This Master Dongtianwang is full of heroism, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a heroic posture, a true heroine!

The King of the West, the only one of the four dressed in a uniform, has beautiful long black hair with a purple bow tie, a white shirt with a college skirt, black stockings, and a pair of flat leather shoes.This is the second lady of the Sinnoh Yuto family, Yuto Sundai.It's just that the appearance of this Heavenly King of the West is too heaven-defying, and the overwhelming appearance made all the people who greeted her stunned, because her appearance caused the crowd's shouts to appear for a short time. pause.Good family background, noble status and cool temperament, this is the real goddess!

The Heavenly King of the South, this is the youngest of the four.She was wearing a loose pink robe, and her long purple ponytail reached her waist.This is the Saintess of the Dragon, Alice, who is the hometown of Yi Xiulong.This looks most like a black and thin loli who is still in high school, but she is the holder of many records in the Elf League, for example, she was once the youngest champion in the history of the Elf Joint Supervisor and the Champion League The youngest of the Four Heavenly Kings, and she is still underage!

The Heavenly King of the North, this is the only man among the four.On his head was a white captain's cap, and he was wearing a black coat with a long collar, revealing a modest chest, and a pair of piercing eyes with a fierce expression that seemed calm and majestic.This was once the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fangyuan Alliance, and was called "the man of the sea" Genji.Although the Elven Stars have always been eclectic about their dress, this uncle is also a very respectable person. At least there is no leader of that country on Earth who will show his chest in front of the public.

Although a group of high-ranking officials headed by Li Mingbo felt that the uncle Beitian Wang was a bit bohemian, but because of the identity of the other party, they naturally did not dare to speak nonsense, but smiled and stretched out their arms and walked forward.However, Genji obviously had no interest in this thin monkey-like Mr. President, but walked past him with strides.

The Mr. President, who had a bad nose, had an embarrassing expression on his face, and he withdrew his hand embarrassingly. He had already humiliated himself once, and he was afraid that he would lose face again.

As for the three who were one step behind Genji, Xitianwang turned a blind eye to the cheering crowd on both sides, noble and cold like a true moon goddess.

And Nan Tianwang is like a child who has not grown up. He seems to be very curious about everything on this planet because he just came to the earth.Dong Tianwang, on the other hand, appeared to be very graceful. He was the only one among the four who took the initiative to say hello to Mr. President, and waved back to the cheering crowd on both sides. This move even drew even higher cheers. and whoops.

When a group of foreign leaders attend other countries, the itinerary is usually not arranged by themselves.In order to cooperate with this welcome plan, Mr. President asked his subordinates to list a long list of travel and accompanying plans. Naturally, the purpose is to entertain these four as much as possible and show the beautiful and excellent side of Korea. .

I have to say that Mr. President and the senior officials of the Blue House have worked hard enough. Except for the last visit by Kobai, there has never been such a hard work in Korean history.It's just that the few people this time are not masters who can play their cards according to the routine, and the routine of the earthlings is difficult for them.Perhaps Alice, who loves to play by nature, would be a little interested in the plan planned by Mr. President, but the other three people's thoughts are clearly not here, otherwise they would not rush to the earth two months in advance.

Therefore, after walking the red carpet and meeting the chief executive of the Elven Alliance stationed at the Port of Busan, King Xitian directly interrupted Mr. President, who was still tirelessly introducing the high-ranking officials in South Korea, "I don't want to meet these people, the one named Tang Where are the earthlings of the star?"

As soon as this remark came out, the top executives of the Blue House felt ashamed, and it made some politicians who had already prepared polite words swallow the words that came to their lips.As for Tang Xing, of course everyone here knows that as the first elf trainer to be recognized by the elf alliance, not to mention that the news about him is overwhelming these days, even for his rare violent salamander. I haven't thought about it.

As soon as Sundae’s words came out today, some of them secretly thought that they were lucky. Fortunately, the government did not forcibly confiscate the salamander, which is more precious than the national treasure, otherwise they would not be able to explain today.However, afterward, everyone was amazed and shocked. Unexpectedly, the beautiful and incomparable King Xitian actually asked to see Tang Xing by name.This is really incomprehensible, Elven Star has tens of millions of trainers, even if Tang Xing is the first earthling to obtain official status, there is no reason for him to be treated like this, right?

As the head of state, Lee Myung-bak was the first to react, and then explained that Tang Xing was still in Seoul. Mr. President said that he could use a special plane to get the other party to Busan immediately, and that Tang Xing could appear in Busan at the fastest within an hour. In front of everyone.

