It was completely within his expectation that Du would use the sandstorm created by Bangira to strengthen the attack of the tornado. After Dragon King took out two flying overlords, he guessed what tactics he was going to use next.

"Cha!" The Tyrannosaurus dug a big hole in the ground with a bang and plunged in. The yellow sand tornado could barely pass through the hole.A mass of golden energy quickly condensed in Bangira's open bloody mouth and poured out in an instant. The powerful destructive death light pierced through two yellow sand tornadoes one after another with a destructive force, and the bombardment continued unabated. On Kuailong, who is not as good as him. "Oh!" Kuailong roared in pain, and his huge body fell from the air.

"Bangira's destructive death light has hit, and the speed is so fast that even Kuailong can't avoid it? Oh, the power of this move is really amazing. The energy of the tornado is destroyed by the powerful death light in an instant. It was exhausted in between, and it is worthy of being the so-called 'death blow' Bangira, who used his strongest trick to give Kuailong a killing blow at the beginning of the game!"

The commentator's loud and shrill voice made the enthusiasm of the audience even more crazy. It was unexpected that the game would be so hot from the very beginning.

"Aw..." the violent salamander quickly flew down from the body, suddenly flew and slammed its thick and long tail at Bangira's body fiercely. "Bayi!" the Tyrannosaurus roared, crawled out of the ground and jumped onto the head of the Salamander, kicking it to the ground with a strong stomp.

The violent sandstorm raged everywhere in the rocky field, and Du put his arm on his forehead and roared loudly: "Quick Dragon, use the storm trick, and the storm salamander uses the power of the fast dragon to use the hot wind...'Aw!" The fast dragon suddenly climbed up and flew back At the edge of the playing field, the pair of small wings on the back vibrated rapidly at high frequency, and suddenly a violent wind swept across the entire playing field like a substance.

The storm trick is the most powerful special attack in the flying system. The power of the trick is comparable to that of Yongwu. In this large-scale and indiscriminate attack, the bodies of Tyrannosaurus and Bangira retreat a few steps, even if they weigh more than 200 kilograms. Bangira seemed to be blown away at any time.Not only is such a violent wind like cutting the body, it also causes great damage to the body. Kuailong's storm trick is like a miniature air blast.

The sandstorm was blown away, and Bangira, who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tyrannosaurus on the rocky field to resist the storm attack, suddenly roared. The thick and long tail shone with blue light, and the murderous tail wrapped in the dragon's breath swept across and even swept the storm beside him. The dragon flew out.

"Cha" Tyrannosaurus's body flipped and fell heavily on the ground, and it ate Bangira's Dragon's Tail at close range and unsuspectingly.

"What happened? Dragon's Bangira actually launched an attack on his teammates. The storm just now confused it, but the Tyrannosaurus didn't seem to be affected. His Royal Highness's Tyrannosaurus claims to have all the negative effects of the Rabbit Plague. With a strong body, whether it is poison, paralysis, burns or negative states such as chaos, it is all ineffective against it, but even if it is as strong as the King of Kuangsha, it is in a very bad situation, because it may suffer from unconsciousness from teammates at any time. Attack... [-]" "Roar" The storm salamander swirled upwards and quickly flapped its wings with the fast dragon. The fiery air waves and violent wind mixed together and swallowed the entire rocky field together with Bangira and Tyrannosaurus.With a wave of his arm, Du shouted loudly: "Quick Dragon, Stormy Salamander, Double Big Character Burn∥'哦" Quick Dragon and Stormy Newt roared at the same time, and the two overlords of the flying department sprayed a blazing flame from their mouths at the same time Melted together and squeezed towards the rocky field.

The dragon took two steps back to slightly avoid the heat wave. The fast dragon's storm and the stormy salamander's hot wind had already ravaged the entire rock field, and the ground and broken rocks were baked red.The power of the double character burn is astonishing, and the dragon can clearly feel the scorching breath coming from the sky.

The corner of the dragon's mouth was raised slightly and he smiled at Tyrannosaurus and said loudly: "Old man, although it is very frustrating to be posed by comrades in arms, but now is not the time to care about it. Bangira is the first to bear the brunt now, take out all your Let's get stronger, the Crazy Dragon Attack of the Reverse Scale!"

"Cha..." the sharp toes of the Tyrannosaurus were firmly nailed to the ground like hooks, and the body that was slightly unstable in the storm suddenly stood on the ground like a mountain. "Bayi!" The Tyrannosaurus raised its head and screamed, and an astonishing murderous aura erupted centered on the body of the Tyrannosaurus.

