Here, the dragon also threw the elf ball after seeing Sirona's shot and thinking for a while, and the flame monkey rolled from the elf ball and jumped to the ground angrily.Well, after Sirona took out the Pokemon with fighting attributes, Long also sent a big brother to fight!

"I really don't understand." Qiuye shook his head and said, "I think Long never thought of using his unique fighting skills to deal with Geng Gui. Master Juye's Terrace Turtle!"

Hearing the beautiful breeder's words, Miss Qianhe could not help shaking her head and said: "But the dragon's opponent is Master Juye, I think she must have enough experience to deal with the flame monkey!"

Chrysanthemum put her hands on her crutches and said with a smile: "The combination of Lucario and Flame Monkey's dual fighting style is really interesting, then I have to see what kind of tactics you guys will come up with."

Sirona nodded with a smile, then stretched out her hand and said, "Then seniors, please attack first!"

"Then we won't be modest." Juzi raised the crutch in his hand and shouted in a deep voice: "Geng Gui, go up!" "Geng Geng^" Geng Gui rolled his red eyes around his face, then tiptoed Float lightly.As soon as Geng Gui's body flew, he rushed out at lightning speed, the speed was unexpected.

Tou Zijiang, who was watching the battle with the others, was taken aback and said, "No way, Geng Gui's speed is so fast!"

The dragon here was also taken aback by the speed displayed by Geng Gui. It seems that Juzi really only played with him when he was fighting with Xiaozhi.When the dragon was stunned, Geng Gui was about to rush to the flame monkey and Lucario.

"Big brother!" Long quickly waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Spray flames!"

"Lek^" the Flaming Monkey let out an angry roar and sprayed out a burst of hot flames. Seeing that the blow of the senior brother was about to hit Geng Gui directly, but Geng Gui suddenly let out a sinister laugh.Geng Gui suddenly opened his mouth and blew a breath, only to see the flame flying towards Geng Gui rewind, the flame monkey quickly covered his face with his hands, and was immediately swallowed by his own flame.

The ghost master shook his head and said, "This level of flame attack is not enough, Geng Gui, go and add a fire to the flame monkey, use poison bombs!"

Long, who made Master Juzi despise him, was quite speechless, but he never thought that there was such a way to use spiritual power.However, Geng Gui's way of blowing air to fight back against the opponent's attack is also too attractive to hate, just like when Long was stabbed to death when he was playing the game of FireWire in school, the aggrieved and angry value is simply amazing. Instantly exploded.

However, now is not the time to think about this, Geng Gui opened his mouth and directly spit out a cloud of purple poisonous bombs at the flame monkey who was swallowed by the flames.

There was only a bang, and the purple highly toxic bomb exploded, and a dense cloud of poisonous gas dispersed immediately.Lucario stood up straight and stood in front of the flame monkey. It turned out that Lucario broke out with super speed to block the move for the elder brother just now, and the anti-poison characteristics of the steel attribute Pokemon were fully reflected.

"Aww^" the elder brother roared, and then he opened his mouth suddenly and sucked back the flames that wrapped his body completely.Accidentally fell into Geng Gui's way just now, which really embarrasses him.

"Xuanwu Tortoise," Juye, who had been inactive all this time, finally spoke at this moment, "Earthquake!"

"Kerry^" the Xuanwu turtle hissed and roared, the green tree on the huge turtle shell shook violently, its branches and leaves trembled.The ground under the Xuanwu turtle's feet collapsed suddenly, and then the ground broke like a spider web and spread out quickly.The ground swayed up and down like water waves. Except for the floating Gengar, Flame Monkey and Lucario, the entire battle field was like a boat swaying on the sea, as if it would be thrown away at any time.

Long and Sirona's expressions froze, and they both instructed Flame Monkey and Lucario to jump high to avoid the earthquake attack of the basalt turtle.But the ghost master here smiled and tapped the crutch in his hand on the ground, "A strange light!"

Geng Gui opened his arms, and his two eyes hanging sideways suddenly emitted a burst of weird light like ripples, rippling towards Lucario and the flame monkey in mid-air.

Miss Yulong paled in shock and said: "This is terrible, senior brother and Lucario are both in mid-air and there is no way to avoid Geng Gui's attack."

Long and Sirona looked at each other, and then they both waved their hands and shouted angrily, "Flame Monkey, use the flame jet on Lucario!"

"Lucario, use the grating cannon on the flame monkey!"

The two elves shouted angrily, and saw that the pair of teammates, the senior brother and Lucario, actually launched a unique move at each other, and the shock wave caused by the collision of the powerful flame and the grating cannon sent the flame monkey and Lucario to the ground. Leo flew in the opposite direction.

The bodies of Flame Monkey and Lucario rolled and landed on the ground together, and the strange light emitted by Geng Gui flew towards the sky round and round.It's just that the basalt turtles on the ground didn't stop attacking, and the seismic waves continued to spread round after round. The flame monkey and Lucario were blown away by the earthquake waves as soon as they landed.

The ground suddenly broke and collapsed. This powerful earthquake trick is absolutely effective for Lucario of the steel attribute and the flame monkey of the flame type!