Who knew that Sundae glanced at Li Mingbo lightly and then said coldly: "I want to see him in person, immediately, immediately!"

8 scare! "

Hearing Sundae's words, all the senior executives of Blue House gasped in unison. They never thought that the King of the West would say such a thing.In their view, it is a great honor to meet anyone on earth as a sundae, and they must not let the other party rush over immediately, but what is going on now, the situation seems to be reversed.Everyone is really a little confused, who is this Tang Xing, who will make the four kings of the championship league condescend?

Hearing Sundai's words, Eastern Heavenly King Yulongchun, Southern Heavenly King Alice, and Northern Heavenly King Genji were also slightly surprised.After receiving the wink from Genji, the top executive captain of the master fleet greeted his subordinates and politely invited Mr. President and the few who followed him out of the meeting room.As politicians, Lee Myung-bak and the senior officials of the Blue House keenly grasped a trace of unusual information from Sundae's words and the reactions of the other three heavenly kings. It is obvious that these four heavenly kings had a secret discussion to dismiss them at this time!

Seeing that all the idlers were dismissed, Nan Tian Wang, who was the youngest among the four, asked first, "Are we going to find that earthling named Tang Xing now?"


Sundae nodded and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows why we rushed to Earth in such a hurry, right? Is there anything more important than finding the champion right now?"

Yu Longchun said: "That's right, but we only recently got the news that the dragon is missing and is likely to be on the earth, but the identity of the earthling named Tang Xing has not yet been confirmed. This kind of Isn't it a bit too abrupt for us to rush to find the treatment under the circumstances, and if Long really wants to hide his identity, will we look for him without any preparation, will it arouse his rebellious psychology and vigilance?"

Hearing Yulongchun's concerns, Sundae asked her back: "If the dragon doesn't want to hide his identity but has some unavoidable difficulties, I know you all think about the disappearance of the dragon in your heart. Willful behavior, right?"

"But I don't see it that way."

Sundae turned his back and said coldly: "I believe that he may be in some serious trouble. I have a hunch that he needs our help urgently. But I respect Xiao Zhuang's opinion, so this time I am going to go alone Meeting this earthling named Tang Xing, I believe the specific situation will be clarified soon."

Now that Sundae has said so, the other three people who know the character of Ms. Yuto Er know that they can't change her mind.Genji, the oldest of the four, nodded and then said in a deep voice: "The hopes of Iris, Iris, and the entire elf alliance rest on you and Xiao Zhuang, since that earthling named Tang Xing is the key suspect Object, then do it according to your ideas. However, what I want to say is that you must pay attention to safety!"


Nan Tianwang, who was not deeply involved in the world, looked at Genji with surprise and said: "I heard some bad rumors before I came to this planet, but the earthlings who greeted us on both sides just now are not as evil as the rumors. ?”

"Ha ha……"

Genji pampered Alice's head and said with a smile: "Where there is light, there is darkness. By the same token, there is no light without darkness."

In the busy Gangnam district of Seoul, the roar of propellers broke the noise of the metropolis.Gunship helicopters whizzed past the city, and among them were four strange flying machines that looked like spaceships.Looking at the air echelons whistling overhead, before everyone could react and discuss what happened.

On the ground, the siren sounded suddenly, and a series of police cars with their lights on opened their way on the crowded street.And behind the police car are huge trailers, and each trailer is loaded with all K2 main battle tanks. The people in Seoul can clearly see the stern face of the commander on the tank turret. .And sandwiched between the sixteen trailers are twelve military heavy trucks. Because the compartment is covered by a thick layer of canvas, it is difficult to see the interior, but anyone can guess what is loaded inside.

It is conceivable that such a grand battle on the crowded streets of Seoul will cause a huge reaction. This is the rhythm of war. This battle makes the weak-minded Koreans wonder if their neighbors from the north are coming. For a while, it made people panic.

The huge military convoy quickly passed through the most prosperous Gangnam district in Seoul, and finally stopped at the block where SM company is located.Two trailers headed towards the block, and once the tank turret turned around, the entire street was blocked, and a group of Korean soldiers swarmed down from the heavy military trucks, carrying barricades, and began to set up a barricade at the street. Five steps and one post will completely block the entire street.The same arrangement was also made at the intersection on the other side. People wandering on this street were unsuspecting and were chased away by soldiers to the shops on both sides of the street, or were warned to stay in cars and not allow them to wander out.

