Just when everyone was puzzled, the black uncle who was reprimanding the cameraman just now also came up at this time, and after politely bowing to everyone, he introduced himself: "My name is Gary Gray, and I am in charge of management. The director and producer of this crew. I’m sorry~ I’ve surprised everyone. The location of the movie is being filmed here. I’m tired from the journey. Please follow me to the camp where the crew is stationed to rest for a while, there will be fruits and refreshments.”

"Ahem..." Hearing the director's words, Long coughed several times very abruptly, looked at the doubtful gazes cast by the women on him, and then waved his hands again and again: "Sorry, it's windy on the mountain, so I didn't come up in one breath. I’m choking, you continue to talk about the topic just now, let me slowly..." That's all, anyway, I met Spielberg in Sinnoh's Alamos Town before, and now a Gary Gray who came out also Not terribly surprised.Bridge bean sack~ Isn't the movie about speeding cars... Thinking of this, Long can't help but think carefully.

Along the way, Long looked at the over-aged, dark-skinned and bearded director uncle from the corner of his eye from time to time, and asked curiously: "By the way, can I take the liberty to inquire? Gary Gray Sir, is the movie you filmed, is the title called "Wild Speed"?"

Except for the person concerned, the rest of the people naturally don't know the weird thoughts in Long's mind, and the director Mr. Gary Gray replied with a smile: "This gentleman must be a fellow, you guessed it all." .That’s right, it is the eighth work of this series that I took over. The first seven have achieved quite good box office and reputation in various regions. It is said that the predecessors plant trees and the descendants enjoy the shade, but it is not the case. As a The director of this movie is under a lot of pressure."

"Really~ I've lost one of the "Speed" series, please~ Can you reveal some details, this is the blockbuster I'm most looking forward to this year!" He pestered the uncle director to tell her the outline of the movie.

"Okay okay, girl, you are too enthusiastic. This one is mainly about Brian and Mia quitting the racing world, and the life of this top team that has traveled around the world is becoming more and more ordinary. However, a The appearance of a mysterious woman lures Dominic into a criminal path, causing the whole team to be involved in a crisis of trust and betrayal. The friendship between life and death is about to collapse, and the unprecedented disaster tests the entire Speeding family! Okay~ I can’t reveal too much "The director explained the general plot of the film with a smile, but he stopped abruptly when he talked about the most exciting part, which can be said to have whetted the girl's appetite.

"How is it possible? Boss Fan turned traitor!" Tou Zijiang followed Gary Gray excitedly while showing an expression of disbelief.

Under the leadership of the director's uncle, everyone rushed towards the camp where the crew was stationed.It's just that when they arrived, they didn't see the imaginary scene of the crew preparing to shoot, and they didn't even find a camera or props. There were only a group of crew members whispering together.

Seeing this situation, the people like Long felt a little strange immediately. They looked at each other and ran towards the place surrounded by many people. The uncle director walked in the front and asked aloud: "What happened?" , it was obviously fine before we set out to shoot in the morning.”

It was Gary Gray who came, so the staff of the crew did not stop them, and soon someone brought the director uncle and Long to the scene of the incident.The scene manager ran back anxiously, "Something is wrong, director. Except for the vehicle used for shooting, all the shooting equipment and other props stored in the tent were stolen."

"Oh?" The uncle director didn't react for a while, looking at the panting scene manager, he asked uncertainly: "Say it again, what is missing?"

The little brother tried his best to calm down his excited mood and said slowly: "The person in charge of safekeeping didn't figure out what was going on. I just remembered smelling a very sweet smell and then fell unconscious." Everyone led to a place where several rivets that were originally used to fix the tent were pulled out, and there were still some strange cotton wadding left on the ground. The belongings in the luggage had not been moved, but the props and camera equipment used for filming were missing. flew.

Such a scene made Gary Gray and Long very surprised. The beautiful inspector frowned and said in a concentrated voice: "Judging from the traces at the scene, it doesn't look like someone deliberately sabotaged it. It should be the Pokemon, but who is it?" Why?"

Chapter 034

Long stroked his chin and said in a calm voice: "In short, we must recover the stolen photographic equipment as soon as possible and arrest the 'murderer'. What I hate the most in my life is the younger generation, so I also want to do my part. Everyone won't think I'm too much mind your own business?"

