It can be seen that step sister still cares about classmate Tang Xing. Well, maybe it was because of Long's identity and face in the past, but now she thinks about classmate Tang Xing from the bottom of her heart.Not only did they have the same experience, but Tang Xing has been kept in the dark until now, and he still doesn't know that he is carrying a big secret.

Although it is no longer a secret that Tang Xing's residence was discovered by reporters because of this incident, but because Xue Qianxun is sitting here, no reporter dares to disturb here.Moreover, the property manager of this villa complex in Cheongdam-dong has also raised the security level by several levels. In addition to increasing the manpower to stand guard here, it is also to prevent any reporters and paparazzi from entering the complex.

The developer of the community is also afraid that some elf star girl who doesn't have eyesight who lives here will make her do something irrational. The other party is a serious Pokemon trainer. Or the fossil flying dragon really wants to tear down the whole neighborhood, and it's just a matter of minutes!

Under the attention of all parties, the Earth branch of the Elf Alliance finally came up with a solution to the incident concerning Tang Xing.This time, the Pokemon Alliance did not hold a press conference. Instead, the three Miss Junsha came to visit in person. The beautiful Miss Jinghua officially handed over a Pokemon illustrated book after login authentication to Tang Xing.

The beautiful Miss Junsha officially recognized Tang Xing's Pokemon trainer status on behalf of the Pokemon Alliance. Note that she is not a trainer of Violent Salamander, but an official trainer authorized by the government!This is completely different from the oil tycoons who obtained the breeding license in the Middle East before, but like Xue Qianxun, a serious trainer!

It is conceivable how excited Tang Xing was when he accepted what Miss Junsha handed over. Although the identity of a trainer is nothing in Elven Star, there are tens of millions of Elf trainers who have landed under the Elf Alliance. However, on Earth, Tang Xing was the first Earthling to be officially recognized.

With the identity of a trainer, Tang Xing can go to any Pokemon center to stay at the top, and can enjoy various services such as free treatment, free accommodation, free meals, and free borrowing of the battlefield.More importantly, Tang Xing, who has the identity of a trainer, can also challenge all the officially certified gymnasiums in the six regions of the Elf Alliance. He can also collect badges and then participate in the alliance conferences of each region. League of Champions!

Encouraged by Step Sister, Tang Xing specially held a press conference and announced such a sensational news in front of hundreds of reporters present at the meeting, and Tang Xing also showed all reporters the training on behalf of himself. The elf illustrated book of home identity.And this explosive news spread all over the world instantly through TV and the Internet, and all the people who followed this situation~ were all shocked.

Terrible, this news is even more explosive than the US presidential election, Tang Xing suddenly became the focus of attention.Not only ordinary people, but also the governments of various countries have paid great attention to this matter, and the media in many countries around the world have reported on this matter.The world's first pokemon trainer recognized by the elf alliance, this is a major event worthy of a special book and recorded in the annals of human history.

After Tang Xing announced this important news, all the previous doubts and debates about him finally stopped. Now that the Elf Alliance has expressed its attitude, any organization and individual on the earth can stop, and want to beat Tang Xing and Storm Salamander People who advocate Xun should also do their own thing. For now, there is no country or organization on the earth that dares to openly contradict the Elf Alliance.

There are even many people posting messages on the Internet to encourage classmate Tang Xing to take the violent salamander to the Elven Star Gym. If he can really become the king of the four in any alliance of the six major regions, then his classmate Tang Xing will become A legendary hero in the minds of all Earthlings.However, the people who posted this post and left a message just took it as a joke and obscenity, and no one took it seriously.