The earth and rocks are shattered inch by inch, and the evil spirit rises up to the dragon's reverse scales, which will anger you if you touch it!

The Tyrannosaurus raised its head and roared, scarlet bloodshot eyes instantly covered its murderous and fierce eyes, and the evil spirit shone on the body of the Kuangsha Emperor like a red blood glow that was actually shining with a bewitching red color.The Tyrannosaurus squinted at the fast dragon and the violent salamander floating above the sky, and released the violent dragon's murderous breath from its body. The oxygen breath, which was originally blue, turned into a strange red under the scarlet evil spirit. , both the violent salamander and the fast dragon were driven back by the eyes that seemed to be full of evil spirits.

"Aw..." the Violent Earth Dragon let out a loud and clear dragon roar, and its body turned into a red bloodthirsty dragon, rolled up and roared, and hit the double big character burning from top to bottom, the bloodthirsty dragon's violent dragon type The evil spirit opened its teeth and danced its claws, bared its teeth and grinned, carrying the blazing flame head-on.

The murderous red dragon's breath and the scorching flames intertwined and twisted continuously, and the bloodthirsty dragon flew rapidly to devour the powerful double characters.Du frowned and roared loudly: "Quick Dragon, Violent Salamander, Double Violent Dragon Attack!"

"Aw!" Kuailong and Violent Salamander roared together, their sharp eyes fixed on the red bloodthirsty Violent Dragon, and Kuailong and Violent Salamander's bodies flew upside down and turned into two roaring howls wrapped in violent blue The murderous angry dragon of the dragon type rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus dragon head-on.

The bloodthirsty mad dragon that swallowed the last ray of flames received the double mad dragon attack of the fast dragon and the violent salamander with the first resistance and the second head-on.The blue dragon's murderous aura intertwined with the strange red evil aura, and then the violent salamander screamed and was thrown out of the intertwined murderous aura in the air, and then the violent dragon was struck by Kuailong's powerful freezing fist Bombard fell to the ground.

"This tyrannosaurus can still do this after Ni Lin!"

Although Du already knew the characteristics and strength of this bird, he was always impressed by the strength it displayed, but fortunately, the strength gap between the two sides has not yet reached an insurmountable level.Du waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Quick Dragon, destroy the death light, and the storm salamander uses the dragon star group."

"Oh..." Kuailong and Violent Salamander opened their mouths and condensed energy at the same time. Seeing this momentum, they will kill Violent Dragon with one blow.

"Bangira, it's not a snoozing weather just now. Tyrannosaurus can help you just now."

Long shouted angrily at the sandstorm tyrant who had just woken up from the chaotic state, "This time it's your cover, sandstorm!"

"Ban" Benjila roared with a wide chest, and let out a deafening roar, as if trying to vent all the depression in his chest just now. After only a few rounds of fighting, the dilapidated rocky field suddenly raised a violent storm of sand.The fast dragon and the violent salamander were forced to fly several feet high, and the dragon snapped its fingers and said in a deep voice: "The violent dragon, the scale-defying advance!"

The Tyrannosaurus let out a roar, and its body moved rapidly in the sandstorm, and even more than a dozen figures were separated. At this moment, it was impossible to capture which one was the real figure of the Tyrannosaurus. Fully play out.

"Aw..." the storm salamander roared, and the dragon star group exploded in the air and fell towards the ground. The scattered dragon star meteorites found their targets one by one, hitting the afterimage of the storm dragon in the sandstorm.Bangira roared and waved a dragon star meteorite to shatter, countless rock blades flew around the sandstorm tyrant's body, and then shot towards the storm salamander rapidly one after another.The storm salamander folded its wings and resisted this round of rock bombardment with its powerful body. At this moment, a figure glowing with a strange red blood glow jumped out of the sandstorm and directly attacked the storm salamander.

"Quick Dragon, over there, destroy the death light!"

With a high degree of concentration and close attention to the whereabouts of the hidden Tyrannosaurus, Du suddenly made a sound, and the Kuailong reacted instantly, destroying the dead light, and shot towards the Tyrannosaurus head-on, and passed through the body of the Tyrannosaurus .

Du's heart was shocked, it's not good, the 102 champion, the strongest human being!Outer Part ([-]) "Wave Cut against the Scale!"

Following the dragon's cold snort, a figure descended from the sky above Kuailong's head.

"Bayi!" The Tyrannosaurus opened its two shining white arm fins, roared and rushed down, powerfully and fiercely smashing the tiles and smashing the Kuailong into the air.The dragon's eyes narrowed and he waved his hands and roared loudly: "Bangira, the last blow, destroy the death light! Tyrannosaurus, the mad dragon attack against the scale!"