"Do you still need to ask, uncle. No matter what the reason is, this lady can't sit idly by, let alone my favorite movie. If the shooting is delayed, I can't spare that thief!" Tou Zijiang Waving his fists, he said with righteous indignation: "The only clue so far is that strange ball of cotton wool, we will use this as a breakthrough, please, Hei Lujia!" "Wang Wu^" a demon with a pair of curved goat horns The dog jumped out of the elf ball, leaned down and sniffed the remaining smell carefully.

The uncle director looked at Long and Touzi and said, "Thank you all so much. I was sorry when I was filming on the Huanshan Highway, but now I have to trouble you..."

"Mr. Gray, I'll save my thanks until after the matter is resolved." Laura quickly interrupted him with a wave of her hand, "It's not too late, let's act quickly. With so many props and equipment, we can't go far. The 'prisoner' should Still hanging around."

Reminded by the beautiful inspector, everyone discussed for a while and decided to split up and act.The calm and steady Laura partnered with Tou Zijiang to conduct a carpet search deep into the forest.On the other hand, the most powerful dragon helped to take care of the inexperienced classmate Mei to investigate in the peripheral area.

"Uncle Long, why is Sister Laura so sure that this incident is caused by Pokemon? With the popularity of "Fast Speed", I don't think the possibility of competitors taking the opportunity to suppress it can be completely ruled out." Classmate Mei cautiously Asked suspiciously over a section of log straddling the middle of the forest.

"Be careful, the road here is not easy." Long gently held up the girl's white catkins, and explained with a smile: "This is a good question! It needs to be analyzed from the differences between humans and elves. The human heart is sinister, and they often engage in criminal activities without anyone noticing. Even if they need to use the power of elves in the process of committing crimes, they will never cause such a big commotion, let alone leave so many clues on the scene The elves are different, they are relatively simple, so Laura's point of view is more inclined to think that this is a prank."

"So that's it, ah~ ya da!" Mei, who was walking behind intently, didn't expect a living thing to suddenly fall from the top of her head, floating limply in front of her. Although the girl liked elves very much, she was caught off guard Being hung on top of his head by such a little guy who fell from the sky was still a shock, the soles of his shoes slipped and he fell to the ground.

Long quickly turned around and asked with concern: "Are you okay, Mei." I saw a white cotton ball-shaped elf floating in the air, moving slowly around the girl, with curly leaves growing on both sides of its body.

"Kapok ball, cotton ball Pokemon, attributes are grass and fairies. When attacked by enemies, it will spray cotton from its body to take the opportunity to escape, blown by the wind, and move freely. It is made of cotton spit out by kapok ball. The resulting pillows and quilts are light and breathable luxury goods."

"Fortunately, it was just a false alarm." Long rubbed his forehead, then stared at the little guy and muttered, "However, in this season, it is really rare to see individual kapok balls. Most of these little elves belong to the group category , Take the monsoon and go on a 'honeymoon trip' in pairs."

Mei's classmate, a girl, was heartbroken, and she said with fascination: "Wow, do you mean a group blind date, so romantic!" While talking and laughing, another kapok ball came out of the grass, and the little one next to Mei The guy's eyes were straightened, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"Could it be that you left the team because you wanted to chase it? Come on, you have to convey your heart to the other party honestly." Student Mei kept encouraging the kapok ball with encouraging eyes, and the little guy summoned up his courage Float over.

Unexpectedly, the blind date didn't like it at all, and threw down a large piece of brown-yellow paralyzing powder with a look of disgust, and then waved the leaves on both sides, shooting a series of flying leaf blades at the little guy.From the sudden turn of the confession to the battle time, the blind date is obviously testing whether the kapok ball is good enough to be his partner.But the little guy's level is really too bad, and he failed in a few rounds.

"You are so weak in battle, people won't talk to you. When you are in a relationship, you have to show courage and show your strongest side." Long, who considers himself a master of love, joked immediately.

"Don't be sarcastic, it's pitiful enough for the kapok ball to be broken in love." Classmate Yai helped the kapok ball with a simple treatment, and said for it: "If you fall in love, you don't have to rely on your own conditions. You can give some small gifts. Things like that can also make the other party change their minds." "Mianjiu~" The little guy seemed to understand what she wanted to express, he arched Meiyi hard, and pulled the girl under a big tree not far away, as if showing off a trophy Also remove the green haystack blocking the tree hole, and there are stacked sets of costumes, props and a whole camera inside.

"Uncle Long, guess what I found, all the lost things of the crew are here!" Classmate Mei was overjoyed, and repeatedly waved to Long to come and take a look.

