What an astonishing speed this is, not to mention on Earth, even the highly developed Elf Star has no aircraft that can reach this level of speed.

The interstellar spaceships traveling between the Earth and the Elven Star all pass through the space jump station, and quickly shuttle between the two planets in the form of space jumps, moving in the form of pure kinetic energy like this, and pushing the speed to this level is simply incredible. terrible!

Before NASA had time to get in touch with the Earth branch of the Elven Alliance, the mysterious object that was mistaken for an extraterrestrial meteorite had already penetrated the Earth's atmosphere and fell in the sky over a peninsula in the Eastern Hemisphere in an instant. The huge dragon chant resounded over Seoul, and the mysterious object that was mistaken by NASA as a meteorite suddenly slowed down and revealed its real body.A long green dragon with a length of more than ten meters, with four strings of golden yellow streamers like dragon beards fluttering on its body, which are composed of mysterious symbols in series.

What kind of elf is this? Meteorites and meteors from the sky, it is clearly a small pet Fork, not to mention being able to travel long distances from the Elven Star to the earth through outer space, the most amazing thing is that it actually has a speed exceeding Mach [-], which is simply shocking!

At this time, in Seoul, South Korea, a loud dragon chant resounding through the sky attracted everyone's attention.Many people turned their eyes to the sky above their heads, and as a result, they saw a scene that many people will never forget.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds over Seoul. Layers of black clouds gathered from nowhere and piled up to form a huge vortex.The dark clouds covered the sun, and it was not yet the time for the sun to set, but there was no ray of sunlight in the whole sky, as if the night had suddenly arrived, and the whole city was lit up with lights and neon lights in advance.

At the same time as the dark clouds swept in, the sky suddenly burst into violent winds, and tornadoes and hurricanes swirled layer by layer in the sky covered in dark clouds.The extremely spectacular and shocking scene was like the scene of the end of the world. The drifting heavy rain poured down, chain lightning flashed in the clouds, and the huge thunder fell twitched everyone's fragile nerves.

In chaos, the whole city was plunged into panic. The people who were wandering on the street were instantly drenched, and countless people screamed and rushed into the nearby shops and buildings to hide from the rain.However, even under the eaves, everyone still does not have much sense of security.Looking through the window, the layers of tornadoes swirling in the sky are like huge vortices, as if they will land on the ground in the next second and swallow everything in.And the lightning bolts densely covering the sky are like the flames of death, as if a reinforced concrete building can be easily torn apart by it.

A huge metropolis with a population of more than 2000 million seems to be shrouded in the cloud of doomsday, the airport is shut down, and the traffic is paralyzed.The government and the corporate sector instantly fell into chaos. People, no matter whether they were going to school, work or vacation, had nothing to worry about, and one by one exclaimed and prayed, huddled up in places they thought were safe.

In the sky, a layer of yellow sand suddenly flew up amidst the drifting heavy rain, and heavy snow like goose feathers fell down with the heavy rain and sandstorm.And above the center of the city, dark clouds swirled to form a huge vortex, and a beam of sunlight passed through the center of the vortex and shone down...

083 It is a god, and it is called Rift. The chaos in the sky above Seoul was broadcast to all parts of the world through satellite broadcasts in a timely manner. Many people around the world are paying close attention to this matter.This kind of natural disaster and climate chaos is simply unheard of. Several types of weather such as strong wind, heavy rain, lightning, sand and snow are mixed together. Such a chaotic climate is simply a spectacle. I am afraid that since the birth of the earth It has never appeared in billions of years of history!

The general psychology of human beings is that when the disaster does not fall on their heads, they can regard the disastrous weather in a certain corner of the world as a spectacle.If you are not in the local area, you will not understand the cloud of fear that is covering the hearts of people under the sky of Seoul at this time. Will anyone go to observe this astronomical spectacle when the end comes?

At this time, the phone calls between the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Blue House were about to explode. However, facing this kind of disaster caused by nature is no longer something human can intervene to solve.Although everyone understands this situation, it does not mean that the government can do nothing when a disaster strikes. If Seoul is destroyed, then the whole of South Korea will be half disabled!

As the supreme leader of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak immediately called the Earth branch of the Elf Alliance. This is the only big tree they can rely on under the current situation. Besides, there are many Elf Stars in Seoul now. When they want to come to the alliance There's no reason to stand by and watch.However, although the alien civilization is very powerful, no one has confidence in whether it can resist this natural disaster.But one thing everyone understands very well, if even the League of Elves can't solve the problem, then Seoul is really doomed.

However, when Lee Myung-bak made a video call from the elf alliance stationed in Busan port and the Pacific base and implored alien friends to lend a helping hand, the other party said that they were powerless to solve the matter, and bluntly told the South Korean government not to waste their efforts in vain, but to hurry up It is only serious to take some emergency measures to avoid greater casualties.

Although I had prepared in my heart beforehand, but at this moment, the Cheong Wa Dae was completely defeated.The Elf Alliance is also very busy. What the people on Earth saw was this unprecedented natural disaster, but what they aimed at was the factors behind the disaster.A photo of a deep dive in the dense dark clouds was picked up by the powerful satellite of Elven Star, the ten-meter-long green dragon, Likongzuo!

