The girl said angrily with a dark face: "Is it time to make sarcastic remarks, why don't you hurry up and help!"

"Received!" Long snapped his fingers, then turned his face and said to Koga Ninja: "Leave the geraniums to us to deal with, go ahead, use the shadow clone!" "Chirp^" Koga Ninja With a sharp look in his eyes, he sprinted towards the geranium with an extremely fast pace, and his body quickly separated into eight identical afterimages during the running...

Chapter 393 Combination trick, water plant oath

"Here we come!" Qin Yin shouted softly, waving his hands, "Geranium, rattan whip!" The afterimages of the Koga Ninja Toads were destroyed one by one.In a blink of an eye, there was only one Koga Ninja Frog running forward left on the battlefield.

Long put his hands on his chest and said with a smile: "This geranium really has a way. It broke the shadow clone of the Koga Ninja frog so quickly. It seems that the title of the silver championship champion is not in vain. If this is the case, then Use a sneak attack to attack the vital points!" "Jiu ^" Facing the four rattan whips coming from the flying surface, Koga Ninja twitched his hands together to form two black sword lights.Jiahe Ninja Frog slashed furiously with his knife, only to see that the two rattan whips that were attacking rapidly were cut off directly by him.

Taking advantage of this gap, Koga Ninja Frog has successfully rushed to Geranium in three steps and two steps.However, the expression on Qin Yin's face as a trainer did not show how flustered he was. With a wave of his arm, he shouted softly: "Return the giant swamp monster to Koga Ninja Frog, Mount Tai is overwhelmed!" "

Geranium yelled, and the rattan whip pulled back vigorously, and the tightly bound giant swamp monster quickly threw it at Koga Ninja Frog.The Koga Ninja Frog waved two black blades across and easily cut off the rattan whip on the Giant Swamp Monster. The Koga Ninja Frog flicked its head, and the long red tongue wrapped around its neck tied the Giant Swamp Monster around the waist Then gently put it on the ground, but when the Koga Ninja Frog went to find the geranium, the little elf jumped up high and fell rapidly towards it to crush it.

"Hurry up and avoid it!" the dragon roared, and Koga Ninja rolled over and slipped under Geranium's body. With a muffled bang, Geranium smashed the ground into a deep hole and splashed for a while. dust.

"Dragon's Claw!" At this moment, Kazuya suddenly yelled angrily, and saw the crocodile waving a green dragon claw and rushing towards the Koga Ninja Frog. Eight meters away, this blow is full of power!

Before Long could open his mouth, Xiaoguang took the initiative to call the giant swamp monster to help the Koga ninja frog, "Shoot and attack the crocodile with mud!" The crocodile sprayed out a series of dense mud bombs.

"Water cannon!" The crocodile opened its bloody mouth and blasted out a powerful high-pressure water column to disperse all the mud bombs launched by the giant marsh monster. Not only that, the powerful water cannon trick does not reduce its power at all. On the giant bog monster.

"Hey ^" the giant swamp monster roared, flipping its hands to lift a huge layer of soil from the ground to resist the crocodile's water cannon trick.With a bang, the powerful high-pressure water column blasted the soil layer that the giant swamp monster used to resist into pieces.With a bang, the Giant Swamp Monster was knocked out by the water cannon trick.

Long turned his head and said to classmate Xiaoguang: "Can you be a little bit stronger, even if you want to call for help, you should use a big move, right? Who is the whole mud shooting to scare?"

"If you want to care, why don't you use one against two when you are so good?" Xiao Guang contradicted him unconvinced: "Take care of yourself first, the geranium is rushing over!"

"Milo^" The big geranium ran all the way, put on the head of the Koga ninja frog and flew it out heavily, followed by Qin Yin's arm, and pieces of geranium flew out from the body of the geranium Follow Feiye and shoot towards the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Magic Leaf!" Long Yan raised his hand and shouted angrily, "Kaka Ninja Frog, use the power of awakening!" The trailing leaves that come burn to ashes.

Qin Yin looked at Longdao in amazement: "I didn't expect that the attribute of Jiahe Ninja Frog's awakening power is the flame system, which is really surprising."

"Hehe, Koga Ninja's abilities are more than that." The dragon shouted angrily: "You can change freely, use the freezing light!" The light shot out through the air and went straight to the geranium, and the ground where the freezing light passed was quickly frozen and iced.

"Geranium!" Qin Yin raised his arm and said without dodging: "The eyes are blazing!" Freeze the entire body of the geranium completely in ice.

However, what is surprising is that the body of the geranium is still absorbing the energy of the sun in a layer of transparent ice. Melts quickly.

Qin Yin smiled and raised a finger and said: "Sunshine flames, launch!" The sun's rays shot out and came straight to the Koga Ninja Frog.

The ice on the ground was quickly melted by the blazing white light, and the strong sunlight and flames hit the Koga Ninja Frog heavily and devoured it completely.A dazzling light group spread out to form a hemisphere and spread towards the entire playing field. The giant swamp monster stretched out his hands to cover his face to resist the scattered shock wave attack, but his body was still thrown away.

Qiu Ye, who was watching the battle in the auditorium, couldn't help covering her mouth and said in surprise: "This geranium is so powerful, the power of the sun and flames is surprisingly strong!"

"Hmm..." Saori nodded in agreement and said, "It can still absorb the energy of the sun in a frozen state. No wonder the Koga Ninja Frog's attack is too lazy to dodge. It turns out that the girl named Qin Yin I'm so confident!"

The beauty breeder asked with some concern: "I thought it was a sure-to-win game, but now it seems that it is not as simple as imagined. Moreover, the Koga Ninja Frog was brought back by Longcai from Hualan gymnasium not long ago. , The degree of cooperation between the trainer and the Pokemon is also very worrying!"

