At that moment, Yan Yanhao really had the urge to sign Princess Xinyu regardless of everything, but what happened just now made him more worried.The vehicle experience was actually taken away by the agents of the National Security Bureau. If Li Yanhao didn't see any problem, he had been in this position for so many years. The identities of these little girls are definitely not what they appear on the surface. It seems so simple, otherwise how could there be special agents to protect it.

Che Jing is the manager of SS501. As the manager of DSP's mainstay boy group, this guy usually has his nostrils up in the company and doesn't pay attention to other juniors in the same company.As the so-called vanity is the original sin, it seems that this guy is going to suffer a great crime this time.

People with such a scary background ran to his company, whether it was as a trainee or debut as a star artist, but the ties involved were too great. If any accidents or mistakes happened, Li Yanhao would even I can't imagine what will happen to me!

However, as the saying goes, wealth and wealth are found in danger, such a good opportunity can be said to be a godsend, Li Yanhao has longed for it in his heart, if he really holds the trump card of Little Princess Xinyu, then it will definitely drive DSP company to skyrocket.At that time, it is not impossible for Li Yanhao to break out of the small market of South Korea in one fell swoop, attack the United States and Hollywood, and even break into the entertainment industry of Elven Star and become a unique entertainment agency on earth.When the time comes, what will Li Xiuman use to fight Li Yanhao? SM won't allow him to step on it!

Damn, during this period of time, SM has attracted the envy of the presidents of many domestic brokerage companies with a divine comedy that has become popular all over the world.Not to mention Bao'er, the popularity gained by a newly released newcomer Jun through this song is what makes everyone in the country the most envious, but this song unexpectedly became popular with the help of a shareholder wind, the whole It's like a big pie fell from the world and hit SM's head. This luck is almost as good as the probability of an asteroid hitting the earth.

Well, the president of the entertainment company used to be sexually obsessed, but it was just Li Yanhao's wishful thinking just now.Now that the world has finally dropped a pie and hit him on the head, it depends on whether the DSP company dares to risk a few front teeth and open its mouth to pick it up.In fact, after the incident just now, Princess Xin Yu has already shaken her mind about whether to stay in the DSP company, ignoring Li Yanhao, who is obsessed with obscenity and entanglement there, Wu Xiaojinhua is already getting up and preparing to leave here up.

Zhang Shenhao was shocked when he saw Wu Xiaojinhua who was about to leave. He wanted to step forward to stop him, but he was afraid that he would end up with Che Jing, so he immediately looked at his own president. What he wanted to express in his heart was vividly written on his face, how could he let the duck fly away when it was cooked to the brim!

After all, Li Yanhao was dazzled by the glorious future of DSP in his mind, and finally he opened his mouth to ask Wu Xiaojinhua to stay.But it's not like Li Yanhao didn't scold Zhang Shenhao in his heart. This bastard is clearly trying to trick him. He waits for him to rush to the front line if he doesn't speak up. He thinks that he can get rid of whatever happens Identity yet?

Regarding Li Yanhao's request to retain Wu Xiaojinhua, she stopped for a while, while Mengyu turned around and said coldly: "If we said that we still had a little idea to let Xinyu join this company, but what happened just now is Let's add another layer of perspective to this place, so now you can stop talking about it."

The cooked duck was really going to fly away, Li Yangu felt anxious and regretful when he heard Meng Yu's words, he finally waited until he made up his mind, but the other party changed his mind again.Now Li Yanhao just wants to slap him a few big slaps in the face of Che Jing, who is not successful enough but not good enough. This guy is a black sheep. Back then, he was so blind and let him be SS501's manager!

But now that he has made up his mind, Li Yanhao can't give up so easily, he immediately reprimanded the car scriptures severely, and said with righteous words that behaviors like the car scriptures cannot represent the entire DSP company.Li Yanhao made all kinds of guarantees, and hoped that the five little princesses would not affect the perception of the entire DSP company because of Chejing's personal behavior. That guy has been completely kicked out and is no longer a member of DSP.

