At this time, a siren sounded, and the Seoul police were on the verge of an enemy, not only ordinary police, but also special police driving special bulletproof vehicles.It was the first time for the Seoul police to deal with this kind of innocent situation, feeling extremely overwhelmed. While trying their best to evacuate the crowd to avoid a stampede, they were thinking about the best solution.

One of the police negotiators held a loudspeaker and kept shouting, meaning to persuade the distinguished guests from the Elf Star to keep calm and not to act impulsively. Dongdaemun is not where they are used for elf duels. The place, the lives of people on earth are fragile, and those who cannot withstand a little bit of destruction must hold their hands high!

When the police negotiator experts shouted, the Seoul police and special police were already speeding up the evacuation of the crowd, but there was still a group of curious spectators who didn't know how powerful they were and refused to disperse so easily.As a last resort, the Seoul police took tough measures, and these uncooperative guys were forcibly dragged away one by one by the Seoul police and special police.

As the center of this storm incident, Qian Yu and the others have of course heard the shouts of the Seoul police, and they did not expect such a big disturbance caused by impulsiveness. The police, and a large group of reporters also swarmed in, and all professional cameras were pointed at them. Now they can't fight in this situation.

"Okay, okay... [-]." As the second sister, Mengyu came out clapping her palms and looked at her four sisters who were still unwilling to admit defeat, and said, "You guys have made enough trouble today, continue to stand in a stalemate here Could it be that we have to wait until Aunt Kona comes over to arrest you one by one?"

Sure enough, Meng Yu's words caught the weakness of several people, and You Yu said with a bitter face while clutching her hair: "It's over now, Aunt Kona will definitely know that we are hiding here, and I will definitely do it when I go back." I was taught by my mother, really... "Not only You Yu, Qian Yu, Li Yu, and Xin Yu cutely grabbed their hair and showed a very distressed look, but beside the sisters-in-law, violently Dragon, Kuailong, Three-Headed Dragon, and Nianmeilulong all looked at each other in blank dismay.Without the orders of their trainers, they can only be watched by a large group of curious earthlings, and they can only work on their own.

"Let's take note of today's battle for the time being. When you return to Elven Star, you will have plenty of time to fight it out slowly."

In the end, it was still Meng Yu who came out and said to her four little sisters: "Take back your elves, if you don't leave, I will leave you alone!"

Under Meng Yu's threat, the four little princesses took out their elf balls to take back their partners, and the crowd was thankful, but most of them felt very regretful.What a great opportunity, they are still looking forward to watching a wonderful elf duel, those bloody fights on TV always make them feel a little too fantastic, seeing is believing!

However, the most fortunate thing here is the Seoul police. The group of guys who are afraid of chaos can't understand their nervousness and difficulty.This is a major incident involving the elves. If it is not handled properly, it will be an interstellar dispute. How can their policemen afford it? They can only finish it one by one, or they can only send negotiators to shout over and over again just now. I dare not take any measures, because I am afraid of causing the overreaction of my sister-in-law.

Seeing that Qian Yu and the others finally took back the tyrannosaurs, which were more terrifying than dangerous explosives, the top chief of the Seoul police here prepared to ask his subordinates to protect these little aunts, and then hand them over to the Elf Alliance Let the embassy in South Korea handle it. This responsibility is really too great, and it cannot be shouldered by a small police officer.As for the curious crowd and reporters who wanted to crowd up, they were suppressed one by one by the sheriff with strong means, so you don't have to be polite here.

Just when the Seoul police were about to politely take the five little princesses home, a scene that shocked everyone happened.Among the five girls, the one with the long black hair and the cold expression walked up to the other four girls, and then the five disappeared out of nowhere in front of everyone's eyes!

It’s like magic, which is not so magical even when making movies. Thousands of eyes on Dongdajie stared wide at the same moment, and then someone rubbed their eyes vigorously, followed by all kinds of surprises and one after another. The sound of exclamation and inhalation, if it weren't for the fact that it was in broad daylight and there were so many people around staring at each other, it would have been a hell of a feeling.

The reporters who were blocked by the police were very excited, and rushed forward one by one with their cameras on their shoulders. The Seoul police also rushed to the place where Qianyu and the others were just now, but there was no one figure here. .The Seoul police and the onlookers still spontaneously searched the vicinity for half an hour, but they couldn't find where the girls were hiding in the crowd.