However, the press conference was over, and Tang Xing also revealed that he declined the kindness of the Elf Alliance and did not immigrate to become an Elf Star.And this explosive news once again caused an uproar among all the people from all over the world who were paying attention to Tang Xing. The first reaction in everyone's heart was that this kid has lost his mind, followed by sincere admiration and continuous amazement.Chinese netizens, in particular, were as excited as if they were celebrating a festival. Tens of millions of netizens praised Tang Xing's behavior wildly.Some people even excitedly typed out the slogan, "Great, I am a great Chinese nation". Countless Chinese netizens set up Tang Xing as a role model for the descendants of Yan and Huang and praised him wildly.

Is the elf star powerful?The answer is unquestionable. If you look at the series of harsh immigration conditions promulgated by Juling Island, which is under construction, you will know how many rich people on earth have cut their heads and want to become aliens.Leaving aside how difficult it is to become a member of the Elven Star, thousands of people on the earth squeeze their heads every day and want to experience a few-day trip to the Elf Star.It can be said that if you randomly interview a hundred people on earth and ask them whether they want to join the elves, more than 97% of them will give an affirmative answer.

But student Tang Xing, he had an opportunity that everyone dreamed of, but he rejected it.When a person does something that most people can't do, then he will be praised by everyone, such as picking up money and acting bravely.However, Tang Xing's refusal to join the elf star membership is far more tempting to resist than to pick up money and act bravely.No matter what the purpose of Tang Xing is, he has indeed done something that most people can't do, and many people have taken the initiative to think of Tang Xing's behavior as patriotic and national integrity.

In fact, no one guessed that Tang Xing did not do it out of his original intention.If it wasn't for Long Sanling Wushen's resolute disapproval of Tang Xing's admission to the Elf Star, would you give up such a good thing as Tang Xing?

In fact, for Tang Xing, who is still a young boy, he still doesn't have the strong will to resist the temptation.Being able to enter the elf star membership is even more rare for Tang Xing than winning hundreds of millions of lottery prizes, but such an excellent opportunity was given up by the dragon. One can imagine how angry and regretful Tang Xing was at that time. He was about to tear his skin apart and scold Long Yitong.

If Long hadn't threatened Tang Xing to take away the violent salamander, he would definitely not have given in easily. Even though he reluctantly agreed in the end, his anger was still hard to dissipate.But the fact is that although the Internet has praised his behavior and lofty patriotic morals, but for several days in a row, Tang's father will make an overseas call sooner or later to scold him and ask him if he is Missing 0 eyes.

Although the praises on the Internet are nice, those nice words are all false. In Papa Tang's opinion, giving up such a god-given opportunity just for a few words of praise is not a lack of heart or something.If a person can donate all his hundreds of millions of property, then this person will definitely receive countless applause, but how many people have actually done so?

Tang Xing, who was scolded by Tang's father every day, hated himself to death. Why did he have to reapply for a mobile phone card? Isn't this just making himself guilty?The more he thought about it, the more angry Tang Xing blamed all of this on Long. This guy was an Elf star himself but prevented him from becoming an Elf star. Tang Xing couldn't figure it out.However, Facing Tang Xing's classmate's accusation, Long had his own considerations, but he couldn't tell him the specific reasons.

Although he failed to become an elf star, Tang Xing did gain considerable popularity after this incident.The most intuitive reaction is that the number of Tang Xing's official registered fans has surged all the way and quickly broke through 100 million.This magical move directly broke the Guinness World Record of TVXQ's 80 fans, and SM company also divided Tang Xing's personal homepage into English, Chinese and Korean three pages and three languages.After this incident, student Tang Xing became the first Pokemon trainer recognized by the Pokemon Alliance among the people on Earth, and his reputation became unparalleled for a while!

Although Tang Xing had only sung two songs since his debut, the fans who joined later didn't care, because most of them didn't come for his star status.The battle directed by Long on the banks of the Han River made Tang Xing famous in the first battle. Don’t think that Pokemon battles are not popular on the earth and are not popular, the fact is just the opposite.The vast majority of people on earth are very enthusiastic about this amazing and powerful alien species, and there is a kind of fanatical factor called violence and destruction hidden deep in human hearts.Take a look at how many popular games do not contain violence. Why do so many people watch boxing and action movies?

