The Rockets trio has once again become a gorgeous star.

"Really powerful."

Xiaozhi said with emotion.

"That's a billion-dollar shock wave, a very powerful trick."

Xiaogang explained.

"Okay, the trouble is solved, let's go Lan, there's nothing to be missed here."

The dragon waved to Jun Shalan.

"Don't you come with us that dragon?"

Xiaoxia asked. "Hey, I'm going to challenge Hualan Gym, do you still want to be with me?"

The dragon laughed mischievously. "Well, that's fine."

Xiaoxia flinched.

"Dragon, one day I will surpass you."

Xiaozhi clenched his fists. "Hehe, I hope, but my goal is to be the world's No. [-] trainer and it is impossible to lose to you."

Long shook his finger and said, "Okay, let's go to Bidiao, Feitian... Everyone, goodbye?"

Lan waved and said goodbye to Xiao Zhi and the others. "Bi" Bi Diao flew over Yuejian Mountain with Long and Lan.

"That dragon, are we flying in the sky?"

Lan said to Long excitedly, "Why don't you use Bidiao instead?"

"Bidiao land."

Commander Long Bidiao said, "Ah, why? Wouldn't it be better to fly directly to Hualan City?"

Lan wondered, "I asked you to carry me to Hualan City to try it out. My Bidiao is carrying two people, and I just showed it off in front of Xiaozhi and the others."

Long said helplessly. "Khan, I can't stand you, you love face so much."

Lan was depressed.

"Well, since you complained just now, Lan, my ears are getting calluses."

Long couldn't help but said. "I didn't let you walk again, and the wind speed dog can't stand your complaints, right Feng speed dog."

The dragon patted the wind speed dog on the head, "Wang Wang" the wind speed dog agreed.


Lan said angrily, "It's true that you all dote on each other, and I'm complaining not because I'm afraid of walking, but because you know it yourself."

Lan sat on the wind speed dog and turned around and yelled at Long.

"Boo" Lan's face turned red all of a sudden, "Why? All of a sudden it's my relatives."

Long Yan pursed his lips and said, "If I knew this trick would work, I would have used it."

"You are so disgusting."

Lan is about to explode.

Long hurriedly hugged Lan's slim waist to stabilize Lan, who was about to explode, "Okay, Lan, it's not cute if you continue to be angry... Wang Wang" Fengsu Dog seemed to echo Long. "Ow... um,"

The dragon froze as if struck by magic, "Shut up your voice?"

"Wang" Wind Speed ​​Dog also looked solemn.

"What's wrong with you, dragon?"

Lan wondered, "And the wind speed dog."

"This voice, this voice... One" Long was excited with tears in his eyes. "Ow!" A blue figure gradually appeared in the dragon's sight. "Who is that elf?"

Lan gasped in surprise.


The dragon excitedly ran towards the blue figure, "Ow" the blue figure Yishui Jun accelerated towards the dragon. "Shuijun!"

The dragon threw hot tears all the way to the water king.

"Ow" the dragon hugged Suijun all of a sudden, "Ow" Suijun couldn't help but put his head on the dragon. "That's great, Sui-kun, I look like you."

The dragon couldn't stop touching Suijun's hair, and his tentacles were cold, but the dragon didn't feel the slightest chill. On the contrary, he felt that his mind had been washed again. This is Suijun's pure body characteristic.

Long's heart slowly calmed down under the characteristics of pure body, Long looked at Sui Jun and said affectionately, "Sui Jun, after we left, I have dreams of you almost every night."

"Ow!" Sui Jun also let out a choked cry. "You mean the same for you?"

The dragon asked Shui Jundao. "Ow." Sui Jun licked the dragon, "You mean, you came here from Chengdu day and night?"

The dragon was moved.

"Ow" Sui Jun kept cupping his head against the dragon, "Did that old man from the Lord of Space tell you where I am?...Ow" Sui Jun nodded.Long said to himself, "I forgive you the time you kicked me, old man."

The dragon kept stroking Su Jun, "Su Jun, let's work together again in the future."

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