Not only on the Earth side, the headquarters of the Elf Star’s local Elf Alliance communicated with the Earth branch earlier than the Blue House, and the alliances of the six regions of Kanto, Chengdu, Fangyuan, Sinnoh, Yixiu, and Carlos took over immediately. After a six-party video call, the champions of the six regional leagues, the four heavenly kings, and the top management all arrived after receiving the news.

It is definitely a big news that deserves everyone's attention, because the hidden news is that the Grand Champion is really on the earth.Otherwise, everyone can't figure out why the Rift Seat would travel across the interstellar space and fly to the blue planet on the other side of the orbit!

When the Grand Champion disappeared inexplicably, the Elf Alliance collected a lot of information and finally came to the conclusion that His Royal Highness the Dragon may be on Earth.It's just that it has been impossible to be 100% sure, but now it seems that this guess is almost inseparable.

In fact, as early as two days ago, the alliance of elves detected the change of the empty seat, but its movement was unknown, so the alliance adopted a wait-and-see attitude.But what everyone didn't expect was that the Rift Seat flew from Elf Star to Earth across half the orbit.Reminiscent of the report on the change of Haihuangya in the Kanto Sea area the day before, everyone has reason to believe that these two gods have received or felt some mysterious call!

And in this solar system, who else has the ability to summon these two gods?

This is great, everyone in the Elf Alliance can breathe a sigh of relief. At the critical moment when the champion venerable disappeared, and at the moment when the hearts of the entire Elf Star were scattered, it was still relying on the empty seat to point out the direction for everyone. The next thing It's much easier to handle.

Touzi, the venerable champion of the Yixiu regional championship league, took the initiative to invite Ying at the meeting. The youngest champion in the six regional leagues at the time said that he would personally visit the earth to invite His Royal Highness Dragon back... Well, in fact, she used the word "catch", It's just that in line with the principle that family ugliness should not be publicized, Ke Na reminded her to be cautious in her words in front of outsiders.

"Everyone here, everyone knows that the Champions League Four Heavenly Kings Challenge will be held soon, so it is imperative to find the champion before then."

Kona lightly tapped the table with his fingers and said in a deep voice: "The fact that the Rift Seat appeared on the earth alone cannot quell the rumors about the disappearance of the Grand Champion. What the public wants to see It is the Grand Champion who has truly and completely appeared in front of the public. Therefore, we must act faster at this time."

Kona’s words got everyone’s nods, and after a pause, Kona, the only champion who has visited the earth so far, continued: “Actually, we have collected the traces of the champion in the Kanto League before. Some information, now I will summarize it and pass it on to you for your reference. However, I personally have reservations about the proposal of Venerable Touzi of the Yixiu Alliance."

"Finding the venerable champion is of great importance. Li, you should know something about the situation on Earth."

Konah pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "The natural environment of this planet has been seriously damaged, and more importantly, some evil organizations have extended to this planet with a relatively backward civilization. Besides, there are many regimes on the earth, and regional disputes are constant. Some places are accompanied by wars every day. It can be said that these factors may interfere with us, and the situation is so complicated, so I personally think that it is difficult for Venerable Touzi who does not understand the situation to be competent for this task."

Although Kona's words made sense, Touzi who was denied was a little unhappy. Because of her age and experience, she didn't think so much, and she just acted impulsively on the spur of the moment.Touzi's personality determined that she was not the type to make decisions at home, so after she calmed down, she turned her attention to the two members of the Sinnoh Alliance and the Carlos Alliance.

Sure enough, the Venerable Carlos Alliance Venerable Kang Nai, who was dressed in a white dress and showed a beautiful and generous temperament with short hair, said, "I agree with what Venerable Kona said just now, but Venerable Kona just returned from a visit to the earth. It must be very fortunate. I watched the broadcast of Venerable Kona’s visit to the heads of state on Earth, and I have to say that the formulaic diplomatic methods are very exhausting. Therefore, this time, let’s take more rest. It's always bad to breathe too much of that bad air."

Kona frowned slightly, and after Kang Nai finished speaking, she didn't see her expressing anything.On the other side, the sexy and enchanting Li Lin from the Fangyuan Alliance rubbed his forehead with some headaches and muttered in a low voice: "I really can't take it anymore, no one knows where they are, are you just in such a hurry to fight for favor?"

"Ahem...--" Li Lin thought her voice was already very low, but the amplifying equipment for this video call was so good that it could be said that a needle could be heard, so her whisper was still clear It reached the ears of everyone present.

As if suddenly suffering from a cough, the 1000 people present at the meeting used this method to cover up their embarrassment very tacitly. do not listen.Anyway, this meeting is just a talk. The six most powerful people sitting here belong to the same family. It is said that it is a business, but is it possible to have such a meeting without personal feelings in it?

