Tang Xing finally discovered another sequelae caused by Rong Liuxue Qianxun. Usually only he and sister Mai didn't feel it when they were at home, but now that the life of the two of them living together was destroyed, they realized that there was indeed too much inconvenience. , there is no privacy at all.But Tang Xing didn't think about it, if Xue Qianxun hadn't accidentally hit and directed the haunted scene, would he have the opportunity to sleep with sister Mai?

There is no place to hide in the guest room on the second floor. The whole room is clear at a glance. It seems that the only place where people can hide is the wardrobe.So classmate Tang Xing could only look at Sister Mai aggrievedly and said, "It seems that I can only shrink in there and hide for a while."

Even the always good-tempered sister Mai can't wait to hit Tang Xing on the head a few times, if he hadn't been so talkative just now, she could have stuffed this guy into the closet, and now that he has come out It is obviously not feasible to do so in the case of sound.Sister Mai is not afraid of getting into the closet, but mainly because she is worried that if she gets into the closet or is left alone, it will be even more embarrassing, and it will be even more difficult to explain when the time comes.But judging from the current situation, that devil girl is coming in a menacing way, so the chance of being caught is quite high!

With a glimmer of hope, sister Mai still got into the closet of the guest room. Fortunately, no one lives in this room, so there are not many clothes in the closet. Tang Xing didn't forget to put the clothes in the closet after seeing sister Mai hiding in. Her slippers were also thrown in the closet.

After cleaning up all the traces, Tang Xing pretended to be angry and opened the door, and then he preemptively shouted angrily without waiting for the other party to open his mouth: "What are you going to do in the morning, you want a bedroom on the first floor, and I will give up my own room." Here you go, what do you want now?"

Seeing Tang Xing's classmate Xue Qianxun who finally opened the door, he rolled his eyes and said, "I want to ask where you keep the pokemon food and energy cubes in your collection. I want to divide it into something suitable for the taste of flying pokemon." kind of."


Hearing Xue Qianxun's words, Tang Xing couldn't react for a while, but as a Pokemon enthusiast, he immediately thought of what Pokemon feed and energy cubes were.I used to read on Encyclopedia that the vast majority of Pokemon are omnivores. Although this alien species has a very small number of special tastes, most elves and species are not very picky about human food.However, even if these alien species are not picky eaters, Pokemon food and energy cubes are their staple food, just like humans are to rice and wheat.

However, the problem is that Tang Xing has never seen these two things before, so he looked at Xue Qianxun who was asking him for it, and immediately hesitated and said: "I don't have this kind of thing at all, which...where on earth?" Is there any sale?"


Xue Qianxun looked at Tang Xing in shock, and then said angrily, "You won't be so stingy, you don't want everything from you, just give me some."

sweat!Classmate Tang Xing said helplessly: "It's not that I'm stingy, but what should I do without you? Otherwise, where is there a place where you can sell it, and you take me there, how about I buy it and share it with you?"

Xue Qianxun scanned Tang Xing suspiciously, seeing that his expression did not seem to be fake, he had no choice but to say: "Since this is the case, there is no other way, we can only go to the main stadium in Seoul to buy, whether it is a pet Neither elf feed nor energy cubes are easy to buy on Earth."

Tang Xing didn't have any objections when he heard Xue Qianxun's words, and quickly urged her to be dragged away from here.Firstly, it was to help sister Mai cover up, and secondly, he also needed to buy these two things, because he was still thinking about the Poké Ball that he had been struggling to open all night yesterday.Don't worry about what's in there, but as long as it has a mouth, it must be eaten!

Even without breakfast, Tang Xing dragged Xue Qianxun and drove towards the Seoul Main Arena, where the Champions League Four Kings Challenge will be held in December, and where Tang Xing and Xue Qianxun The place where they met for the first time was formerly called Jamsil Main Arena.After changing the name, directly paste the label of Seoul City to attract tourists from all over the world and even interstellar friends. The mayor has a good plan, and he hopes that this can make Seoul famous.

The Lamborghini supercar that plunged headlong into the traffic flow really couldn't get up to speed, and during this period, Xue Qianxun kept whispering in Tang Xing's ears, saying that the earth is one of the few places that can beat Elven Star. It is the population base.South Korea is only a small place, but its population exceeds 5000 million, and the population of Seoul City alone has reached more than [-] million!

And take Elven Star as an example, the total population is only close to 2000 million, which is not as good as the two most populous countries on earth.The Kanto region, the most populous of the six regions under the Elf Alliance, has a total population of about [-] million. You must know that the entire territory of the Kanto region is comparable to East Asia.As the largest city in the Kanto region, Gold City is considered one of the top five metropolises in the entire Elven Star. The total area of ​​Gold City is more than three times larger than that of Seoul, but its population is only one-third of Seoul's. arrive.It is no wonder that the traffic is not congested when the city is too small and relatively backward with a lot of people!

