"Old man, who are you?" Long looked at the pale old man with a cane in front of him and asked curiously: "This giant pincer mantis should be your Pokemon!"

"Yes, its name is Lightning." The old man looked at the giant pincer mantis, then turned his head and said to the dragon: "Just now Lightning noticed a huge movement here, so it brought me here. But after coming here It's amazing to see, but seeing the traces here means that a terrible battle took place, it should be you, young man?"

Long nodded and said apologetically, "I'm sorry old man, just now I was here with my Pokemon special training, and I didn't restrain myself for a while and made a lot of noise. I'm very sorry if I disturbed you."

"However, old man, your giant pincer mantis looks very energetic, and the look in his eyes is very different." Long looked at the giant pincer mantis with admiration and continued: "And what the giant pincer mantis just said The speed displayed is also top-notch, and the name you gave it is very appropriate, Lightning!"

Long's words are not pure compliments. Maybe a Pokemon's strength cannot be fully judged without fighting, but at least one thing can be confirmed. A powerful Pokemon can be judged by temperament and eyes. .Moreover, the speed shown by this giant pincer mantis when it moved from the bushes just now is also first-class. From the vigilant expression of the Koga ninja frog, it can be seen that it attaches great importance to the giant pincer mantis.

"Is this Koga Ninja Frog your Pokemon?" The mysterious old man twirled his beard with a smile and said, "Not bad, not bad, really good!"

The old man said three good things in a row, while Ryu looked at the mysterious old man in surprise, unexpectedly he even knew the Koga ninja frog.The Pokemon in the Carlos area rarely appear in the Sinnoh continent, let alone an old man living in a relatively remote town.Great hermits hide in the wild, and most of the masters are among the people. The old man in front of him seems to be an unborn master!

Long couldn't help asking curiously: "Old man, what's your name?"

"Oh, I haven't mentioned my real name for a long time, and I'm afraid it's almost forgotten." The old man looked at Long and said with a smile: "However, people in this town usually call me a master of air combat, of course, You can also call me Red Wolf."

"Red wolf?" The dragon couldn't help but turn his eyes when he heard the name, and then turned his eyes to the old man in front of him, "I seem to have heard this name before!"

The old man's words made Long's heart skip a beat, "You're talking about the Rockets, right?"

Long looked at the old man in front of him with uncertain eyes and said, "Do you know him?"

"I know, and I'm very familiar..." The old man nodded and said with a look of reminiscence on his face: "Many people forget each other. In this life, people will experience and forget a lot, but only some people is always unforgettable.”

"Red Wolf is not a name, it's just a title." The old man shook his head lightly and then continued: "The man you know, his name was passed down from me. He is my apprentice... it should be Said that he was the only apprentice!"

The expression on Long's face couldn't help but change, "The red wolf you mentioned is your apprentice?"

"That's right." The old man nodded, and the expression on his face changed accordingly: "I have taught many people in my life, but there is only one who really admits and accepts him as an apprentice. It's a pity that he didn't go on such a path after all. The way I thought."

Long nodded, but he was more and more in awe of this mysterious old man in his heart.The red wolf of the Rockets, known as one of the four kings of the Rockets, is the well-deserved top player of the Rockets. Long had dealt with him when he was traveling in the Kanto region.At that time, Long felt that compared with other members of the villain organization, Red Wolf did have a special temperament that was different from others, and he turned out to be a master!

"Aerial battle master?" Long mumbled it carefully in his heart and then made a note in his heart. When he got back, he must ask carefully.

And the mysterious old man went on to say with a smile: "I live near Chaoyue Town, come and have a look if you have time, your Pokemon is very good!"

After saying that, the old man turned around and left from the forest with the giant pincer mantis, while the dragon also returned to the Pokemon Center with the Koga ninja frog.It was so late, Miss Yulong and the others had already gone to bed, but Long was still thinking about the mysterious old man just now, so he made a video call to Sirona to ask.

Although the Galaxy Group and the Skynet organization were wiped out, Miss Champion has a lot of affairs to deal with in the Sinnoh Alliance recently, so she was still awake when Long called.

"The person you said is in Chaoyue Town?" Sirona nodded and then said with a thoughtful look: "Red Wolf... If what you said is true, then this old man should be that person without a doubt! "

Miss Champion's words aroused Long's interest, "Which person?"

"One of the four heavenly kings of the former Kanto Alliance, and also the majestic master of the four heavenly kings of the flying attribute." Sirona explained with a smile: "The Kanto Alliance produced a large number of talents, but the curtain call of the Kanto Alliance and After the formation of the new Kanto League and Chengdu League, 5.3 also represents the end of an era."

Long clicked his tongue and said: "My dear, it turns out that you are really a master of the world, the former Four Heavenly Kings of the Guandu Alliance, no wonder I just saw him and that giant pincer mantis and felt that the aura was not right, it was really disrespectful !"

