Remember the concert of the SM family, when Tang Xing and Baoer performed the song for the first time on stage, they were unexpectedly interrupted, and in the end the song was not sung but unexpectedly turned into a wonderful and intense pet scene The elves fight.But the key point is that during this battle, there is a song playing as an accompaniment in a loop, and it just so happens that the main theme of the song that Tang Xing and Baoer collaborated with is very appropriate for this battle, so many people watched the video of that battle Many people unconsciously search for information about this song, which is why this song became popular for a while.

For humans on Earth, Pokemon are a magical and mysterious symbol, but there is nothing about Pokemon battles that have been seen on Earth, and the battle between Yuki Chihiro and Riyu is the first one left. Video recording of Pokemon battles.You must know that the video views about this battle have been viewed more than 700 billion times on major videos, portal websites and YouTube around the world. Many people have watched those videos dozens of times. The amount of hits that Pixie battles create is horrific!

There is no doubt that the wonderful Pokemon battle video will be popular, and the accompanying song for that video is also a mess.As the original singers of this song, Tang Xing and Baoer are naturally popular all the way with the song. Tang Xing, who just debuted, is like being hit by a huge pie that suddenly fell from the sky. This luck is comparable to being hit all at once. Ordinarily, if it weren't for the few major global events that distracted a large part of the attention during this period, Tang Xing's explosive popularity cannot be described with a rocket and a three-stage booster.

Of course, neither SM Company nor LG Group let go of this opportunity. They rushed to release the sound source of this song and vigorously promoted this single. On the other hand, LG quickly accelerated the progress of commercial shooting, and Tang Ken and Baoer originally planned to The endorsement fee increased by three times at once!

Forget about Baoer, she is already a queen-level figure in Japan and South Korea. With this time, her name has been blown to Europe and the United States, and Tang Xing, who has benefited the most, is relying on a song Immediately becoming a popular fried chicken, it immediately attracted countless envious and jealous eyes.This is the case in the entertainment industry. Some people may spend their entire lives in the film crew and can only play tricks, but there are also many people who become popular overnight with a song, but it is unprecedented for such a popular student like Tang Xing to recruit gangsters. , I am afraid that no one has thought of this.

Although there are some people with pink eyes on the Internet who say that Tang Xing is lucky, but no matter how much others complain about it, it is an indisputable fact that Tang Xing has gained such popularity when he just stepped into the entertainment circle .By the way, didn't Ayumi Hamasaki rely on "ASongForXX" to become the first day in Asia now, so no matter what those guys who secretly cursed Tang Xing say, they don't care about Tang Xing's future development, but even if it was once Being popular is also better than the vast majority of people who have spent their lives in the entertainment industry in obscurity.

President Jin and Director Li of SM Company originally only regarded Tang Xing as a young man who wanted to play tickets, but this situation was something they never thought of.Look at the same song that is basically being played all over the street now. Tang Xing's classmates don't need the company to continue piling up resources to support them, as long as they follow the wave to fuel the flames.

In the past few days, Tang Xing has finally realized what a star's life is. In this increasingly hot season, he can no longer wear a short-sleeved shirt and walk on the street swaggeringly.No matter where it goes, it can attract people's attention and cheers, and there is a weakness in signing and signing.Just like now, the place where Tang Xing and Bao'er were filming commercials attracted a large crowd of people watching.

LG Group paid great attention to this commercial. Not only did they re-select the director and script, but they also increased the production budget by five times on the basis of what they already had. Moreover, the LG Group's publicity department has already bought a TV station. In the golden hour of minutes and a half, it is obvious that this posture is going to increase the sales of the newly launched mobile phone to five times!

After all, he also took an acting class for a month, and Tang Xing was praised by the teacher more than once for his talent in acting, so just shooting a commercial is obviously not enough to stump Tang Xing.And judging from the shooting process of these two days, Tang Xing's classmates are indeed very few ng, but an accident happened when the last piece of this commercial was shot.

"Crack, ng!" The commercial director in charge looked helplessly at Tang Xing and said, "What we need to shoot this time is a close-up shot. Your facial expression was too stiff just now, and your movements were too tight." It’s too exaggerated. This is not a kiss between lovers, it’s like a pig gnawing on a carrot. Also, during the shooting, your arms must hug the lover in front of you tightly. Here you need to show that the couple in love can’t wait to see each other Like rubbing it into your own body. The way you behaved just now, your limbs are stiff like a zombie, and your emotions are completely out of place!"