Tang Xing, who has been whispered in his ear, is a bit unbearable. He really wants to change places with Xue Qianxun and throw the steering wheel to her, but he is afraid that this devil girl will treat the supercar as Need for Speed, no , should be opened as a rocket.Tang Xing has seen it on TV a long time ago. The doors of the top sports car produced by Elven Star can be turned into wings, and the exhaust pipe can spray flames and be used directly as a rocket launcher. All land, sea and air can travel without hindrance. What's so special about it? Can it be considered a car?

And having said that, it seems that the elves are not particularly keen on vehicles such as cars. There are so many flying Pokemon, and there are also many who can fly with people.Just grab a Bidiao and its top speed can reach Mach 2, which is completely the speed of a fighter jet!Even if it is running on land, wouldn't a wind speed dog that can run [-] kilometers in a day and night not be able to beat all the top supercars on the earth?

Tang Xing, who was holding various thoughts in his heart, ignored the devil girl sitting in the co-pilot, but continued to drive his car unhurriedly. If there is a traffic accident, it will be over!

It took nearly an hour to get to the main arena in Seoul. The huge building towers up in front of you and looks extremely majestic. If you look at it from the sky, it may be better, but if you drive from the ground, you just go outside It also takes a few 10 minutes to run around.Not to mention the dome-like main arena in the middle, but the eight sub-arenas scattered around are quite magnificent, and only a corner of this epoch-making building can be seen from the ground.

Classmate Tang Xing drove slowly around the periphery of this super arena. Before the official start of the competition, the interior of the main arena will be completely closed and no one will be allowed to approach.Although the Seoul Metropolitan Government has attracted continuous and high attention from all over the world through this super event, everything has advantages and disadvantages, and the more this is the case, the more cautious it is.

On the second day after the completion of the main arena, the Ministry of National Defense of South Korea dispatched a group army with a total of 3 troops to station here as security work. They were afraid that such a large place would be difficult to manage. It will be a lot of fun if any dangerous goods sneak in here and cause any troubles.You have to know who will be here at that time, except for the more than 1 heads of state and regions who have already confirmed to attend. At that time, the four heavenly kings of the Elven Star Championship League will all be present.These four are the real bosses, and if any one of them makes a mistake, it will not be enough to compensate the whole country!

Therefore, the interior of the main arena is no different from the military restricted area. Even if Li Mingbo came in person, he would have to search through layers of searches to get in, let alone other people!

But classmate Tang Xing and Xue Qianxun didn't intend to enter the interior. Anyway, there was nothing to see there before December. The shops they were looking for to buy pokemon feed and energy cubes were all outside.Tang Xing's classmate Lamborghini parked in the underground parking lot outside the main arena, and then under the guidance of Xue Qianxun, he came down to a store with the ice and snow emblem.

Tang Xing stopped in his tracks and said strangely: "I remember that the logo of the Fairy Bead Alliance should not be like this. What does this emblem mean?"

Xue Qianxun looked at Tang Xing in surprise, his eyes seemed to be aliens, uh, to her, Tang Xing was indeed an alien.After Tang Xing finished asking, he also noticed that the other party's expression was different, and immediately asked in puzzlement: "Did I say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong, this is indeed not the symbol of the Elf Alliance."

Xue Qianxun looked Tang Xing up and down and said in a flat tone, "This is the emblem of the Sakurai family."

"The Sakurai family..."

Tang Xing was stunned for a few seconds and then said in shock, "Sakurai Zaibatsu?"

Xue Qianxun frowned and looked at Tang Xing suspiciously, and said, "I'm a little skeptical now, are you the Grand Champion?"

Hearing Xue Qianxun's words, Tang Xing was stunned, and then he couldn't help muttering to himself: "I never said that I am, and if you admit the wrong person, you still live in someone else's house. But then again, that The guy has always claimed to be the champion of the Elven Alliance, so he must be telling the truth, right? Well, it should be impossible, it is too outrageous, how could I have such a ridiculous idea!"

Just as Tang Xing was discussing in his heart, he suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill, and an old man with silver-white hair came out of the store.This granny, who seemed to be in her early [-]s, had her hands behind her back, but she stopped suddenly when she was about to pass Tang Xing and Xue Qianxun. The old man with the fox tail let out a snort, then looked Tang Xing up and down with scrutiny.

From Tang Xing's point of view, this old lady's dress is really weird. It's only the end of September, so don't you feel too hot wearing such a thick layer of clothes?