The Korean Internet has completely exploded. The real-time search headlines on all major webpages are all the same thing, and from the first to the tenth place are firmly occupied by the keywords of elves, superpowers, and teleportation.Then all kinds of photos circulated on the Internet, and the photos of Qianyu, the five little golden flowers, and Tyrannosaurus were frantically reprinted and downloaded.

However, soon, Korean netizens suddenly discovered that the photos about Wu Xiaojinhua were prohibited from being reprinted and deleted, and countless posts about Wu Xiaojinhua were also deleted one after another. The major websites seemed to suddenly change their positions, one by one deliberately downplaying Ignore this news... The riots in Dongdaemun, Seoul, a major event of the 029 Elf Alliance, detonated the entire Internet in a short period of time. Although it was consciously ignored and downplayed in the end, many people talked about it privately on the 1st. with.However, three major incidents broke out in the Earth branch of the Queen's Fairy Alliance, which immediately attracted the attention of the world!

First, the Alliance of Elves decided to send an additional guardian fleet to the earth, aiming at combating and deterring the Rockets and other remnants of terrorist organizations lurking on the earth.The new fleet will be stationed in Jeju Island, South Korea, and the Alliance of Elves will build a military port on Jeju Island.

As soon as this move came out, the whole world was in an uproar. As we all know, after World War Three, the Elf Alliance stationed a peace-class fleet in Busan, South Korea. Not only that, but also built a huge military base in the vast Pacific Ocean.Although it seems that there are not many armed forces and troops invested, anyone with a discerning eye can understand that compared with the technology and military strength of the earth and the elf star, this is enough for the elf star to launch a full-scale war on any corner of the earth.What's more, the Elf Alliance also has a permanent fleet and a large base on the earth and the moon. In the event of a war, it can provide powerful fire support to the earth within 5 minutes, and send additional troops to support within an hour!

The military power of alien planets is already very strong on the earth, and now the alliance of elves has sent a powerful interstellar fleet to station on the earth.Although the Elf Alliance has not provoked a war against any country on the earth since World War Three, this does not mean that people on earth can rest easy for those who insist on conspiracy theories. In the eyes of conspiracy theorists However, peace is just an excuse used by the powerful.

In the eyes of all countries in the world, the scary thing about Elven Star is not only that the humans on this planet have a highly developed civilization, but more importantly, this planet has formed a unified whole. You must know that there are more than 200 planets on the earth. Politically divided country.Unity is far stronger than division. If the Elf Alliance really intends to launch a war against the earth, it will definitely be the end of the world!

The first news released by the Elf Alliance has already made some big countries on the earth restless. At this moment, the phones of the heads of state of the big countries have not been cut off.Although the top spokesperson of the Elf Alliance's branch on Earth has repeatedly claimed that this move does not intend to provoke any war or conflict against any country or organization on Earth, but for the heads of states of major countries on Earth, their concerns are That concern still persists.

Well, the thinking of these politicians and conspiracy theorists on the earth is too complicated. A sentence with a clear meaning can be analyzed into several intentions by them.In fact, the Alliance of Elves really didn’t intend to invade the earth and turn it into their own colony. The elf star people can’t afford to abandon their homeland and go to live on a barren planet with a large population and serious environmental damage... Although the human beings on the earth will feel that when they hear these words It's uncomfortable, but that's how it is.

Immediately afterwards, the spokesperson of the Elf Alliance announced the second major decision.The Elven Alliance decided to release some civilian products and medicines from the ban on the sale of the earth, and these products and medicines will be sold to the earth through the Sakurai Zaibatsu, Shilufu Group, Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the Sasaki family. This is another stone Startled a thousand layers of waves!

For a long time, Elven Star has been imposing a foreign trade ban on the earth, but all products manufactured by Elf Star have to be sold to the earth under any circumstances.Let alone those military weapons such as space battleships and large ship-borne laser cannons. If these things are sold casually, they will cause chaos in the world. Even today, the United States is not willing to sell F-22 stealth fighters. which other country.

In addition to the military ban on sales, Elf Star also imposed a comprehensive sales restriction order on the earth in terms of some civilian commodities and medicines.The occurrence of the Third World War made many elves have a bad impression of the people on earth. Although the elves were the final winners of the three wars, the ugly side and a lot of bad habits of the earth humans during the war made the elves very uncomfortable. Shocked, disgusted.

