"Two... 200 years..."

The Minister of Defense and the people in the meeting room swallowed their saliva. They felt that they would not be able to survive that day, but everyone was wondering why His Excellency Xitian Wang would tell them this.Although the Mars transformation plan is very grand, what does it have to do with them? To put it bluntly, with South Korea's current technological level, being able to send the probe to Mars is a victory, and it is enough for the whole country to celebrate.

Sundae smiled and continued: "Although the land developed by the Alliance of Elves on Mars is less than one-thousandth, it is much larger than the Korean Peninsula, which has a total area of ​​only 22 square kilometers."

Looking at the group of people listening carefully, the sundae smiled and continued: "The problem now is that although the Mars transformation plan has been completed by nearly one-thousandth, there is still an important factor missing to verify whether the transformation plan is successful. .”

Hearing this, the Minister of Defense couldn't help asking: "What is the factor?"

Under Sundae's signal, the male assistant behind her understood and took over the conversation: "We need large-scale immigration to prove that humans can settle on Mars for a long time, and to prove that the Mars transformation plan can be fully implemented and feasible."

"Mass immigration!"

All the senior Han officials in the conference room finally realized what His Excellency the King of Xitian was going to do, and all of them suddenly turned very ugly.

Sundae smiled and said: "You don't have to be nervous. The total population of your country exceeds 5000 million. I think only 80 will not hurt your bones. Moreover, this is a good thing for you. I represent the Elf Alliance Make a formal commitment to fully assign 80.00% of the developed land on Mars to you!"

"Oh Mo... one" all the senior Korean officials in the conference room shouted together. Compared with the previous news, this undoubtedly made them more shocked and excited.The politicians whose faces were still gray and defeated before were excited. If there was a Taeji flag in front of them, they would have wished to collectively shout and swear an oath a hundred times.

But the Minister of Tourism, who had a quick brain, suddenly realized why the Lord Xitianwang proposed the figure of 80.However, after a while, he suddenly felt something, and then the hairs of his whole body stood on end... Isn't TVXQ claiming to have 80 fans, so it's possible that this guy wants to catch all of them!

087 Who Are You?

The Minister of Tourism felt that he was thinking too much. Even if His Excellency Xitian Wang had a close relationship with that Chinese named Tang Xing, there was no reason why he would be so self-willed for him.Actually, in the eyes of the big guys here, the conflict between Tang Xing and those guys from TVXQ is not really a big deal.It's just because of the power of the person in front of him, so I can only blame those five people for their bad luck, and just sink these short-sighted guys into the Han River when it's over.

However, just when these few were surprised by the big news released by the sundae, His Excellency Xitianwang added a requirement, that is, the 80 must be fans of TVXQ's official club.The entire conference room was silent, and the Minister of Tourism felt his head go black. His guess turned out to be true!

"Your Excellency...Your Excellency..."

The Minister of National Defense looked at the young girl in front of him with some shock. Like everyone else here, in his opinion, if Sundae had conflicts with Tang Xing, he would banish all the fans of the other party to Mars. It's too exaggerated, this is 80 people!

However, apart from this, these big bosses really couldn't think of any reason for the person in front of him to kill this group of people.Although starting from the interests of the country, these bigwigs in the conference room feel that even sacrificing 800 million people is not unacceptable, but if it is just for retaliation, they can take 80 for surgery... No matter how you look at it People have a feeling of fear. In the eyes of this fairy-like girl, are these 80 people like ants? Looking at the ugly expression on the face of the Minister of Defense, Sundae certainly knows what is in his heart. Want to say something.Instructed the female secretary to show the bad comments about Tang Xing from the fans of Dongshen collected from the Internet to the big bosses present. Although Korea now pays attention to the real name system on the Internet, most of them are absolutely unscrupulous on the Internet. It is the most normal thing to publish some B-Yaranya language on the Internet.

Several bigwigs looked at each other, they knew what Sundae meant by showing them these things, but they still felt that it was too much to treat the lives of 80 people as worthless just because of the malicious posts on the Internet.

"Do you think I'm a little unreasonable?"