President Li really worked hard this time, and it took a lot of effort to get the forgiveness of the five little princesses. This is mainly because Qianyu and the others don't understand the nature of most people on Earth.Just like what Li Yanhao said just now, if it was an old man with a little bit of social experience, he would not believe it. If it were Lee Soo Man and Kim Young Min from SM Company here, they would definitely spray Li Yanhao in the face. This fellow's nonsense can only bluff a few young girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

But having said that, it's not mainly because of the special identities of Qian Yu and the others. If it were her trainees or little girls, Li Yanhao wouldn't waste so much time trying to explain here.Even if SS501 is in the DSP company, President Li will not treat him with such a good face. In addition to knowing that SM is a vampire who specializes in squeezing the surplus value of its artists, domestic people also know that DSP company is like a vampire. Suck people's bone marrow!

Li Yanhao didn't know that when he was talking to the five inexperienced girls here, his every move was already under surveillance. If it wasn't for Minister Wen's order, he would never interfere with what these five little princesses did or wanted to do. Confess everything, otherwise President Li should be invited by the security bureau agents to torture him right now.Fortunately, the two security guards before were released after confirming that they were not dangerous elements and did not make any inappropriate actions.

But that car dealer was out of luck, what he did just now was a conscious act, and more importantly, he turned out to be rude.Well, saying that there is no tutor is already considered slander, if you really want to care about it, you can pull him out and get shot.This mean-spirited guy doesn't know how much trouble he has caused himself unintentionally. This is even more serious than insulting the South Korean president face to face.

Here, Li Yanhao has tried his best to invite Princess Xinyu to stay, but SM Company doesn't know that his old opponent is already eyeing him.

And this wave of miraculous divine comedies co-sung by Tang Xing and Boa is still hitting the Korean entertainment industry, and it is still arousing enthusiastic responses all over the world.

Soon KBS TV released an advertisement for LG Group's new mobile phone during the prime time, and SM Company also released the complete MV, which immediately formed a momentum that pushed Tang Xing's popularity to a new height.During this period of time, the mobile phone advertisement and MV shot by Tang Xing and Baoer can be seen in all major mobile phone stores of South Korea's LG Group, and large posters of Tang Xing are hung in major shopping malls.Classmate Tang Xing and Bao'er performed on the music programs of major TV stations, and this song was also talked about on major variety shows.

Classmate Tang Xing is really hot at this time. The popularity gained by a Chinese in a foreign country has made many Korean local first-line stars and entertainers envious.Naturally, under the influence of the Korean wave and in line with the principle of blooming outside the wall and inside the wall, Tang Xing has been frequently seen in major domestic entertainment newspapers and online magazines during this period of time.

Even though Tang Xing’s work so far has only ~one song, but this does not affect his popularity in the country, even if Tang Xing has not yet had publicity in the country, but only relying on the feedback of Korean popularity and With the popularity of Korean and Korean fans in China, Tang Xing's reputation in the country has also expanded rapidly.And the latest news came from South Korea that Tang Xing is going to collaborate with Mai Kuraki, one of the three major singers of Heisei, on a new song, and is very likely to play a role in the Korean version of F4. This double news made domestic fans of Tang Xing The number has surged again and there is even a faint trend of catching up with superjunior Chinese senior Han Geng!

Tang Xing's rapid popularity has aroused great repercussions in his alma mater, Luzhou No. [-] Middle School. This news is even more exciting than how many Tsinghua and Peking Universities No. [-] Middle School will be admitted to this year.High school students are at the age of chasing stars. The girls in No. [-] Middle School are naturally overjoyed that they have such an idol star senior. The mentality of the fans suddenly feels that they can hold their heads high in front of other high schools in Luzhou City. .No. [-] Middle School, stop bragging that you have a province-wide liberal arts champion this year, we have senior Tang Xing!Don't brag about your highest score this year, we have senior Tang Xing, your nerd champion who is so handsome, can you rely on your face for food, does anyone outside the province know?