In the general view of the elves, there is no need for them to spend the precious resources of their own planet to manufacture goods for the people on earth.Although the sale of goods is an equivalent exchange, in the eyes of the elves, the products made by the earth people are not at all available with their productivity level. Dumping the products of the elves to the earth is a unilateral gift.

Because of this, although an interstellar route was opened between Elven Star and the Earth after World War Three, thousands of people on Earth travel to Elf Star every day.However, the foreign trade between the two planets is still in a closed state. The Elven Star is unwilling to dump their goods to the Earth, and the Earth is temporarily unable to transport their goods to the Elf Star... Now it’s all right, as soon as this order comes out Finally, you can buy the high-tech products of Elven Star on the earth, such as holographic projection watch phone, wireless earphones that can translate various languages ​​in real time, and self-propelled solar skateboards that can reach a speed of [-] kilometers per hour at the fastest, etc. A high-tech product that sounds awesome at first glance cannot be produced with the current technological level of the earth.

And more important than these are those banned drugs!How many incurable diseases are there on earth?

This problem has not been counted, but if you search on the search engine, you will definitely find more information than you think.Various incurable diseases and rare diseases have become unsolvable problems.

But Elven Star is different. There is no doubt about the power of this planet. At first, a young Danish rich man suffering from hereditary AIDS went to Elf Star to travel. How beautiful the planet is.As a result, before the Danish rich man had time to start his interstellar journey, he suddenly fell ill on the second day after he went to Elven Star, and the young Danish rich man was sent to the hospital immediately afterward.

But unexpectedly, the condition of this terminally ill young rich man was contained first.Although the Gold City General Hospital in the Kanto region that received the earth patient at that time could not cure the disease for a while, after all, there is a big difference in physique between the elf star people and the earth people, and the elf star people did not suffer from this disease. precedent.However, the doctor in charge of the Danish rich man still reflected the illness and situation of the earthling. Finally, the medical experts of the Gold City General Hospital finally injected an antiviral drug into the earthling after urgent research.

A miracle happened. This powerful antiviral drug originally used by the Elven Stars killed all the AIDS virus in the body of the Danish rich man, and the young rich man who was originally terminally ill was born again.This is simply a surprise, and this incident was treated by the news media on the earth. For a while, it seemed that the AIDS patients on the earth had ushered in the dawn.

Since then, AIDS patients all over the world have frantically flocked to the Elven Star, but the high price of the interstellar ticket has repelled a large number of people at once, and the remaining rich and rich cannot order it casually. To the ticket.And once this incident has also given great inspiration to some rich people on the earth who suffer from other terminal illnesses, some diseases that they think are terminally ill may be cured on Elven Star.

It can be imagined later that the determination of the rich man on earth to go to Elven Star has reached its peak all of a sudden.Later, more than [-]% of the world's richest people went to Elven Star to see a doctor every day, and as a series of terminally ill diseases such as cancer and leukemia were cured, this attracted the attention of the whole earth and also made a group of people suffering from The terminally ill earthly millionaire became even more ecstatic.

Later, although the Elf Alliance also felt that the purpose of the people on Earth wanting to come to the Elf Star was not what they imagined, but in the spirit of caring for people, they could not stop these poor patients who were terminally ill.Subsequently, the Sakurai family in charge of the interstellar route made a decision to open up another interstellar route and spaceship to carry these earthlings who wanted to go to Elven Star for medical treatment.Excluding some seriously infectious patients, this spacecraft can transport 1000 terminally ill and critically ill patients to Elven Star every day. Of course, the ticket price of this spacecraft has also increased to 30 Elven coins.

Nowadays, the first place people on earth want to go to when they travel to Elven Star is actually a hospital. Regardless of whether you are sick or not, go for a full body checkup. By then, there may be some latent disease that will be checked out. Then check and treat early.Because for the rich on the earth, if you go back this time, it will be more difficult to come to this planet next time!

Some large hospitals on the earth once proposed to the elf alliance stationed on the earth to buy antiviral drugs that can treat AIDS and leukemia, but affected by the drug embargo regulations promulgated by the elf alliance, these drugs are of course not allowed to be used. Shipped to Earth for sale.