Sirona nodded and then continued: "The Frozen Throne is a monument. It has always attracted countless trainers to challenge her, especially in that era when there were a lot of talents. But so far, no one has been able to overcome it. This mountain, and the red wolf completely and completely faded out of the league after being defeated by the generation."

Long nodded and couldn't help but feel the same feeling in his heart. Last year, after he defeated the God of Gods in the Kanto Alliance against the pioneering area, he officially became a master trainer.

ranks.But in the battle on the Quartz Plateau, the dragon was completely defeated by Dai Hou, and he was almost powerless to fight back.The Frozen Throne is indeed a terrible opponent who can completely lose fighting spirit. Just one battle with the queen is enough to leave a deep shadow on the mind.At the beginning, there should have been many master trainers like Red Wolf in the Kanto Alliance, but later they retired one by one, and only the Frozen Throne can come back again for his apprentices in the new era.

"In this way, it is very necessary for me to visit this air battle master tomorrow." Thinking of this, Long couldn't help but whispered: "Whether it's for advice or guidance, there will definitely be something to gain..."

Chapter 410 Giant Pincer Mantis, Against Red Lightning

The next day, Long led a group of women to a stone forest near Chaoyue Town. He looked at the stone pillars in front of him. The stone pillars were about 30 meters high. Just like a forest, standing on the hillside and looking at this beautiful scenery is very spectacular!

Xiao Guang looked at the scenery in front of him and couldn't help but said to Long: "What are you bringing us here for? If it's to see the scenery, although the scenery here is good, but I still need special training for the next gorgeous competition!"

"I've found out, it should be right around here." Long took a deep breath and then said: "The grand celebration and the alliance conference are about to open, and I don't have so much time to travel around here. There is a purpose in bringing you here."

Hearing Long's words, Saori couldn't help but look at him and said: "By the way, what are you bringing us here for? Everyone is confused."

"Well, we are here to find someone..." Long clapped his hands and said with a headache, "But where can we find someone in such a large stone forest, Master of Air Battle, I don't even know where he lives. !"

"It's really you, you brought us without even knowing where anyone is." The beauty breeder shook her speechlessly, and then continued: "Since we can't even find anyone, then we should What should I do, go home?"

The dragon took out an elf ball from his hand and said: "It's all here, there is no reason to go back so easily, come out, three evil dragons!" Six dark black wings rushed out of the elf ball.

The three evil dragons roared angrily, and the high-pitched dragon chant resounded through the sky. The powerful dragon power spread, startling a flying-type Pokemon in the stone forest.Long waved his finger, but the three evil dragons looked at him blankly, as if they didn't understand why.

"It seems that there is still a lack of tacit understanding!" The dragon patted his forehead feeling a little helpless. Since the storm salamander left, the dragon's special mount has become a three-headed dragon. 10 However, it is obvious that compared with the Blood Wing Wyvern, the three evil dragons and dragons are still not able to understand each other, and it seems that it still needs time to further adapt.

"Hou Wu^" After the dragon explained something, the three evil dragons flapped their six wings and roared angrily over the stone forest.As the overlord of an isolated island in the sea, the three evil dragons are extremely powerful for a while on their own territory.Obviously, the dragon ordered three evil dragons to patrol here, which is equivalent to a raptor crossing the river.

However, the dominance of the three evil dragons did not last long, and a red figure suddenly appeared in the stone forest, as fast as lightning!

"What is that?" Miss Yulong pointed her finger in surprise, "It's coming towards the three evil dragons!"

The dragon's eyes lit up and he immediately reminded loudly: "Be careful!"

"Aww^" After Long reminded him, the three evil dragons immediately came to their senses, and the six dark-black wings slapped their bodies vigorously and quickly rose up.However, at this moment, the red figure suddenly accelerated and flew towards the sky, just like a flash of lightning knocked down the three evil dragons from the sky.

The three evil dragons roared, and one of them couldn't maintain its balance and fell from the air.The three evil dragons vigorously flapped their six dark-black wings, and their bodies hovered more than ten meters away from the ground.

"Hey ^" The three heads of the three evil dragons roared in unison, and the huge head in the middle shot out a hot flame directly from its mouth.The red lightning turned in the air, and the body drew a red "Z"-shaped route between the two stone pillars.

"Hey^" The red figure hovered in front of the three evil dragons, allowing people to see its true face clearly, it turned out to be a giant pincer mantis!

Qiu Ye asked with a look of surprise: "Is that a giant pincer mantis? How can it fly?"

"After the Flying Mantis evolves into the Giant Pincer Mantis, the flight attribute will become the steel attribute, and the weight will increase to about 120 kilograms." Long couldn't help but said: "Excessive weight and body load, this It's what caused the giant pincer mantis to be unable to fly after evolution, and the wings are just to make the giant pincer mantis run faster!"

"Then what's the matter with this giant pincer mantis?" Xiaoguang pointed to the red giant pincer mantis flying in front of the three evil dragons and said, "It's really flying!"

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