The popularity of Tang Xing's classmate has also directly stimulated a substantial increase in the number of new students in Luzhou No. [-] Middle School, among which the younger sisters who are chasing stars are the most numerous.This made the leaders of No. [-] Middle School very happy. They immediately publicized Tang Xing's deeds as a model in the school. Our No. [-] Middle School pays great attention to the development of students' various and special talents.

The achievements of No. [-] Middle School this year are very outstanding. Not only has Murong Xue, the number one student in science with the highest score in the country, but also can cultivate talents with special talents in other fields like Tang Xing. This is the result of No. [-] Middle School's open teaching model. , the faculty of our No. [-] Middle School is the most outstanding and so on... It's a waste of the headmaster to give up such a good opportunity without bragging about it. As for whether Tang Xing is as good as the propaganda, who the hell I still have to worry about this!

When a person's fame reaches a certain level, then his advantages will be continuously magnified by others, and on the contrary, his shortcomings will be selectively weakened or beautified by everyone.

Just like Zhang Jie, now he seems to regard Tang Xing as his proud disciple and often brags in front of the freshmen he brought about how talented Tang Xing was at the beginning, and how he knows how to know the bead. Find this dusty pearl.Well, anyway, the gorillas who are in the same class as Tang Xing are no longer there. These primary school girls with faces full of hope and admiration don't know that Tang Xing was still banned four months ago. The old class called out to the regulars who came to the office for tea.

Tang Xing, who was in South Korea, didn't even know how popular he was in China, and he didn't know that he had overwhelmed Murong Xue to become the most famous person since the establishment of his alma mater high school.And the lovely No. [-] middle school girls have already listed him as the school grass of Luzhou No. [-] Middle School. There is no other school grass above or below Tang Xing!

If Tang Xing knew about it, he might not be able to help but sigh, it turns out that these days not only must he be handsome, but more importantly, he must be famous for being handsome!

046 Summary of Major Summer Events During the past two months of the summer vacation, there have been many major events. First of all, the worldwide campaign against terrorist organizations led by the Elf Alliance has achieved brilliant achievements. As of mid-September, the Anti-Terrorist Alliance announced that 99% of the Terrorist organizations were destroyed, and 98% of terrorists worldwide were killed and arrested.The U.S. Department of Defense even claimed that this anti-terrorist operation was a complete success, and famous terrorists including bin Laden were all brought to justice in this unprecedented sweep.

In the later stage, countries around the world will withdraw most of their conventional combat troops and instead use a small group of elite special forces to encircle and eliminate the remaining terrorist forces. The U.S. government finally boasted that the world will no longer be shrouded in the cloud of terrorism in the next 15 years Down.In fact, in the middle and later stages of the anti-terrorism operation, terrorist organizations that roamed around the world also organized many suicide terrorist attacks. During that period of time, the frequent terrorist attacks around the world caused global panic. Of course, if the organization is hit so hard, it will jump over the wall in a hurry.

If it is normal, the governments of various countries will take into account the panic of the domestic people and the heavy losses that will be caused, and slow down their actions. On the contrary, the deadly counterattack even more mobilized the domestic armed forces to punish the opponent to death.Especially the Yankees, as the key target of terrorist organizations' revenge during that time, the US government must strengthen domestic anti-terrorism security measures on the one hand, and on the other hand, the US has spared no effort to deploy more forces into this unprecedented operation. Look at that posture The power of the whole country has been mobilized!

And during this time, with the global anti-terrorist operations unfolding, the evil organizations lurking on the earth in Elven Star slowly surfaced, such as Team Rocket, which still occupies the number one evil organization on Elf Star, and the The remnants of the Galaxy Corps and the Plasma Corps that were wiped out by the Grand Champion.Those terrorists on the earth are nothing compared to these evil organizations, just like the gap between hooligans and the Yakuza and the mafia. Daqi and the League of Elves are fighting against each other!