The director couldn't help it in a row. After nine consecutive NGs, he finally gave Tang Xing a hard time and announced that he would rest for three or ten minutes before shooting. Even if he wanted to make do, none of the shots he took before It cannot be used.

This kid, if you say his acting skills are bad, but the filming before this has been very smooth, if you say his acting skills are good, but judging from his performance just now, he is worse than a primary school student, the director can't help but think in his heart Could it be that this kid is taking advantage of this opportunity of filming the kissing scene to deliberately take advantage, after all, the other party is Bao'er!

The commercial director couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "Oh, the professionalism of young actors these days is really getting lower and lower. This kid's acting skills are really good, and he just pretended he couldn't kiss. Even I almost believe him... "If Tang Xing could hear the director's heartfelt words, he would definitely come over and scold him like a slut, he would have imagined him as someone.In other words, who should be blamed for this matter, originally there was no such kiss scene in the script, but he added such a scene as a gimmick for the follow-up MV. It's the same level as your own.Since scenes like this are not allowed in commercials, it doesn't matter, just put the unsuitable kiss scene in the MV.

After all, the advertisement is time-limited, and LG Group's publicity department is not satisfied with the short 1-minute clip broadcast on TV, and finally SM proposed to shoot a full version of the MV.This proposal was in the arms of LG Group, and it was decided immediately, and SM company couldn't help but have fun there when they saw the other party's arrogance, and now they saved the money for shooting the MV. No wonder they like to hug their thighs these days. ah!

Tang Xing, who was reprimanded by the director and knew he had made a mistake, apologized repeatedly, and then sat in a corner alone to reflect.Fortunately, the last scene has been turned indoors to shoot, otherwise, the director's words just now will definitely be punished. You must know that Tang Xing now has his own fan club and fans!

Bao'er, who was wearing a white sleeveless blouse, sat down next to Tang Xing with a smile and said, "Why, kissing me is so embarrassing, could it be that you really treated me like a carrot as the director said just now?" Eat it?"

"Ah..." Hearing Bao'er's words, Tang Xing's face turned red and he immediately waved his hands again and again. In a panic, he said indiscriminately: "There is absolutely no such thing, you are easier to chew than carrots...--No, How can you eat a radish...--No...--" Tang Xing's face was flushed, and he wished he could crash his head on the steps and forget it, what the hell was that crap talking just now.Tang Xing himself was secretly startled, his words just now looked like he was molesting seniors, even if he said something out of hand, he shouldn't have.Tang Xing couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart, maybe he had been blinded by the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry and didn't know it, or maybe he was so influenced by Long's flamboyant talk that he was almost black. Here comes the innocent boy who blushes when a pretty girl speaks!


Bao'er knocked classmate Tang Xing on the head hard, "It seems that you have become more courageous during this time, even nuna (meaning elder sister in Korean) dared to tease you, don't you, wait a minute See if I don't tell Senior Ayu to let her deal with you severely!"

"Hehe...--" Tang Xing looked at Bao'er, who couldn't help but smile and was pretending to be angry, showing an unnatural dry smile on his face. After getting along for so long, he has learned many times that sister Bu likes to make fun of him. character.If Bao'er really told Ayumi Hamasaki, Tang Xing could be sure that the lesson would never be learned, but he could imagine that sister Bu would make fun of him with this incident, and even watch He looked ashamed and laughed while taking pictures with his mobile phone.

After all, it's not that Ayumi Hamasaki likes to tease Tang Xing for fun, and Bao'er is one of the parties involved, and she will feel even more embarrassed as a woman if she continues to entangle her.However, after all, Tang Xing is a junior from the same company that Ayumi Hamasaki asked her to help take care of, and Baoer is several years older than Tang Xing, so seeing Tang Xing's performance after repeated ng Almost couldn't help worrying about his current state, so he took the initiative to enlighten him.

Bao'er suddenly looked at Tang Xing in surprise and said, "Could it be your first kiss just now?"

"how is this possible!"

Tang Xing quickly denied it, although he always thought he was an innocent boy, but he didn't want others to see it, as if admitting it was a shameful thing, although Tang Xing's first kiss had indeed been taken away.

8 hey? "

Bao'er heard Tang Xing's words and said: "nuna was the first kiss just now, so I am really at a disadvantage. And not only the first kiss, nuna gave you the first kiss on the screen, the second kiss, the third kiss and the fourth kiss, But you don't know how many or even ten or dozens of kisses you exchanged for my first kiss, second kiss and third kiss... No, my heart is too unbalanced!"

sweat!Hearing Bao'er's words, Tang Xing had the urge to fall immediately. This sister is so fun. How can anyone care about this kind of thing? No matter how unbalanced you are, you can still use the method of kissing back to find the gap ?Don't be funny, if this is the case, then you must be very happy as a man, the key is that even if you kiss N times, you still can't get Tang Xing's first kiss back!