"Kerry^" the basalt turtle hissed and roared, and its two stubby forelimbs pressed heavily on the ground. Suddenly, a more powerful shock wave sent Lucario and the flame monkey flying.The strata broke, and countless rocks flew towards the two Pokemon.

The dragon's eyes lit up and he shouted angrily: "Eldest brother, use the spark trick to defend!"

"Lek^" the flaming monkey opened its mouth and then opened it violently, ejecting a series of high-temperature sparks, and countless gravels were shattered by the big brother's unique move.

Ju Zi couldn't help laughing and said: "You really have a tacit understanding, and you can think of such a way to avoid me.

trick.That being the case, Geng Gui, use hypnotism! "

Geng Gui's body fell on the undulating ground, like a black shadow sticking to the violently shaking ground, and quickly swam to the flame monkey.The sudden appearance of Geng Gui really surprised the big brother who was caught off guard, and then there was a strange red light in Geng Gui's bewitching eyes.

Flame Monkey, who was facing Geng Gui face to face, just looked at Geng Gui, but in the end he was caught in the deep eyes like a whirlpool and couldn't extricate himself, and the consciousness following the big brother couldn't help but become dizzy.

The tottering flame monkey rolled its eyes, then fell straight to the ground, and fell asleep after a while...

Chapter 458 Ghost Master Vs Champion, Becomes A Spectator

"Oops!" Long was taken aback and immediately shouted loudly: "Brother, wake up quickly, don't continue to sleep!"

Obviously, the cry of the dragon did not have the function of waking up the flaming monkey at all, and the basalt tortoise stopped its continuous earthquake attack after the flaming monkey fell to the ground.It can also be seen from the series of confrontations just now that Master Juye's Xuanwu Tortoise is mainly responsible for assistance and support, and Juzi and Geng Gui are the main attackers.

"Yeah, this is in the middle of a battle. It's impossible to fall asleep like this!" The ghost master who succeeded in one blow smiled and snapped his fingers: "Geng Gui, the nightmare has begun."

"Geng Geng^" Geng Gui let out a sinister laugh, but Sirona obviously wouldn't let the ghost master's plan come true easily.Lucario, who suddenly burst into a speedy posture, aroused a strong sound barrier and flew through Geng Gui's body. Obviously, physical attacks with normal attributes and fighting attributes are ineffective against ghost Pokemon.

But Sirona, who is the league champion, would not make such a low-level mistake. Lucario, who passed through Geng Gui's body, appeared directly behind Geng Gui.Miss Champion's eyes flickered, then she raised her hand and shouted in a deep voice, "Bone sticks!"

"Drink it^" Lucario hoarse angrily, spread his hands flat in front of his body, and a two-meter-long bone stick was formed out of thin air.Lucario swung a stick and knocked Geng Gui away from behind. For Poison-type Pokémon, the ground trick is undoubtedly effective.

Lucario hissed, kicked his body hard with his feet and flew out. Lucario swung a bone club with both hands and hit Geng Gui heavily on the head.There was only a bang, and Geng Gui's body was directly scattered by Lucario.In this situation, even Miss Champion did not expect that Geng Gui, who was hit by Lucario powerfully, actually split into two identical figures.

Tou Zijiang was taken aback and said, "Ah, Geng Gui has become two, could it be a shadow clone?"

Sirona's reaction was almost instantaneous as soon as her eyes turned, Miss Champion raised her arms and shouted loudly: "Lucario~, attack at the same time!"

"Luka^" Lucario waved his hands, and the two bone sticks turned rapidly like windmills.Lucario threw it hard, and the two bone sticks flew out quickly and hit two targets in midair respectively.The two bone sticks all hit, but the hit Geng Gui was split into two as before, and four identical Geng Gui figures suddenly appeared in midair.

Just when Juzi and Sirona were entangled with each other, Juye here smiled and waved and said loudly: "Xuanwu turtle, use the green grass field!"

"Kerry^" the Xuanwu turtle hissed angrily, and the green tree on the huge turtle shell shook violently and emitted a burst of green light.The Xuanwu turtle roared loudly, raised its two thick forelimbs high and then slapped the ground heavily.Immediately, clumps of dense grass grew from the cracked ground, and the entire battle field was covered with grass in a short time.

Ju Ye looked up at Lucario who was surrounded by four Geng Gui, and then shouted angrily: "Xuanwu Turtle, use the energy ball!"

"Kerry^" the Xuanwu turtle hissed angrily, and opened its mouth to spit out a condensed green energy ball.Just when Lucario was about to evade, the four Geng Gui suddenly surrounded Lucario and restrained him.The energy ball hit Lucario with a bang, and the explosion caused by the powerful trick even involved Geng Gui, and Lucario was directly blasted away.

The powerful shock wave blew away all Geng Gui's avatar, and Geng Gui's avatar flew out of the diffused smoke and landed lightly on the ground. The green grass field emitted a burst of emerald green light and then poured into Geng Gui's body.

"The green grass field of Xuanwu Turtle can not only enhance the power of grass-type special moves, but also heal teammates." Miss Qianhe immediately said with a serious face: "However, it is really good to be able to use this kind of move that can destroy both sides. Insidious, worthy of the style of a ghost master!"

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