Compared with the suicide attacks carried out by terrorist organizations, these evil organizations are the existences that frighten countries all over the world. The strength of the Rockets lies in the fact that they have top scientists from Elven Star, and sometimes the scientific and technological achievements they have researched But even the elf alliance is very afraid.Fortunately, the Alliance of Elves has closely monitored the earth. Otherwise, if these evil organizations were to transport the ultimate weapons such as space battleships or the mechanical equipment for manufacturing these ultimate war weapons to the earth... Hehe, this picture is too beautiful to even imagine !

However, even if the foundation of the evil organization on the earth is weak, they have caused very large losses to the anti-terrorism forces of various countries in this sweeping operation.Not to mention anything else, each elf star has two or three poke balls on his body, but no matter how strict the surveillance of the elf alliance is, it can't stop the members of the evil organization from lurking on the earth with the pokemon.

At the very beginning, the members of the anti-terrorist alliance were shocked when they saw a big steel snake with a length of nearly ten meters smashing an American Abrams main battle tank into scrap metal with its tail. Neither the rockets fired by the Apache gunship nor the armor-piercing projectiles fired by the Leopard 2A6 main battle tank can effectively damage the big steel snake whose hull is harder than a diamond.And these are not counted, various attack methods such as digging holes by big steel snakes, earthquakes, and sandstorms emerge in an endless stream, and the members of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance have no combat experience at all when fighting Pokemon for the first time.

In the end, the encounter ended when a big steel snake wiped out a squadron of anti-terrorist forces. Even the Apache gunship that came to support was dismembered in mid-air by the powerful rock blade of the big steel snake. .It is conceivable that the submission of such a report to the intelligence room of the anti-terrorism alliance caused such a shock, and the governments of all countries in the world had to re-evaluate the terrorist combat effectiveness of these magical creatures from Elven Star.Damn, the alien civilization of Elven Star not only has left the region for centuries, but this alien species is also so brutal!

In this operation against terrorist organizations, the anti-terrorist alliance encountered not only big steel snakes, such as fire-breathing dragons, Boss Cordora, and tyrannosaurs are all hard stubble, let alone in On the earth, resting on the elf star is also the overlord.Faced with the Pokemon troops of the evil organization, the anti-terrorist forces of various countries lost many of their manpower, and finally they could only turn to the Pokemon Alliance for help.

And after the Elf Alliance came forward, the members of these evil organizations on the earth hibernated deeper, and these people were much more difficult to deal with than a group of mob terrorists, even the Elf Alliance would find it difficult to wipe them out all at once.If the Rockets were so easy to deal with, they wouldn't be able to stand on Elven Star for many years. It can be said that the strength of this organization can really rule the whole world if they are left alone on Earth!

In addition, the first phase of the island reclamation project invested by the Youto family has also come to an end. In less than a hundred days, the Youto family has built an island with an area of ​​more than [-] in the Pacific Ocean. An island of a thousand square kilometers has officially created the largest artificial project in the history of the earth!

The second phase of the Elf Island project is now officially launched. Compared with the first phase, the second phase of the project is more complex and this time the labor force to be mobilized is 10. In order to transport all kinds of industries and various large-scale machinery to The Youto family on Earth deliberately opened a temporary interstellar route.Since then, the Elf Island has taken off and landed interstellar transport ships here every day. These transport ships will also transport the unique berries and some adaptable plant seeds to Elf Island.

If the first phase of the Elf Island project is just to shape an outline, then the second phase of the project is to transform the terrain of the island as a whole. In addition to the coastline, there are forests, lakes, mountains, canyons, plains, swamps, and wastelands. Just like building a city, artificially layout and trim the nature of Elven Island.

This is another unprecedented large-scale project that humans on Earth have never tried before. Changing the terrain is not as simple as building a city. Will not make such an attempt!