Now, after counting all the competitive sports on the earth, is there anything more passionate and exciting than Pokemon fighting?the answer is negative!

The combination of various factors made Tang Xing such a terrifying popularity, and many people worshiped Tang Xing.If it's just a star status, there will definitely not be many foreigners who log on to the Korean website that he can't understand and click to register to become his die-hard fans.

Among Tang Xing's huge fan base, the male to female ratio is six to four.Such a set of data can explain a problem very well. The law of Korean idol groups is that male stars attract female fans, and female stars attract male fans, and there has never been a star or idol group that can escape this law.Tang Xing was able to do this because of something, not because of his identity as a trainer, or because he possesses a super powerful storm salamander!

Since SM added two pages in English and Chinese on Tang Xing’s homepage, the number of foreign fans of Tang Xing has surged all the way. The number of fans in the Chinese and English tribes has surpassed that of the Korean tribe. In a short period of time, it broke through one million, and the English-speaking tribe is also marching towards one million.

Although SM had expected Tang Xing's popularity to explode, it was unexpected that the explosion would reach such a jaw-dropping level.Now the homepages of all the artists under the entire SM company except Tang Xing and the company's official website have far less views and hits than Tang Xing's personal homepage.

Tang Xing only uploaded a few photos of violent salamanders eating and sleeping, but all of them received tens of millions of views. This data can blow up the series of artistic photos of Brother Guanxi at the beginning of this year.

Well, classmate Tang Xing is not doing his job properly, at least in the eyes of his peers.You said that you have become an officially recognized trainer of the Elf Alliance, so why don't you rush to an alien planet to do this promising job, but continue to hang out in the entertainment circle and compete with these little stars for jobs? one thing?

How did these colleagues in the entertainment industry know that it wasn't that Tang Xing was unwilling to do that, but that he was forced not to do that.In Long's view, Pokemon trainer can only be regarded as Tang Xing's sideline job, and he was vaccinated in time to let Tang Xing stop this unrealistic fantasy. If you are a star, then you should go on without hesitation.

This is simply... a fragrance that belongs to the flowering inside the wall and outside the wall.At the beginning, SM company planned that he would develop well in the film and television industry in the future, but unexpectedly became popular because of two songs, and he hasn't acted in a TV series yet.

That's fine, Tang Xing's main job should be to become a star and develop well in the entertainment circle.In the end, he didn't want to accidentally develop a side job other than a Pokemon trainer, and what's even more bittersweet is that his side job is so brilliant that he absorbed millions of fans at once and completely suppressed it. Passed his main business.

Regarding Tang Xing, this strange flower, the seniors and juniors in the entertainment industry are powerless to complain. They were suppressed by such a different kind of guy and couldn't see their day. Tell me what it is...

066 handed over the door-to-door challenge to SM Company. Surrounded by managers, assistants, and bodyguards, Tang Xing rushed straight to the director's office. Whether it was in the corridor or in the aisle, all the trainees who saw him gave way. Say hello with a bow.Since student Tang Xing became a trainer authorized by the Elf Alliance, in addition to gaining a volcanic surge in popularity, his status has also risen sharply, and his colleagues in the entertainment industry can no longer treat him as a star entertainer .

Not to mention the juniors from the same company, WJBt0 is a domestic senior and dare not hold on to Tang Xing's identity. In just a few days, everyone can no longer treat Tang Xing as a newcomer who got lucky overnight and became popular overnight. treat.

Before the uproar on the Korean Internet, all the people who attacked Tang Xing as a foreigner also died down. Tang Xing was able to give up his elf star membership, and then attack him as a foreigner. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous, and now Tang Xing How can they provoke the huge fan base that their classmates keep proliferating?