"Ban" Benjila roared out, pouring out a golden energy ray from the blood basin's huge mouth, swallowing the fast dragon whole. "Ah Da Man" the Violent Earth Dragon roared and turned into a bloodthirsty dragon, opened its terrifying fangs and swallowed the Kuai Long completely from top to bottom. When it landed on the ground, the referee waved the flag and announced that Kuailong lost the ability to fight and was eliminated from the field.

"Storm Salamander, Dragon Star Group!"

Du was not disturbed by Kuailong's defeat. The violent salamander flapped its blood-red wings, gathered all the dragon power in its body and launched it towards the sky. The dragon star group exploded in the sky, and more than a dozen dragon star meteorites fell one after another Falling to cover the ground.

Tyrannosaurus flew over the immobile Benjira and used his body to block all the attacks, while Du took advantage of this space to replace Kuailong, "Fossil flying dragon, billions of shock waves ∥' roar" Fossil flying dragon Opening its iconic big mouth, wrapped in a layer of golden light, it roared in mid-air and swooped down, aiming at the half-kneeling Tyrannosaurus.

The dragon's brows were deeply furrowed, and the Tyrannosaurus Dragon had already suffered a great deal of damage. It was impossible for him to take the Huayou Feilong's move head-on. "Come back, Tyrannosaurus."

Resolutely took the Tyrannosaurus back into the elf ball, and the dragon did not rush to replace the elf, but raised his arms and said vigorously: "Bangira, catch the attack of the fossil flying dragon head-on!"

"Ban" Bangira opened his arms with a roar, and the fossil flying dragon slammed into Bangira and pushed him to a distance of more than ten meters. "Roar" Benjira raised his head and roared angrily, and violently smashed the entire fossil flying dragon to the ground with his arms raised. "Ow" Bangira roared and smashed a huge rock on the ground vigorously with his shining white arm. The sandstorm tyrant raised the boulder over his head with one arm and threw it out, hitting the oncoming storm salamander. .

"It's simply unbelievable. Is this the true strength of the Sandstorm Tyrant?"

The narrator shouted in surprise: "Bangira not only blocked the strongest nirvana of the fossil flying dragon from the front, but also aimed at the gap and used a powerful rock cannon to inflict heavy damage on the storm salamander. The strongest trick is extremely effective against the flying-type storm salamander!"

Violent Salamander raised his head with difficulty and stared fiercely at Benjira, who was panting heavily. "Aww" Violent Salamander fell to the ground with a roar, and the last look in his eyes showed obvious unwillingness and disappointment.The referee waved the flag to indicate that the flying dragon lost the ability to fight and exited the field.

"Sure enough, the Violent Salamander was defeated, and the second elf of Dutian King after Kuailong also left the field. The current situation is very unfavorable for him as a challenger."

The commentator then changed the subject, "The defending champion Tyrannosaurus has been replaced. Although he can continue to fight, the Tyrannosaurus also suffered a lot of damage. Bangira was exhausted after using several full-power attacks in a row It is very big, Sandstorm Tyrant has defeated the Storm Salamander but the body is still unable to move for a day, is it going to be replaced?"

At almost the same time, Du and Long took Storm Salamander and Bangira back into the poke ball at the same time. "Bangira and Tyrannosaurus in the sandstorm are indeed extremely difficult to deal with, but I don't know what kind of tactics you will have next. Go, Thorn Dragon King, pray for rain!"

"Wow people" The Thorn Dragon King's body shone with blue light and then he roared up to the sky. In an instant, the dark clouds rolled over, and the originally clear blue sky piled up into a gray piece, and the drifting heavy rain poured down. .

"Roar" the fossil flying dragon roared and shook its head to shake off the water droplets on its head. As the rock-type Pokemon most afraid of water, this fossil flying dragon was only slightly uncomfortable in the heavy rain.

"Interesting, you sent the Thorn Dragon King on the rock field and even let the fossil flying dragon fight in the rain. Did you deliberately use this subverting traditional way to show your training results?"

Long took out two elf balls from his arms, looked at Du and said with a smile: "In this case, I will use these two to fight, Bi Diao and Lizard King!"

"Bi Ren" the golden bird spread its wide wings and plunged into the rainy sky, with a two-meter-long golden crown feather flying on the top of its head. Standing on the ground with one hand, he did somersaults several times and then knelt on one knee, holding a twig obliquely in his mouth, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was completely deaf to everything around him, and there was a two-centimeter-long hole in his left eye. The scars are still clearly visible in the rain.

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