"Not all the Pokemon in the dragon's hands are as powerful as the flame monkey. For this kind of competition, half of the strength is enough to win." Saori said with a smile: "But in this way the competition It just became interesting, let's see how the dragon will deal with the next predicament, after all, this is a battle where the elves cannot be replaced!"

After Saori finished speaking, she continued to turn her gaze back to the arena. Under the bombardment of strong sunlight and flames, the arena left a huge blackened area, while the Koga Ninja frog knelt on one knee and kept panting. with.As for the giant marsh monster, although it was only affected by the attack of the geranium, the grass-type sun and flames trick is fatal to the giant marsh monster with dual attributes of water and ground.So when it comes to injuries, the giant marsh monster is no less severe than the one suffered by the Koga ninja frog.

"Yeah..." Qinyin said in a rather regretful tone: "I thought I could knock down the Koga Ninja Frog with one blow, but it seems that I was wrong!"

"You're really confident!" Hearing the girl's words, the dragon couldn't help but snorted coldly: "I think you didn't hear me clearly just now, what I said was freedom of change. That is to say, my Koga ninja The characteristic of the frog is that it is free to change. When a Pokémon with this characteristic uses a unique move, its own attributes will change to the attributes of using the unique move. In other words, when the Koga ninja frog is attacked by the flame of vision , is actually an ice-type attribute, and it’s not so easy to knock it down with one blow from the grass-type big trick!"

Qin Yin suddenly realized: "So it's like this, it's really a powerful feature!"

The girl clapped her hands and said to her childhood friend beside her, "Kazuya, I need you to cooperate with me next, and I'm going to use that trick!"

"I see." The boy with glasses turned his face and then waved his hands and shouted: "The crocodile, use the oath of water!"The huge battle field trembled violently, and one after another water jets sprayed out from the ground, covering the entire battle field like fountains.

"It's our time, Geranium!" Qin Yin shouted and raised her hand, "The Oath of Grass!"

"Milo^" Geranium stood up and hit the ground heavily with its forefoot. The ground trembled violently again. Layers of grass blades were seen flying up and forming a series of tornado grass columns in the middle of the water column.The six tornado grass pillars roll the water column and attack the Koga ninja frog and giant marsh monster on the battle field. The combination of the water oath and the grass oath is very powerful, and the attack range is also very large Very wide!

Long cursed secretly in his heart, "So this is the true meaning of this doubles match? The Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster cut off the possibility of using this kind of combined trick from the nature of it."

Turning his head suddenly, Long said to classmate Xiaoguang: "If you don't want to lose the game, you must do your best to defend against this move with me, and use double rocks to block!"

"Received!" Student Xiaoguang responded quickly, and the girl also saw that this was not a time of brain conflict, and immediately raised her hands together with Long Qiqi and said: "The giant swamp monster (Jiaga Ninja Frog), use double rocks to block it!" !"

The Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster shouted angrily, and the two Pokemon back to back immediately put their hands on the ground.There was a muffled bang from the ground, and hard stone pillars rose from the ground to form a rock fortress surrounding the Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster, and another layer of stones squeezed over the outer edge of the rock fortress Reinforce one layer.

With a bang, the six dragon pillars of water plants impacted heavily on the rock fortress, cracking rocks and flying, and the outer fortress collapsed after resisting for a while.The powerful tornado slammed into the inner fortress again, and the rocks of this layer were stronger.

Flying leaves and jets of water continuously watered the entire battle field, and the ground turned into a muddy wetland under the change of this powerful combination of tricks.The hard stones shattered and broke, and the Koga Ninja Frog and Giant Swamp Monster in the fortress were immediately caught up in the water plants and thrown high into the sky before hitting the ground heavily.

Long frowned, and saw the Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster struggling to get up in the mud.It's just that the Koga Ninja Frog looked at a muddy battle field, and it was undoubtedly very unfavorable for it to act in such a place.On the contrary, the giant swamp monster is like a fish in water in this terrain. For it, places like swamps and wetlands are its favorite places.

"It's up to you now," Long suddenly said to Xiaoguang, "In this kind of terrain, the other three Pokemon will become difficult to move, and only the giant marsh monster is at ease. Next, how to win depends on the trainer!"

"Oh?" Xiaoguang looked at Long with a surprised face and said, "Even if you say that, I didn't think of what to do for a while!"

Long sighed, then patted his forehead helplessly and said, "In this case, let the giant swamp monster charge up with Koga Ninja Frog on its back!"

The girl finally nodded, and then the Koga Ninja Frog turned over and jumped onto the back of the giant marsh monster. The big water dog roared angrily, and ran towards the crocodile and geranium in the wetland at a rapid speed. Go up even faster.

"It's really a mistake. I didn't expect our combined trick to complete the giant marsh monster." Qin Yin was surprised and then waved: "Geranium, stop them quickly, petal dance!"

"Milo^" Geranium shouted, and then rolled up its petals all over the sky and flew towards the giant marsh monster and the Koga ninja frog.On the other hand, the crocodile is running hard in the wetland, ready to resist the impact of the giant marsh monster to block it!

Facing the grass-type ultimate move performed by Geranium, the dragon's face remained unchanged, but he raised his arms and shouted: "Kakaga Ninja Frog, surround yourself with the power of awakening!"

whole body! "

"Chirp ^" Standing on the giant swamp monster's back, the Koga ninja quickly formed a seal, then waved his hand and pressed hard on the giant swamp monster's back, a hot flame burst out and surrounded the big water dog.The petals flying all over the sky were burned to ashes after encountering the flames, while the giant swamp monster was wrapped in a ball of flames and rushed forward without hesitation.

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