All the anti groups on the Internet about Tang Xing's classmate disbanded one after another, as if they had disappeared overnight.With the current status of the Korean entertainment industry, no one dares to blatantly boycott Tang Xing, otherwise it will provoke attacks from at least seven or eight fans of Tang Xing who speak different languages. WiBt0 is TVXQ, which claims to have 80 fans, and they dare not make trouble against Tang Xing.

Knocking on the door of Director Li's office, SM's behind-the-scenes boss saw Tang Xing standing up with a smile, and then he was about to greet him to sit on the sofa.To be honest, there are not many people who can be treated like this by Director Li, who is known as a tyrant, and there are only a handful of people in SM.

Before this, the two big bosses of SM Company, whether it was Li Xiuman or Jin Yingmin, didn't treat Tang Xing very much from the bottom of their hearts. If it wasn't for this kid who was leaning against the big tree of Step sister, how could he be so polite to him.But it's different now, this classmate Tang Xing's identity has changed drastically overnight, and he no longer needs to rely on the protection of step sister, classmate Tang Xing can already walk sideways in the entertainment country.This kid is carrying a violent salamander with full fighting power, who dares to provoke him!

Faced with the sudden and drastic change of attitudes of the people around him, Tang Xing was not used to it these days. After all, he has been involved in society for less than half a year since he was on campus, and he has not fully experienced money, power and status. What kind of weight and what kind of energy it occupies in this cruel society.

At this time, besides Tang Xing, there was a beautiful woman standing in the director's office. Tang Xing recognized that this was Gao Yala, a senior from the SM company's acting department who had already debuted, because the company planned for Tang Xing. The road is this one, so Tang Xing has met this senior in the entertainment industry of the same company several times.

However, when Tang Xing greeted this senior politely, Gao Yala was so frightened that she panicked and bowed three times in return.The expression on Tang Xing's face froze. Looking at this senior whose attitude has undergone a 180-degree change, he didn't know how to deal with himself. Who is the senior and who is the junior?

Director Li is not surprised by Gao Yala's behavior, although she is only one year older than Tang Xing.But she has been in the company for five years, and she has debuted in the entertainment industry for three years.Therefore, Gao Yala is not comparable to Tang Xing in terms of human relations and sophistication, although the Korean system of juniors and juniors seems very harsh and strict.However, what really determines the status of the entertainment circle is the identity, and the second is the popularity!

For Tang Xing, who even the boss behind the scenes of SM company treats him politely, Gao Yala doesn't dare to put on airs as a senior. Absolutely transcendent on a small piece of ground.What's more, Tang Xing's current popularity is invincible in Korea. Even SM's first sister Baoer can't compare with it now, let alone others.

Facing the enthusiastic Director Li, Tang Xing still needs time to adapt.But just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly remembered, "I'm sitting down, but it's not good for seniors to stand still?"

Li Xiuman was slightly taken aback when she heard Tang Xing's words, but Gao Yala waved her hands and hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, I'll just stand there!"

Gao Yala is really anxious. There are several people in the company, from artists who have already debuted to trainees, who dare to sit in front of Li Xiuman. The words are undoubtedly putting her on the fire.

However, Director Li seemed to be in a good mood today, and he didn't get angry because of this trivial matter, but called Gao Yala and Tang Xing to sit down together.Not only that, Li Xiuman also asked the secretary to serve two cups of coffee, this kind of treatment really flattered Gao Yala, but she knew in her heart that she was just following the glory.It wasn't until the two of them sat down that Director Li told Tang Xing why he was here this time.

Li Xiuman took out a white paper like an invitation from his desk and asked the secretary to hand it to Tang Xing. Looking at the incomprehensible words on it, Tang Xing was full of doubts.Director Li took the initiative to explain: "This is a challenge letter. It was sent to our company by a trainer of Elven Star this morning. The text on it is the official language of Elf Star."


Tang Xing opened the things in his hands with an absurd face, looked at Director Li with a wry smile and said, "Why do aliens play this trick, even handing over the challenge letter? What's the matter?"

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