Long looked at the flying mantis in front of him dumbfounded. Could this be the inheritance of the so-called green orb? It felt like a joke.The elves in the dragon's hands have experienced the inheritance of the bell of life, and then experienced the three pet elves of the diamond soul, the platinum jade soul, and the white jade soul.

As one of the six legendary dragons alongside Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, Rikkakuza is the undisputed overlord of the sky, and the green orb that inherits its power is also a supreme treasure.Looking at the Flying Mantis who quietly closed his eyes and fell into a state of sedation, Long couldn't help but secretly thought, there must be some changes, right?

"The strength of the Pokemon is indistinguishable by looking at them. Only by fighting can their full potential be stimulated." The red wolf jumped off Bi Diao and looked at the dragon and said, "I think it's better to let the flying mantis follow the dragon." Lightning fights again!"

Hearing what the red wolf said, the dragon couldn't help staring at the flying mantis seriously, then turned his head and said: "I also have the intention in this regard, but I want to set the fighting time in the afternoon, and ask the master to pass on the green orb." The powerful flying mantis is a process of adaptation!"

The red wolf nodded, then grabbed one of Bi Diao's sharp claws and flew away from the stone pillar, while the dragon went to the flying mantis and sat cross-legged, falling into a trance with the elf.Miss Yulong and Miss Qianhe watched from a distance for a while, Xiaoguang couldn't help asking: "Then what should we do, are we just standing here with Long so stupidly? "

"Are you stupid? The one who inherits the power of the green orb is the flying mantis, and the dragon is communicating with his elf." Saori folded her arms and said, "What's the matter if we stand stupidly with him? Looking at such a beautiful scenery, it would be better to ignore that guy!"

What the beauty coordinator 540 said was unanimously approved by all the girls, while Long sat for four hours, and the one who missed lunch almost opened his eyes at the same time.The murderous look in the fierce eyes of the Flying Mantis appeared, and the aura that erupted instantly was like a knife and axe, and the aura exuded from his whole body was completely different from before!

Long smiled and stood up and looked at Flying Mantis and said: "Although Likongzao has a bit of a bad temper and often puts on a posture with his eyes above the top. But it is undeniable that it is still very reliable in doing things. How about it, Flying Mantis?"

The dragon asked, "Isn't the Sky Dragon's gift not bad?"

"Hey^" Flying Mantis quickly flapped its wings and flew high, swung a sickle arm vigorously, and an invisible air blade flew out and cut a thick stone pillar with a bang, accompanied by a loud bang, I saw a burst of dust flying!

The 30-meter-high stone pillar was cut off by four or five lengths, and the top of the stone pillar fell down along a smooth cut and hit the ground heavily.This burst of earth-shattering loud noises really startled the crowd. Red Wolf and a group of women ran out of the mushroom house and saw the dust scattered in the sky and the terrifying cut.

Qiu Ye covered her mouth in surprise and lost her voice: "Well, what is this all about?"

The red wolf stared at the sky with a serious face and said: "It seems that the flying mantis is going to try the knife again. This power is so powerful that it makes people frightened!"

The Flying Mantis was just a small test, but the dragon as the trainer couldn't help being startled by its action just now.The air blade that was visible to the naked eye just now was more like a sharp saber aura, but the movement and power were a bit scary!

However, Flying Mantis showed his strength with just one hand. Seeing this, the dragon finally felt relieved, and then raised his head and said loudly: "Flying Mantis, are you ready? We will fight Lightning again!"

"Hey ^" Flying Mantis's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and its body flew across the sky at a rapid speed, leaving afterimages behind.

The red wolf narrowed his eyes slightly, then took out a poke ball with one hand and threw it out, the red light bounced off for a while, Bi Diao and Lightning flapped their wings and flew out of the poke ball.The red wolf jumped onto Bi Diao's back, and flew over the stone forest together with the giant pincer mantis, which flapped its wings vigorously.