Without any warning, Tang Xing sneezed suddenly, "What's the matter, the oxygen temperature has dropped so low all of a sudden, why does it feel so cold, even though South Korea's latitude is relatively high, it won't be winter now Bar?"

While classmate Tang Xing was thinking this way in his heart, Xue Qianxun looked at the old man in front of him in surprise. Of course, she was not as ignorant as classmate Tang Xing.How could the temperature suddenly change? This can only show that there is something wrong with the old man in front of him!

Xue Qianxun immediately came to a conclusion in her heart, this old lady is not from Earth just like her, not only that, she is not an ordinary elf star person.

But Xue Qianxun, who was suspicious, searched around and found nothing strange, and this seemingly kind old lady seemed to be very ordinary, and she had her hands behind her back from beginning to end. What happened?

Tang Xing, who was shivering from the cold at this time, didn't care about Xue Qianxun's thoughts. He felt that this place was definitely weird. How could it be like being in the Alps all of a sudden, it was so cold. Something is not normal.Tang Xing, who was thinking so in his heart, couldn't hold back, and sneezed two or three times in succession.

After apologizing to this strange old man, student Tang Xing dragged Xue Qianxun into the store, it was really weird to say that, student Tang Xing suddenly felt that the temperature had returned to normal, as if he had returned from the Alps.It's so strange, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is so big, is it because of the constant temperature air conditioner installed in this store?

However, when Tang Xing looked outside again, the old lady just now was gone. 057 Storm Salamander Tang Xing, who came out of the Pokemon store, had four more boxes of different sizes in his hand. Tang Xing's heart hurts at Huiji's black shop.These four boxes cost him a full 12 elf coins, yes, they are elf coins, equivalent to about 12 US dollars, [-] ah!

Tang Xing never thought that Lao Shizi's pokemon feed and energy cubes were so expensive, it was so frightening that people would not pay for their lives.How much did it cost to have a meal in a six-star hotel last night, caviar, snails, and Burgundy red wine, and it only cost more than 1000 million won... Although for the vast majority of people It is impossible to spend so much money for a meal in a lifetime, but it is nothing compared to what Tang Xing spent just now.

Did Tang Xing see the four boxes in his hands? This is a one-month ration for a Pokemon weighing about 12 kilograms. It is specially ordered to cater to the tastes of most flying Pokemon.The monthly ration of an elf costs 300 US dollars, which is [-] US dollars a day on average, and based on three meals a day, each meal costs more than [-] US dollars.

Second Olympic!Who dares to say that this is not a black shop Tang Xing promises to jump up and beat him to death, whose pet needs more than 300 dollars per meal to feed?A meal costs 1 RMB, he has never been so extravagant.Well, if you insist that classmate Tang Xing belongs to silk, so you can't use it as an argument, then step sister, even if she is known as the queen of Asia, she won't spend tens of thousands of dollars every time she eats a meal!

Originally, Tang Xing thought that getting the $1000 million check from Step Sister would be enough to get him out of poverty, but now it seems that he is still a poor man who can't even afford a pet.This alien species is really too delicate, how can ordinary people afford it.Tang Xing was still bleeding in his heart on the way back from picking up the car, if Tang's father and Tang's mother knew that he spent such a high price just to raise a pet, he would have to spray him to death!

According to Xue Qianxun, in fact, Pokemon feed and energy cubes in Elf Star can't be sold so expensively. The energy cubes are okay, but the price is already high.However, ordinary Pokemon feeds, Pokemon breeders and trainers can make their own preparations. Unless it is a formula prepared by top breeders, ordinary Pokemon feeds are just ordinary dog ​​food and cat food on the earth. The price is comparable.In fact, the things Tang Xing bought just now only cost more than 2000 elf coins in Elven Star. The reason for the four-fold price difference has to be attributed to the fact that these are imported products. It can't be made at all, which is why the price is so high!

Moreover, the living standards and prices of the elves are obviously not at the same level as those on Earth. For the elves, the cheapest poke ball only costs [-] elf coins, but it costs [-] dollars to convert it to the earth.Except for a few rich people, such a price cannot be regarded as cheap in any country in the world. For the elf star people, the exchange rate of elf coins in elf stars is almost equivalent to the Japanese yen, while on the earth, elf coins and U.S. dollars The reason why there is such a disparity in exchange rates is not because of the productivity and economic development levels between the two planets.

Therefore, according to the per capita GDP of 400 million elf coins, every elf star is a millionaire with tens of millions.In Elven Star, people who do not do anything even if they have any job can apply for a monthly subsistence allowance of 3 Elf Coins at least... Now I finally know why the interstellar ticket between the Earth and Elf Star costs at least 23 One piece, they priced it completely according to the standards of the elves.

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