Well now, the lifting of the ban on drug transportation is definitely a great blessing. In the future, the patients suffering from AIDS and leukemia on the earth will finally not have to rush frantically to Elven Star.Especially for a group of patients who cannot afford high interstellar tickets, they seem to have seen a new life!

Obviously, the order to lift the drug ban announced by the Elven Alliance is very popular among the people of the earth. At least 90.00% of the hundreds of millions of people on the earth who are watching the live TV broadcast will raise their hands in praise.No matter whether you are poor, rich or good or bad, no one dares to say that he has never been sick in his life, and no one can guarantee that he will not suffer from terminal illness one day.

Immediately afterwards, the spokesperson of the Elf Alliance announced the third major event. Funded by the Sinnoh Yuto family, it will spend one trillion elf coins to build land in the Pacific Ocean to imitate the environment of the elf star to build a land with a total area of ​​about four. [-] square kilometers of artificial islands.At that time, there will be [-] Pokemon of various kinds and [-] Elf Star residents will immigrate from Elf Star to live on this artificially built island, and Elf Star will review and select [-] earth volunteers to come Settle down on this island, and the selected earthlings will be certified by the elves as the first batch of immigrants, and then they will become legal elves!

scare!This news is even more shocking than the previous one. Although 90.00% of the people on Earth at 90.00% don’t know who the sacred Youto family is, more than [-]% of the people on Earth will remember this name after today.Let's not talk about how much courage is needed to reclamation and land reclamation in the Pacific Ocean, just look at the astronomical figures that people have smashed for this unprecedented large-scale project!

What is the concept of one trillion Elfcoins, which is equivalent to ten trillion U.S. dollars? If only such a number cannot form a general concept in your mind, then let us analyze it from another angle.

2007地球上最大的发展中国家,总人口接近14亿的亚洲大国国内生产总值为24661 9亿元,按照当前美元对人民币的汇率,十万亿美元相当于这个近14亿人口国家3年的国内生产总值!

Bundle a hundred banknotes with a denomination of one unitary dollar together to count as a stack, and then stack this stack of green banknotes to a height of three meters, and the cash paved by ten trillion dollars is twenty stadiums Not enough to fit!

The most tragic and costly war in the history of human warfare is the Second World War.According to incomplete statistics, this prehistoric war that involved more than 20 billion people, affected a total area of ​​2200 million square kilometers, and had a total casualty of more than 9000 million people caused a total loss of 5 trillion U.S. dollars, while [-] One hundred million can bear the losses caused by two such wars!

Well, let's not mention how terrifying the Youto family of Elven Star is, the richest country in the world. Anyway, everyone knows that there is a Sakurai Zaibatsu who is the richest family in the entire solar system!

For the rich and powerful people on earth, I am afraid that the latter news is what they are most concerned about.The elf alliance has opened up immigration restrictions, which is simply too wonderful.The American green card and the British green card can be put aside, and becoming a legal citizen of Elven Star is the most anticipated thing in everyone's mind at this moment!

030 The astonishing five little golden flowers startled a thousand waves with one stone!These three important announcements of the Elven Alliance ignited all the media and networks in the world, and discussions about this matter were raging in every corner of the world. Even the enthusiasm for the Summer Olympics was diluted by this powerful enthusiasm.No country in the world currently has such a strong appeal, and the influence of this powerful organization from an alien planet has radiated to the whole world.

South Korea is the country that is most closely connected with the Elf Alliance on Earth, and such news has a greater impact on their people than in other places, as if they are on the verge of a typhoon.Now the whole country in South Korea is discussing these three major incidents. Whether it is government businessmen or celebrities and ordinary people, this has become their talk after dinner. People of various professions are talking freely and expressing their opinions. How much impact the three major events will have on the Republic of Korea, and then what changes will be made to the world pattern.

In South Korea's Blue House Presidential Palace, the calls of Lee Myung-bak's government have been ringing, and the ringing of several extensions in the office has not stopped.The president's secretary has been answering the phone for several hours, his throat is so dry that he can't even drink his saliva, and everyone on the phone is a head of state-level figure with a status that is too big to scare people, but in the face of these people's wishes The request to talk to Lee Myung-bak was answered in unison by all the secretaries in cold sweat. The president is very busy and sorry that he has no time to answer your call.

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