"Come out, three evil dragons!" The dragon threw his arms, and the three evil dragons flapped their six dark-black wings and let out a high-pitched dragon chant.The dragon jumped onto the backs of the three evil dragons, followed by the flying mantises that flew in the sky and chased after the red wolf.

Xiao Meiyan took out a poke ball and asked with a smile: "Do you want to go and have a look together?"

"Of course!" Classmate Xiaoguang clenched his fists excitedly and said, "This kind of battle is rare in a hundred years, how can we miss it!"

"Wow^" Two huge dragon chants sounded one after another, Miss Yulong and Miss Qianhe each threw a poke ball, and the two blood-winged dragons rushed out quickly with a pair of blood-red wings each.Xiao Zhuang and Xiao Meiyan took Qiu Ye and Xiao Guang to chase after the dragon and the red wolf respectively, and Saori also summoned her own special flying mount Bi Diao. Although there is no dragon mount, it is practical!

"Hey^" Red Wolf's giant pincer mantis suddenly accelerated its flight speed, and its body quickly landed on the top of a thick rock pillar.The Flying Mantis then flapped its wings vigorously and landed on a rock pillar in front of the Giant Pincer Mantis. The two Pokemon faced each other at a distance of about 20 meters, and their eyes became serious.

The dragon riding on the back of the three evil dragons asked aloud: "Master Red Wolf, can we start the battle?"

The red wolf twirled his beard and looked at the dragon and said, "Lightning has already set up a fighting stance, so it's up to you to attack first!"

Hearing this, the dragon nodded, then raised his arms high and shouted in a deep voice: "We're going to get on the Flying Mantis, strike first, and use air slash!" Immediately, he waved his hand and slashed out a huge air blade, and with a powerful blow, he went straight to the giant pincer mantis and quickly cut across.

Seeing the blow, the red wolf's eyes flickered, and he finally figured out how the section of the rock pillar just now was cut off.Faced with such an attack, the red wolf did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately shouted: "Block it with metal claws!"

"Hey ^" Lightning raised a pair of red claws to cut off the oncoming air blade, the dust was raised, and the strong wind swept towards him.Obviously, he could use his speed to dodge this blow, but the giant pincer mantis chose to resist the air slash head-on. It seems that the red wolf is trying to test the strength of the flying mantis's unique move.

After the Giant Pincer Mantis blocked his wave, the Flying Mantis suddenly raised a pair of sickle-shaped arms, followed by a slight rotation of its body and jumped up.The air around the Flying Mantis's body appeared tiny whirlpools, and countless whirlwind knives shot out towards the giant pincer mantis.

This move of the Flying Mantis is the Whirlwind Knife, but this was originally a flying-type trick of the same nature as the Sunshine Flame and required time to accumulate energy, but it was instantly activated by the Flying Mantis!

"Hey^" A sharp look burst out from the eyes of the giant pincer mantis, a pair of metal claws suddenly swung out rapidly, and dense steel fists shot out like bullets, smashing the whirlwind knives flying oncoming one by one .The attack of the flying mantis is impenetrable, but the defense of the giant pincer mantis is also impeccable.

"Drink it^" Flying Mantis let out a loud cry, opened his mouth abruptly, and a condensed destructive death light shot out directly towards the Giant Pincer Mantis.There was only a bang, and the powerful destructive light pierced through the red lightning, and the cyan-colored destructive energy light flew through a distance of several kilometers with the powerful force of tearing the air.The dust exploded, and countless flying stones scattered and danced in all directions. How powerful is the powerful penetrating attack!

Xiao Guang, who was on the back of the blood-winged dragon, asked in surprise: "Is this destroying death light, but it is completely different from the moves we usually see?"

Miss Qianhe said with a serious face: "You should have seen this form of destructive death light, it is no different from the destructive death light used by the storm salamander after it evolved into a mega form, if my guess is correct, The Flying Mantis just used the flying-type destructive death light. Under normal circumstances, the Flying Mantis does not have the characteristics of the flying skin, and I am afraid that this is the power passed down to the green orb of the Rift Seat!"