Several bigwigs in the conference room, headed by the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Tourism, were coldly glanced at by Sundae and immediately lowered their heads in guilt. With a bang, a slender palm slapped heavily on the table, and the sound was very crisp like Knocking on the hearts of several big shots made them feel like their flesh was throbbing.

"What a jerk!"

No one could have imagined that His Excellency Xi Tianwang, who is as cold as a goddess in the moon palace, would suddenly be so angry, "Using vicious words to wantonly slander the Venerable Elf Star Champion Alliance, do you think that the image of the Elf Alliance can be smeared at will? "

Sundae's loud words startled the bosses in the conference room, and everyone was dumbfounded. They couldn't keep up with the sudden deduction of such a big hat. All of them seemed a little at a loss.

As a result, His Excellency Xi Tianwang's next sentence directly scared the few people to the ground, "Since you dare to make provocative actions against the Elven Alliance, you must have awakened. If so, let's go to war!"

There was an uproar... There was a sound of guns being raised neatly, and all the future soldiers who were in charge of the security of this conference room surrounded them. The infrared bright spots wandering around the bodies of several tired people were the sights of laser guns.The biggest advantage of laser weapons over ordinary thermal weapons lies in the almost 100% hit rate. The bullets fired by ordinary firearms, whether they are pistols, rifles or even sniper rifles, run along a parabola.But laser weapons are different. A standard straight line can be said to point to where to hit!

If you say turn your back on it, turn your back on it. The bosses in the office can be said to be green with regret at this time. They didn't expect that the person in front of them would have such a firm attitude towards this matter.But there is one thing that they don't understand. How could the Grand Champion Alliance suddenly be involved? Doesn't it mean that this person has disappeared?

Sundae slowly stood up from his seat and said in a cold voice, "Tang Xing, that is His Royal Highness Dragon of the Champions League!"

One stone caused a thousand waves. This news was like a nuclear explosion to everyone in the conference room. From the Minister of Defense to the Minister of Tourism, everyone was bombarded, and even the one who had been following Sundae The male assistant and female secretary were also stunned.The identity of Tang Xing has not been verified yet, is it really okay for His Excellency Xitianwang to behave like this now?

However, the most shocked people in the conference room should be those big bosses. Tang Xing is actually the venerable champion of the championship league... This, this... If someone else said this, they would definitely take it as a joke , but now it is His Excellency Xi Tianwang of the championship league who is saying this, can you just talk about this kind of thing!

Although these bigwigs in the meeting room are very unwilling to believe this fact, when Tang Xing became an officially recognized trainer of the Elf Alliance, all the bigwigs here knew more or less about his detailed information and details Pass.But, isn't this Chinese, how could he become the lord of the championship league? Is this the only joke in the world?

However, no matter how hard it was for the bigwigs in the meeting room to accept this reality, Sundae had no intention of explaining it to them, and the atmosphere in this small room suddenly became very oppressive.These people finally understood that the matter turned out to be so serious. If this is the case, then everything just now can be explained.

The Minister of Defense opened his mouth to say something, but found that he didn't know how to speak, and they were all frightened when they heard Sundae's war speech just now.If 5000 million people in the Republic of Korea were caught in the flames of war because of his mishandling, then he is definitely a sinner of the country, and a hundred times of death is not enough to atone for his sins!

Just when these bigwigs in the conference room wanted to do something to make amends, there was a hasty knock on the door, Sundae waved his hand lightly, and those super soldiers with laser guns retracted their weapons one by one and stood back.A deputy minister hurried over to open the door after wiping the cold sweat off his head, only to see two soldiers outside the door gave a military salute and reported that they had invited people over.

Hearing this, the big bosses in the conference room were startled, Tang Xing, who was confused, was respectfully invited in after the deputy minister who opened the door nodded and bowed.In the conference room, starting with the Minister of Defense, all the people lined up and bowed at ninety degrees, and each of them said sorry.

Tang Xing, who had never been treated so politely and enjoyed such courteous treatment since he was a child, was really shocked. In fact, when he walked all the way just now, he was already shocked by the huge battle lined up on both sides of the street. arrive.On the way, Yu kept guessing what happened. How could the company that he used to go in and out on weekdays be occupied by the army?