The second phase of the Elf Island project also plans to build four human-inhabited cities and two ports on the island. One of these four cities is the residence of the first batch of immigrants from Elf Island and Earthlings.A city is an energy city, which is responsible for the supply of various electric energy and other energy sources required by the entire island.A city is a cultural tourism city, which mainly publicizes the different humanities and cultural themes in different regions of Elven Star.Another city is a high-tech new city, which will be built into a technological city like the city of Larus, the Elf Star.

One of the two ports is a closed military port, which will be used to station the elf-class fleet.A port is an open democratic port. Once it is built, it can not only dock ships, submarines, airships and various water and space shuttles, but it will even become the largest interstellar ship transfer station on earth.From this port, it is responsible for connecting the inland transportation of the four cities on the island, and the means of transportation responsible for connecting these four cities is the maglev photoelectric vehicle tunnel representing the two lines.

This kind of closed tunnel built more than 20 meters above the ground can greatly increase the speed of the train, with an average speed of 1 kilometers per hour and a maximum speed of more than 700 kilometers per hour.And the reason why this kind of closed tunnel is built is also to resist the huge attack that may come from the outside.You must know that there were 3000 Pokemon in the first batch of immigrants on Elf Island. This is not because they are afraid that some of them will not adapt to the strange environment and go crazy.The anti-attack strength of the maglev tunnel is also quite terrifying. As long as it is not subjected to continuous frontal bombing of nuclear bomb level attacks, it can resist it, and it can also block nuclear radiation. It will take at least ten years until the berries and other plant seeds transplanted from the entire Elven Island are fully grown, and the ecological engineering of the entire island grows to a process that can independently regulate a stable cycle.

All in all, the project of Elf Island is beyond the reach of the scientific and technological civilization of human beings on earth, but such a vast project can be completed independently only by a wealthy family on Elf Star.Humans on Earth can't help but have a new understanding of the powerful alien civilization of the Elf Star. For humans, such a prehistoric project that is difficult to reach the sky, the official of the Elf Star is too lazy to mix it. It seems that it is worth the participation of the Elf Alliance There is only such a plan as the development of Mars.

And before the first phase of the project led by the Youto family was completed, the city of Seoul spent three months building the first large-scale Pokemon Arena on Earth. Of course, the support of the Pokemon Alliance was missing. Three months, even [-] months, Seoul may not be able to complete this huge landmark project.The main reason why this arena took the same amount of time as the first phase of the Elf Island project was that the demolition project in the early stage took a lot of time.Ganqing South Korea's demolition office is also very powerful. You must know that the newly built main arena is many times larger than the original Jamsil main arena!

And this new arena consists of a main arena that can accommodate 15 people and eight sub-arenas that can accommodate 5 people.In other words, this giant arena can accommodate all the entrances of a small and medium-sized city. Such an arena is quite large in Elven Star, whether it is the main arena on the Quartz Plateau in the Kanto region, or the Silver Arena in the Chengdu region. The Shanzhu Arena and the Fangyuan District Caiyou City Lord Arena are all in comparison!

And running through the eight sub-venues are various leisure areas, where there are various functional and entertainment venues such as hotels, cinemas, pedestrian streets, and bars, which can meet people's various needs for accommodation, leisure, and shopping.There are also four Pokemon Centers distributed in the four directions of Zhengdong, Zhengnan, Zhengxi, and Zhengbei of the eight sub-venues. Anyway, the functions that can be found in the Fairy Star Main Arena are also available here.

At first, the Elven Alliance never thought of building such a huge one, but they never expected that the tickets for the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge of the Champions League would be sold too hotly. Elven star.Even the Earthlings, who own the home court, directly divided up 70% of the tickets for the finals. After all, the number of Earthlings is ten times that of the Elven Stars!

Moreover, the main arena in Seoul also refers to the model adopted by the battle tower in Larousse City, which separates the main arena from the auditorium, and the surroundings of the main arena will be separated by a fully transparent quantum energy shield. .In this way, there is no need to worry about destroying and killing people, bombing and scaring people. The Alliance of Elves made such a humanized setting based on the actual tolerance of humans on Earth.

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