Chapter 418 Dragon Z pure crystal, the ultimate dragon shakes the world

In order to celebrate Xiaoguang's award of the Ribbon Medal, Long and his party gathered in a small restaurant in the town. The girl who should have been immersed in the joy of winning the prize looked at Sundae without blinking. : "Although I've heard of it before, I didn't expect Sirona's younger sister to be so beautiful. It's so beautiful!"

"Hey, don't blame me for not reminding you." Long said to the surprised student Xiaoguang: "You can call her Miss Youto Er, or directly call her name Youto Sundai, but Sirona's The title sister is a taboo, just like you don't want others to call you Flash Sauce!"

Xiao Guang rolled his eyes at Long Lian, and then asked suspiciously: "Why is this? Wouldn't it be good for people to know that I have a sister who is a champion?"

Before the girl finished speaking, Long continued: "It's not like you want everyone to know that you have a champion sister, and Sundae doesn't want to live under the halo of your sister all the time, do you understand? ?”

"No such thing," Sundae said with a calm smile on Xiaoguang's tongue-sticking classmate: "Some things are better to let nature take its course, too deliberate will appear to be a little self-deprecating. Besides, I am Sirona's sister is an inescapable fact, and having a powerful sister is actually setting an example for myself to follow."

Sundae glanced at the dragon, then smiled and said to classmate Xiaoguang: "But Ms. You Teng Er sounds a bit awkward, you can just call me Sundae!"

Although Sundae's cold and noble temperament is so natural that people dare not approach her, but after getting in touch with her, Xiaoguang did not feel distanced. I thought that this iceberg beauty is quite easy to get along with. This guy Long is really Good luck.

Long then said to everyone: "Sundae has given up his plan to participate in the Carlos Union Conference. We met by chance at Grandma Long."

"Grandma Long?" The beauty breeder asked curiously: "Didn't you conduct special training alone in the stone forest? Who is this Granny Dragon?"

"Ahem..." Long deliberately coughed twice and then said: "Actually, I was entrusted by Master Red Wolf to visit Grandma Long. That master is a master of cultivating dragon-type Pokemon. She seems to teach How does the dragon elf learn the dragon star-group!"

All the girls couldn't help but nodded when they heard Long's words, and Miss Yulong showed a clear face and said: "It seems that she is another worldly expert, and the sundae is at that Grandma Long's place." Are you doing special training?"

"Yes." Ms. You Teng nodded, and then said: "Because I am going to challenge the next Kanto Alliance Conference, and if I succeed, I will challenge the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Four Heavenly Kings!" Classmate Xiao Guang almost bit her tongue in this excitement, and the girl immediately said with admiration: "You really deserve to be the sister of the champion Sirona, so amazing!"

The dragon spread his hands helplessly and said, "Just now I had a little exchange with Sundae, but the three evil dragons were so beaten that they couldn't fight back."

"It's nothing unusual. Although your three-headed dragon is very powerful, it was just a wild Pokemon not long ago." Miss Qianhe looked at the dragon with a depressed expression and said, "I want to If a person who has become the Four Heavenly Kings can't even deal with a wild Pokemon, then what qualifications does he have to become a master!"

Sundae turned his head and glanced at Xiao Meiyan, and the collision between the eyes of the two second ladies created fierce sparks again.Feeling that the atmosphere was turning bad again, Long had to come out to smooth things over and said, "Let's not talk about this, it's not long before the opening of the Sinnoh Alliance Conference, do you want to travel with us?"

Long's words successfully attracted Sundae's attention, and Ms. You Teng shook her head involuntarily and said, "For the time being, I can't travel with everyone, but I will rush to Lily of the Valley during the Sinnoh Alliance Conference city."

What Ms. You Teng said made Ms. Qianhe feel relieved. She didn't want to travel with Sundae. Every day she was intriguing and jealous. This was purely to make herself uncomfortable.It's just that the news that Sundae will challenge the Kanto Champions League made Xiao Meiyan want to win, and she should also plan for the future.

Saori smiled and clenched her fists and said: "Because at the beginning of the year, Venerable Kona was promoted to become the first champion Venerable in the history of the Kanto League, so there are only three Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto League now. If Sundae can succeed, it can be filled vacancy."

"It's too early to talk about this, but since you've done it, you should have the determination to win." Sundae immediately took out six poke balls from his body and put them on the table, "No matter what difficulties lie ahead, I will follow Let's work hard together!"

Xiao Guang looked at the six poke balls on the table and asked curiously: "These are sundae pokemon, are you going to use these six pokemon to challenge the Kanto League competition?"

After Miss You Teng nodded, Long followed curiously: "Can you show us your main lineup? After some experience in the Carlos area, I really want to see what new elves you have tamed."

"I want to see it too." Xiaoguang looked expectantly at Miss Youteng and said pitifully, "Can you, Sundae?"

"Since everyone has this curiosity, let them come out and say hello." Sundae said with a smile: "It's not a secret anyway."

The crowd followed the sundae out of the hotel and came to the battle field of the Pokemon Center. Miss You Teng then threw the poke balls in her hand one by one. , Thorn Dragon King, and Latios showed their true bodies from the elf ball one after another, and the six elves lined up, each of them full of momentum.

"Wow..." Xiao Guang said with a look of shock on his face, "Are these all Sundae Pokemon? It's really surprising!"

Miss Yulong nodded and said: "Not only is the lineup of dragon elves all uniform, but each one has different attributes."