Although he didn't know the identities of these people in front of him, but Tang Xing thought that each of them should have a good status. After all, he had never experienced such a battle, so he subconsciously returned the letter to the other party.It's just that classmate Tang Xing didn't expect his actions to flatter the few in front of him, and he bowed to him again and again.

"What are you doing, are these guys performing a bowing contest?"

Classmate Tang Xing looked at the few people in front of him speechlessly. This sad guy has not realized who he is until now, so he needs a lot of experience in such occasions.

On the other side, since student Tang Xing entered the meeting room, His Excellency Xi Tianwang and the assistant and secretary have fixed their eyes on him.However, although this person's appearance is really very similar to His Highness the Dragon, Tang Xing's demeanor, aura and aura are far different from those of the Grand Champion. If you don't look at the face, there are two people!

Apart from twins, there are quite a few people who look alike in this world, so it's a bit unreliable to know someone by their appearance.As for the grandeur, aura and aura of the Grand Champion, these are definitely not something that others can pretend, because he is His Royal Highness the Dragon, unique!

"You all go out first."

Sundae waved his hand to push the whole room back, and looked at the few bosses headed by the Minister of Defense who hesitated to speak, His Excellency Xi Tianwang said a little upset: "You should deal with the matter just now, as long as If the result satisfies me, then I don’t need to pursue it, and the conditions discussed before remain unchanged. Otherwise, if you can’t handle it well, then we will solve it in our own way!”

Hearing these words, the big bosses breathed a sigh of relief one after another as if they had received amnesty, and then confessed to the inexplicable classmate Tang Xing, and the group slowly retreated from the conference room.Just when the two assistants accompanied by His Excellency Xi Tianwang also slowly left the huge meeting room, leaving only Tang Xing who was confused, this guy finally turned his eyes to the sundae, and only for a while let him lost.

What kind of woman do you think is the most beautiful?This question may have different answers in the eyes of different people. Maybe couples in love will think their girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world, or some fans and fans will feel that they masturbate to posters every day Idol female stars are the most beautiful, or this question itself has no answer.Because no matter what the problem is, as long as it involves the most, it is difficult to define. There are so many people in the world, if you ask a group of people casually, there may be a war of violence.

When Tang Xing was very young, after watching The Legend of Condor Heroes, he felt that the most beautiful woman in the world was the little dragon girl on TV who didn't eat fireworks.

It's just that as I grow up, I know that there is a big difference between the little dragon girl on the screen and Li Ruotong in reality. Gradually, the little dragon girl is no longer the most beautiful woman in Tang Xing's mind, and even Because he doesn't have the concept of the most beautiful woman at all.

Before, I saw Xue Qianxun's mother with a cold queen aura in Walkerhill, and the impression that stays in Tang Xing's mind is still very amazing.This once allowed Tang Xing to refresh his own aesthetics. He felt that this kind of strong royal sister-type woman with a glamorous queen temperament should be the most attractive.

But now it seems that Tang Xing feels that he has found the template of the most beautiful woman, and the aesthetics can be changed.Classmate Tang Xing even dared to swear, in the whole world, no, there will never be a more beautiful woman in the entire solar system than this one, even if it is comparable to this one, there will never be any woman, otherwise he will broadcast live !

Even daring to swear such a poisonous oath, it can be seen how much impact Sundae had on Tang Xing at this time. This guy even felt that he could not find a suitable adjective to describe the person in front of him.If I had to say it, it would be Fu!pretty!

Seeing the astonishing gaze in Tang Xing's eyes, Sundae's crescent-like eyebrows frowned slightly, but in Tang Xing's eyes, the peerless beauty in front of her was so pretty even with a frown .Hmm, frown?Tang Xing suddenly woke up. This guy finally realized that it was too inappropriate to keep staring at him like this. Didn’t he see that he frowned? It must be his nympho appearance that aroused the other’s disgust. Tang Xing Thinking this way, he then withdrew his reluctant gaze.

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