The faster the speed, the more difficult it is to turn, so the sudden ninety-degree turn of Kuailong at that speed just now is quite remarkable.The reason why Bi Diao's body is elevated is to expand the flying space. Turning at a speed of Mach 2 requires a lot of space to turn.

"Bi" Bi Diao first used a flash of electricity and supersonic air blast to destroy more than half of the densely packed iron-faced ninja shadow avatars, then turned around and flew upside down, a layer of blue and red flames erupted on his body and spread under Bi Diao's ultra-high-speed flight It turned out that Bi Diao's return to the horse was quite timely, and neither the shadow clone nor the main body of the Iron Ninja was spared.

"Bi" Bi Diao stopped in the air and gasped for breath. He is not a fast dragon. He has a strong physique and a tough body, so his body can withstand rapid flight for a long time.But the eagle can't do it. It can fly at supersonic speed with explosive power for a short time, but if it takes a long time, the body load will be quite heavy.

This is like the jaguar in the previous life, whose burst speed can reach 60 kilometers per hour, but it cannot run at this speed for more than 1 minute.In the world of Pokemon, 60 kilometers per hour is not a big deal, not to mention the famous four-legged runners such as Flame Horse and Wind Speed ​​Dog. There are not many running speeds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour on two legs, such as the Giant Pincer Mantis. And Sirona's Lucario.

Robert retracted the Iron Ninja and released the fifth elf, "Puff", a pig Pokemon with black dotted with pink head and black pearls inlaid on its belly jumped out, it was a super power pig Puff.

The dragon's forehead was sweating profusely. It seemed that the previous life was too much affected by the game. Robert took out three unpopular Pokemon in the game one after another.The game is based on racial values ​​and statistics, so there is no training value in the game for rubbish or deformed Pokemon with racial values ​​such as elegant cats, iron-masked ninjas, and puff pigs.Take Elegant Cat as an example, the full-level Pupu pig in the game can be killed by a giant pincer mantis at level [-] with a single move of cross-cutting.

But this is the real Pokemon world, and the possibilities are endless.The tactical command of the trainer, the degree of tacit understanding with the Pokemon, the fighting literacy of the Pokemon, etc., and a series of unexpected factors such as weather and terrain will determine the outcome of the game.

But the game also has reference significance, that is, the pokemon with high race value in the game will have much greater potential and cultivation value in this world than the pokemon in a ship.

"Puff pig, is it?"

The dragon threw the poke ball, "I'm counting on you again, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

"Wow" stayed in the poke ball for a while, and after a period of rest, Wind Speed ​​Dog's obsessed state was lifted, but the sleep state was still there, but Long was not worried. He kept this move in front of him just to catch Robert by surprise.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, talk in your sleep."

The wind speed dog kept its sleeping position, stood up and opened its mouth wide to reveal its cold fangs. The electric light creaked, and it was the teeth of thunder. "1s jump."

But Robert was not surprised by Long's unexpected joy, and the feet of Pupu Pig jumped up high as if they were wound up, and the wind speed dog jumped into the air all at once. "Puff..." Puff Pig's powerful kick landed on the head of the wind speed dog and kicked the wind speed dog to the ground.

"Aww..." Wind Speed ​​Dog shook his head and grinned his teeth. He just woke up from sleep, he didn't seem to understand what was going on, but his body was in severe pain.

"Wind speed dog, flame vortex."

Although the wind speed dog didn't understand the situation, he did not hesitate to execute the dragon's order.

"Aww..." The vortex of flames gushed out, and the close-range Pupu pig was hit all at once. Obviously, the sudden awakening of the wind speed dog was unexpected by it and Robert.

"Mental disturbance."

The black pearl on Pupu pig's body lit up, and the light of mental power bounced off the flames on his body, and then the light of mental power lifted the wind speed dog up and flew out.

"It's the super power department again."

Long pursed his lips, the super power system is very troublesome, and it is as weird as the ghost system's unique skills.

"Since this is the case, we will use absolute power to break through the blockade of superpowers, and the flames will collide."

With a wave of Long's hand, "Wow!" the wind speed dog roared. The fire element in the air quickly and continuously condensed on his body, and the wind speed dog looked down at the puff pig angrily. "Roar" is like an angry dragon coming out of the river, this time the wind speed dog is really fast and fast!

"Puff pig, leap."

Robert gave an order the moment he saw the wind speed dog start, but unfortunately, the speed of the wind speed dog was too fast this time.Pupu pig didn't jump very high at all and was slapped on the horse by the wind speed dog. Just as he got on the horse, the flame and fury dragon ascended to the sky with a potential dragon to catch up with Pupu pig. "Boom" the flames on the wind speed dog exploded all of a sudden, and the pupu pig was entangled in flames and was hit high and flew high.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, the last blow is completely burnt∥'Oh" Feng Speed ​​Dog's mouth suddenly sprayed out a thick red flame column, which was so dazzling under the dark night, "Boom" Pu Pu Pig fell heavily on the ground Baked darker.

"Puff pig loses the ability to fight, and the wind speed dog wins."

"Puff Pig has been defeated. Contestant Robert has only one Pokemon left, while Contestant Dragon has five more. It seems that Contestant Hubert is really powerless?"

"Go, hunt swallowtails."

Robert ignored the commentary and threw the last poke ball to hunt the swallowtail.This is a pokemon that is very suitable for the gorgeous contest, and it can be said that it is the most beautiful insect pokemon.

"Hunting swallowtails? Come back, Wind Speed ​​Dog, well done."

Dragon took out a poke ball and murmured, "Perhaps you are more suitable to stand on the stage of a luxurious celebration. Go, Suicune, and finish this final battle!"

"Oh!" Suicune let out an angry roar. The crystal on his head shone brightly, his blue body was as deep as the sea, and he stood upright in the dark night like the king of Atlantis at the King's Landing venue, mysterious and noble. And elegant.The audience at the scene were dazzled when they watched this scene.


Robert, the top coordinator, couldn't help sighing when he saw Suicune, "If such an elf goes to participate in the gorgeous contest, it will definitely be the real king."

"How is it? Mr. Robert, do you want to have a showdown in a gorgeous contest?"

Long asked with a smile.

Robert showed a charming gentlemanly smile, "I am extremely happy. Hunting swallowtails, silver wind."

"Wow!" The hunting swallowtail butterfly flapped its wings and blew out two dazzling silver whirlwinds, which looked like light blades.

"I accept this silver wind, Suicune, the frozen wind."

"Hey" Suicune let out a roar, spraying out a whirlwind of icy blue and crystal clear to meet the silver wind that was going to hunt swallowtail butterflies.White scales and blue ice crystals interweave and scatter in the air all of a sudden, like fireflies.

"It's us this time, Suicune Aurora Light."

"Hunting swallowtails, guarding mysteriously."

Suicune's colorful and wandering aurora light is blocked by the green barrier of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, and the wandering halo suddenly spreads in the air to form an aurora curtain that can only be seen at the north and south poles.

"Shui Jun, destructive death ray, launch... ouch" The yellow n destructive death ray condensed from Suicune's mouth.

"Hunting swallowtails, blowing up the wind."

The hunting swallowtail blows a whirlwind, and the body gently floats upwards along with the wind, just enough to escape Suicune's destructive death light.

The dragon smiled slyly, "I knew you could dodge it, Suicune has supernatural powers."

"Oh!" Suicune let out a roar, the crystal on his head lit up with a crystal bright light, that condensed ray of destruction and death suddenly changed its trajectory with a bend, and just hit the hunting swallowtail from behind.

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