Tang Xing, who came out of the bookstore, touched the fifteen cards of Grandpa Mao in his pocket, all of which were his living expenses for this month.It's a pity that Tang Xing passed out this time, and the doctor told Tang's mother to strengthen his nutrition, so this time Tang Xing was able to get the usual two and a half months of living expenses. For Tang's mother who was always afraid of her son's Internet access and strictly controlled his financial resources It's really rare.

"At first, I thought about taking advantage of some spare money in my hand, so I would draw back a little bit this month and take down a whole set of books at once, but now unless I go to the bookstore in the city center, I don't think about it."

Thinking of the bad attitude of the bookstore owner just now, Tang Xing couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are three hours left for evening self-study. Even if Tang Xing wanted to rush to the city center, it was too late.

Tang Xing, who was so bored, was wandering on the street. At this time, the dragon deep in his consciousness spoke again, "Lend me your body. I need to check some information online."

"Borrow your body?"

Tang Xing couldn't help feeling nervous when he heard Long's words, and immediately asked with some doubts: "You won't take control of my body if you don't pay back the loan, right? Besides, I've only heard that there are people who borrow money. And people who borrow things, I’ve never heard of people who borrow bodies!”

Long sighed and said helplessly: "How many times do you want me to tell you? Well, I promise you for the last time that I am not interested in your body at all. The reason why I borrow your body is It’s just trying to do something.”

Long continued: "My consciousness can come out of your consciousness space, and I can only communicate with you for an hour a day. The rest of the time must stay in the consciousness space and sleep. But when my consciousness can go out During this period, you can temporarily control your body, but the prerequisite is that your consciousness must return to the consciousness space to sleep alternately during this period, otherwise two consciousnesses dangling in the same body at the same time will easily lead to accidents."


Tang Xing couldn't help asking curiously: "Is it dangerous?"

Long said angrily: "Of course it's dangerous. Two consciousnesses control your body movements. If you don't want to be paralyzed, you can try it. Anyway, this body is yours, and it's your own business to spoil it! "


Tang Xing was taken aback when he heard Long's words, and quickly asked, "Then what should I do, I have never done this before lending my body to others, what should my mind do to sleep in the consciousness space? "

"It's very simple, you just relax and have no distracting thoughts like you usually do when you sleep."

Long guided Tang Xing step by step and said, "It's better to close your eyes, so that it will be easier for your six senses to sense the visual perception of the outside world...--" Hearing Long's words, Tang Xing couldn't help but follow He suggested to close your eyes slowly, "It's easy to close your eyes, but it's too difficult if you don't have any distracting thoughts..." "Fuck you, I'm so stupid, I didn't know before It's just a chatter. But this IQ is too low, so I was tricked by me so easily and handed over the control of my body. Fortunately, I am not a traveler from another world in online novels, and I don't have my own Deceive your own plan. Otherwise, you kid won't even have a place to cry!"

Tang Xing, no, it should be Long who cursed fiercely, moved his hands and feet regardless of the strange eyes cast around him, and then said to himself: "Although this body is a bit weak, it can barely do it. Use it, why does it feel like a rebirth?"

After speaking, Long went straight to a "smart Internet cafe" next to him. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't cared about the Internet cafe, and now he really felt a little pregnant.

Long unceremoniously took out a [-]-yuan bill in his pocket and got a temporary boarding pass from the network administrator. During this period of time, he did not need to register his ID card to surf the Internet, and the "minors are not allowed to enter" hanging in front of the Internet cafe The signboard is completely for decoration.The first time Long Jinmen saw the two machines in the corner, there were two little kids playing Fantasy Westward Journey there. It is said that Tang Xing is also very obsessed with this money-burning game. What a prodigal son who doesn't learn well!

Long took the number plate and went directly to the box area of ​​the Internet cafe. If Tang Xing's consciousness was sober at this time, he would be very surprised. This girl is really familiar with the road!

"This world is really crazy. How should I put it, I feel like I fell asleep, but after waking up, everything is different."

While browsing the webpage, Long kept shaking his head and sighing, "In the intersection of parallel worlds, the time on the Pokemon planet has not changed, but the world on the earth has gone backwards to 2005. So, according to this algorithm, my Have you been sleeping in the consciousness space for 2 years?"

Thinking of this, Long couldn't help but have a headache and said: "Hey, what's going on, I don't know what's going on in the alliance. The champion has been missing for two years for no reason... Sigh, I hope Sirona and Kona are not in a hurry It’s good. It’s a pity that the computer here can’t open the official website of the League of Elves, really, it’s useless even if I wake up in this state!”

Long scratched his head with some headaches and said: "The elf ball is not around, and the complete dominance of this body does not belong to me. It is not easy for me to return to the alliance now. Oh my god , I'm really going crazy, that damn old man. He was the one who let others cross without authorization, and he was the one who created the intersection of two parallel worlds. The most disgusting thing is that he didn't explain before that I would Make it look like this... [-]" Closed the web pages on the computer desktop one by one, Long leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed his temples, wondering if his life would be too boring after becoming the champion, so he went to The genius made such a big joke with him.

"Damn old guy, I'm really going to be played to death by you, but now you tell me what to do!"

Long cursed fiercely inwardly, in his heart he wanted to hate the Space God who tricked him into traveling to the Pokemon world to death.

"Speaking of crossing..." Long's eyes lit up suddenly, and he tapped his fingers on the keyboard quickly while saying, "I almost missed her. I'm not the only one who crossed from the earth to the world of pokemons." One person, and the big star who was sucked into the space crack by Dialuka and Palkia, she should be the one affected by the parallel world!"