"But, is this electric dragon also a dragon-type Pokemon?" Xiao Guang held the elf illustration book in his hand and said: "The data shows that it is only a purely electric-type elf!"

"It was true before the mega evolution, but after the electric dragon evolves into a million form, it will become a dual attribute of the dragon and electric." Saori smiled and said to the girl: "So the electric dragon is included in the dragon pet The category of elves is not too much, but from the ground type, to the flight type, to the electrical type, to the water type and the super power type, this lineup is really daunting, even if it is against the Four Heavenly Kings."

Xiao Meiyan looked at the six elves in the sundae and couldn't help pouting. Miss Chiwa also tried her best to collect a set of luxurious Ibrahimovic evolution lineup, and now seeing the main force of Miss Yuto The dragon lineup couldn't help but want to compete.

But before Miss Qianhe could speak, Long said to Sundae: "Your lineup is still the same as before. You sent me a fossil of Ice and Snow Dragon from the Carlos area before. I miss you." There should be a new dragon-type Pokemon, right?"

"That's right," Sundae said with a smile: "Besides these six, the Strangegnathosaurus, Venomosaurus, and Sonicosaurus are all partners I have captured during my travels in the Carlos area, but they still need time to continue to grow. .”

"And this..." Second Miss You Teng took out a blue diamond-shaped crystal from her body, which shone with a faint blue light under the moonlight, and in the middle of this crystal was engraved a dragon pattern form.

Long and the women were taken aback, and Qiu Ye said directly: "Could this be Z pure crystal?"

"It seems that you have already seen it," Sundae smiled and nodded, "Yes, this is the mysterious dragon Z pure crystal produced in the Alola region, and it is a gift from Kangnai, the champion of the Carlos League, to me! "

"So that's the case. It seems that you didn't gain nothing from the battle with her." Long couldn't help touching his chin and said, "Kang Nai is really generous, but she is full of confidence in the championship battle at the end of the year, even if she doesn't Can you win by relying on Dragon Z pure crystal?"

After Long finished speaking, he suddenly found that all the women around him were looking at him. He had been traveling with this guy for a while, and everyone almost knew the character of Long Shou Miser.This guy is obviously a super rich local tycoon, but he is extremely stingy. He rarely stays in hotels when he travels to towns.Although the Pokemon Center is considered comfortable, it is naturally not comparable to a luxury hotel, and as long as the trainer stays in the Pokemon Center, even the food expenses can be saved.

Also, the dragon holds a bunch of high-end poke balls but is never willing to use them. Every time he subdues wild pokemon, he uses the cheapest poke balls.This is also the most puzzling thing. No matter how advanced the poke ball is, it is worthless if it is not used to subdue the pokemon. As for the baby, is it like this!

Too lazy to pay attention to this fortune-keeping dragon, student Xiaoguang couldn't help but took out an elf ball and said excitedly to Miss You Teng Er: "Sundae, after seeing your elf, I have such thoughts, can I ask you How about a fight with me?"

The girl's words really surprised everyone. It takes a lot of courage to challenge her with Sundae's strength, and it can even be said that there is no chance of winning.However, student Xiaoguang threw the elf ball in his hand indifferently, and after a while of red light rebounded, the huge body of the diamond steel snake appeared.

"The appearance of this big steel snake is really strange, and its body is as bright as a diamond." Second Miss You Teng looked at the dragon with her head tilted and said, "And why do I feel that this Pokemon seems to be familiar to me?"

"Uh..." Long didn't expect Sundae to have such sharp insight, but Xiaoguang said without hesitation: "I actually got this Pokemon from Long, thanks to which I can To be able to keep winning in the gorgeous competition."

Sundae nodded and said, "It turned out to be the big crystal rock snake from the Orange Islands. After the evolution, I didn't recognize it at a glance!"

"Aww^" The diamond steel snake roared, then bent down and put its huge head in front of the second Miss You Teng.Sundae smiled and touched the head of the big diamond steel snake, then turned his head and said, "Double Ax War Dragon, I'm sorry for your trouble."

"Roar^" The Double Ax War Dragon hissed and roared, and jumped directly in front of the big diamond steel snake. The pair of sharp ax teeth shone coldly under the moonlight.Seeing the fairy dragon in the sundae, he couldn't help but think of his own double-axe war dragon, so he had to find it no matter what.

Just when the dragon was thinking this way, students Sundae and Xiaoguang were already standing on both sides of the battle field, and the two-axe fighting dragon and the diamond steel snake were also confronting each other.

"Big Steel Snake, the opponent is Sundae." The girl waved her arm and shouted loudly: "Use all your strength to fight, sacrifice your life to hit!"

"Aww^" The Diamond Steel Snake roared angrily, and with a flick of its huge body, it flew towards the Double Ax War Dragon like a sharp white arrow.The Double Ax War Dragon violently raised its hands and firmly grasped the body of the big diamond steel snake, only to hear a bang, the body of the Double Ax War Dragon couldn't help but retreat two steps under the powerful impact.However, the arms of the Double Ax War Dragon suddenly exerted force, crushing the layer of white light wrapped around the big diamond steel snake abruptly.

"Hoo huh^" The Double Ax War Dragon hissed and roared, and then grabbed the body of the big diamond steel snake, threw it over the head, and threw it more than ten meters away, hitting the ground heavily.The dust was flying, and the ground quickly cracked with several fine cracks!

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