After thinking for a while, Bao'er seemed to have discovered the key to this. After the last tangle, he suddenly grabbed Tang Xing and said to him in a threatening tone: "Listen to me, nuna doesn't want to use her No. .11 I don’t know how many kisses I will change for you, so if you dare to ng again, just wait and see!"

043 lived with Sister Mai. I don’t know if Boer’s threat had an effect. Finally, the kiss scene passed smoothly during the tenth filming.Classmate Tang Xing rubbed the soft flesh around his waist. He can almost imagine that this piece should turn black and blue. of the lens.

According to what the director said before, the tenth filming requires not only the heart of the kiss, but also the affectionate embrace of a couple in love who can't wait to rub each other into their bodies... Well, are you sure this is just for shooting a MV? It's not an idol drama, it seems that this advertising director has great ambitions.It's just that Tang Xing suffered a lot. He just followed the director's instructions, so after he made up his mind, during the tenth filming, he hugged her so tightly that Bao'er was almost out of breath.

Then it’s not that they can be released after the commercial shooting is completed. This afternoon, Tang Xing and Baoer will go to help LG Group do a product promotion activity for a new mobile phone in a hypermarket in Seoul.Although Elven Star's watch and mobile phone that surpasses the technology on the earth is the topic of discussion nowadays, the high price of that thing is not affordable by the vast majority of ordinary people. The products on the label are all priceless, and they are all sold in limited quantities!

When I was in school, Tang Xing had been longing for the life of a big star. Now that I finally became a star, I realized that this life is simply not human. The schedule is full every day, and there is no time for fear. .Even if the itinerary is finally reduced, Korean class, acting class, and vocal music class cannot be missed. Tang Xing now only has a little free time at night, but after being busy during the day, he has no intention of going to bed other than going to bed early. And carry out some happy entertainment activities.

Classmate Tang Xing felt that this was much more tiring than when he was in school, but he could only comfort himself with the fact that there were many people and affairs.If you are not popular, you will be invited to endorse commercials and attend such or other activities. I don’t know how many colleagues are staring at Tang Xing, who has become famous overnight, with envious eyes. You have no face complain?

Thank you step sister, if she is not the second largest shareholder of SM company, if she is not supporting Tang Xing behind the scenes, at this time, Tang Xing will be deprived of even the rest time at night by the company.Just kidding, this kind of overnight popularity is like a pie in the world to entertainment companies, if you don't take advantage of this opportunity to squeeze all the remaining value of Tang Xing, then you won't be the SM who is known as a vampire .Go and see TVXQ, none of them even have time to sleep, they can only take advantage of the gap between the announcements and take a nap in the nanny car, it's even worse than a bonded laborer!

When classmate Tang Xing returned home with a tired body, he was greeted by sister Mai's warm smiling face like a spring breeze. He said that the nanny hired by classmate Tang Xing who had her at home these days was about to be laid off.Busy step sister has already returned to Japan alone, while sister Mai will continue to stay in Korea. In addition to the song that she collaborated with Tang Xing is still in production, the more important thing is that if sister Mai returns to Japan now, life will be scary. It's hard.

Although Sister Mai is one of the few big stars in the entertainment industry who has no rumors or gossips, everyone in China knows that she is famous for her good personality, so it stands to reason that Sister Mai should not cause any trouble.But sister Mai's misfortune is that she has a father who is known as Japan's first cheating daughter, Fifty Seas in front of the mountain, people say that father's love is boundless, and when it comes to him, there is absolutely no limit to cheating girls!

Isyoyo Yamamae divorced his wife when Mai's sister was young, and has been indifferent to their mother and daughter ever since.It wasn't until Sister Mai emerged as the queen of the pop music scene that this irresponsible father broke out halfway and directed a scene of extremely vulgar recognition of girls on TV, so snobbish.What's even more pissing off to his daughter is that this strange old man actually found an actress named Mai Kuramoto who is very similar to his daughter's name. Insinuatingly launching a tertiary film about "Legend of the Diva" clearly made her look ugly.

Ci Ao, when Tang Xing heard about this from Bu Jie, he was really shocked and very angry. Why such a kind-hearted sister Mai would have such an old man? One can imagine that as a How hurt is Mai sister who is her own daughter.