In the sky, the whistling sound from the propellers of the armed helicopters continued, and even the air was patrolled by military forces. This was the rhythm that completely blocked the street!

Before the brainless fans squatting in front of the SM company could figure out what was going on, a group of soldiers swarmed to disperse them forcibly.Then I saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition broke into the dilapidated building of SM and drove away the frightened security guards. These soldiers received orders from their superiors to control and occupy the entire building in the shortest possible time, prohibiting anyone Feel free to move around.

The company was surrounded and controlled by the military. This news made the two big bosses of SM both startled and terrified. What was shocking was that they had not received any news beforehand, and there were many reasons for their fear.As a political donation company, SM has a close relationship with the New Democratic Party of South Korea. How could the big boss of the Blue House not disclose any information about such a major incident?

When two soldiers broke into the president's office and took it under control, President Jin still couldn't believe his eyes, and as the president's secretary, he didn't want to meet when he received a signal from his boss and wanted to come forward to communicate. Two black muzzles.All the words he wanted to say were swallowed again, and now even President Jin, who had been tested by many storms and waves, panicked and didn't know what to do for a while.

The army blocked the street to control SM company, but no news came out. Not to mention TV stations, newspapers and other news media all claimed that this was an anti-terrorism exercise, and even the forums and related posts on the Internet were strictly controlled.

Two black modern cars parked at the door of SM company.A few politician-like men in suits and leather shoes got out of the car and waited anxiously while looking at the watches on their wrists.Not long after, a huge aircraft resembling a spaceship in a sci-fi film quickly passed through the sky, then slowed down and hung above the street in front of SM Corporation.


The expressions of several politicians who were waiting were relaxed, and they all waited.

The hatch door of the spaceship opened, and groups of future soldiers in tight black military uniforms and large black sunglasses jumped out of the spaceship, holding laser guns. These people jumped from the spaceship at least a dozen meters high. Quickly assemble the team like a normal person.At the same time, red and white poke balls were shot out from the catapult of the spaceship. After bursts of red light flashed, fire-breathing dragons roared and flew out of the poke balls and landed on the houses on both sides of the street in batches. above.

"Wang Yuren" There was a sound of dog barking one after another, and after the fire-breathing dragon, teams of majestic wind speed dogs quickly scattered on both sides of the street. The wind speed dogs were not finished yet, and Raichu with their long tails shaking came out to follow The wind speed dog quickly occupied the streets on both sides. Looking at this group of well-trained pokemon, it is obvious that they have undergone strict military training, and whether it is the fire-breathing dragon, wind speed dog and Raichu, the role they play in battles and even wars Definitely not inferior to humans, especially on Earth!

When everything was arranged, the spaceship finally descended slowly and landed on the ground. The first thing to come out was a man and a woman dressed as assistants and secretaries, and the next thing to come out was the Xitian king of the championship league, Yuto Sundae!

Looking up at the dilapidated building in front of him, which could not be called beautiful and imposing at all, Sundae's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.The king of Xitian is magnificent, his appearance like a country and a city and the temperament of a goddess of the moon palace amazed everyone again, but the king of Xitian in front of him is more like a student who has just graduated from a university campus.At least for the people on earth, if they didn't know the identity of this person in advance, they would definitely think so!

The middle-aged men who were waiting here hurried over to introduce themselves, good guy, the leader is actually the Minister of National Defense, and the Minister of Sports, Culture and Tourism is right behind him. There are four titles with subtitles that are directly ignored by Sundae.With the respected status of Xitian King of the championship league, there are too many people who want to get to know her, and of course they will not deliberately remember a few low-level characters.

The female secretary saw His Excellency Xi Tianwang's slightly frowning brows, and then interrupted the few guys in front of him who were still chattering words of welcome and praise.A group of future soldiers and soldiers opened the way, and a group of people entered the SM company that has been completely occupied and controlled. Soldiers kept paying attention and military salutes on the road, so people on earth like to make ostentation, and this formation is like a military parade. .

The meeting room of SM Company was originally used to hold shareholders' meetings and discuss major company decisions, but now it has been requisitioned temporarily.Sundae sat on the representative director's seat and frowned and said to the female secretary standing behind her: "You would believe that the dragon would hide in such a dilapidated place all day long, dreaming of a star dream, isn't it? Is it too ridiculous?"

Hearing Sundae's words, the female secretary considered her words and then hesitated, "Are you sure that Earthman named Tang Xing is really His Royal Highness Dragon?"

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