really sympathized with her experience and wanted to help this young girl who was in her prime, but Nazi helped Long a lot during the trip, so Long really felt very grateful to Nazi.

"Sorry to interrupt."

Xiao Dan's voice came over abruptly, "Although the scenery here is good, we haven't arrived at our destination yet, and we still have to cross the snow line. The Naipur Gymnasium is on the top of the mountain."

This guy really has no eyesight, Long cursed secretly in his heart, he actually found out and disturbed others on purpose.Long glared at Xiao Dan fiercely and pulled Na Zi to stride towards the top of the mountain.Nazi is different from other women, but she doesn't know what it means to be shy. Her slender fingers were tightly held by the dragon, but her brows frowned, and then she felt the warmth in the palm of her hand, and the tight brows suddenly disappeared. Stretched out, subconsciously took steps and followed.

The temperature of the white snow dropped suddenly, and Long even once thought that he had come to the great north with a world of ice and snow, which was not like the hot climate in the southern country at all.The snowflakes began to fall one by one, Long looked at Nazi worriedly, and when he was about to take off the already thin coat and put it on Nazi, Nazi didn't refuse, this thin coat can't resist much wind and cold but Na Zi felt warm in her heart.

"Long, and Nazi, are you alright?"

Sakura, Kamizlei, and Xiaoxue were standing at the entrance of the Naipur Gymnasium, seeing Long and Nazi from a distance, and hurriedly went up to meet them.

"I'm freezing to death, I'm freezing to death... [-]" Long only wore a thin underwear and his lips were trembling from the cold, while the three women had already put on a thick cotton jacket. Very thoughtful.

"Hehe, it's really amazing to be able to persist in climbing up from the foot of the mountain."

Xiao Dan came over with a mountaineering bag on his back and said to Long with a smile, "I accept your challenge, the Eastern Star of the Southern Cross Alliance."

Long said goodbye and said something great, but it was just putting gold on his face.Xiao Dan brought the dragon and the girls to a gushing geyser on the mountain and said, "There are three competitions in the Naipur Gymnasium, and the first one is that both of us send our respective Pokemon to see who It can freeze the gushing spring water in the shortest possible time."

"Come out, Queen Nido!"

Xiao Dan took out the elf ball and sent Queen Nido.Although Nido Queen and Nido King have dual attributes of ground and poison, these two Pokemon are truly versatile.Nido Queen and Nido King can learn many types of tricks. Xiao Dan sent Nido Queen and it seems that he just learned ice-type tricks.

This round is actually compared to the ice-type unique move. Long has not yet subdued the pure ice-type Pokemon, but there are several elves who can use the ice-type unique move on him. "You will be sent for the first match, go ahead, Gyarados ∥'Roar" Xiao Dan was stunned when the huge body of Gyarados appeared.

"There is no mistake, is the body of the Gyarados so big!"

Looking at the huge and ferocious face of the tyrannosaurus, Xiao Dan felt the chill seeping into his bone marrow.

"Hehe, my Gyarados is well developed."

Long shook his fingers triumphantly, "Then Mr. Dan, if there is no problem, let's start the game."

Xiao Dan was quite courageous. After the shock, he tried his best to calm himself down and said, "Then please ask a beautiful lady to count one, two, three, and then we will start at the same time."

Long had no objection, and then Sakura volunteered to stand up and start reading.

"Rapid Carp Dragon!"

"Queen Nido!"

Long and Xiaodan gave the order almost at the same time, "Freeze the light."

"Roar" This is the first cooperation between the Gyarados and the dragon, but the Gyarados reacted the moment the dragon spoke.With a violent roar, the blue energy condensed in the mouth, and then three rays of freezing light were sprayed out. The upper, middle, and lower three paths froze the scalding geyser water into a big icicle and collapsed with a "boom".And Empress Nido over there has only done less than one-third of the work.

Xiao Dan exclaimed, "It's really amazing. I lost this game. But my work here has to be completed, and Nido Queen's power is at full strength!"

Little Dan's Nido let out a howl and increased his energy output. Finally, after a lot of effort, the geyser over there was frozen into a big icicle.

Long easily won the first round, and the girls cheered.Xiao Dan pointed to a notice board next to it, on which was a schematic drawing of a sampan boat.Xiao Dan smiled and said, "The second comparison is this. Let's each take out three Pokemon and use the icicles just now to make such an ice ship according to the above diagram. Whoever completes this round first No matter who wins."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Dan took out two more Poke Balls, "Go, Haoli and Flying Mantis."

Use Pokemon to complete handmade, Long frowned.It seems that his current Pokemon is not capable of such a delicate job with many big heads.

"Come back, Gyarados has worked hard on you."

The dragon took back the Gyarados, "Let's replace you this time, flame horses, giant claw crabs, and Bi Diao!"

"If the first item compares the power of the Pokemon's unique move, then the second item compares the precise use of the unique move and the creative ability of the Pokemon."

Xiaoxue analyzed, "The destructive power of each trick of the Pokemon used by the dragon is amazing. If the strength is not well grasped, the icicle will be completely destroyed."

Long said to Bi Diao, Flaming Horse and Claw Crab, "You three look carefully, this time is a delicate job."

Pointing to the diagram of the drawing board, Long said, "Wait a minute, the flame horse is responsible for melting the ice cubes with flames, Bi Diao uses air cutting to cut the ice cubes flat, and your giant claw crab is responsible for the specific processing and rest. Is there any problem? "

"Bi", "Hoo" and "Puff" Bi Diao, Flaming Horse and Giant Claw Crab shouted together and their fighting spirit was very high.Following Sakura's order again, Long and Xiaodan started at the same time again.

I have to say that Xiaodan's elves cooperated very well and did a very good job. It seems that this is not the first time they have done this kind of work, and practice makes is.On the other hand, the dragon's cooperation is much clumsy. The flames of the flaming horse often scald the giant claw crabs. The dragon is really ashamed. If this continues, the giant claw crabs will definitely be roasted.Only Bi Diao and Long have the longest time, and they cooperate very tacitly under the command of Long to complete the work excellently.

In the end, Long reluctantly used the icicle to make the small sampan according to the blueprint, but the workmanship was much rougher. Xiaodan had already completed the work one step ahead, and the workmanship was better than that of Long. much finer.Long looked at the flame horse and the giant claw crab that were fighting each other. It was really a headache. If Bi Diao hadn't been a peacemaker in it, I'm afraid these two guys would have fought just now.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry."

Xiao Dan smiled and said to Long, "It seems that I won this game."

Long pursed his lips, he had nothing to say about the loss this time, "Now we each won one game, so let's decide the winner in the third game."

"Dragon, the gymnasium competition of the Orange League is different from our usual competition rules, so you must be careful in the last match."

Sakura kindly reminded.

"Do not worry about it."

Long threw a reassuring look at the girls, no matter what the rules of the last game are, they must never lose.He didn't want to climb the mountain again, Long took out the golden GS ball and held it tightly in his hand, he was truly determined to win it!

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