"Hehe, it's really hard to find anywhere. You're an empty-handed wolf. Are you planning to use these to pick up girls?" Long was not so polite to this little guy, "Don't be unconvinced , I’m talking about you. Instead of using this crooked brain, it’s better to find a way to improve your strength is the right way!”

"Uncle Long, don't be so cruel to it. You just said that the elf is pure in nature, I don't think this child has any malicious intentions." fly out.But classmate Mei hugged the kapok ball tightly like a calf.

"Roar^" Hearing the sound of a lion's roar, Tou Zijiang led Hei Lujia to the left, and rode the Flame Lion to the right, galloping from the depths of the forest, the girl jumped off the back of the lion, Pointing to the kapok ball in Yai's arms with his hands on his hips, he snorted, "Hei Lujia found it after smelling it all the way, now I've caught you, wake up, little thief!"

"Mianjiu~" The little guy who suddenly felt guilty had never seen such a battle before. He glanced at Huo Yanshi timidly, and resolutely squeezed into the arms of classmate Mei, constantly coquettishly seeking protection, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Chapter 035 The charm of Mei, the spring of kapok ball

A crew theft case was finally cracked easily.The uncle director looked at all the recovered props and equipment, bowed to everyone, and said gratefully: "I am really grateful to everyone for your help. If the equipment is temporarily transferred, not to mention delaying the shooting cycle, it will also cause strong reactions from investors. dissatisfied."

"You are too polite to draw your sword to help when the road is injustice." Long laughed, patted the small head of the kapok ball and said with a light smile: "Fortunately, no substantial loss was caused this time, Mr. Clay, please forgive this little guy Bar."

The director uncle held Long's hand and said happily: "If you have the opportunity, everyone must go to the Elf Hollywood in Lichong City to attend the premiere of "Fast 8", just give me my name!" It appeared on the face, and you are not polite at the moment. When you make an appointment with Mr. Gray to release a big movie, you must contact her in advance.

Next, the itineraries of the two parties are exactly in opposite directions, and the crew needs to shoot scenes along the way when Long and the others came.Carrying an outdoor travel bag, Gary Gray waved goodbye to the crowd, ready to embark on the journey to the next stop.

"Moritz, hurry up and pack the props." The director uncle suddenly remembered something before leaving, and then said angrily: "Oh, he helped us so much, and I kept forgetting to ask the gentleman's name. "

"I heard one of the little girls calling Uncle Long, so I guess it's called Long." The field manager replied casually while packing up his things.

"Dragon?" The director's face was stunned for a moment, and after he fully reacted, he finally turned pale with shock: "Gongsun Long! It's the man who has a very personal relationship with the venerable Kang Nai Heben..." Although the scene manager couldn't see I can clearly see Gary Gray's expression, but I can still hear the shock in his tone clearly, and at this time the 'unsung heroes' have long gone.

Things should have ended at this point, but just as the group of four were going down the mountain, there was a tail hanging behind their buttocks that they couldn't shake off.

Touzijiang glanced at the kapok ball behind him, frowned and said, "That little thief is still following us, what does he want to do, isn't it to make us pay him a girlfriend?"

Long turned around and walked back, and said to the kapok ball: "Mr. Gray has let the past go, don't do those petty deeds in the future. You can go to the place you want to start a new life, there is no need to rely on us. "

"Mianjiu~" the little guy rushed to Meimei and called out eagerly. The dragon and the girls looked at each other, and Tozijiang said in bewilderment: "Look at this posture, Meiyi's charm seems to be greater than that of the female kapok... Is it possible for the little thieves to do it?" Want to follow my nephew?"

"Wait a minute, let's talk about it..." Luo La looked down at the GPS navigator and said to everyone: "That's right, there is the Rainbow Valley near the foot of the mountain, it is a rainbow sightseeing spot, and there are kapok balls Famous for gathering together to travel on monsoons. But…”

"But with the condition of this kapok ball, even if it floats to the Rainbow Valley, it will be difficult to survive. If it can't find a partner, it may only die there in depression." Long Jian Luo La didn't want to continue talking, so he simply He opened his mouth to help her add.

Tou Zijiang took a bite of the apple and said to Mei Yi: "It can be seen that it is very attached to you, not to mention cultivating it well to tap its potential as much as possible, no matter how bad it is, it is still an existence immune to the unique skills of dragons." Tell me, girl Apple must have been picked up from the film crew.

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