The faces of Kona and Kangnai that Li Lin said bluntly are a bit ugly, while the super queen Nazi, who has always been bad at communication and words, unexpectedly throws out a sentence People are surprised, "I withdraw from this discussion, and I don't want to take over this task. If you don't want to find a rag doll, I can do it for you."

"Uh... [-]" Everyone fell silent after hearing Nazi's words. It seems that the sudden disappearance of the Grand Champion made the Super Queen feel angry.Well, it seems that His Highness Dragon has overplayed his hand this time, and everyone can even predict his tragic end when he returns!

With a sound in a black dress, the Sinnoh Champion Sirona with long smooth golden hair suddenly stood up under everyone's gaze, "Since it is the Supreme Master who disappeared, it should be the Master of the Champions who disappeared." It just so happens that the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge of the Championship League is about to be held, so this matter is handed over to the Four Heavenly Kings of the Championship League to be responsible, so it has been decided!"

Sirona turned off the call as soon as she finished speaking, and the other five alliances present at the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay. I really didn't expect that the battle goddess of Sinnoh suddenly made a strong decision and interrupted the meeting without giving any rebuttals at all. Space.

After Sirona made a domineering decision, Kona held his forehead and finally said: "Immediately notify the four heavenly kings of the Champions League who are training in various places, and inform them that they are ready to leave for the earth immediately, the sooner the better." !"

The Kanto area, known as the cradle of trainers, is where the headquarters of the Elf League is located, and the Kanto League branch is also the headquarters of the FA Champions League when necessary.Therefore, when the Grand Champion disappeared, the Champion Venerable of the Kanto Alliance was responsible for coordinating all matters. After Kona finished speaking, his subordinates arranged related matters for their respective actions. The entire Elf Alliance, including the Earth Branch, Both sides are running nervously.

On the other side, the doomsday-like catastrophic weather in the sky above Seoul continued. Affected by this, Tang Xing and Xue Qianxun, who were dueling in the Seoul Arena, also suspended the competition.No one expected that the sky would undergo such a drastic change, and the crowd in the auditorium was even more frightened and panicked.

However, when the heavy rain drifted down, a quantum energy shield that could cover the entire main arena in Seoul was activated at the right time, which reassured everyone in the arena.At least in everyone's opinion, there is no place that is safer than here.However, looking at the cloudy sky through the transparent shield, and the chain lightning that has already formed a line, everyone can't let go of their hearts.

When it rotated in a vortex and allowed the sunlight to shine on the ground again, someone discovered that the center of this vortex was clearly the Seoul Main Arena.A dragon roar resounding through the sky floated in the sky, and a ten-meter-long green dragon roared and emerged from the cloudy sky. On the quantum shield on the periphery of the field.There was a loud scream in the main arena in Seoul, and the defense forces stationed here also immediately set up artillery fire and quickly reported the news.

"Roarer" The Rift Seat that was bounced off by the layer of quantum energy shield above the main arena in Seoul let out a deep roar, and the sky dragon rolled its body around the sky above the main arena for two laps and then turned back Arrived at the sky above the southeast branch venue.

"Aww!" Lie Kongzao roared angrily, and the huge sound of dragon's poison was louder than thunder and shook the eardrums of everyone in the arena. However, everyone saw a shocking scene that they could remember for a lifetime, and only Liekongzao Floating up, the figure disappeared from the field of vision in an instant, and then I saw that the sky that originally cast the sun suddenly changed color, and the dark clouds filled the vacancy of the vortex again, and a giant dragon covered in blue light came from He poked his head out of the clouds and looked down at the earth.

Just when everyone was still in shock, they saw a cyan streamer rushing out of the dragon's mouth and heading straight to the ground like a meteor chasing the moon.This extremely fast speed did not even impress anyone with the speed of reaction. The cyan streamer was like a meteor hitting the transparent protective cover of the main arena fiercely.

There was a loud bang, as if hearing the sound of glass breaking, and one could see dense cracks that quickly spread to the entire main arena.

"Roaring Man" Crack Kongza pierces through the quantum shield that claims to be able to resist nuclear bomb bombardment with one blow, and even if the indestructible defense is pierced with a little bit of full strength by the cracking empty seat, it can't support it. Even more so, the extremely strong flight of the cracking empty seat It is the ultimate invincible and absolute penetrating power. With the current technology of Elven Star, there is no protective shield that can resist the powerful blow of Likongzao!

Tang Xing stared blankly at the sky dragon slowly descending in the center of the competition scene, "This... this is..." Xue Qianxun did not hide the flying look in his eyes and said yearningly: "It is God, it's called the Rift Seat!"

084 Don't be coquettish, he is not your father. The gigantic body of the cracked seat in a million-evolved form hangs over the playing field. The powerful coercion makes hundreds of people in the field breathless, not to mention ordinary humans. It's just that Tyrannosaurus and Nianmeilulong are even more oppressed when facing the legendary and powerful existence of the dragon clan. When the master of the sky and the million-evolved form of Rifting Seat landed in front of them, the two leaned against each other. Only then did the extremely strong will restrain the urge to worship the other party. What Xue Qianxun said was absolutely right, it is a god!

"Crack... an empty seat?"

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