Just as Long quickly opened a Japanese webpage, at this moment the door of the private room was suddenly opened from the outside.Long was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head and looked over.The woman outside who was probably looking for a private room to surf the Internet obviously didn't expect that there was already someone occupying a seat here, just when the other party was about to apologize and leave, but suddenly stopped after seeing the dragon.

The woman in front of her frowned and said, "Student Tang Xing? Why are you here!"


Long was stunned for a while, and then he realized that it had been so many years, and he almost forgot his original name, so he was not used to being called like this yesterday.Long thought to himself mockingly, then looked at the woman in front of him suspiciously and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

Seeing that Long didn't know him, it was the other party's turn to be surprised. The woman in front of her, who was wearing a beige suit and a standard urban white-collar attire, said angrily, "Hehe, Tang Xing, have you been dozing off during class? It's all become a habit, that's why even my English teacher has forgotten what he looks like, right?"

"English teacher?"

Long searched in his mind, and finally remembered who this woman was, and immediately blurted out: "You are Ren Qingya?"

When Ren Qingya saw that Long finally remembered who she was, she didn't have a happy expression on her face. On the contrary, this Teacher Ren put her arms around her chest and looked at Long and smiled anxiously: "It seems that I am really a failure, Tang Xing The classmates have never regarded me as a teacher in their hearts, have they, otherwise there would be students who would call the teacher by his name directly."

Hearing Ren Qingya's words, Long also realized in his heart that his address just now was indeed a bit inappropriate. However, this was all about more than ten years ago, so the memory of this English teacher who had not been in contact with him after graduating from high school was somewhat forgotten. inevitable.And then again, he should be regarded as a reborn person now, and he is already 30 years old in terms of mental age. At Ren Qingya's current age, if he is his younger sister, he can barely make do.

"The world is impermanent..." Long couldn't help expressing emotion. As expected, fate likes to play tricks on people. Unexpectedly, he would meet his former high school teacher in such a way, and the place was still in the box of an Internet cafe. Big joke!

Long here feels the vicissitudes of life, but this is not the case in Ren Qingya's eyes. She still doesn't know that this Tang star in front of her is not that Tang star.In Teacher Ren's eyes, Long's cynical attitude completely despised her majesty as a teacher, and it was a naked and hateful act of not taking her seriously, which really annoyed Ren Qingya enough.

However, before Ren Qingya could open her mouth, Long lightly dropped a sentence that made her furious, "Is Teacher Ren also here to surf the Internet? There should be no one in the box next door. I have something important to do here, so I'm sorry." .”

After Long finished speaking, he slammed the door of the box shut, Ren Qingya blinked her eyes, and it took a long time to realize that Bai Ji had been slammed shut.Standing outside the box, Ren Qingya had an unbelievable expression on her face. How could she not have thought that Long would be so presumptuous? It was like slapping her ears directly in the face!

Without even thinking about it, Ren Qingya opened the door of the box fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Tang Xing, you are going too far, what kind of attitude is this!"

"Yaxi..." Long covered his ears, turned his head away and looked at Teacher Ren outside. He really felt like he was going to die immediately.It's really... I never imagined that I have been graduating from college for so many years, and I would start all over again at the age of 30 and be scolded by the high school teacher again.

But then again, facing the teacher Ren Long in front of him, there was nothing he could do. It was all his own fault that he would end up in the current situation.Long really had the urge to pull Tang Xing out of the bag immediately, and let this brat bear Teacher Ren's anger, anyway, this guy is used to it.

Long looked at the webpage in front of him, he still had important things to do, this time he put the brat together, I am afraid that guy will not be easily fooled in a short time, when will he be able to borrow his body again? Just can't say.Helpless, Long had no choice but to correct his attitude, and said reluctantly: "Teacher Ren, I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my attitude just now!"

Ren Qingya finally calmed down her anger when she saw that Long finally softened, and then said, "Student Tang Xing, do you know that the school has an express rule that students are not allowed to go online?"

Come on, I have already given in, this woman is very good at climbing up the ladder, to put on airs of the teacher.Thinking of this, Long couldn't help but feel a little funny, knowing that Ren Qingya was deliberately finding fault, who made his attitude just now not very respectful.

This teacher Ren is really a child, Long shook his head amusedly, "Is there any? I don't seem to remember any of the school rules that say that students are not allowed to go online, and Teacher Ren, it is the age of information technology. If you don’t even know how to surf the Internet, isn’t it out of step with the times. I still remember a sentence that Grandpa Deng said before, ‘Computers should be started from babies’, isn’t it?”

"You..." Ren Qingya was choked speechless by Long's words. Thinking about it, the school really did not explicitly stipulate that students are not allowed to surf the Internet.After all, this thing is formulated by the Education Bureau, and there is no substantive content on it other than a big basket of nonsense, China's institutional problems.And two things like puppy love and surfing the Internet are impossible to talk about on the table, it's just an unwritten rule in the school.

Teacher Ren saw that Long ignored her after saying this and ran to browse the web, she was immediately annoyed, she couldn't help thinking to herself, she really didn't notice it before, unexpectedly this person always sleeps in her class The student with the big head is so difficult to deal with.

"Even if the school doesn't have regulations, the country has clear laws and regulations, and teenagers under the age of [-] are not allowed to enter Internet cafes!"

Ren Qingya was really pushed into a hurry, she seemed to be angry with her students, and even brought out the law on the protection of minors.Longdu is 30 years old, and today, a woman who is eight years younger than him uses the underage protection law to make an argument... He is really speechless. Strictly speaking, he is not even considered a human being on Earth now. Come on, how can the Law of Protection of Minors be able to control the Supreme Champion of the League of Elves?It's really funny!

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