As soon as Xiao Meiyan finished speaking, the flying mantis who had just used the super powerful trick quickly flapped its wings and rushed towards the opposite rock pillar, and afterimages flew across the sky.

"Hey^" The Flying Mantis's blade shone brightly, and with a single blow, a red figure was chopped off from the scattered dust.Immediately, the body of the flying mantis turned lightly, and the afterimage of a flying mantis flashed on the body of the giant pincer mantis.With a bang, the flying mantis swung the knife continuously, and the body of the giant pincer mantis was continuously knocked out, and more and more afterimages of the flying mantis appeared in the sky.

The series of attacks by the Flying Mantis is simply dazzling, and the flying mantis all over the sky makes it impossible to tell which one is real.However, what surprised the girls the most was that Flying Mantis seemed to have used this trick before. If everyone hadn't lost their memories, Likongzuo would have used it first!

"Hey ^" The afterimages of flying mantises all over the sky rushed toward the giant pincer mantis one after another, and the giant pincer mantis was knocked into the air by the continuous heavy blows.The afterimages of the flying mantis impacted the body of the giant pincer mantis and smashed through the thick rock pillar.

As the last flying mantis swung a knife and chased after it, a sharp knife light flashed past, and a rock pillar with a diameter of four or five meters was directly cut off.The Flying Mantis waved his hand to retract the knife, and landed lightly on the severed rock pillar, like a lightly fallen leaf.

"It's amazing!" Miss Yulong praised sincerely: "This level of powerful attack, even the steel-type Pokemon who are good at defense can't bear it!"

"Where's the giant pincer mantis?" Qiu Ye looked around and said, "Did it fall to the ground?"

The beautiful breeder dared to finish his sentence, and saw that Bi Diao was carrying the red wolf quickly shuttling between the stone forests, and then saw a red figure bounced back and forth from several rock pillars and came straight towards the flying mantis, at such a high speed Like lightning!

With a bang, the giant pincer mantis hit the rock pillar heavily, and the broken stones scattered and blasted out.The Flying Mantis leaped into mid-air to block the powerful strike of the lightning. However, after the giant pincer mantis missed the blow, afterimages were formed from its body. come.

"Hey ^" Flying Mantis's eyes lit up, and then he swung his arm and slashed vigorously. A horse that was more than ten meters long cut off the afterimage of a row of giant pincer mantises.A red figure rushed towards it like lightning, and the Giant Pincer Mantis raised a claw to pinch the Flying Mantis.

"Drink it^" the giant pincer mantis hoarse angrily, directly raised a pincer claw and flew down heavily, smashing the flying mantis heavily on the top of a rock pillar.The powerful impact suddenly spread, and the strong wind blew a burst of dust into the surroundings like ripples.The sharp eyes of the Giant Pincer Mantis shot out a flash of light, and then waved a steel fist and fired a burst of bullet-like bursts at the Flying Mantis.

Continue to attack.

The sound of bang bang was endless, and the flying mantis and the place where it was lying were quickly smashed into a dense crater.The giant pincer mantis raised a red steel fist and slammed it down, but it was blocked by a bang.The giant pincer mantis took a closer look, and it turned out that the flying mantis swung a sickle arm to block its powerful blow.

"Hey^" The Flying Mantis stretched out a leg and kicked the Giant Pincer Mantis into the air, and the rapid flapping of its wings caused the Flying Mantis to float up and rearrange its posture.

The giant pincer mantis flapped its wings rapidly to stop its body firmly in the air. The red wolf raised his eyebrows and raised the crutch in his hand and said in a deep voice: "The warm-up is over, the real battle begins now. Giant pincer mantis, mega evolution!"

Chapter 413 Re-evolution, Battle Legend

The body of the giant pincer mantis is covered with an incomparably gorgeous light, and the giant pincer mantis wields a pair of huge claws full of jagged teeth.The giant pincer mantis quickly flapped its two pairs of short wings on its back, its eyes covered under the helmet shot out a fierce murderous aura, and the giant pincer mantis rushed towards the flying mantis with a wave of its arms.

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