And a few days ago, this god-pits father had another major event. This girl was arrested by the Japanese police on the charge of rape, and his behavior directly led to the collapse of the concert that his daughter was about to organize.In addition, Sister Mai's brokerage company has also been investigated for tax evasion recently. Under this double blow, Sister Mai's weak heart can bear it.

You must know that the company that sister Mai belongs to is not well-known in Japan. If it were not for the support of sister Mai, the queen of the music scene, there would be no place for them to gain a foothold and development in Japan, but this incident proves that sister Mai The brokerage company he belongs to is also a thing that can't be supported by mud. It sits on a queen-level figure in the music industry, but it hasn't seen how big a name it develops.Take a look at Ai Hui, he also relied on the opportunity of Step Sister's popularity to take advantage of the situation until it developed into the scale it is today. Let's not mention Ai Hui's nine singers, but Ayumi Hamasaki and Amuro under Ai Hui Namie and Koda Mirai are well-known figures in the Japanese music scene.

Tang Xing felt sad when he saw Mai sister who greeted him with a smile on his face. How many people know that this sister has such a bitter side under her gorgeous coat.Although Sister Mai’s character is unlikely to be as strong as Sister Bu’s and once became the guide of the Asian trend, but if Sister Mai is standing behind such powerful brokerage companies as Aihui and Universal, then she will definitely develop better. , at least 1000 million records are not too much to think about.

Speaking of which, leaving Sister Mai here when Sister Chuxi left really made Tang Xing very excited and happy. He thought the house was too big to live alone, and it was too spacious for Sister Mai to stay here. It is so beautiful and so happy.When I was in school, Tang Xing had read a very popular online novel called "The Days of Living with the Stewardess", and he thought he could also write "The Days of Living with Sister Mai". No way, student Tang Xing even thought that perhaps he could quit the entertainment industry and write online novels instead.

The word cohabitation is very beautiful and it is easy to arouse people's fantasies about it, especially the cohabitation partner is still sister Mai... Tang Xing would never have dared to think about it more than a month ago, and if this is made by sister Mai Fans knew that Tang Xing would never dare to go out at night, otherwise he would make headlines the next day because his dead body was exposed on the street.Leaving others aside, Tang Xing's high school classmate orangutan brother will never let him go!

When classmate Tang Xing was happily nibbling on the apple peeled by sister Mai and enjoying the service like a master, he couldn't help but feel that Japanese men are really happy. They all said that Japanese women are very traditional and good at serving people. It seems to be true. .Mo Xing couldn't help being distracted. What Sister Step said before was not wrong at all. It is really a happy thing to be able to marry Sister Mai as his wife.Student Tang Xing made up his mind that if he had the opportunity to meet Mai sister, that god-piercing father, he would definitely beat her up. Even such a kind-hearted biological daughter would have the heart to entrap her. Tang Xing felt that such a There is absolutely no burden on the heart for being a scumbag.

Mai Cangmu, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV, didn't know that Tang Xing had already set her eyes on her father, and she was still watching the selection of "Boys Over Flowers" broadcast on KBS TV station. corner information.And just when Tang Xing was secretly surprised that sister Mai would also be interested in Korean dramas, it was broadcast on the TV news that the casting of "Boys Over Flowers" will be conducted through online voting. At that time, the director and screenwriter will These candidates selected by netizens are assessed and the final decision is made.

Student Tang Xing was not very interested in this kind of news at first, but sister Mai shouted out happily at this time, because the name of student Tang Xing is impressively listed among the candidates voted by netizens, and the number of votes is still low. low look.No wonder sister Mai was so happy, but Tang Xing, who already knew the inside story, didn't show too much excitement.

This so-called voting actually has the shadow of public relations and activities of major economic companies in it. It is bullshit to say that netizens are allowed to vote spontaneously to ensure fairness. The shady inside is something that ordinary people can know.Take a closer look at the current distribution of votes on the Internet. Can anyone tell me where Lee Min Ho, who received the highest number of votes, came from? , but this person is not famous at all. I am afraid that most of the netizens who voted at present would not know this name if they did not pass the search engine.

And Kim Hyun Joong, well, as the captain of the popular boy group SS501, he is still very popular, but who owns the boy group Han Yu now, TVXQ!

It doesn’t make sense that this guy can squeeze out the five sons of Dongshin to occupy a place, not to mention that SS501’s fan base multiplied by 3 is barely enough to be TVXQ, but Kim Hyun Joong’s fans say that TVXQ is an idol singer who can’t act and just beats his own idol SS501 is no longer an idol singer. By the way, have they produced any masterpieces in film and television before?

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